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Running an Establish Guide

(Lonelywood 'Ramshackle Inn')

[Running an Establishment] - An establishment dependent on sale must keep the sales up
and costs down. This means during a bad season the establishment could take a loss. But if
properly managed it is likely to turn a profit. This guide will help cover that.

[Sales & Costs] – Depending on the size of the settlement, and its population that your
establishment is in will normally determine its revenue and expenses margins, which are
determined by dice.
● City (Large) – 2d6 subtracted by 1d4 or 2d4 depending on rival businesses
● Town (Medium) – 1d8 subtracted by 1d4
● Village (Small) – 1d6 subtracted by 1d4

[Determining Payout] – Ultimately these numbers can increase or decrease at the DMs
desecration but following the example below as a guideline to what the payout gives the players.
(The players rolled a 5 for Revenue & a 3 for Expenses equaling to a +2 for revenue)
● City (Large) – Has a large payout of 200 gold.
● Town (Medium) – Can vary between large or smaller payouts of 200 or 20 gold.
● Village (Small) – Has a smaller payout of 20 gold.

[Proper Staffing] – Making sure you have the proper staff to run your business can affect
your revenue and expenses depending on if you’re over or understaffed. There’s no set guide to
this because an establishment can vary in size so both players and the DM can work together to
determine what is reasonable to make sure the establishment is running efficiently.
For example, if you’re overstaffed you can be paying too much on workers you don’t need. If
understaffed your workers become exhausted and can’t properly keep the establishment tidy or
keep up with demands, leading to unsatisfied customers.
Regardless of the reason or scenario that an establishment is or isn’t running as well as it should
the DM can increase or decrease rolls to determine these outcomes.
● Overstaffed/Understaffed – When rolling the expense die, add a +1 to the roll.
● Properly Staffed – When rolling the revenue die, add a +1 to the roll.
Lonelywood Inn Upgrades
[First Floor]
Room Description Cost
3 Booth Tables with Couches, 2 Rectangular Tables
with 2 Benches each, 1 Round Gaming Table with 4
Dining Area 50 Gold
Chairs, Fireplace with 2 Chairs.

Bar 1 Bar, 4 Stools, 2 Liquor Racks, 2 Barrels, 1 Cabinet 25 Gold

2 Prepping Tables, 1 Rectangular Table with 4 Chairs,

Kitchen 2 Cooking Ovens, 2 Cooking Pots, Kitchen Tools, 30 Gold
2 Tool Racks, 2 Cabinets

Kitchen Storage Provides Crates, Barrels and Additional Cabinets for the 5 Gold
Kitchen, along with Cleaning Tools.

[Total Cost: 110 Gold]

[Second Floor]
Room Description Cost

Small 1 Person 1 Single Person Bed, 1 End Table, 1 Footlocker, 1 Chair 10 Gold
Bedroom (Max 4)

Medium 2 Person 1 Full Size Bed, 2 End Tables, 1 Dresser, 1 Couch, 30 Gold
Bedroom (Max 2)
1 Square Table with 2 Chairs (Each)
Large 2 Person 1 Full Size Bed, 2 End Tables, 2 Dressers, 1 Couch, 50 Gold
Suite (Max 1)
1 Square Table with 2 Chairs, 1 Safe, 1 Fireplace

[Total Cost: 120 Gold]

Room Description Cost

Storage Area Provides storage needed for the inn. Crates, Barrels, and 10 Gold
Spare Furniture.

Office Room 1 Office Desk, 1 Chair, 1 Cabinet, and 1 Safe. 15 Gold

[Total Cost: 25 Gold]

Lonelywood Inn Statistics

[Settlement Size] – Lonelywood has a population of 150 people. Therefore, it falls under a
Village (Small) settlement.

When Upgrading
[Sales & Cost] – The players will need to upgrade the Kitchen, Kitchen Storage, Dining Area,
and at least 2 Bedrooms before they can start rolling for revenue.
● When rolling for Revenue use 1d6 and award gold if result is positive.
o +10 Gold awarded for each number above 0.
● When rolling for Expenses use 1d4 and charge gold if result is negative.
o –10 gold for each number below 0.

[Staff] – When upgrading the Inn, players will need at least 2 staff members working there. If
players have less staff needed or more staff required, add an additional +1 to the expenses die.

Fully Upgraded
[Sales & Cost] – Once the Inn has been fully upgraded and properly staffed the results for
Revenue and Expenses will adjust accordingly.
● When rolling for Revenue use 1d6 +1 and award gold if result is positive.
o +10 Gold awarded for each number above 0.
● When rolling for Expenses use 1d4 and charge gold if result is negative.
o –10 gold for each number below 0.

[Staff] – When the Inn is fully upgraded, the players will need between 3-4 staff members
working there. If players have 4 staff members add an additional +1 to the revenue die.

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