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TU Library seminar

On Writing a Personal Statement for

Applying for a Job, Internship, or to
Graduate School
Wednesday, 22 June 2022
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How to write a personal
statement in English to apply
for further studies, a
fellowship, employment, or an

Think before you write, to discuss
something that you offer that other
applicants might not be able to offer. For
example, your personal educational and
life experience, if you have faced any
specific individual challenges, or other
related subjects.
Should you mention all your professional and
learning experience?

That’s fine, but try not to repeat any information

that may be found in other parts of your
application. So don’t just list where you studied or
worked before, unless you have something to say
that describes your experience in a constructive
Should you discuss where you had academic
failures or problems?
It is all right to acknowledge difficulties if
they occurred, but the main purpose of the
personal statement is to state what you have
achieved, so it is better to focus on the good
things that you have done. So emphasize
achievements rather than weaknesses.
Can you use the same statement for all applications
to save time?
•It is better to change the statement for each
specific use, because otherwise it might give
the impression that the applicant cannot be
bothered to address a specific university or
employer and does not really care that much
about the application.
Students should try to make sure to spell the
name of universities or potential employers
correctly. This can easily be checked by
Googling the names of all potential
institutions of higher learning or employers
being applied to. Even if the student feels
confident about the way to write the name of
a university or corporation, it is safer to
Google it to make absolutely sure, and copy
the name directly from an authoritative
What should you be sure to include in the
personal statement?

Spend some time looking at the university or

corporation website to see details about
specific coursework or professional projects
that appeal to you. If you are strongly
interested in any field of studies, area of
research, or job category that is described
online, be sure to mention it in your personal
This will give the impression to whoever
reads your statement that you plan to do
a good job wherever you are accepted,
and you will be especially productive if
you are admitted to their school or
corporation instead of somewhere else.
Students who just write general
statements may give the impression of
not really caring where they work or
study. To avoid this, it is best to be as
specific as possible about why the
applicant wishes to be accepted.
In the personal statement in English to apply for
further studies, a fellowship, employment, or an
internship, is it okay to add humor?
While it is important to give a specific image of your own
experience and personality in the statement, to make you
appear different from other applicants, be very careful
about putting in any jokes or quoting any other writers.
The people reading the personal statement may not share a
similar sense of humour, or may not like whatever is
quoted. Some people may think that jokes are
disrespectful. For this reason, it is better to remain serious
in the personal statement.
Can you write more or fewer words that
are asked for in the personal statement?
It is best to check and be sure of the word limits and stick to
them. Writing more than is asked for will not impress those
who read a personal statement, or give the impression that
the applicant is hard-working and not afraid to do more than
is asked. It may instead give the unfortunate impression that
the applicant is unable to follow instructions. Or even worse,
that the applicant believes that the personal story being
explained in the statement is so fascinating and essential that
it is worth going beyond the indicated space limits.
Remember that one day someone will read what is
being written. The person reading the personal
statement must read many other personal
statements. Any personal statement that is longer
than the stated word limit will take longer to read.
Since we want to show that we respect the busy
reader’s time, which must also be spent doing other
professional duties, we do not want to insist that the
reader spend extra unnecessary time with our
application. So to make a modest and polite
impression, it is better to express ourselves within
the stated word limits.
Also it makes a good impression to
show that we are able to follow
instructions neatly and efficiently.
What about if you write fewer words
than are asked for?

