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Thank you sir Salman Abbas for creating a safe and supportive space for us to share and reflect on our

Losing a parent is a fear that most people have, but it is something that everyone will experience at some point in
their life. This story is about my brother and how he took on a leadership role after my father's death. We are four
siblings in total, three sisters and one brother, and my father was only 52 years old. In December 2017, my family
and I were excited to attend my cousin's wedding.

On the day of the first wedding event, the mehndi ceremony, my father was not feeling well due to the cold
weather. After dinner, he went to rest while the rest of us enjoyed the mehndi program. In the early hours of the
morning, my aunt came to tell us that my father was not feeling well and we should go check on him. When we
arrived at his side, we saw that he was having a very bad cough. We decided to take him to the hospital and my
brother and my mother accompanied him in the ambulance. On the way to the hospital, my father told my mother
and brother that he did not want to leave us and gave us smile. We all thought that he would be fine after taking
some medicine and would come back home with us.

However, when we arrived at the hospital, the doctors told us that my father had a major heart attack and needed
to be put on a ventilator. He remained on the ventilator for three days, but he was never able to open his eyes or
speak to us again. He passed away, leaving us all devastated. It has been six years since he left us and we still
struggle to come to terms with his loss.

During these past six years, my brother has taken on a lot of responsibility to support the family and business. He
was studying to be a software engineer, but due to the added pressure of my father's death, he had to stop his
education and focus on our business. In these years my brother took on many responsibilities, including
completing my BBA degree and taking care of the arrangements for both his own and my sister's marriages. He
truly stepped up as a leader in our family during a difficult time. Despite this, he has remained strong and has been
a proud brother and son to our family.

‫چار دن بھی کوئی دوسرا نہیں نبھا سکتا‬

‫جو کردار ایک باپ ساری زندگی نبھاتا ہے‬

LFS (Leader Follower and Situation): My brother was a leader in this situation, taking on responsibilities and making
decisions to support his family. The situation was the loss of my father and the step taken by my brother to step up
and hold on to this role as the head of our family.

AOR (Action Observation Reflection): After my father's death, my brother acted to support family and business. He
observed the situation and the needs of our family and made decisions based on that. Over the years, he has
reflected on his actions and adjusted as needed.

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