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Comparison Between Confluent Hypergeometric and 1.220150 Sho =1.13696 1.

Power Series Solutions 4.880902 4.875175
8.749982 Sh¡ = 2.63479 8.764895 Sh¡
C.H. solution Power series solution 12.677288 12.593927
Sherwood num- Sherwood num- 16.630025 Om = 0.9383585 16.543274 11m
Eigen- bers and Om at Eigen- bers and Om at 20.596391 20.603113
values X = 0.05 values X = 0.05
Shw = 5

Shw = l
1.445974 Sho = 1.68056 1.445977
5.205500 5.205331
l.O Sh 0 = 0.7296511.000843 Sho = 0.731372 9.075228 Sh¡ = 2.53139 9.077524 Sh¡
4.656137 4.655097 12.987426 12.985926
8.562020 Sh¡ = 2.69892 8.561968 Sh¡ = 2.72262 16.922820 Om = 0.903222 16.873229 Om
12.515834 12.515815 20.872707 20.829852
16.487648 Om = 0.961772 16.487604 Om = 0.951367 Manuscript received January 31, 1974; revision received May 14
20.468354 20.468229 accepted May 15, 1974.

Traiectory Calculation of Particle Deposition

in Deep Bed Filtration
Department of Chemical
and Materials :i.c,ence:
Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York

Part l. Model Formulation

The packed bed model developed by Payatakes, Tien, and Turian
(1973a, 1973b) is used as a basis for the study of particle deposition in
deep bed filtration. The size of the particulate matters present in the sus-
pension is assumed to be sufficiently large for Brownian motion to be
negligible, but small enough for straining to be unimportant. The prediction
of the rate of particle deposition is based on the one-step trajectory ap-
proach. The collector is represented by a unit bed element of the porous
media model and the particle trajectory equation is formulated to include
the gravitational force, the hydrodynamic force and torque (including the
correction for the presence of the unit cell wall), the London force (in-
cluding the retardation effect, which is shown to be of primary importance
under conditions usually met in deep bed filtration systems), and the
electrokinetic force. Sample capture trajectories, including the limiting
capture trajectories, are given.
Based on the limiting trajectories and the assumption of uniform par-
ticle distribution at the entrance of each unit cell, the number fractions
(of suspended partides) impacted on each unit cell are determined and
then used to calculate the fraction impacted on the entire unit collector
and also the value of the filter coefficient for a clean bed. It is also shown
how the capture trajectory calculation can be used to determine the local
rate of deposition along the wall of a given unit cell.

The study reported in this paper represents the begin- is the development of a model for the filtration of a liquid
ning phase of a long-range investigation whose objective suspension through a granular packed bed (or deep bed
filtration). The recently proposed P-T-T (Payatakes, Tien,
Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to C. Tien. Turian) model for granular porous media is believed to
A. C. Payatakes is with the University of Houston, Houston, Texas. provide a realistic basis for the modeling of the dynamic

AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. S) September, 1974 Page 889

bed, unam,uu,:i:, his- Ào in terms the system
tory of the etttue11t quality and the pressure drop increase bles of the filtration process,
during the course of filtration. As a first step of the model- The theoretical prediction of Ào is based on the trajec-
ing work, this study is confined to the case of relatively tory calculation, that is to say, the determination of the
clean filter bed and suspended particles with size large paths of individual suspended partides which flow
enough for Brownian motion to be insignificant, but small through the filter. A similar approach has been used by
enough for straining to be negligible, previous investigators (Spielman and Goren, 1970; Yao
According to current practice, the dynamic behavior of et al., 1971; FitzPatrick, 1972; Spielman and FitzPatrick,
deep bed filtration is described by a set of phenomeno- 1973; FitzPah·ick and Spielman, 1973; Spieiman and
logical equations involving two parameters, namely the Cukor, 1973). However, the present study gives a more
filter coefficient for a clean bed Ào and the pressure gradi- complete consideration of the various forces acting on the
ent in a clean bed, as well as two functional expressions suspended partides, including for the first time the re-
relating the change of the filter coefficient and pressure tardation eHect on the London force. Furthermore, un-
gradient with the extent of the particle deposition in like the previous studies, all of which are based on single
the filter. The P-T-T model was used previously coIIector models, this study is based on a more
to calculate the pressure gradient in a clean bed realistic porous media model, and, in principie, it can be
(Payatakes, Tien and Turian, 1973a). In the present extended for the estimation of the functional dependence
work a theoretical model based on the P-T-T of the íiiter coefficient and pressw·e gradient on the
porous media model is postulated, which enables the pre- amount of deposited matter.


The unit collector concept for the study of partide primary importance under conditions usually encountered
deposition in deep bed filtration is introduced. In the in deep bed filtration, and the douhle layer interaction
present case, a unit bed element of the P-T-T model is force. Based on the limiting capture trajectories, the frac-
the unit collector. Limiting capture trajectories are ob- tions impacted on each unit cell of the unit collector are
tained from the integration of the partide trajectory calculated and then used to calculate the fraction im-
equation formulated in this work, which takes into ac- pacted on the entire unit coilector, as well as the filter
count the gravitational force, the hydrodynamic force coefficient for the filter hed. The method developed in
and torque (including the correction for the presence of this work also provides a meam for the determination of
the unit cell wall), the molecular dispersion force, in- the local rate of partide deposition along the wall of a
cluding the retardation eHect, which is shown to be of given unit cell.

PHENOMENOLOGICAL EQUATIONS OF DEEP where t is the time measured from the instant when the
SED FILTRATION suspension enters the filter and e is the local porosity.
The overall objective of the study reported here is the The porosity of the filter bed is a function of depth as
development of a complete model for deep bed filtration. well as of time. The relationship between e and the spe-
In order to put the present work in perspective and to cific deposit cr is given as
define the problems with which theoretical studies of deep e=eo----- (3)
bed .filtration have to come to terms, a brief account on (1 - Ed)
the phenomenological description of deep bed filtration
will be given. where e0 is the initial porosity of the filter bed.
From practica! considerations, the main features of the The filtration rate expression on a phenomenological
dynamic behavior of a deep bed filter are the history of basis has been studied extensively during the last two
decades (Ives, 1960, 1969, 1971; Herzig et al., 1970;
the effiuent quality and the pressure drop increase as
Mints, 1966; Mints et al., 1967; Mackrle et al., 1965).
filtration proceeds. The history of the effiuent quality can
The commonly accepted expression, based on the assump-
be obtained from the integration of a system of two equa- tion of no reentrainment, is given as follows (see Ives,
tions, namely, the conservation equation and the rate 1960):
equation. The conservation equation can be written as
( Herzig et al., 1970)
( ~)
= - ÀC = -
À0 (x 1 )f>..(cr;.!_2)C(z,
-r) (4)

