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Some People believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school

programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neigborhood or teaching sports to
younger children)

To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Education is golden key that unlock the door of succesful life. Although education is not only
composed of teaching positive science at school, high school’s curriculum mostly includes positive
sciences such as math, biology, physic or literature. Some people who think that high schools should
not only provide positive science to the pupils but also teach them attitude and behaviour necessary
to be a good person, argue that unpaid community service should be a compulsary part of secondary
education. I am a proponent of this idea for the reasons that will be demonsrated below.


The graph below gives information about

the consumption of 4 different kinds of
meat in a European country over a span
of(period of) 25 years between 1979 and
and 2004

In 1979 beef was the most

consumed/preferable type of meat with
220 grams per person per week. Lamb
and chicken were following it with 150
grams per each person per week. Fish on
the other hand was the least
preffered/popular of all with just over 50
grams per person per week.

In a 25 year period, while there was a

dramatic decline in the consumption of
beef and lamb(110 and 55 respectively), the popularity of chicken skyrocketed, overtaking(or
overriding) popularity of lamb in 1989 and beef in 1999 before it reach a peak of 250 grams per
person per week by 2004.

As for fish, while it remained to be most stable of all in terms of its consumption, it stayed more or
less at a plateau in a given period.

Overall, except for the consumption of chicken, the other kinds of meat seemed to lose their
popularity and there was a downward trend in the preference of other types of/ kinds of meat in in
the given period.


Some experts belie that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary
school rather than secondary school. Do he advantages of this outweight the disadvantages?

It is clear to everyone that foreign language plays crucial role in shaping life in today’s world. That’s
why linguists have been trying to improve the ways to help students learn better. However, when it
comes to determining the right way, ideas vary. While some still go for the traditional method where
foreign languages are taught extensively in midschool, others claim that incorporating them into
(dahil etmek) the primary school cirriculum will be more beneficial.
To begin with, it is evident that children have biological tendency to learn more easily and quckly at a
young age. In the light of this statement, if a foreign language is included in the primary school
curiculum, young pupils have high potential to grab what is given as long as the right method is
applied and the right equipment is provided along with/together with the qualified teachers who are
experienced in their area of expertise. To illustrate, English has been taught in primary school
intensively in countries such as Japan and South Korea for over decade, now and the feedback from
students is outstanding since the vast majority have been able to reach to intermediate level before
they start secondary schools.
The graphs below give information about the percentage of household with electrical appliences and
the weekly hours spent on housework per household over a span of(period of) 100 years between
1920 and and 2020

In 1920, the most common electrical appliences in homes was the washing machine with 40% of
popularity and vacuum cleaner was following it with 30% of household. On the other hand, there
were no refregiators in kitchens in 1920. People were spending 50 hours a week on housework as
demosrated in graphs.

Over a century, while there was a huge increase in the percentage of household with electrical
appliences, the number of hours of household per week per house declined dramatically. The
popularity of washing machine increased but the washing machine lost ground to compared to other
electrical appliences (to vacuum cleaner and refrigerator). The vacuum clearner started the race
below washing machine but it overrode the popularity of washing machine in 1960 before it reach to
peak and overtook that of refregiator in 2000. There was an overall upward trend in the vacuum
cleaner between 1920 and 2000 and after 2000 it could be seen in every house. When we look at the
refregiator, we can see a sharp rise in the period between 1920 and 2000 before it reached a plateau
after 2000.

As for the number of hours of housework per week per household, it drew a steady downward trend
between 1920 and 1980. After 1980, there was a slight drop in spending hours of housework per
week per household.

Overall, in a given time, the access of electrical appliences became easier and the percentage of
household with electrical aplliences showed an upward trend. As a result of this, time spent on
household chores fell almost by the same proportion. In 2019 an individual started to spend 20 hours
on housework per week.
While the pie chart illustrates the factors leading to land degradation in the world, the table
gives infornmation about what mainly resulted in land degradation in 3 different regions in
According to the pie chart two third of land degradation was due to over grazing and
deforestation(35 and 30% respectively). Another factor to be pointed out is overcultivation
with 28% of the total. Other factors, on the other hand amounted to only 7%
As for the table, these 3 main factors had different impacts in 3 different regions in 1990s
and Europe took the lead as almost a quarter of its total land suffered from degradation and
nearly half of it rested on deforestation.
Oceania was in second place to follow Europe with 13% of its total land degradation and the
vast majority of it was the result of overarazing with 11.3%.
North America was the luckiest of them all with the least amount of degradation.Out of 5%
of the total more than half of the land degradation was due to overcultuvation ,which
interestingly caused no harm/damage in ocania.
Overall, over-grazing, deforestation and overcultivation were the 3 major factors causing
land degradation and they devistated different regions of the world with different



