Sharma2021 Article SustainableSynthesisOfSilverNa

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Emergent Materials


Sustainable synthesis of silver nanoparticles using various biological

sources and waste materials: a review
Deepak Sharma1 · Sehaj Singh Gulati1 · Nitish Sharma2 · Abhishek Chaudhary1 

Received: 25 June 2021 / Accepted: 21 August 2021

© Qatar University and Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Recently, with the developments in the field of nanotechnology, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have become one of the most
fascinated nanoparticles by virtue of their multifarious applications in wide array of disciplines. AgNPs hold unique physical,
chemical, and biological properties which determine their suitability in these applications. The synthesis of AgNPs using the
principles of green chemistry in contrast to other methods is not only eco-friendly and cost-effective, but the nanoparticles
thus formed are also biocompatible. AgNPs produced by such means express certain unique characteristics which allow
them to be used as antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer agents. Moreover, natural catalytic action for degra-
dation of pollutants, usefulness in treatment of diabetes-related complications, and wound healing properties make AgNPs
even more valuable. A lot of work has been done on AgNPs in the past, hence a comprehensive review article will be more
beneficial for the readers and futuristic work. Therefore, the present review article is aimed to provide a detailed study of
various biological methodologies employed in synthesis of AgNPs, their characteristics, and applications in various fields.

Keywords  Silver nanoparticles · Green synthesis · Antimicrobial activity · Biomolecules · Sustainable development

1 Introduction cosmetics [7], food [8], feed [9], mechanics [10], electronics
[11], energy devices [12], and medicinal applications [13].
Nanotechnology is one of the fastest growing fields of sci- Nanoparticles from noble metal like gold, platinum,
ence which creates abundant opportunities for industries. palladium, copper, and silver have gained significant atten-
The discipline can be defined as the creation and use of tion for their broad spectrum of applications, but silver is
nano-sized particles (1–100 nm) for multiple application as remarkably ahead of others due to its exclusive set of prop-
a virtue of unique properties [1]. Materials at nano-scale erties. Silver is known for its strong antibacterial effects
behave differently and acquire very high surface area to vol- from centuries and has been utilized for prevention and to
ume ratio, which leads to both physical and chemical differ- inhibit deadly infections [14]. Silver have the potential to
ences in their properties (e.g. electrical, optical, mechanical, kill around 650 disease causing pathogenic microorgan-
and magnetic properties) as compared to the bulk counter- isms [15]. In addition to elemental silver, the nano forms
part [2]. These distinct and unique properties of material of silver are also receiving huge attention due to their anti-
at the nano-scale enables them as potential candidate for bacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities, as well as
various applications such as sensors [3], imaging [4], drug their high conductivity, catalytic activity, and chemical
delivery [5], conformational studies of biomolecule [6], stability [16, 17]. Other metals such as copper (Cu), gold
(Au), iron (Fe), titanium (Ti), and zinc (Zn) also possess
antimicrobial activity but silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
* Abhishek Chaudhary have several advantages over the other metals like small;
loss of the optical frequency during the surface-plasmon
Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Jaypee propagation, high electrical and thermal conductivity,
University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, thermal stability, low cost compared to gold and platinum,
India higher chemical stability, and catalytic activity making
Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (A them more desirable [18–23]. Furthermore, AgNPs are
National Institute under the Department of Biotechnology, extensively used in cryogenic super-conducting material,
Govt. of India), S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali Punjab, India

Emergent Materials

cosmetic products, food industries, electronic component, 2 History of nanotechnology and AgNPs

