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1) Which fundamental movement skills refer to stationary movement?
Answer: Non-locomotor movement
2) A type of fundamental skills that uses any body part to move or control an
Answer: Manipulative
3) Which fundamental movement refers to traveling from one place to
Answer: Locomotor
4) It is a movement from a straight position into a curved position.
Answer: Bending
5) It is a rotating part of the body while its base stays stationary.
Answer: Twisting
6) Stopping a tossed object using various parts of the body.
Answer: Trapping
7) It is applying force against an object or person to move it away from one’s
Answer: Pushing
8) It is done by moving body part side to side or forward and back, like a
Answer: Swinging
9) It is stopping the ball or an object with the use of the hand or both hands.
Answer: Catching
10) It is stepping on one foot and cutting the other either sideward or
Answer: Galloping
11) It is moving by turning over and over on an axis.
Answer: Rolling
12) A step on one foot followed by the other foot continuously with longer
strides and at a faster speed than walking.
Answer: Running
13) It is done with a step and hops using the same foot.
Answer: Skipping
14) It is springing on one foot and landing on the other foot.
Answer: Leaping


1) It is defined as the relative position of the body at any movement.
Answer: Posture
2) It is a body condition commonly seen in the neck and lower back.
Answer: Cross-syndrome
3) It is a forward head posture with a rounded shoulder.
Answer: Upper-cross syndrome
4) It is an increased curve in the lower back when viewed from the side.
Answer: Lower-cross syndrome
5) It is an exaggerated inward curvature of the spine commonly seen in the
cervical and lumbar region of the spine.
Answer: Lordotic curves
6) It is an exaggerated outward curvature of the spine commonly seen in the
thoracic region of the spine.
Answer: Kyphotic curves
1) At or near the front of the body.
Answer: Anterior
2) It is a vertical line that divides the body from left to right.
Answer: Midline
3) Towards the head/upper part of a structure.
Answer: Superior
4) It is near the origin of the structure.
Answer: Proximal
5) It is the body if lying face up.
Answer: Supine
6) It is the part of the body located between the pelvic floor and diaphragm.
Answer: Core
7) It is the integrated functioning of all the body components linked together.
Answer: Kinetic Chain
8) It is an imaginary flat surface running through the body.
Answer: Planes
9) It is an imaginary line at right angles to the plane, about which the body
rotates or spins.
Answer: Axis
10) It is an imaginary line that passes from side to side and divides the body
into front and back.
Answer: Frontal plane
11) It is an imaginary line that passes through the middle of the body and
divides the body horizontally in an upper and lower half.
Answer: Transverse plane
12) It is a line runs from left to right through the center of the body.
Answer: Frontal axis
13) It is a line runs front to back through the center of the body.
Answer: Sagittal axis
14) It is the most superficial layer of the muscles in your trunk.
Answer: Rectus abdominis
15) It is line both sides of the lower abdomen, from the lower rib cage to the
bottom of pelvic bowl.
Answer: Internal oblique
16) It is one of the most outermost abdominal muscles, extending from lower
half of the ribs around and down to the pelvis.
Answer: External oblique
17) It acts opposite of rectus abdominis to brace the spine and provides
Answer: Erector spinae
18) This muscle provides additional support when the spine rotates, tilts to the
side, or extend backwards.
Answer: Multifidus
19) This muscle provides stability to lumbar spine together with other muscles
of the hip when performing a wide variety of movements.
Answer: Quadratus lumborum
20) It aids in posture and spinal stability by acting as the floor of the cylinder
and helps maintain intra-abdominal pressure.
Answer: Pelvic bone
1) It is an ability or capacity of the muscle to exert force against a resistance.
Answer: Muscular strength
2) It is an ability of muscles to perform or sustain a muscles contraction
repeatedly over a period of time.
Answer: Muscular endurance
3) It is an ability to move a joint smoothly throughout a full range of motion.
Answer: Flexibility
4) It is an ability to transfer energy explosively into force.
Answer: Power
5) It is an ability to maintain some degree of equilibrium while moving or while
standing still.
Answer: Balance
6) What kind of core stabilization engages the deeper abdominal muscles
drawn in?
Answer: Hollowing
7) This is done by setting the abdominal area as if expecting to receive a blow
(punch) to the midsection.
Answer: Bracing
8) What muscle groups are activated in bracing the core?
Answer: Rectus abdominis, oblique, and glutes
9) What training guideline refers to putting additional load or intensity on the
exercise after adapting to it?
Answer: Progression
10) What training guideline pertains reduction of the intensity, resistance, or
load of exercise/training?
Answer: Regression

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