00' + Vs ( ;JC ) =0 (I) where Ào is the initial filter coefficient ( that is, À, corre-
OT. OZ T sponding to cr =O), and /"A is the functional relationship
accounting for the change of the filter coefficient due to
where -r is the time measured from the instant at which the particle deposition.
the suspension first reached the position under considera- The pressure drop increase due to particle deposition
tion and is defined by · within the filter bed is often expressed as follows:
z, ~
-r=t- J: ---dz
z e(
(2) ( ~)
= ( ~)
fp(cr; Xs)

Page 890 September, 1974 AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. 5)

where the subscript -r = O refers to the situation prior to reduction of relative particulate concentration is 'Y/0•
filtration ( that is, cr = O), and f p is the functional rela- following expression is obtained:
tionship accounting for the pressure gradient increase. The
overall pressure drop across the filter bed at time -r is given
1-'Y/o l l-710
AP=AP(-r) =.f ( : ) .. dz (6) The problem of calculating Ào has thus been
to the calculation of l and .,, 0 • l was calculated in
The dynamic behavior of the filter can be obtained from et al. ( 1973a). The estimation of 'Y/o is the objective of
the integration of Equations (l), ( 4), and ( 6) provided present work.
that (aP/az) 7 =o, Ào(xi) and the functional relationships
f>..(cr; x2 ) and fp(cr; xJ are known. The purpose of any
modeling work in d;ep bed filtration is the prediction of
Ào, (aP/az) 7 =o, f>.., and fp. The pressure gradient for a Because of the space limitation, only a brief account
clean bed (aP/az) 7 =o was calculated in Payatakes et al. previous work is given here and a more detailed u,:,1.,;u,,,,,.,vu
( 1973a). The present work is concerned with the predic- is given in the Supplement. 0
tion of Ào, The possibility of applying trajectory calculation
deep bed filtration was first mentioned by O'Melia
Stumm ( 1967), and implementation of this idea
TRAJECTORY APPROACH IN PARTICLE DEPOSITION given in the work of Yao ( 1968). Yao assumed that
particle deposition, the filter grains can be considered as
The particle deposition process occurring in deep bed a number of independent and identical spheres with
filtration involves the transport and attachment of particu- flow around the spheres approximated by the creeping flow
late matter from the liquid suspension upon the surfaces solution around a sphere in a fluid of infinite extent. In
of the filter grains as the suspension flows through the Yao's calculation, only inertial, gravitational, and hydro-
filter. In principle, the extent of filtration can be deter- dynamic forces were included.
mined by following the path of each and every particle Yao's use of the single sphere model (a single collector)
of the suspension. With knowledge of the particle tra- in describing a granular filter bed is obviously oversimpli-
jectories, and an understanding of the attachment mecha- fied and perhaps unrealistic. His use of the Stokesian ex-
nism of particulate matter to the filter grains once con- pression for the drag force acting on the suspended
tact is made, one can determine the total amount of eles also requires correction when the suspended <1rr·,,.,,F•~
particulate matter retained inside the filter as well as that are dose to the collector surfaces. However, if drag
which escapes and, accordingly, the history of effiuent force is corrected properly, the subsequent trajectory cal-
quality. This is the basic idea behind the trajectory cal- culation in Yao's formulation would lead to the paradox
culation in the study of the filtration process. of no particle deposition. This difficulty was first recog-
It is generally assumed that for trajectory calculations, nized by Spielman and Goren ( 1970) and underscores
the packed bed can be adequately represented by a single the importance of including surface forces, such as the
geometric entity. The use of a single spherical collector in molecular dispersion force, in the trajectory calculation
trajectory work (Spielman and Goren, 1970; Yao et al., even though these forces are short-ranged. More recent
1971; FitzPatrick, 1972; Spielman and FitzPatrick, 1973; studies (FitzPatrick, 1972; FitzPatrick and Spielman,
FitzPatrick and Spielman, 1973; Spielman and Cukor, 1973) employed the use of Happel's (1958) porous media
1973) is a good example. In this work, it is assumed that model for the trajectory calculation. A major difficulty in
the bed can be approximated by the model recently pro- the use of Happel's model is the fact that the numerical
posed by Payatakes et al. ( 1973a). With the use of this integration necessary for the determination of a particle
new model, a particle trajectory can be determined from trajectory often has to be carried out beyond the domain
Newton's law of motion based on the initial particle posi- of validity of the model. It should also be mentioned that
tion ( that is, that prior to its entry into the basic element all these studies were confined to the case of relatively
of the porous medium) , velocity field within the element, clean filters. Neither the single sphere nor the Happel
and the fields of the other relevant forces. From the tra- model can be used to study deposition of relatively large
jectories and the initial particle concentration distribution, partides, or the effect of particle deposition on filtration
it is possible to calculate the fraction impacted, 'Y/0, that is, efficiency and pressure drop increase, which remain central
the number fraction of partides that enter the unit bed problems in the study of deep bed filtration.
element per unit time, which come into collision with its
surface. Due to the magnitude of the molecular dispersion
force ( this will be discussed in detail later) , it can be
assumed that each collision results in capture ( at least
during the initial period of filtration), in other words, While a large number of models were proposed in the
A A past, most of them are not suited for particle deposition
that 'Y/o = 'Y/0 where 'Y/0 is the fraction captured initially
studies because the basic premise on which these models
in a clean bed. In the present work the fraction impacted
were formulated was not concerned with the deposition
'Y/o ( as well as the fraction captured '"Y/o) are calculated tak- process. For example, the capillary model was found to
ing into account deposition on the surface of a unit bed give filter coefficients at least two or three orders of mag-
element, which represents a large number of grains and nitude less than experimental values (Payatakes, 1973);
half porcs of various sizes simultaneously (Payatakes et al., Payatakes et al., 1974a) principally because of the failure
1973a). This is a substantially more general concept than of the model to reflect the two-dimensional flow character-
the definition of 'Y/0 in all previous works, which is based
on the deposition on a single grain alone.
One can relate 'Y/o with Ào by applying Equation ( 4) 0 Supplement has been deposited as Document No. 02444 with the

National Auxiliary Publications Service (NAPS), e/o Microfiche Publica-

to a clean filter of thickness l (l is the length of tions, 305 E. 46 St., New York, N. Y. 10017 and may be obtained
periodicity of the P-T-T model) and requiring that the for $1.50 for microfiche or $5.00 for photocopies.

AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. S) September, 1974 Page 891

around the filter grains, which is important to the
partide deposition. Porous media models of the single (J= tan- 1 ( -w )
collector type, such as the single sphere in an infinite rw(zp)
medium and the Happel ( 1958) model are useful for the where Zp is the value of z at P, and a is the angle formed
modeling of deep bed filtration of small partides in a dean by the z-axis and the tangent on the wall at point P. It is
bed, but cannot be used for the modeling of filtration of given by
large partides, or for the modeling of the effect of partide
deposition on the filtration efficiency and the pressure a= tan- 1 ( -drw
) =
tan- 1 ( -
) tan- 1 g,(z") =
gradient (Payatakes et al., 1974a). The main reason for
these shortcomings are (l) the effect of the neighboring (ll)
grains is entirely neglected in the case of the single from which it follows that (a -== O for 1/2 -== z" -== l) and
sphere in an infinite medium model, and taken into account ( a ~ O for l -== z" -== 3/2). Other pertinent geometric
only to a certain extent and then indirectly in the case of relationships are shown in Figure l.
Happel's model, and (2) the very important factors of For trajectory calculations, let {2 be the distance be-
the shape and size of the constrictions connecting the tween wall and partide center, measured from the wall,
pores in a packed bed are neglected. and let l1 be the arc length BP, measured from B ( Figure
The P-T-T model proposed recently (Payatakes, 1973a) la). l1 and {2 describe the position of the center of the
considers a packed bed as being comprised of a series of partide in the x and y directions, and they will be the
unit bed elements of thickness l. Each unit bed element, variables in terms of which the partide trajectory will be
in turn, consists of a number of unit cells geometrically described. Given Zp ( and Zp" =
Zp/h;), the correspond-
similar but different in size connected in parallel. A unit ing value of {1, { 1p is derived from
cell resembles a constricted tube with its axis parallel to
dz fzp•
the axis of the packed bed. The P-T-T model is specifically
formulated to incorporate a number of features such as
{1p= f zp

72 'cosa z() =h; "72 vI+<t>2 (z")dz" (12)
the converging-diverging How, the presence of neighbor-
ing grains, the nonuniformity of pores, and the identifica- <l>(z") is given as (Payatakes et al., 1973b)
tion of How passages, which, on physical considerations, l 3
are important to deep bed filtration. <l>(z") =8 (r2" - r3") (z" - l) for - -== z" -== -
2 2
According to the present formulation, the basic collector
unit for the deposition process is one unit bed element (13)
and this will be called a unit collector to distinguish it
from the single collector concept. The major difference is Substituting Equation ( 13) into Equation ( 12), one has
that a unit collector of the P-T-T model is formed from a
large number of grains and half pores simultaneously. As
shown in Payatakes et al. ( 1973a), the dimensions and
size distribution of the unit cells comprising a unit bed
element of a given filter bed can be determined from ex-
perimental measurements. From these data and the algo-
rithm developed in Payatakes et al. ( 1973b) the How field sina(zpl • 'Pl•è
within each cell can be calculated and used for the tra- ji+cp2(zp)
jectory calculation.
cosa(zpl • --'-1- -



The cylindrical polar coordinates(z, r, lJ) used for the l

solution of the How through the unit cells (Payatakes et al., J
1973b) is not suitable for the trajectory studies. A new l
system of coordinates, therefore, is introduced and its rela- J

tion to the cylindrical polar coordinates is given. l

Consider a spherical partide in the vicinity of the wall
of a unit cell of the ith type, Figure l. Let O be the center l
of the partide, and let OP be normal to the wall. Let rf l C
(x, w, y) be Cartesian coordinates with origín at P so that l
x is tangent to the wall and lies on the plane (z, r, O), l
w is tangent to the wall and is normal to the plane \
(z, r, O), and y is normal to the wall and lies on the plane l
(z, r, O). The new coordinate system (x, w, y) will be \
used for the description of the forces and torques acting \
on the partide, and it should be noted that it changes as \
the partide moves through the unit cell. /\ N
G -----------f- "---l D
The cylindrical coordinates are related to the new sys- G D \ , __ ,, l

tem of coordinates with origín at P through the expres-

sions, 1-o---r{
(o l
z = Zp + xcosa(Zp) + ysina(zp) (8)
fig. l. (a) Particle movin-g in the vicinity of the wall of a dimensional

unit cell of the ith type. Not to scale. (b) Schematic representation
r= + y'[rw(Zp) + x sina(Zp) - y cosa(zp) ]2 + w2 of limiting trajectory ond of particle position closest to the wall
at the entrance of the dimensionless unit cell (modified dimensions).
(9) Not to scale.

Page 892 September, 1974 AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. _S)
{1P = 16( r2 o - r3 "')
+ 4>pyl + il>p2 + In( <I>o + v'l + <I>o2 ) + <I>ov'l + <I>o2 ] l
(14) ªs,p :::::: l + 0.620725p + 0.075159p 2
where 2wS
4>p =q,(zp"') = 8(r2"' - r3"') (zp"' - l), (IS, for O "='= p = --
"='= 3
<I>o = 4(r2"' - r3"') (16) 1.024172 0.714228 0.555262
p p2 +----
The particle is moving on the plane ( x, y) and is also
rotating about the axis parallel to the w-axis and passing
through its center, O. In order to determine the trajectory
= V--!m-z-
4we 2
of the particle, one has to estimate all the forces and K
torques acting on it. From classical mechanics, one has 7:kT j J i

-Fa+ FLret +FE+ Fv + -Fr =-O (17) The undisturbed fluid velocity inside a unit cell of
ith type is given by (see Supplement)
Vx = B;y + D;y2, Vy =- A;y2
where ~a, 'f._Lret,_!E,!__v and 'f._r are the gravitational, Lon-
where the coefficients A;, B;, D; vary along the wall
don, electrokinetic, drag and inertia force vectors, respec-
the unit cell. Calculated values of the universal
tively, and Ta, TLret, TE, TD and T 1 are the corresponding
appearing in the above equations are given in Tables
torques. Th~ B~wnia; force has -;ot been included; there- and 2 of the Supplement.
fore, the results are valid only when Brownian effects are
negligible. This is usually true for partides with ap > l¡.i,
The procedures involved in the estimation of the com- VELOCITY AND ANGULAR VELOCITY
ponents of the forces and torques appearing in Equations
(17) and ( 18) are very lengthy and therefore are not Calculation of Ux ond ww
included here. A detailed description is given in the Substituting the x components of the force terms
Supplement."' The conditions under which these calcula- Equations (l'd), (20), and (21) into Equation 17)
tions are valid are also given there. The results are sum- the w components of the torque terms from ~'-1,~~-.v,.•~
marized below. (22) and (:::13) into Equation (18), one obtains a
of two equations which can be solved for Ux and "'x to
Frx = FLxret = FEx= O, give
Trx =Tax= TLxret = TEx = Tvx = O (19) di1
Ux = dt = F1(S+)B;i2 + F2(S+)D;i22
Fax= - wap8(pp - p)g cosa (20)
3 + Fs(S+) 2(pp ~:)aig cosa
Fvx =- 6w¡.iap [uxfi(S+) - apwwfxr(a+)
"'w = G1 (S+ ) B; + G2(S+) D;i2
- B;{zf1xm (S+ ) - D;{if2xm (S+ )] (21)
2(pp - p)apg
Frw = Faw = FLwret = FEw = Fvw = O, + G3(S+) ----...c....cosa
T1w = Taw = TLwret = TEw = O (22)
Tvw = 8w¡.iap2 [uxgwt(S+) - apwwgwr(a+)
+ B;apgiwm(a+) + D;api2g2wm(a+)] (23)
(l+ a+) fxrgm2w + fm2xgwr

