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RI sends warship to monitor Chinese coast guard

vessel in Natuna Sea

Monday, January 16 2023 - 07:01AM WIB

Indonesia has deployed a warship to its North Natuna Sea to monitor a Chinese coast guard
vessel that has been active in a resource-rich maritime area, the country's naval chief said
on Saturday of an area that both countries claim as their own.
Ship tracking data shows the vessel, CCG 5901, has been sailing in the Natuna Sea,
particularly near the Tuna Bloc gas field and the Vietnamese Chim Sao oil and gas field
since Dec. 30, the Indonesian Ocean Justice Initiative told Reuters.
A warship, maritime patrol plane and drone had been deployed to monitor the vessel,
Laksamana Muhammad Ali, the chief of the Indonesian navy, told Reuters.
"The Chinese vessel has not conducted any suspicious activities," he said. "However, we
need to monitor it as it has been in Indonesia's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for some
A spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Jakarta was not immediately available for
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) gives vessels navigation
rights through an EEZ.
The activity comes after an EEZ agreement between Indonesia and Vietnam, and approval
from Indonesia to develop the Tuna gas field in the Natuna Sea, with a total estimated
investment of more than $3 billion upto the start of production.
In 2021 vessels from Indonesia and China shadowed each other for months near a
submersible oil rig that had been performing well appraisals in the Tuna block.
At the time, China urged Indonesia to stop drilling, saying the activities were happening in
its territory.
Southeast Asia's biggest nation says that under UNCLOS, the southern end of the South
China Sea is its exclusive economic zone, and named the area as the North Natuna Sea in
China rejects this, saying the maritime area is within its expansive territorial claim in the
South China Sea marked by a U-shaped "nine-dash line," a boundary the Permanent Court
of Arbitration in the Hague found to have no legal basis in 2016.
The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has approved the first plan of
development (POD) of Tuna field in Tuna block, which is operated by Premier Oil Tuna
BV (Harbour Energy), upstream oil and gas authority SKK Migas announced on 2 January
As the Tuna field has a high risk profile, the government has provided several incentives
to bolster the economics of the project, SKK Migas said. With an estimated production
period of up to 2035, the government will receive gross revenue of $1.24 billion or
equivalent to Rp 18.4 trillion. The contractor's gross revenue is estimated at $773 million
or equivalent to Rp 11.4 trillion with a cost recovery of $3.315 billion.
UK independent oil and gas firm Harbour Energy plc (formerly Premier Oil plc) said
previously the final investment decision was expected around the end of 2023.
The Tuna block is located close to the Vietnam border, and Harbour in 2017 signed an
MoU with PetroVietnam to sell gas from the block to Vietnam.
Harbour holds a 50 percent interest in Tuna block as the operator, with the balance held by
Russian firm Zarubezhneft. Harbour discovered oil in excess of 100 mmboe at the Kuda
Laut-1 well on the Tuna Block, in 2014.
RI will host World Hydropower Congress 2023
Monday, January 16 2023 - 10:44AM WIB

Indonesia will host the 2023 World Hydropower Congress in Bali between October 31 and
November 2 this year, Energy Minister Arifin Tasrif announced Saturday.
With 'Powering Sustainable Growth' as principal theme, the biennial congress is regarded
as the main reference for decision-makers and thought leaders in the hydropower
sector, organised by UK based NGO the International Hydropower Association.
First held in Antalya, Turkey in 2007, followed by Reykjavík, Iceland (2009), Iguassu,
Brazil (2011), Kuching, Malaysia (2013), Beijing, China (2015), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(2017), Paris, France (2019) and Costa Rica (2021), this year's congress will be supported
by PLN with up to 1,500 high profile participants attending.
"Indonesia has enormous potential to drive its industrial development through renewable
energy sources, especially hydropower. We are therefore delighted to bring the world
together at this year's Congress," the Minister said on the sidelines of IRENA assembly in
Abu Dhabi.
Ormat, Medco Power sign financing facility for Ijen
geothermal project
Friday, January 13 2023 - 09:02AM WIB

Ormat Technologies (NYSE: ORA) and PT Medco Power Indonesia, through their
subsidiary company, PT Medco Cahaya Geothermal (MCG), signed a Financing
Agreement with state-owned investment firm PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) for the
development of Ijen geothermal power plant.
The signing was witnessed by Harris Yahya, Director for Geothermal of the Ministry of
Energy and Mineral Resources, Director of Generation Management of state-owned utility
firm PT PLN Adi Lumakso , President Director of PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk
(IDX:MEDC Hilmi Panigoro, CEO of Ormat Doron Blachar, President Director of Medco
Power the Eka Satria and President Director of SMI Edwin Syahruzad.
The Ijen power plant will be developed in stages with the first phase of the development
expected to generate 34 MW in 2025. MCG, a jointly owned company between Medco
Power (51 percent equity share) and Ormat Technologies (49 percent equity share), will
develop and operate the first geothermal power plant in East Java.
Ormat also signed a contract as a key contractor on OEC supply for this project, Ormat
said in a statement.
“This signing is another step to support Indonesia’s economy towards clean renewable
energy and another step in Ormat’s long-term plan to increase its presence in the country
both as a geothermal power plant owner and as an equipment supplier,” said Ormat’s Chief
Executive Officer Doron Blachar.
“This signing is another milestone of our climate change strategy to expand our renewable
power portfolio,” said Hilmi Panigoro. Eka Satria added, “This signing demonstrates
Medco Power's commitment to developing clean and renewable power for Indonesia post
completion of the Riau gas-fired CCPP of 275MW and Sumbawa Solar PV of 26MWp in
2022,” Blachar added.
“This project is a milestone to contribute Indonesia's commitment to climate change. PT
SMI also would thank USAID SINAR for their support in this project,” Edwin Syahruzad
MCG is owned by PT Medco Power Indonesia, holding 51 percent shares, and Ormat with
49 percent interest.

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