and in biomedical applications such as wound dressing and
topical creams [24–28]. The origin of nanotechnology can be traced back to 1800
Beneficial effects of nanomaterials are highly influenced AD, when Michael Faraday for the first time reported the
by the methodologies and materials used for their synthesis. formation of metal nanoparticles. However, he did not
Nowadays, different methodologies are available for the syn- use the term nanoparticle or colloidal solution. Instead,
thesis of metal nanoparticles are photochemical [1], green he called it “activated gold” [54]. He explained his work
[29], electrochemical [30], chemical [31], and physical [32]. at Royal Society of London and said, “gold reduced in
However, selection of synthesis approach primarily relies on exceedingly fine particles, which becoming diffused, pro-
parameters like cost, instrumentation facility, potential risks, duce a ruby red fluid, the various preparations of gold,
and applications, even though most of demands are fulfilled whether, ruby, green, violet or blue consist of that sub-
by the physical and chemical synthesis methods [33] but stance in a metallic divided state” [54]. He reduced the
the environmental issues and operational risks associated metallic gold with phosphorus salt and demonstrated the
with them are higher. Moreover, nanoparticles synthesized phenomena of scattering of light by colloidal gold called
through chemical routes are not safe every time because Tyndall effect. After Faraday’s first scientific proof on gold
of the hazardous chemicals involved in the synthesis pro- nanoparticles synthesis, in the 1940s, silica nanoparticles
cess [34] and can enter into humans through hand to mouth were synthesized and marketed in USA and Germany as
contact, breathing, and skin contacts. The inhaled chemi- a substitute of carbon black to reinforce rubber [55]. In
cal fumes can cause lung inflammation and heart problems. the year 1959, in a future visionary lecture, Feynman said
Skin contact with these chemicals can cause skin rashes and “there is plenty of room at the bottom” in context to the
burns. In case the chemicals come in contact with a person’s hidden potential of dimensionally small matter. He also
eyes, it can affect vision adversely [35, 36]. states that “The principles of physics, as far as I can see,
The green routes to synthesize nanoparticles could be do not speak against the possibility of manoeuvring things
a sustainable alternative for the planet in mitigating the atom by atom” [56]. But at that time, his words were not
hazardous effects of various chemicals and solvents used appreciated and were considered as conceptual and sci-
in the traditional synthesis strategies [37]. The utilization ence fiction.
of biological sources for synthesis of nanomaterials is The scientific history of AgNPs began over 120 years
known as green synthesis which is emerging as a potential ago. It started in 1889 when the synthesis of a citrate sta-
alternative to the costly and hazardous chemical processes bilized silver colloid was reported [57]. The stabilization
[38–40]. Green synthesis route utilizes biological sources of AgNPs using proteins has also been reported in 1902
including microbes (fungi, algae, and bacteria) lichens, and [55]. However, the commercial manufacturing started in
plant extracts for metal nanoparticles synthesis [20, 41, 42]. 1897 under the name “Collargol” for medical applications
Furthermore, the waste generated from food, agriculture, [58]. After that, gelatin-stabilized AgNPs production was
wood industry, and pharmaceutical industries can be utilized reported in 1953 [59]. Since then, lots of scientific studies
for sustainable production of nanoparticles [43–45]. These have been conducted testing the application of AgNPs for
wastes are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fla- various purposes.
vonoids, polyphenols, and carotenoids that can be effectively
utilized for the reduction of metal ions [46–53]. Therefore,
the purpose of current review article is to sensitize scien-
tific community with existing information on green routes 3 Methods of nanoparticle synthesis
of AgNP synthesis and to open new perspectives for the sus-
tainable development. The mechanisms of AgNP synthesis In general, nanoparticle synthesis can be accomplished
through various biological routes have also been described by two major approaches viz. top down and bottom up
in the current review article. Furthermore, this review article (Fig.  1). In the top-down approach, larger particles
will also provide a comparative information on various bio- mechanically break into smaller nano-scale particle.
logically produced AgNPs, their characteristics, and appli- This approach involves physical breaking of large par-
cability. Additionally, information about the progressive path ticles through high energy process and mainly used in
travelled by AgNPs to in vivo and clinical stage trials have microelectronic industries to create electronic feature on
also been included in the current review. the surface of silicon wafers [60]. Mechanical milling,
laser ablation, lithography, and ion sputtering are some
of the most widely used top-down methods. Advantages
of top-down methods include that these are operationally

