Ethical Hacking

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Ethical Hacking

TP 2

Réalise par :
- Leith Mahfoudhi
- Ahmed Amine Amouchi

UDP and TCP crafting Techniques using Hping3

Pinging the Target IP using the Attacker VM

Pinging the Attacker IP using the Target VM

We set env var IP to point at the target IP


-c 3 option means sending exactly 3 packets


--scan 1-3000 : scan the first 3000 ports

-S sets SYN flag

--rand-source : uses random source address

--data : sets Data size

TCP SYN packets

Network Scanning Using Nmap


For each host the state of the top 1000 ports are displayed, the
MAC address, the Network distance and the OS guess
-O option is used to guess the OS of machine (based on the
host response to the packets sent to it)

-v : make the output more verbose
-T4 : sets the timing template, packets sent per second, 4 is
relatively fast, 5 is the fastest and 0 is the slowest
- SA : TCP ACK scan used to map out firewall rulesets and
check which ports are filtered

The details displayed are the filtered and unflitered ports

Unfiltered ports are those who return TCP RST response

which means the port is either open or closed but isn’t filtered
by the firewall
Filtered ports are those who report No response recieved
which are filtered by the Firewall

-A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning,
and traceroute
-sT : tcp connect scan (used when syn scan isn’t an option)
-T3 : set the timing template to 3 (highest 5 slowest 0)
The ouput shows the filtered|closed|open ports the os version
the scripts result and the traceroute result


-Su :udp scan

-t5 : fastest timing template
It shows the opened or opened|filtered ports

-Pn : skips host discovery (treat all of hosts as online)

-p : specifies port to scan 80 in this case

The ouput shows the status of port 80 closed or open

-ss syn scan
-su udp scan
-T4 to specify the speed of the scan
-v for verobisty
-A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning,
and traceroute
--source-port specify the port from which the scanned requests
will be sent
--script to execute scripts here we specified the type of scripts
to execute default scripts or safe and discovery scripts
The -PS -PE -PA -PP and -PU options are all host discovery
techniques techniques (ping types) used in combination to
determine which targets are actually available on a network
and avoid wasting a lot of time scanning for IP addresses that
addresses that are not in use

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