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Energy wastage is one of the most severe problems faced nowadays. Despite awareness

campaigns, this problem is still increasing due to users’ negligence by not switching off devices

after use. Standby power, also called vampire power, vampire draw, phantom load, or leaking

electricity refers to the electric power consumed by electronic and electrical appliances while

they are switched off (but are designed to draw some power) or in a standby mode. This only

occurs because some devices claimed to be "switched off" on the electronic Interface, but are in a

different state from switching off at the plug, or disconnecting from the power point, which can

solve the problem of standby power completely. In fact, switching off at the power point is

effective enough, there is no need to disconnect all devices from the powerpoint. Some such

devices offer remote controls and digital clock features to the user, while other devices, such as

power adapters for disconnected electronic devices, consume power without offering any

features (sometimes called no-load power). In the past, standby power was largely a non-issue

for users, electricity providers, manufacturers, and government regulators. In the first decade of

the twenty-first century, awareness of the issue grew and it became an important consideration

for all parties. Up to the middle of the decade, standby power was often several watts or even

tens of watts per appliance. Standby power is electrical power used by appliances and equipment

while switched off or not performing their primary function, often waiting to be activated by a

remote controller. That power is consumed by internal or external power supplies, remote control

receivers, text or light displays, circuits energized when the device is plugged in even when

switched off, etc. To avoid this kind of energy wastage in appliances having USB port, a design

is proposed called Automatic USB Controlled Power Switch

1.1Background Review

Almost all electronic devices now have one or more USB ports. You can use the USB port as an

automatic switch to control mains-powered devices. We present a USB-controlled power switch

circuit that can control the mains power of an LED TV and a DTH set-top box In most cases,

mains power for TV and STB is drawn from a single switchboard. When you turn off the TV

with a remote control or the TV's sleep timer, the switched-mode power supply continues to

draw a small amount of power from the mains, and the STB is not turned off. This limitation can

be overcome by using this circuit. Furthermore, it shields the devices from potentially harmful

initial conditions.

1.2 Problem statement

The problem of power management is one of the important areas every energy user need in their

home, the power of how to control device that have the ability to be in standby is the problem,

some of this device in standby still continue to consume power Generally, mains power for TV

and STB are derived from a common switchboard. When you switch off the power of the TV

using a remote control or sleep timer in the TV, the switched-mode power supply (SMPS) of the

TV continues to draw a small amount of power from mains and the STB does not get switched

off. This drawback can be overcome using this circuit. Besides, it protects the devices from

harmful initial surges when power comes back after a power failure

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The general objective of the project is design and construct automatic usb control power switch

which can be connected to any device with usb capability

1.3.2 Objectives

To design sensing system which can detected device standby mode

To use optocoupled as the meaning sensor component

1.4 Significance of the project

Mains power for TV and STB are derived from a common switchboard. When you switch off the

power of the TV using a remote control or sleep timer in the TV, the switched-mode power

supply continues to draw a small amount of power from the mains. This drawback can be

overcome using this system which given much protection and also cut the cost of energy usage.

1.5 Scope of the project

The Scope of this study will cover;

 The use of relay switches, and timers for the automatic switch the power.

 Application of a logical control unit circuit for regulating power from the mains


 Application of an usb will be converting DC to DC

 Application of this project is not restricted to use in home lighting system alone

but also to drive other DC loads like DC motor of any electronic appliance.

 The planning, designing, programming, testing, implementation, verification and

validation of a working automatic power changeover switch with an inverter with

high performance and reliability.

 Safety measures which would be put into consideration as far as this project is


1.6 the organization structure

The layout of the thesis will provide the following chapters.

 Chapter 1: This chapter will contain the General Introduction and summary of the Thesis.

The chapter will discuss specifically the extent to which the research field and subject is

clearly identified, how specific the general objectives will be achieved, the problem the

research intends to solve, background and justification, expected outcome and application,

and brief description of each of the chapters of the entire project.

 Chapter 2: The Literature Review chapter will review relevant previous work. This

chapter will review and document the results of other studies that are closely related to the


 Chapter 3: The Methodology of project, look at the methodological approach to be

adopted for the study. It will discuss and justify the choice of research method, highlight on

the relevance of the adopted method and describe how the adopted method will be applied.

 Chapter 4: This will look at the Project Analysis and results. In this chapter, the study will

be analyzed and the final results provided.

 Chapter 5: The project discussion chapter, discusses the research findings, providing a
brief summary of the research problem and methodology and relating this to the research
results or outputs bearing in mind the main conclusions of the literature review underlying the

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