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College of Medicine and Health Science

Department of Health Informatics

Faculty of Informatics
Group Assignment on CMTS

Group Members ID No
1. Abdurahman Aminu 0061/13
2. Zebiba Miftah 2790/13
3. Mihretab Yishaq
4. Hiwot Minda
5. Daniel

Contents page no
1.CPU 1
1.1 intoduction 1
1.1.1 component of CPU 1
1.2 history of CPU 3
1.2.1 First Generation (1940 – 1956) Vacuum Tubes 3
1.2.2 Second Generation (1956 – 1963) Transistors 3
1.2.3 Third Generation (1964 – 1971) Integrated Circuits 4
1.2.4 Fourth Generation (1971 – Present) Microprocessors 4
1.2.5 Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence 5
1.3 types of cpu 5
1.4 CPU Socket 7
1.5 Common Problems And Solution Of CPU 9
solutions to cpu problems 9
References 10
Central processing unit (CPU), principal part of any digital computer system, generally
composed of the main memory, control unit, and arithmetic-logic unit. It constitutes the physical
heart of the entire computer system; to it is linked various peripheral equipment, including
input/output devices and auxiliary storage units. In modern computers, the CPU is contained on
an integrated circuit chip called a microprocessor.


Control unit

The control unit (CU) is a component of the CPU that directs the operation of the processor. It
tells the computer's memory, arithmetic and logic unit and input and output devices how to
respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor. It selects and retrieves
instructions from the main memory in proper sequence and interprets them so as to activate the
other functional elements of the system at the appropriate moment to perform their respective

It directs the operation of the other units by providing timing and control signals. Most computer
resources are managed by the CU. It directs the flow of data between the CPU and the other
devices.. In modern computer designs, the control unit is typically an internal part of the CPU
with its overall role and operation unchanged since its introduction.

Arithmetic logic unit

The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit within the processor that performs integer
arithmetic and bitwise logic operations. The inputs to the ALU are the data words to be operated
on (called operands), status information from previous operations, and a code from the control
unit indicating which operation to perform. Depending on the instruction being executed, the
operands may come from internal CPU registers, external memory, or constants generated by the
ALU itself.

When all input signals have settled and propagated through the ALU circuitry, the result of the
performed operation appears at the ALU's outputs. The result consists of both a data word, which
may be stored in a register or memory, and status information that is typically stored in a special,
internal CPU register reserved for this purpose.


Registers are small amounts of high-speed memory contained within the CPU. They are used by
the processor to store small amounts of data that are needed during processing, such as: the
address of the next instruction to be executed, the current instruction being decoded, the results
of calculations.

Different processors have different numbers of registers for different purposes, but most have
some, or all, of the following: program counter ,memory address register (MAR), memory data
register (MDR), current instruction register (CIR), accumulator (ACC)

Cache is a small amount of high-speed random access memory (RAM) built directly within the
processor. It is used to temporarily hold data and instructions that the processor is likely to reuse.
This allows for faster processing as the processor does not have to wait for the data and
instructions to be fetched from the RAM.

A bus is a high-speed internal connection. Buses are used to send control signals and data
between the processor and other components.

Three types of bus are used:

 Address bus - carries memory addresses from the processor to other components such as
primary memory and input/output devices.

 Data bus - carries the actual data between the processor and other components.

 Control bus - carries control signals from the processor to other components. The control bus
also carries the clock's pulses.

The CPU contains a clock which is used to coordinate all of the computer's components. The
clock sends out a regular electrical pulse which synchronizes (keeps in time) all the components.

The frequency of the pulses is known as the clock speed. Clock speed is measured in hertz. The
higher the frequency, the more instructions can be performed in any given moment of time.