Fa 11 = -43 wap8(pp - p)g sina (25)

F2 = -----------
f xtgwr - f xrgwt

- gw" (35)
F3 -
(26) f X W - frgt
tgr X W

~llpK( t{,201 + t{,202)

€ [ 2tf,01tpo2
2 2
( tf, 01 + t/1202)
Fv 11 =- 6w¡.illp [uuf/(S+) + A;{:i2f m(a+)]
11 (28)
Calculated values of F 1, F 2, F 3 , G 1, G2, and G3 are given
"' See footnote on page 891. in Table 3 of the Supplement.

AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. S) September, 1974 Page 893

c;,mIcI11attion of u11

Substituting the y components of the force terms from been interpolated to obtain approximate analytical ex-
Equations (24) to (28) into Equation (17), one obtains pressions for F 4, F 5, and F 6 , which are given in the Sup-
an equation which can be solved for u11 to give plement. A similar expression was developed for f m and
is also given in the Supplement. 11

_ d{2 _ l {
U 11 - - - - -
i\>2/y o
+ -2(pp-p)aig
. Assuming creeping tlow conditions, the variables A",
dt fi 9µ B", and D" are the same for unit cells of all types, and
they depend on {1 " alone, where
+ EK(ifro1 + tp202)
12'1Tµ C1" = i:_ = {1 + 0p = {1 + ( 0p"); ( 49)
h; h;
A", B", and D" are also calculated in the Supplement.
The forms of A", B", and D" are shown in Figure 3 for
a unit cell with r 1 " = r 2 " = 0.402, and r 3 " = 0.1685
PARTICLE TRAJECTORY EQUATION for creeping How conditions.

UsingEquations (33) and (37), one obtains

NLaas,p(8+; NRet)
3+ 2 (2 + 3+ ) 2 (38)



2(pp - p)ap g 2
El< ( 'P 01 + "1202)
2 Two major simplifications will be introduced to the
NG=------, NE1=------,, trajectory equation [Equation ( 38)]. They are:
9µv 8 I2'1TµV 8 l. The How through each unit cell is assumed to be
creeping. For the How rates encountered in deep bed
NE2=----- (40) filtration, this is a good approximation. In the general
( "'201 + i/1202) case, the P-T-T model postulates that for a given super-
H ficial velocity V 8 the pressure differences at the ends of all
N DL = Kap, N Lo = ----,
9'1Tµap2vs (41) types of unit cells belonging to the same unit bed element
are the same, and that the How rates through unit cells
- (vo); ( <dg> N
A i.+ - - - RS
)2 A" , A"=-'-'-
A-h:i. of different types are different. Therefore, one needs to
determine the How velocity through the dimensionless unit
V8 h; (vo); ' cell v" for Ic different values of (NRe)¡. However, with
i= l, ... , Ic (42) the ~sumption of creeping How, the velocity vector v"
(vo); ( <d9 > N )B" B-h• needs be determined only for Reynolds number equal to
B.+ _
l - - - RS , B" - '' zero. Furthermore, the term ( v 0 ) ;/V 8 appearing in the
Vs hi - (vo);' trajectory equation [Equations ( 42 to 44)] is given by

- (vo)¡ ( <dg> N )2D"

Di + - - - RS ,

= l, ... , Ic
D-h 2
( 43) (vo);
= 8ra"h,
'1TNc<dc3 >
( ra"
r (

Vs hi ( Vo); ' 2. A modification of the geometry of the extended di-

with i = l, ... , Ic ( 44) mensionless unit cell is made as follows: The sections
preceding and following the unit cell are assumed to be
straight cylindrical tubes instead of following the periodic
nature required in the original P-T-T model of granular



Values of the universal functions F4 , F5 , and F , based

on the values in Table · l and 3 of the Supplement, are
given in Table 4 of the Supplement and are plotted in
Figure 2. For computational purposes these values have
Page 894 September, 1974
Fig. 2. Plot of the functions F4, Fs, ond F5 vs. b +.
AIChE Journol (Vol. 20, No. 5) //¡iji,j
distance from the unit cell wall (Figure 3 in Supplement).
400 In both cases, calculated trajectories which lead to
capture at points on the wall of the lower half of the unit
300 cell (l < z" -,,:::. 3/2) almost coincide in the upper half of
the cell ( 1/2 -,,:::. z" ""= l), which implies that most of the
200 B* partides collected are captured by the upper half of the
"'o cell. It should also be noted that in both situations a
o 100 segment of the limiting trajectory is almost parallel to the
z lower half of the unit cell wall and that in the case when

o the repulsive electrokinetic force dominates the London
force the entire limiting trajectory is almost parallel to
~ -100 the cell wall except for the final segment, which is nearly
~ -200
normal to the wall. In the latter case, the distance of the
limiting trajectory from the wall for any given value of
f -300 C1 + can be determined, to a very good approximation, by
determinin g the value of 8+ for which the sum F Ey +
-400 FLyret + Fay + FDy = O, namely, ~s+cr(C1+)
or in other
words, the value of s+ for which the numerator of the
-500 expression on the right-hand side of Equation ( 38) be-
-600 comes zero. Further simplifications can be achieved if onti
capitalizes on the fact that since the particle is moving
-700 parallel to the wall F Dy must be very small and the fact
Diíf that at very small separations F Gy is negligibly small com-
-800 pared to FLlet. Hence, the distance under consideration
can be determined, approximately, by determining the
Fig. 3. Plot of the variables used for the description of the flow
in the vicinity of the unit cell wall.
critica! value of ?J+ for which FEy + FLiet =
O, s+ cr• For

beds (see Figure lb). This was judged necessary because

the particle trajectories leading to capture originate from NEGLIGIBLE FEy
the immediate vicinity of the point B ( Figure l) . A
rigorous calculation would require that the effect of the NON-NEGLIGIBLE FE
presence of the wall section preceding the unit cell be
taken into account, and this is an exceedingly difficult
problem. Considering the fact that the regions of the
unit cell at z" = 1/2 and z"' = 2/3 (entrance and outlet)
are the ones with minimal resemblance to the real porous
media (see Figure l), it was decided that a modification
which would permit the omission of the effect of the wall
of the entrance extension is preferable. One, however, has
to recognize the fact that this modification results in a
somewhat different flow field within the domain of in-
terest. This velocity field corresponds to a nonuniform
periodically constricted tube rather than a uniform peri-
odically constricted tube (Payatakes et al., 1973b).


