06 Dedication

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I stride the success, the collisions have been overcome, for the sake of my future
that expected with conviction, uccess does not make compulsory an explanation,
and failure does not know the rules

With the permissions and God’s favor, I can be brave to face this reality, thanks to
the encouragement of God’s affection, Arose my job to struggle for my future.

Today. . . a slight ray of a hope has been held, a piece of hope has been reached,
and thank you God. . . you give me a chance to make happiness for all of people
who i love.

I dedicate this thesis for my parents who i love and honor

My beloved deceased father, M, Solih Rangkuti. I get my success is because of
your have been teached me so hard, My belove mother Nilasari Nasution, you
are my everything so strong as man so soft as a silk.

For all my siblings, Endang Sri Hevina Rangkuti, Allib Malik Rangkuti and
Rahmini Rangkuti being dutifull children for our parents and useful for the
religion, homeland, and the nation

Hopefully God will judge it as worship in his sight.

Accept this dedication as devote of my knowledge for honest and straight forward
sacrifice, successive prayer. May Allah give a favor for it.
Amiiinnn . . . . . ya ... robbal alamin.

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