The history of Central Processing Unit is often referred to the different generation of computing
device. In every generation also will have a top or faster Central Processing Unit to meet the
human needed. Evolution of Central Processing Unit will change the way of how computer
operate, how the computer increase the result display, computer become smaller, computer
become cheaper, computer become more powerful and become more efficient to the computer
user who request high technologies of computer

1.2.1 First Generation (1940 – 1956) Vacuum Tubes

Vacuum Tubes are the first generation of Central Processing Unit. The first computer is using
Vacuum Tubes and Magnetic Drums for memory. It is very big size and it uses the entire rooms.
So, it is very expensive. When this Central Processing Unit is working, it must use a great deal of
electricity. So, it will make the Central Processing Unit generated a lot of heat. Sometimes,
computer will over heat. First generation computer are relied to the machine or programming
language. The computer only understood the lowest level machine of programming language.
First generation computer only can solve only one problem at a same time. In this generation,
computer input was using the punched cards or paper tape and the output was displayed and
printouts on the punched cards or the paper tape. The example of the first generation computers
devices are UNIVAC and ENIAC

1.2.2 Second Generation (1956 – 1963) Transistors

Transistors are the second generation Central Processing Unit. It is replaced the first generation
Central Processing Unit. Transistor was invented in 1947, but it is did not widespread use in the
computer. Transistor was far greater to the vacuum tubes.

Transistor made the computers to become cheaper, become smaller, faster than the first
generation Central Processing Unit, more energy efficient and transistor is more reliable than the
vacuum tube. Transistors were widespread using in the computer at the late 1950s. Second-
generation computers still using the punched cards to input and printouts the result.

1.2.3 Third Generation (1964 – 1971) Integrated Circuits

Integrated Circuits are the hallmark of the third generation Central Processing Unit. In integrated
circuits, user can interact with the computer using keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an
operating system. It was not using punched cards and printouts. This integrated circuit can run
more than one program at once times. It is run with the central program that monitored the
memory. This is the first computer that the mass audiences are affordable to buy a computer
because Integrated Circuit was smaller and cheaper than the Vacuum Tubes and Transistors.

1.2.4 Fourth Generation (1971 – Present) Microprocessors

Microprocessors are brought as the fourth generation Central Processing Unit. Microprocessors
are far superior to the predecessors. Because it like got a thousands of integrated circuits are
build on a single chip. Compare with the first generation central processing unit, we can simple
hold microprocessors in our hand. In 1971, the Intel 4004 chip was developed. This processors
are located all the components of the computer. From the central processing unit and memory to
I/O controls also on a single chip.

In 1981, the first computer form the home user was developed by IBM. In 1984, Macintosh was
invented. Therefore, Microprocessors was widespread use on the desktop computer and into
many areas of life. Many products were using the microprocessors. So, it can link the computer
together to form networks. In this trend, the internet is growing up. Therefore, the fourth
generation computers also saw the development of Graphical User Interface (GUI), mouse and

the handheld devices. It made the user can easy interact with the computer. User also can interact
with another via computer and internet.

1.2.5 Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence

Based on the Artificial Intelligence is the fifth generation Central Processing Unit. This is the
Central Processing Unit that still in development. But still have some application are being used
today, such as voice recognition. By the way, it is still in process. The goal of Artificial
Intelligence is develop a device that can respond to input the natural language and that is capable
of learning.


There are 6 types of central processing units Single Core Cpu, Dual Core Cpu, Quad Core Cpu,
Hexa Core Cpu, Octa Core Cpu, and Deca Core Cpu. These are the 6 types of central processing
units that are being used in various devices like desktops, laptops, and mobile phones. These
types of CPUs decide the speed, Efficiency, Multithreading, cache, clock frequency, effective
functioning of the computer, and mobile devices

1. Single Core CPU

The single-core CPU is the oldest type available and it was introduced in the early history of
computing this was the only one that could be used in computers. It was possible to carry out
certain tasks, but it was a bit slow. Single-core CPUs can perform only one operation at a single
point in time, that’s why they are not a very good choice at multitasking. This meant, at the time,
a notable decrease in the performance whenever the user executes more than one application in

Although only one operation could be started at a time, another could be activated before the first
was finished, but with each new operation, the equipment was slower. Also, the clock-speed of
these processors was very low. And the performance, power, and speed of any CPU depend on
its clock-speed.

Characteristics of a single-core CPU are very few compared to the latest cores for system
operations. However, this was the beginning of a great revolution in computing.

2. Dual Core CPU

A dual-Core CPU is actually a single CPU, but it is comprised of two cores on the chip that’s
why this CPU functions like two CPUs. The clock speed of this processor also almost doubles
make it possible to handle multitasking more comfortably and much better than processors that
have only one core.

