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Bonus Question (worth 5% of course marks)

1. Why does Conestoga has IT Standards and ask you to follow them in programming, Explain in
few sentences [2.5 Marks]

The majority of Conestoga's programmes need that participants have a device. Your programme
might need you to rent a device with particular hardware and software, or you might be
required to bring your own device. You may be able to access course materials from any
location at any time if your programme participates in the eText project.

Moreover Conestoga has few IT Goverances committee such as

1. Information technology strategic steering committee

Conestoga has a governance structure to manage the key aspects of adopting and utilising
information technology in support of its business objectives and strategic goals. A leadership
forum for debating and resolving organizationally cross-cutting IT-related issues as well as
advising top college officials on the IT Strategy, particularly how to best take use of new

2. Technology Review Sub Committee

To standardise and support via a centralised procedure, review and evaluate the many
technologies being sought and deployed across the campus.

3. Web Committee

In accordance with the strategic directions of the college, this web steering committee offers
strategic direction, governance, and standards for all college websites and content.

2. What does Object Oriented Programming mean to you? Explain In few sentences. [2.5 Marks]

An object that may be utilised within the programme is created using the object-oriented
programming (OOP) technique, which mixes data and the instructions for processing it.
Concepts from object-oriented programming aid in translating complex real-world systems into
controllable software solutions.
1. Objects are structures that include both data and instructions. A student, for instance, is
an object with a name and an age.
2. Class: A class is a template that explains the details of an object.
3. Polymorphism, which is the practise of asking for different results from the same
4. Inheritance - The usage of inheritance allows existing code to be reused repeatedly.
Base classes are classes that are inherited, while derived classes are classes from which
they are inherited,
5. Abstraction It means hiding the intricacies and only exposing the application's most
important functionalities.
6. Encapsulation: It means wrapping the data and functions together into a class.
Examples of object-oriented languages are Java, C++, PHP, C, Python etc.

There is some error in programming exception handle.

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