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Mind Map

July 22, 2022 4:46 PM

Society, careers, computers, technology Keywords:
Loops, conditions, random number, nested loop
A program that is useful to a certain demographic in our current society. Notes:
Parts of the program ill be repeated until a condition is satisfied. Ex. Repeats until a valid option is
Ideas: entered. User has option to repeat prompt randomization or return to start and repeat.
This program relates to this unit because it addresses a modern day problem
many people run into, especially writers. A program that helps people suffering Ideas:
with writer's block can be highly useful for those who write regularly for a Loops make the program more efficient as it removes having to have the same lines of code multiple
hobby or for their job. times, and conditions allow for more specific repetition of certain lines of code. Loops are used to
perform actions multiple times, or repeatedly loop until a condition is satisfied or until the user decides
to end the loop.
Input, process, output, math calculations, variables Keywords:
Functions, parameters, void/fruitful functions, returning values
Randomization used for finding prompts, basic addition for output statements Notes:
Function used for random number generator that can easily be called upon to run. Parameters for
Ideas: prompt used to return and print out.
The input, process, and output is the base of all computer programs. Variables
are always used in most computer programs, and math calculations are used to Ideas:
perform many tasks Functions are very efficient at organizing code and parameters in the function allow for certain variables
to be applied in the main function as well

If/Else, data conversion, Else if, flowchart, pseudocode Keywords:
Arrays, parameters, lists, searching
If/Else and Else If statements used for sorting the users input and having Notes:
different things happen depending on what is inputted. Random number Prompts and genres separated in multiple arrays, length of lists used to generate a random number
generator is converted to integer variable type because of unwanted decimals for the prompt to output.

Ideas: Ideas:
Using flowcharts and pseudocode writing is a good way to begin your program Arrays can have multiple uses, they can be ordered and counted, and as well as using parameters
and figure out a clear order of actions and commands that will easily translate they can be applied to other areas in a program.
into actual code. If and Else statements are useful for making multiple
possibilities for one occurrence.

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