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Tugas English Conversation

Fotografi dan Film

Mikaila Khafka

1. There are three kinds of Verbs: Action Verbs, Linking Verbs, Helping + Main Verbs.

Classify the verb based on its function Function

A verb that completes each other The helping verb comes before the
helping verb
main verb.

A verb that shows action. It tells what the subject of the sentence does. action verb

A verb that links or connects, the subject to the predicate. It does not
linking verb
show action.

2. Underline the verb and then decide the type of the verb

a. Now the teacher is asking questions to see if the students have understood the lesson.
Verb type = helping/main
b. Rita runs a mile every day.
Verb type = action verb
c. Students of Photography and Film Department are taking a picture of nature.
Verb type = action verb
e. Frank was tired after work.
Verb type = linking verb
f. I did my homework right after school.
Verb type = action verb
g. Thomas raised his hand.
Verb type = action verb
h. The ocean water tastes salty
Verb type = linking verb
i. Randy is studying for his grammar test.
Verb type = helping/main
j. I am thirsty after all that running
Verb type = linking verb

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