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Appendix 1 : The Score Students of Negative Perception

The Score Students’ of Positive Perception

Appendix 2 : The Score Students English Learning Achievement

Appendix 3 : Analysis Statistic Homogeneity Sample Test

Appendix 4 : Analysis Statistic Normality Data

Appendix 5 : Validity of Negative Questionnaire

Appendix 6 : Table of Interpretation Negative Questionnaire

Appendix 7 : Validity of Positive Questionnaire

Appendix 8 : Teble of Interpretation of Positive Questionnaire

Appendix 9 : Nukilan Tabel Nilai Koefisien Korelasi “r” Product Moment Pearson
untuk Berbagai df.

Nukilan Tabel T-Distribution value

Nukilan Tabel Chi Kuadrat Value

Appendix 10 : Students’ Perception Questionnaire


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN STS Jambi


Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training Faculty IAIN STS Jambi

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