It is a well known fact that /it is evident/ obvious that/ it is clear to everyone that/ everyone
would agree on the fact that happiness is the ultimate goal of life and in a World where the
vast majority of the population have to spend time at work, job satisfaction becomes vitally
important/plays a crucial role in individual well being. However, when it comes to
determining the underlying factors leading to it ideas/opinions might vary/differ.AMong
numerous elements/components that path the way to job satisfaction a good salary, the
possibility to get promotion and mutual respect in workplace are key elements for the
reasons that will be demonstrated below.
TO begin with, a good salary is an absolute necessity for job satisfaction.Needless to say, the
first reason why peopte work is to maintaina wealthy life where they can fulfill their
requirements. Everyone needs to save for a rainy day just in case. Therefore, they aim to put
aside some Money to spend in the future.Moreover, they need to pay for their kids needs
like education. No doubt everyone would like to provide their children with the best
education available.Additionally, what should never be underestimated is that humans are
social beings, which is to say,they need to socialize. it is not luxurious but an essential need
to meet friends at a nearyby restaurant to catch up or remember the good old days and
recharge the batteries. FOr all of these and more, a good income is required.
Another key element leading to job satisfaction is the possibility to get promoted.It is in
human nature that everyone wants to climb the career ladder at a tremendous speed and
hence promotion is considered to be an incentive for job satisfaction.WHen empoyees
realize that there is no light at the end of the tunnel they tend to lose their concentration
and feel demotivated since theretis a direct link between a rise in salary and promotion as
However, when a question is raised as to how realistic it is for all employees to feel satisfied,
the atmosphere is too gloomy.For one thing, there are known to be some manuel work
which not only pay less but also are humiliating. Needless to say, our poor World is
ovehwhelmed with blue collar workers populating night shifts of various factories, the vast
majority of whom are compelled to work in extremely poor conditions.Under these
circumstances it is nothing but they dreaming to expect these workers to be satisfied

Write about the following topic:
Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is clear to everyone that transportation plays a crucial role in Capitalism. In the capitalist
world, rapid and facile transit system connects global cities to each other. Food
commodities and manufactured goods produced in China are transferred to all parts of the
world via railways and highways. Railroads and highways are at the heart of the global
transportation network, hence, goverments spend a lot of money to construct new railways
and roads. When it comes to which of these is better to invest, ideas vary. While some
experts argue that governments should spend much more money on railways rather than
roads, others claim that investment in highways provides more added value. I am a
proponant of the former idea because of the reasons that will be demosrated below.
Needless to say, railways are right down alley(useful) to deliver cargo and transport
passengers. The railway is seen as the dynamo of integration and economic development. It
makes a great contribution to the economic, social and cultural development of the lands it
passes through. It allows more passangers to be transported at once and at affordable cost
by means of wagons. Moreover, the transportation provided via railways are safer than
roads. Neverthless, railway transportation in mountainous and rugged geographical
structure can be very costly and an unpreferred way of transportation.
On the other hand, roads can be more beneficial for short distance transportation. Another
advantage of the roads is that they provide door to door service. Unlike other transportation
means, the road network generally continues uninterruptedly in many parts of the world. But
the vulnerability of the road is greater than that of the railway and it is costlier than railroads
in the long distances. Transportation capacity of the road is more limited than railways.
Fluctiations in the price of petrol have a negative impact on roads.
In conlusion, investment in railways has more positive impact on the global and local
economy. In that perspective, governments should spend more money on railways rather
than roads since the output of this expenditure in railway is higher than highways. The
important thing here that should be kept in mind is life begins when we arrives somewhere
to meet somebody.
Right down alley: biçilmiş kaftan

the two maps below illustrate the changes on an island before and after some facilities were
WHEN we look at the first map what can be seen is nothing except some palm trees
randomly scattered around different corners of the island , along with a natural beach
situarted on the western coast.
A thorough examination to the second map reveals that a tremendous change has taken
place place. What can be spotted in the first place is the two accomodation sites located on
the west and centre of the island. The one on the west seems more modern as not only the
bungalows are connected to each other by a footpath but also are joined to the restaurant
together with the receptionby a vehicle track.
it is important to note as well that both the reception and thre restaurant are tied to a pier
constructed on the southern spot that enables sailing boats to launch.Lastly, the beach
onthe west coast is a t the disposal of the quest by a footpath