A method for the integration of the particle trajectory
equation [Equation ( 38) ] which can be used to obtain
not only the limitin g trajectory ( as previous methods),
but also capture trajectories for any point on the wall and
also the local rate of deposition on the unit cell wall is
developed and described in the Supplement.

A number of capture trajectories based on the data in l
Table l and the corresponding How data [ obtained usin g l
the algorithm developed in Payatakes et al. ( 1973b) ], were
calculated and plotted in Figure 4. These calculations 160 120 80 40 o
correspond to two typical cases, one in which the double J.¡.
layer interaction force F Ey is dominated at all separations
by the London force FLiet (see Figure 2 in Supplement), Fig. 4. Capture trajectories for the conditions in Table 1.

AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. 5) September, 1974 Page 895

wall smaller than the critical one since they would
have to overcome the potential energy barrier to reach
Case Negligible FEy Non-negligible FEy such positions. In this case, the theoretical prediction is
Param e ter Value Value" 110= O and Ào= O.
The strong influence exhibited by the manner of com-
r1" 0.402 0.3975 bination of the double layer force and the molecular dis- ¡;
r2" 0.402 0.3975 persion force on the value of 71 0 as shown above is also

ra" 0.1685 0.1760 consistent with the recent study of Spielman and Cukor
h; 714µ 720µ
0.24274 cm s-1 0.056172 cm s-1 ( 1973). These authors extended the work of FitzPatrick
( vo);
Ne 178 cm- 2 180 cm- 2 (1972) and induded the double layer force in the tra-
Vs 0.1358 cm s-1 0.03 cm s- 1 jectory calculation although they also did not indude
T 25.0ºC 20.0ºC the retardation effect ( see Part II for magnitude of this
p 0.99708 g cm-3 l.O g cm- 3 effect). These authors show that collection of partides
µ 0.008937 poise 0.010050 poise can be attained by a secondary mínimum. In the case of
ap 5µ 4.75µ their model, capture by a secondary mínimum is possible
PP 1.5 g cm- 3 1.06 g cm- 3 at a small distance immediately behind the rear stagna-
e 81 81 tion point of the spherical collector, where a spherical
i/;01 -30mV -70mV partide can be held at equilibrium (by balancing forces
i/;02 -8mV -50mV normal to the collector wall) due to the absence of a net
K 2.8 X 106 cm- 1 5.9 X 104 cm- 1 tangential force. In the framework of the model developed
H 5 X 10- 13 erg l.Ol X 10- 13 erg in this work, capture by a secondary minimum is not
À.e 10- 5 cm 10- 5 cm possible due to the different configuration of the collector
(NRe)i 1.934 0.402427 wall. Indeed, a partide at a small distance from the wall
Na 0.022584 9.78831 X 10-3
of a unit cell, where it experiences a zero net force in the
NE1 53.0952
0.497925 0.945946 direction normal to the wall, always experiences a positive
NvL 1400 28.025 net tangential force that drives it to the exit of the cell.
NLo 5.82836 X 10-s 5.25115 X 10-s
NRs 7.0028 X 10-a 6.59722 X 10-a
0 These values correspond to a set of experimental conditions used

by FitzPatrick (1972), except for the value of v,. Consider a unit cell of the ith type, in dimensionless
form, Figure lb. The limiting trajectory of a partide with
radius ap meets the entrance of a unit cell of the ith type
at a distance (r¡"); from the axis (point K in Figure lb).
example, in the particular case of the conditions in Table Let ( r O" ) ; be the radius at the entrance of the unit cell
l, the separation value for which F Ey + F L/et = O is 8+ cr beyond which the center of the partide cannot go due
= 2.232 X 10-3 • The distance of the corresponding lim- to the presence of the solid wall ( Figure l b) . Of course,
iting trajectory, shown in Figure 4, from the wall at z" (ro"); is a function of the partide radius and can be deter-
= 1.45, 1.25, l.O, 0.75, and 0.50 is a+ = 2.236 x 10- 3, mined by a simple geometric calculation, ( see Supple-
2.235 X 10-3 , 2.232 X 10- 3 , 2.234 X 10- 3 and 2.234 ment).
X 10- 3, respectively. Accordingly, the value of a+ cr can All trajectories that result in capture in a unit cell of
be used directly to calculate the location of the limiting the ith type originate from a position at the entrance
trajectory in cases where ( FEy + FL/et) displays a s tron g
which has radial coordina te larger than or equal to ( r¡ 0 ) i
maximum. In the event that there is more than one value
and less than or equal to ( r0 ") ;. Based on this result, one
of a+ for which (FEy + FL/et) becomes zero, obviously
can calculate the fraction impacted for a cell of the ith
the smallest one is to be considered. This approximate
approach is strictly applicable to cases with dominant type, in other words, the number fraction of the partides
repulsive electrokinetic forces. In physical terms, the lim- which enter the unit cell per unit time, that come to
iting trajectory shown in Figure 4 should be interpreted collision with the wall, provided that one knows the parti-
as follows. When strong repulsive electrokinetic forces de concentration profile at the entrance. Let C; ( 1/2, r")
which dominate the attractive London force beyond a be the volume fraction of the suspended partides at the
critical distance are present, a partide can be captured entrance (such that C;[l/2, (r 0 ");] = O).
by the wall only if its original position is dose enough to It will be assumed that the volume fraction at the
the wall so that there is no need for its penetration through entrance of a unit cell of the ith type is uniform for O ~ r"
the region of dominant repulsive forces for its capture. ~ (r 0"); and zero for (r 0 °); <rº-""'- r2 " (see Figure lb).
This leads to a very small value of Ào, which is in qualita- It will, further, be assumed that the non-zero value of
tive agreement with experimental observa tions ( Fitz- C;(l/2, r") is the same for all unit cells belonging to the
Patrick, 1972). However, in view of the fact that 8 + same unit bed element. This assumption of a flat con-
= 2.23 X 10- 3 with ap = 4.15fL corresponds to a dimen- centration profile is made mainly for convenience in the
sional separation of 8 = 106A, one has to question, in
absence of more suitable information. The assumption that
this case, the validity of the assumption of a smooth wall
C;( 1/2, r") is t he s ame for all unit cells of the same unit
and of a smooth suspended partide surface. Materials
encountered in practice posse~s surface anomalies which bed element implies perfect radial mixing in the packed
exceed by far lO0A, and, therefore, one cannot expect bed, an assumption which was shown to be a valid one
the theoretical trajectory approach to produce reliable by Ison and Ives (1969) who demonstrated that during
predictions unless a way is devised to incorporate in the the initial filtration period the distribution of C, in the
calculation the effect of the surface roughness. Further- axial direction obeys the negative exponential law, in ac-
more, one may argue that in the case of non-negligible cordance with the filtration rate equation, Equation ( 4).
repulsive double layer force, one cannot assume that Based on that assumption one obtains