Emergent Materials

Fig. 1  Various physical and

chemical methods of AgNPs

simple and can produce nanoparticles in bulk. Bottom-up polyaniline, hexamine, and maltol, rhodamine B isothio-
approach of metal nanoparticle synthesis involves assem- cyanate or fluorescein isothiocyanate, and lauryl sulfobe-
bly of ions or basic unit into nano particles. Reduction of taine are some of the reported capping agents employed
metal ion using a suitable agent is the key to this approach. to stabilize AgNPs [69–80]. However, most of the chemi-
The biggest advantage of bottom-up approach is that thus cals (sodium borohydride, potassium bitartrate, methoxy-
produced nanostructures possess less defects and have polyethylene glycol, and hydrazine) and solvents (sodium
more homogenous chemical composition. A wide range dodecyl benzyl sulphate and polyvinyl pyrrolidone) used
of chemical and biological reducing agents have been used in chemical synthesis are toxic [81, 82] and also lead to
for the reduction of metal ions to metal nanoparticles. Bot- the generation of toxic by-products like iminodiacetic
tom-up approach of synthesis can be further categorized acid [HN(CH2COOH)2] [83]. Most of market demands of
into chemical and green synthesis. Both these approaches metal nanoparticles are fulfilled by chemical synthesis,
include three major components viz. metal ion source, a but at the same time, environmental and human health
reducing agent, and a capping agent [61, 62]. Chemical risks are also associated with use of such methods. The
synthesis utilizes a range of chemicals for the reduction inappropriate disposal of these toxic substances is also
of silver salts into AgNPs viz. sodium borohydride, triso- a big issue to deal with [84]. The disposal of these waste
dium citrate dihydrate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, N,N chemicals firstly requires a categorization. The innocuous
dimethylformamide (DMF), and polymeric compound aqueous waste like sodium chloride solution can be poured
such as polymethylmethacrylate, poly(vinylpyrrolidone), into sink directly, while dilute acids, alkali, and harmless
and polyoxometalate [63–68]. There is also wide range of inorganic salt solutions can be disposed with excess of
chemicals that can be used as capping agents to stabilize water. However, solutions having toxic compounds should
AgNPs. Trisodium citrate, hydrazine sulphate, chalcone be collected separately. The solutions having metals like
carboxylic acid, sodium 3-mercapto1-propanesulfonate, mercury can be subjected to recycling. In contrast to the
methyl cellulose, riboflavin, citrate/l-cysteine, cyclodex- above-mentioned substances, the red list chemicals (tran-
trin, thiol terminated chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol, gluco- sitional metals, cyanides, hydrocarbons, nitrites, fluorides
nate, polyethyleneimine, thioglycolic acid, citrate + hexa- etc.) should never be washed down [85–87]. Furthermore,
peptide, cyclen dithiocarbamate, poly(vinylpyrrolidone), the waste solvents can be separated into chlorinated and
glycolaldeyde, cetyltr imet hylammoniumclor ide, non-chlorinated categories. The chlorinated waste solvents

Emergent Materials

can be incinerated at high temperature while non-chlorin- purpose as these wastes are quite rich in primary and sec-
ated solvents can be burned to recover energy [88]. The ondary metabolites (sugars, polyphenols, alkaloids, terpenes
disadvantages and constraints of chemical methods have etc.). The biomolecules from these wastes have significant
led scientists to explore alternative methods of synthesis. potential (reduction and stabilization) to produce metal
Green synthesis approach is much fascinated in current nanoparticles [84, 95].
scenario as it overcomes most of the shortcomings associ- Prior studies have shown that green synthesized AgNPs
ated with traditional methodologies. also possess better biocompatibility as compare to those
synthesized through physical and chemical methods
[96–99]. Bone stem cells of mice were observed to have
4 Green synthesis of AgNPs approximately 50% more viability when treated with AgNPs
(0.1 mg/l) synthesized with Nigella sativa leaf extract in
Green approach of AgNP synthesis generally utilizes bac- comparison with chemically synthesized AgNPs after 24 h
teria, algae, fungi, or plant extracts as reducing and cap- of exposure [100]. However, this biocompatibility varies
ping agents. Most synthesis processes have multiple steps with change in species of biological source used in the syn-
(synthesis, stabilization, and functionalization) (Fig. 2). thesis process [89]. The biological activities of AgNPs and
Multistep synthesis requires separate reagents in each of other metal nanoparticles are greatly influence various fac-
the steps (reducing agent, stabilizing agent, and functional tors. These factors include size distribution, morphology,
reagent). However, single-step reactions also exist that offers surface charge, surface chemistry, capping agents, concen-
some advantages. Firstly, it shortens the synthesis process; tration of metal salt, pH, temperature, and time. Light is
secondly, it reduces number of reagents required in the syn- also a crucial factor in photogenic synthesis of AgNPs [90,
thesis (Fig. 2) [89, 90]. Plant or plant-based materials are 101–103]. Conclusively, we can say that every biological
more suitable for large-scale production of safe, eco-friendly source has its own benefits and limitations. However, the
nanoparticles [91, 92]. But plant sources are depleting on selection of one amongst all will rely on the probabilistic
an alarming speed; therefore, technically, these should not applications for which they are being developed. In the sub-
be the primary source of materials for nanoparticle synthe- sequent sections, we will discuss potent biological sources
sis. Alternatively, bacteria and fungi could be the excellent employed in the AgNP synthesis (Fig. 3).
candidates for synthesizing nanoparticles [93, 94]. Employ- Despite of fact that AgNPs exhibit wide range of use-
ing microbial sources for synthesis requires highly aseptic ful activities, the adverse effects of AgNPs on humans and
conditions and skilled personals for isolation procedures, environment cannot be ignored [104–106]. Although the
microbial growth analysis, and culture maintenance. Fur- long historical use of silver has not shown obvious adverse
thermore, wastes especially kitchen and agriculture-based effects, there is concern about the potential risks of AgNPs
waste materials could also be a good choice for synthesis in the environment. Hence, AgNPs can be toxic to humans