As for the accomodation site at the centre, it lokks comperatively more primitive since they
are not connected to the reception or the restautant. What can be observed as a facilities is
not more than the footpath joining the bungalows to one another
Overall, the deserted island in the first map has been converted to a liveable zone thanks to
the facilities constructed in the second map
while the first diagram gives information about the stages of how cement is produced with
the help of certain equipment, the second diagram illustrates the percentages of the
materials and the gadget used in the concrete making process
According to the first diagram almost equal propotions of limestone and clay are crushed
into a cylinderical shape applience to pulvirize hem into powder, which is put into a mixer
heated at the other end through a rotating heater. The resulting solution is then ground by
the grinder turning it to cement ,which is put into bags to be delivered.
As for the second diagram, the production of concrete is exhibited. As seen in the diagram 4
different materials,namely cement, water, sand and gravel are added into a concrete mixer
which rotates in the clockwise direction .An interesting note to take in here is while cement
covers only 15% of concrete, half of the mix consists of gravel. while aquarter of the solution
is sand water covers only 10% of it.
Overall, limestone and clay are required for the cement making process whereas cement,
water,sand and gravel compose of concrete.
Everyone would agree on the fact that there is a negative correlation between weight and
level of health. Overweight and obese people can not be perceived as fit and healthy. Body
Mass Index (BMI)bounce an idea off us here. In some countries we have witnessed that
average weight of people is increasing while their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.
When it comes to causes, ideas vary. According to dietitians, eating fast food, food faddism,
and not doing physical exercises are vital reasons for gaining weight.
Overrich fatty foods such as fast food lead people to gain weight. A research conducted in
the USA has demonstrated that the possibility of people eating fast food three days a week
to be obese increases 7 times compared to other people. Moreover, these people are more
prone to have heart attack according to this research.
Food faddism is another reason of putting on weight and declining the level of health &
fitness. Food faddism threatens the order of metabolism and causes health problems.
Last but not least is the lack of physical exercise. Physical exercises causing the burn of
calorie are perceived as golden keys that unlock the door of a healthy life. Experts argue that
physical exercises speed up metabolism and prevent weight gain.
We have some weapons to prevent our bodies from suffering from such an healthy
conditions. First of all the most effective way to combat obesity is to limit the portion of fat
in food. Encouraging people to do sports also another effective way to solve this problem.
Studies should be carried out to raise awareness about eating vegetables instead of high-
calorie foods
Punishment and Children

Since Children are the future of the society it is essential for parents and educaters to teach
them manners and naturally the distinction between right and wrong.HOWever, whether
punishment should be an element to do it is here to debate.While some claim that a certain
level of punishment is required , others argue that it is out of the question as it will have a
devastating impact on their personality.1 believe punishment to be an integral component
of education for the resaons that will be demonstrated below.
To begin with, it is in human nature that we tend to be misled. As psychology has revealed,
there are countless ways that children can be provoked into misbehavior with the natural
tendecy ranging from acceptance in a group to aiming to be the centre of attention.The
problem in here is, children are too young to distinguish the difference between right or
wrong.At this point, there has to be a control mechanism to supervise them to prevent them
from getting involved in wrongdoings that will both harm others and cause them to lose face
in society.
As for what sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed, ideas might vary. To
my mind, punishment has to match with the misbehavior for the sake of fairness.
Additionally, it should be consistent to teach the child that certain attitudes are not
welcomed and criticized. However, a system where there is reward is a must to help them
identify the difference. When they correct their approach, they should be aware that they
are appreciated.
Another point that should never be forgotten is any form of physical or psychological insult
has to be refrained from since studies in this field have shown that it has an irrecoverably
negative effect on the upbringing of the child.Moreover, recent research has revealed that
quite a few criminals have been reported to have been exposed to ill treatetment by either
their parents or teachers in early ages.
In conclusion,character education of children is what is going to shape the future.That's why
it si parents' and teachers mission to treat them in such a way to help them realize it and at
this point it is my conviction that a certain level of fair punishment where no pain is inflicted
is cornerstone of education

Writingslerde Kullanabilecek Kalıplar

Too Often: Sıklıkla

Too often, sales professionals, team leaders, and CEOs approach their sales and client meetings as
business presentations.

Dog and pony show: Birisinin gözünü boyamak amacıyla yapılan hareket
Rather than approaching a business meeting as a dog and pony show, try to engage in a

Utilize: Yararlanmak

Utilize prep time by running through sound check.

Last but not least: It is the last reason but not least important one.

Suppressed: Baskılanmış.

Since: because

vicarious living: vekaleten bir yaşam

broden my horizon

expand my vision

Effectivness is the measure of truth

Awareness without action is worthless



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