Dual-core CPU can execute more than one operation at the same time and at a higher speed. This
means that only one operation could be started at a time, the second operation would be started a
little before the first one was over. In this way, performance capacity and speed reduce a bit. The
dual-core CPU processor has to switch back and forth to different sets of data streams if more
operation is to be done.

3. Quad Core CPU

The term Quad indicates the 4 cores present in the processor characterized by taking into account
speed and power consumption, they also have great capabilities for multitasking in comparison
to the single and dual-core CPUs.

It has four cores working simultaneously, capable of performing any task for which it has been
intended, at high speed, and above all, performing several tasks at the same time. It is the
immediate antecedent of what would later be the 8 or10 core CPUs.

The Quad-Core CPU divides the workload into four cores. This does not mean that it will
multiple the speed four times for a single application. In fact, it will only accelerate multitasking
work that means executing multiple tasks at the same time efficiently.

4. Hexa Core CPU

The Hexa Core CPU has six cores on the chip to execute the task and transmit all data more
rapidly as compared to quad-core and dual-core processors. Therefore, its working speed, clock

speed, performance will be faster and will also be more suitable for multitasking.The first Hexa
core CPU was launched in Intel core i7 processor in 2010.

5. Octa-Core CPU

The octa core CPU as its name suggests another multi-core processor are consists of 8 cores,
which takes the performance and speed of multitasking to a different level than the above CPU
processors for any computer device. Numerous octa-core CPU processors comprise a dual set of
quad-core processors that separates various activities between the different sorts that’s why it is
also known as a “dual quad-core processor“.

6. Deca Core CPU

The dual-core is built with two cores, four cores are built-in quad-core, six cores are built-in
hexa-core, eight cores are built-in octa-core, where Deca core comes with 10 cores where the
Deca processors are developed with eight autonomous cores to execute a task will be much
efficient and rapid than all the core processors until now. It is the most powerful and successful
CPU than the above CPU processors for any computer device

1.4 CPU Socket

A socket is a place on the motherboard plate of the computer where the processor is inserted. It
acts as a connector to connect and provide mechanical and electrical connections between the
central processing unit (CPU) to the motherboard. Sockets differ in the number of pins, which
usually grows with the power and complexity of the processors.

4 Types of CPU Sockets

There is a wide variety of sockets where each one is used in different types of microcomputers.
They have different pins and have differences in terms of the interconnection made and their
geometric arrangement.

Depending on the physical arrangement of the socket components, there are mainly four types of
computer processor sockets:

1. LGA Sockets

The LGA (Land Grid Array) is a socket whose assembly is in packaging for integrated circuits.
In these types of sockets, the needles are located in the CPU socket, and there are metallic points
of contact in the lower area of the processor. The LGA can be electrically connected to a
motherboard through a connector or by soldering the board directly.

2. PGA Sockets

The PGA (Pin Grid Array) is an integrated circuit packaging identified by being rectangular or
square, whose pins are aligned in a regular matrix. Here, the pins may not cover the entire
surface but leave gaps between them, with the standard spacing of 2.54mm.

3. ZIF sockets

ZIF (Zero Insertion Force): This is an evolution of the PGA, where the pins are carried by the
microprocessor and inserted into the socket connectors. This mechanism is defined by not
exerting any pressure (Zero Insertion Force) when installing or removing the processor from the

4. BGA Sockets

Not as famous as other types of sockets, the BGA (Ball Grid Array) socket is not technically a
socket because its main characteristic is that the microprocessors are permanently mounted in
this socket.

1.5 Common Problems And Solution Of
One major cause of CPU problem is overheating. Overheating can cause damage to your CPU.
In some cases, the damage may not be permanent. CPUs generally have their own cooling fans.
The most common reasons for CPUs to go bad are simple:

• Age: Every machine has its limits.

• Heat: Overheating CPU’s lead to a dead CPU.

• Overclocking or Stress: Not all CPU’s are created equal.

• Electrical Power Surge: Whether it was the power supply going bad or lightning, any
high voltage spike can render a CPU useless.

• Problems created by excessive dust entering the Cpu.


Ways to Improve Your Computer CPU Performance

 Uninstall unnecessary software.

 Limit the programs at startup.
 Add more RAM to your PC.
 Check for spyware and viruses.
 Use Disk Cleanup and defragmentation.
 Consider a startup SSD.


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