Page 896 September, 1974 AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. 5)

¡<ro*h ( l ) ( l )
Jcri*>< r"v,,'"
2 , r" C¡
2 , r" dr" For small partides we have q; << q;, and then Equation
'1]0i =--:~-------------- (52) reduces to
. ( (ro*),
(2.2' r") C (2.2' r") dr"
¡ n;d;81101

ip" [ ~, (rz");] - ip" [ ~ , (ro");] 110 =_<_d_ª_>__


=-------------- (51)
ip"( ~.o )-ip"[ ~. (ro")1] RATE OF DEPOSITION AS A FUNCTION OF
The fraction impacted for the entire unit collector 710 is The filtration model developed herein can also be used
given by to calculate the local rate of particle deposition on any
Ic point of the unit cell wall. Such information is valuable
¡ n;(q; - q¡)TJo; in estimating the geometrical changes of the void space
i=l of the packed bed caused by the deposition of partides,
'170 = -I-e------ (52) and thus it can be used to predict the effect of the specillc
n;(q; - q;) deposit on the filtration efficiency and pressure gradient.
An example of calculated rate of deposition as a function
of position on the unit cell wall is given in the Supplement.
where q; is the volumetric flow rate through a unit cell It is shown that virtually all deposition occurs on the upper
of the ith type and q;
is the flow rate through the section half of the unit cell surface.
of the entrance area of a unit cell of the ith type which
corresponds to (ro");< r"~ r2". According to the P-T-T DEPENDENCE OF r¡ 0 ¡ ON THE SIZE OF THE UNIT CELL.
q;= Nc<dcª> i= l, ... , Ic It can be shown (see Supplement) that the calculated

i~t 1¿~f~li~~~f~(tf~_i"i~E~ /l
We also have

q;= 2mf," [~,(ro");] h; (v 2

0) 1 (54)
approximation would therefore be to calculate Ào using the
Substituting Equations (53) and (54) into Equation (52) value of 'Y/Oi corresponding to the unit cell of average size.
one obtains This approximation results in a significant reduction in
computation time, but it should not be expected to be
110= valid for very large partides when ªv
is comparable to
the constriction radius of the smallest unit cell.


This work was performed under Grant No. 337 8452, New
York State Science and Technology Foundation and Grant No.
(55) GK-33976, National Science Foundation.

- - - FRACTION IMPACTED FOR UNIT CEU. Ac = cross section area of the bed
10 OF AVERAGE SIZE A;, B 1, D; = variables used for the description of the un-
disturbed flow in the immediate vicinity of the
wall of a unit cell of the ith type, Equations (32)
A", B", D" = dimensionless variables used for the de-
scription of the flow in the immediate vicinity
of the wall of the dimensionless unit cell, defined
by Equations ( 42) to ( 44)
A;+, B; +, D;+ = dimensionless variables defined by Equa-
tions (42) to (44)
a; = maximum diameter of a unit cell of the ith type
ªv = suspended particle radius
(av" ) i = dimensionless partide radius in a unit cell
of the ith type
C = volume fraction of suspended partides

O.l .._..__._.__....._......__ __._..._....._..................u.._ _..__.................,

C; ( ~,r") = volume fraction profile at the entrance of
0.5 5 10 50 a unit cell of the ith type
2ap, µ de = effective constriction diameter
dg = grain diameter
Fig. S. Plot of froction impocted for a unit bed element ond for its d1 = constriction diameter of a unit cell of the ith type
unit cell of overoge size. {d;-112; i= l, ... , Ic + l} = constriction diameters cor-

AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. 5) September, 1974 Page 897

responding to the set of suction values {pi-11 2;
i= l, ... , Ic + l}, see Payatakes et al. (1973a) N ns =-ap- = -d--,
< g>
relative size
· group (dimens10n-
= 4.8029 X 10- 10 e.s.u. charge ( l e.s.u. charge = less)
l cm dyne½), elementary electric charge, that is,
the charge of one electron
n; = number fraction of pores, the largest constrictions
of which have values within the interval [d;- 112,
= drag force exerted on the suspended particle di+ 112 ]; also, by assumption, the number fraction
= electrokinetic force exerted on the suspended par- of unit cells of the ith type, (see Payatakes et al.,
ticle 1973a)
= grav!tational force exerted on the suspended par- P = pressure, including hydrostatic pressure
ticle p = dimensionless length defined by Equation ( 30),
= inertia force exerted on the suspended particle used as argument of as,p
= London force exerted on the suspended particle {pi-112; i = l, ... , Ic + l} = set of arbitrarily chosen
values of suction partitioning the entire region of
( corrected for the retardation effect) interest of the initial drainage curve diagram (see
F 1 (8+), F 2 (8+), Fa(S+), F4(8+), F 5 (8+), F 6 (8+) = Payatakes et al., 1973a)
universal functions defined by Equations ( 35) ,
( 46) to ( 48), respectively ( see also Supple-
Q = flow rate through the packed bed
q; = flow rate through a unit cell of the ith type
fp(u; _:a) = function expressing the effect of the specific q; = flow rate through the section of the entrance area
deposit on the pressure gradient, Equation ( 5) of a unit cell of the ith type which corresponds
fm1x(8+), fm2x(8+), U(S+), fxt(S+) =
universal func- to (r 0 "); < r" ,,¿_ r 2 "; calculated from Equation
tions, Equation (21) (and Supplement) (54)
fum ( 8+ ) , fi ( 8+) =
universal functions, Equation ( 28) r = radial cylindrical coordinate
( and Supplement) r
fx(u; ~2 ) = function expressing the dependence of À/Ào on
r" = -, h;
dimensionless radial cylindrical coordinate
u, Equation ( 4) (r¡"); = dimensionless radial coordinate of the point of
G 1 ( 8 + ) , G2 ( 8+ ) , G3 ( 8+ ) =
universal functions defined entrance of the limiting trajectory in a unit cell
by Equation ( 36) ( see also Supplement) of the ith type, Figure lb
g = gravitational acceleration r w ( z) = distance of the unit cell wall from its axis at z
gm1w(8+), gm2wUl+), gwr(s+), gwt(s+)