Writing fewer words in a personal statement

than are asked for, while better than writing
too many, may not leave enough room for the
applicant to fully describe why the institution
or higher learning or potential employer
would be a productive place to join.
If the statement has very few words, it may mean
that the applicant has not done enough research to
find out specific features about the university or
employer that appeal the most. If we find ourselves
with nothing to say, then look again at the website
of the university or corporation and examine why
we think we would be happy if we were associated
with it. Something should give us a subject for
enthusiasm. If there is really nothing about a
university or employer that we are truly interested
in, it may be that they are not the best choice for us.
Is it acceptable to use technical vocabulary in
the personal statement?
Since we do not know the people who will be reading our
personal statements, it is best to write in a style for the
general reader, without specialized terminology that they
might not know.
Similarly, if we can include a brief story or narrative about
our personal or professional experiences that might capture
the reader’s interest, that might also help make our personal
statement stand out and be memorable.
Is there anything else you should be sure to
include in a personal statement?
Since the point of a personal statement is to explain
why the applicant would fit into a new employment,
internship, or study opportunity, it is best to present a
story about why the applicant fits the program or job
so well. This should be done not by repeating
information that is already given in a professional
resume. Instead, the personal statement is like a
commentary on the resume, pointing out special
highlights and things learned from experiences that
might not be obvious otherwise.
Applicants should try to tell a convincing
story about how a special field of study or
employment became important. If the
applicant is asked to answer a question in the
personal statement, be sure that it has been
Should you mention details about your life and
Yes, it is always more persuasive if an applicant
refers to unique individual experiences that are not
repeated by many other applicants. So, instead of
making a general comment about wanting to help
humanity or advance society, describe how a
specific person may have been affected by your
efforts in the past. Or, if a mentor or other
inspiring educator taught you something, write
about specific things that impressed you, rather
then just discuss generalities.
For example, if the student is applying to a
graduate program in podiatry, rather than just
saying that medical specialists who help with
problems that affect the feet or lower legs are
important, it is more memorable to write about the
essential role of podiatry in January when a Thai
Buddhist Monk inspired people with a 1,500
kilometer barefoot pilgrimage. When Luang Ta
Bun Chuen neared the end of a 1,500-kilometer
walking pilgrimage across Thailand, from Phuket
to his home province of Nakhon Phanom, he clearly
demonstrated that strong feet can help with
spiritual and charitable achievements.
How much space should you devote to your
own life experience?

Remember that a personal statement is not just

about you. It is also about the place being applied
to, and why it suits you so well. So be sure to leave
enough room to show that you are aware of specific
details of the educational institution or corporation
being applied to.
How many times should you revise the
personal statement?

Although it may take more time than

anticipated, it does help to reread and revise
the statement after it has been written. Try
reading it aloud to friends, roommates, or
family members if they will agree to listen.
Rereading what has been written is a good way to
spot problems, for example if the questions asked
by the potential employer or educational institution
have not been fully answered. Also, we can see if it
is clear why we have applied for a particular
educational program or job.
What is essential to include in a personal statement
in English to apply for further studies, a fellowship,
employment, or an internship?

Try to include mention of what is special or

impressive about your life experience, including
things that may not have happened to all other
applicants. Did you have to conquer any personal
or family problems? Did you meet any inspiring
people who influenced you in your studies or
professional goals?
The reason to mention personal experiences is to set the
applicant apart from all other applicants. Mention when
you first became interested in the academic or
professional that you are asking to continue in. What
gave you the impression that this field was appropriate
for you? Did any previous classes or work experience
reinforce this impression?
Should you mention all your learning experiences,
even in primary and secondary school?

Generally, since space is limited in personal

statements, it is better to discuss more recent
experiences and not go as far back as primary or
secondary school.
Is it okay to discuss religious or political issues in
personal statements?

As a rule, any subjects that might possibly be

controversial should not be included in personal
There are other, more appropriate, places for
discussing controversial religious or political issues,
for example. The personal statement should focus
entirely on why the applicant is well suited to an
academic program or employment opportunity. For
this reason, it is better to not risk offending
whoever might be reading the personal statement
by offering opinions that might be disagreed with.
How much research should be done for each individual
job or internship opportunity of graduate school?

It is best to do enough research to be able to explain

why the applicant has chosen a specific institution or
employer, rather than another one. If you show that
you know about, and are interested in, the specific
things that an employer or university has to offer,
whoever read the personal statement will be more
confident that you will be happy if you are accepted.
If the job, internship, or opportunity for further
studies is in a different part of the world outside the
Kingdom, it is appropriate to mention this and
explain why new cultural experiences would be of
interest and value as part of your education.
What kind of previous experience should be
mentioned in the personal statement?

During your work or study experiences, any time

you have learned leadership or managerial skills
would be helpful to mention. How have these
experiences added to your personal and
professional development?
Should any discussion of personal career
goals be included?

Certainly, but try not to evaluate any professional

status only by the income that you may earn in
future. Discuss research or professional
opportunities in terms of what you hope to
accomplish to make the world a better place, or
improve conditions for others in society.
People on admissions committees or personnel
departments who receive statements from
applicants who only appear to care about money,
are not usually impressed by these statements.
Even if study at some institutions or employment at
some corporation will definitely mean an increase
in salary, it is better not to give the impression that
this is the only, or even main, reason why you wish
to do it.
Examples of successful personal
For graduate school:
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements
Examples of successful
personal statements

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