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After what we read about the end of Shakespeare's Macbeth , what

?are the outcomes of over-ambition in a person's life

.Could it be all good or bad ? defend your opinion with examples
In my opinion ,Macbeth’s excessive ambition is one of his
greatest imperfections of his character which causes him to
commit a lot of murders in order to get the power . his over-
ambition in his life cause to have an unsatisfiable thirst of
power . he couldn’t stand anyone who didn’t agree with him
. and his ideas
His ambitions isn’t fulfilled even after being crowned as a
king . he always wanted more and did any thing to satisfy
. these feelings
So in my opinion the world must go on , in a balance . any
kind of characteristic must be in a balance , normal amount ,
! even the positive ones . if not , it can cause crisis
At the end of this book , it is suggested that stories like the
Gunpowder Plot in V for Vendetta and even other ancient ones
. continue to be told because of some reasons
. Explain these reasons in your own words with examples

At the end of the book, we are recommended that stories like

Gunpowder Plot in V for Vendetta and other stories (myth
ones even) must be retold . Studying mythology gives us
context into our world , our literature and our own beliefs .
. they are also important source of the past
Parsa Soleimany Dapari

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