functions, Equation (23) (and Supplement)
rw" ( z") = rw ¡~) ,
dimensionless distance of the unit cell
H Hamaker constant for the system particle-me- '
wall from its axis at z"
hi = height of a unit cell of the ith type
(ro")i = dimensionless radial coordinate at the entrance
of a unit cell of the ith type beyond which the
Ic = number of different types of unit cells center of a given particle cannot go due to the
i = index presence of the solid wall, Figure l b
i = index r1 " =dimensionless radius of the entrance constriction
k = l.38044 X 10- 16 erg ºK- 1, Boltzmann constant of the extended unit cell
L = total length of the filter bed
r2 " =dimensionless maximum radius of the unit cell,
l = length of periodicity of the bed (Payatakes et al., Figure lb
mi = concentration of the ;th ionic species, number per
r3 " =
dimensionless radius of the mid construction of
cm3 the unit cell, Figure lb
Ne = number of constrictions per unit area of a bed T =
absolute temperature
cross section; also, number of unit cells per unit =
!_v, !_E, !e,]), !_Lret drag torque due to electrokinetics,
area of a unit bed element ( see Payatakes et al., gravitational, inertial and London forces, respec-
1973a) tively
N DL = Kllp, double layer parameter ( dimensionless) t =
time measured from the startup of the filtration
N Eh N E2 = fust and second dimensionless electrokinetic
velocity of the center of the particle relative to a
groups defined as
fixed point on the unit cell wall
EK( ,t,201 + ,f,202) Ux, Uw, Uy =
x, w, y components of u
and v =
fluid velocity in the abse~e of suspended parti-
des ( undisturbed fluid velocity)
respectively V8 =
superficial velocity Q/ Ac
NG = 2(pp -
p)aig dim . l . . l
ens1on ess gravltationa group
Vx, Vw, Vy =
x, w, y components of ~
9µ,Vs qi
H ( Vo) i = (r ,. h;) 2 = characteristic velocity for a unit cell
N Lo , London parameter ( dimensionless) 1
911"µ,llp 2V8 of the ith type, ( mean velocity at the entrance of
(NRe)i = ---, Reynolds number characterizing the the extended unit cell)

flow through a unit cell of the ith type v" = --=-,

( Vo)i
dimensionless fluid velocity vector (un-
( NRe)s - - - - , superficial Reynolds number for a disturbed)
packed bed
w = coordinate tangent to the unit cell wall and nor-
mal to the plane ( z, r, O), Figure la
NRet =-211"ap
- , retardation parameter ( dimensionless) x = coordinate tangent to the unit cell wall with
Àe origín at (z", r", O) = (1h, r O), Figure la
2 ",

Page 898 September, 1974

AIChE Journal (Vol, 20, No. :'.,,:,<<iiiiii
xa = parameters vectors of Ào, f>.., fp, respectively
X1, X2, = stream function
y - ; coordinate normal to the unit cell wall, with = surface potential
t/,o2 of suspended particle and
origín on the wall, Figure la grain, respectively; ( the surface potential is ap-
z = axial cylindrical coordinate proximately equal to the zeta potential, and for
ZJ = valency of the ;th ionic species this reason the value of the latter, which can be
Zp = value of z at a certain point P on the unit cell determined experimentally, is usually used) ·
wall ( Figure la)
z 'P = dimensionless stream function
z• = h-' dimensionless axial cylindrical coordinate
l =
h;2 ( vo)i
angular velocity of suspended (spherical)
Greek Le'lten cle
a = angle formed by the z-axis and the tangent on Subscripts
__ the wall, defined by Equation (11)
= retardation factor for London, the force between w = component in the w direction
x = component in the x direction
a sphere and a plate with semi-infinite thickness
= pressure drop across the filter bed y = component in the y direction
8 = separation between spherical particle and unit
cell wall, defined by Equation ( 29) LITERATURE CITED
13+ = -,
dimensionless separation Cookson, J. T., "Removal of Submicron Partides in Packed
Beds," Environ. Sci. Technol., 4, 128 ( 1970).
13+ cr =-mínimum dimensionless separation at which FEy Craft, T. F., "Radiotracer Study of Rapid Sand Filtration.''
+ FLlet= O Ph.D. Dissertation, Georgia Inst. Technology, Atlanta
13+ cr(,1 +) = mínimum dimensionless separation at which FitzPatrick, J. A., "Mechanisms of Particle Capture in Water
FEy + FLyret +Fau+ Fvy = O, for a given ,1+ Filtration," Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard Univ., Cambridge,
E = macroscopic porosity of the bed Mass. (1972).
Ed = porosity of deposited matter - - - . , and L. A. Spielman, "Filtration of Aqueous Latex
Eo = macroscopic porosity of the clean bed Suspensions Through Beds of Glass Spheres," J. Colloid
Interface Sci., 43, 350 (1973).
E = dielectric constant of liquid medium Happel, J., "Viscous Flow in Multiparticle Systems: Slow
,1, , = position coordinates used in trajectory calculation,
2 Motion of Fluids Relative to Beds of Spherical -Partides,"
AIChE J., 4, 197 ( 1958).

= defined as -hi,1 and -h;,2, respectively

see Figure la
Herzig, J. P., D. M. Leclerk, and P. LeGoff, "Flow of Suspen-
,1 °, , 2 ° sions Through Porous Media-Application to Deep Filtra-

,1 ,2 .
+, , + = defined as - and - , respectively
tion," Ind. Eng. Chem., 62 (5), 8 (1970).
Hogg, R., T. W. Healy, and D. W. Fuerstenau, "Mutual
· Coagulation of Colloidal Dispersions," Trans. Faraday Soc.,
ªv ap 66, 1638 ( 1966).
'1JBMo = fraction impacted due to Brownian motion alone Ison, C. R., "Dilute Suspensions in Filtration," Ph.D. Disserta-
'1]TO =fraction impacted due to gravitational, hydrody- tion, Univ. of London ( 1967).
namic, electrokinetic, London, as well as Brown- - - - . , and K. J. Ives, "Removal Mechanisms in Deep Bed
ian forces Filtration," Chem. Eng. Sci., 24, 717 ( 1969).
7Jo = particle number fraction impacted on a clean Ives, K. J., "Rational Design of Filters," Proc. Inst. Civil Engrs.,
unit bed element ( London), 16, 189 ( 1960).
= fraction impacted in a unit cell of the ith type - - - . , "Theory of Filtration," Special Subject No. 7, Intern.
Water Supply Congr. and Exhibition in Vienna, Intern. Water
7JO =particle number fraction collected by a clean unit Supply Assoc. Vienna ( 1969).
bed element - - - . , "The Significance of Theory," J. Inst. Water Engrs.,
8 = angular cylindrical coordinate 25, 13 (1971).
K = double layer reciproca! thickness, Equation ( 31) Mackrle, V., O. Dracka, and J. Svec, "Hydrodynamics of the
À = filter coefficient Disposal of Low Level Liquid Radioactive Wastes in Soil,"
Intern. Atomic Energy Agency, Contract Rept. No. 98,
Àe = wave length of electron oscillation Vienna ( 1965).
ÀTo = 1l ln (
l - 7/TO
) filter coefficient for a clean Mints, D. M., "Modern Theory of Filtration," Special Subject
No. 10, Intern. Water Supply Assoc. Congr., Barcelona
bed taking into account gravitational, hydrody- (1966).
namic, electrokinetic, London, as well as Brown- - - - . , L. N. Paskutskaya, and Z. V. Chernova, "On the
ian forces Mechanism of the Filtration Process on Rapid Water Treat-
Ào = filter coefficient for a clean bed
ment Filters," (Russ.) Zh. Priklad., Khim., 8, 1965 (1967);
cited by Ives ( 1969).
µ, = dynamic viscosity O'Melia, C. R., and W. Stumm, "Theory of Water Filtration,"
v = kinematic viscosity J. Am. Water Works Assoc., 59, 1393 ( 1967).
p = density of liquid Payatakes, A. C., "A New Model for Granular Porous Media.
Pv = suspended particle density Application to Filtration through Packed Beds," Ph.D. Dis-
cr = specific deposit ( volum e of deposited matter per sertation, Syracuse Univ., New York ( 1973).
- - - . , Chi Tien, and R. M. Turian, "A New Model for
unit bed volume)
-r = time measured from the moment at which the Granular Porous Media: Part I. Model Formulation," AIChE
J., 19, 58 ( 1973a).
suspension first reached the bed position under
- - - - - . , "A New Model for Granular Porous Media:
consideration Part li. Numerical Solution of Steady State Incompressible
<I>(zº) = function defined by Equation (13) Newtonian Flow Through Periodically Constricted Tubes,"
<l>p = quantity defined by Equation ( 15) ibid., 67 ( 1973b).
<1> 0 = quantity defined by Equation ( 16) Payatakes, A. C., R. Rajagopalan, and Chi Tien, "Application
tf>s = shape factor of the grains composing the packed of Porous Media Models to the Study of Deep Bed Filtra-
bed tion," Can. J. Chem. Eng., in press ( 1974a).

AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. S) September, 1974 Page 899

"On the Use of Happel's Porous Media 607 ( 1973).
Model in Studies," J. Colloid Interface Sci., in Spielman, L. A., and S. L. Goren, "Capture of Small Partides
(1974b). by London Forces From Low-Speed Liquid Flows," Environ.
R., and J. Happel, "Analytical Study of Heat and Mass Sci. Technol., 4, 135 (1970).
Transfer in Multiparticle Systems at Low Reynolds Num- Yao, K.-M., "Influence of Suspended Particle Size on the
bers," AIChE J., 10, 605 ( 1964). Transport Aspect of Water Filtration," Ph.D. Dissertation,
Spielman, L. A., and P. M. Cukor, "Deposition of Non-Brown-
ian Partides Under Colloidal Forces," J. Colloid Interface Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1968).
Sci.,43,51 (1973). - - - . , M. T. Habibian, and C. R. O'Melia, "Water and
t/\ ::;;püilman, L. A., and J. A. FitzPatrick, "Theory for Particle Waste Water Filtration: Concepts and Applications," En-
Under London and Gravity Forces," ibid., 42, viron. Sci. Technol., 5, 1105 (1971).

Part 11. Case Study of the Effect of the Dimensionless Groups and
Comparison with Experimental Data

A case study is made to determine the dependence of the deep bed

filtration rate (expressed in terms of the fraction of suspended partides
impacted) on the eight dimensionless parameters, which are found to be
relevant in the filtration process, based on the trajectory calculation
method developed in Part I of this series. In addition, comparisons between
based on the theoretical model of this work and available experi-
mental data are made. Comparisons are also made with some of FitzPatrick's
theoretical results. The results of this study demonstrate dearly the com-
plex and interactive nature of the relation between the various parameters
and the efficiency of filtration. Accordingly, the conventional format of
correlating experimental data, which equates the filter coefficient with a
product of the pertinent dimensionless groups, each raised to an empirical
exponent, will not be adequate in providing a generalized correlation of
experimental filtration data.

The use of dimensional analysis for correlating deep bed in Part I are used to make a more complete study of the
filtration data was made rather recently by Ison and Ives dependence of the fraction impacted on the dimensionless
(1969) in an attempt to establish the dependence of the parameters appearing in the mathematical formulation.
initial filter coefficient on a few of the dimemionless Apart from the fact that the porous media model used
parameters pertinent to deep bed filtration. More re- in the present study (P-T-T model) is more realistic than
cently FitzPatrick (1972) proposed a theoretical model models used by previous investigators, the present study
of deep bed filtration, based on which he calculated the is also more complete since it includes the retardation
dependence of the initial filter coefficient on some of
effect on the molecular dispersion force.
the dimensionless groups appearing in his mathematical
formulation. This study concludes with comparisons between theo-
In this part of this series, the theoretical model of deep retical results and experimental data, as well as compari-
bed filtration and the method for its solution developed sons with some of FitzPatrick's theoretical results.


The dependence of the fraction (of suspended partides) dispersion force at separations larger than a critical one.
impacted, 'l/O, on each of the dimensionless groups appear- Such situations may take place through a comhination of
ing in the trajectory equation is determined in a case several factors. The dependence of 'l/O, (or Ào) on the vari-
study. Jt is found that when the molecular dispersion ous dimensionless groups is such that the quantity
force dominates the double layer interaction force at all Ào<d9 > cannot be expressed as a product of the
separations the effect of the latter is negligible, but a powers of the various dimensionless groups over extended
sharp drop of 'l/O (or of the initial filter coefficient, Ào) in ranges of these groups, and the simple product expres-
excess of three orders of magnitude is observed for any sion suggested by Ison and Ives (1969) has only limited
change of the parameters that leads to situation in which validity over small ranges of the dimensionless groups.
a repulsive double layer interaction force becomes suffici- For studies over wide ranges of the group values, the
ently larger in magnitude than the attractive molecular designer has to resort to additional experimentation or to

Page 900 September, 1974 AIChE Journal (Vol. 20, No. 5)

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