Fig. 2  Comparison between
green synthesis and other syn-
thesis methods

Emergent Materials

Fig. 3  Schematic representa-
tion of biological approach of

and other life forms (aquatic and non-aquatic both). Com- antimicrobial activity of these AgNPs is very much depend-
pared to chemically synthesized AgNPs, green synthesized ent on its size and morphology. The possible reasons for
AgNPs believed to be non-toxic based on toxicity data on this could be that diverse morphologies provide different
in vivo cell line studies. The literature suggested that the amounts of surface area to interact with microbes. Thus,
fate and toxicity of AgNPs are determined by the types of these interactions result in different level of antibacterial
coating on their surface [107, 108]. There are several pro- efficacy [112–117]. The differential biological activities of
posed mechanisms on the toxicity of AgNPs, but a univer- AgNPs on microorganisms due to variations in shape, size,
sally accepted conclusion is still lacking [109]. Hence, an and geometry can be studied by methods like disc or well
important question here whether the toxicity of AgNPs is diffusion assay and broth microdilution assay. However, the
­ g+ still remains
from the nanoparticles or it is related to A damaging effects of shape, size, and geometry on organisms
unanswered. Therefore, authors believes that further effort can be traced by techniques like scanning electron micros-
should be made to try to discern the toxicity of AgNPs and copy and transmission electron microscopy [112, 118, 119].
silver ions. Intracellular synthesis of nanoparticles is a multistep pro-
cess and involves steps like cell membrane disruption by
4.1 Microbial mediated AgNP synthesis ultrasound treatment or treatment with suitable detergents
to release the synthesized nanoparticles. Moreover, down
Green synthesis of nanoparticles using bacteria has emerged streaming involves many treatments to remove impurities
as a rapidly growing branch of nanotechnology. In the recent [120]. Contrary, extracellular process is achieved by utiliz-
past, large numbers of bacterial species have been used in ing the cell biomass or culture supernatant [121, 122]. At the
the green synthesis of nanoparticles (Ag, Au, Pd, Pt, CdS same time, extracellular biosynthesis is comparatively cheap
etc.) [33]. AgNPs of various shapes and sizes can be pro- and have simpler downstream processing. Hence, extracel-
duced from bacterial sources. AgNPs in the form of equi- lular synthesis of nanoparticles is suitable for large-scale
laterals, triangles, and hexagons having size up to 200 nm production of AgNPs [123]. Bacteria can produce AgNPs by
has been produced from Pseudomonas stutzeri AG259 number of mechanisms like absorbing the ions, ion adsorp-
[110]. Moreover, Lactobacillus sp. in buttermilk has been tion on their surface, and secreting enzymes, proteins, and
documented by Nair and Pradeep (2002) to produce gold, other reducing moieties in the surrounding medium [124].
silver, and gold-silver alloy particles of 20–50 nm in size Generally, majority of metal ions are noxious to bacterial
possessing hexagonal and triangular shapes. Likewise, the cells and the reduction of metal ions to nanoparticles is a
supernatants of Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli, and defence mechanism adopted by the bacteria to overcome the
Enterobacter cloacae have been successfully employed to toxic effect of metal ions. One of the mechanisms of AgNP
reduce ­Ag+ to A­ g0 to produce AgNPs. The resultant AgNPs synthesis is the reduction of silver nitrate by enzyme reduc-
were 28.2 nm to 122 nm in size. There are many other exam- tase [125]. Additionally, various cofactors and enzymes have
ples where silver ions have been reduced by bacteria to pro- been known to be involved in the electron shuttle system
duce morphologically diverse AgNPs listed in Table 1. The which interacts with silver ions and reduces silver ions ­(Ag+)

Emergent Materials

Table 1  Examples of bacterial synthesized AgNPs and their characteristics

Bacteria Size (nm) Shape Applications References

Pseudomonas stutzeri AG259 200 Eqilateral triangles and hexagones Thin films and surface coating technolo- [110]
Bacillus subtilis 5–50 Spherical and triangular – [126]
Brevibacterium casei 10–50 Spherical Anticoagulant [127]
Streptomyces hygroscopicus 20–30 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [128]
Geobacillus stearothermophilus 5–35 Spherical – [129]
Escherichia coli (S30, S78), Bacillus 15–50 Spherical – [130]
megaterium (S52), Acinetobacter sp.
(S7), and Stenotrophomonas malt-
ophilia (S54)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 13 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [131]
Pseudomonas antarctica, Pseudomonas 6–13 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [132]
proteolytica, Pseudomonas meridiana,
Arthrobacterkerguelensis, Arthrobac-
ter gangotriensis, Bacillus indicus, and
Bacillus cecembensis
Morganella morganii RP42 10–50 Quasispherical – [133]
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 14.6 Circular and triangular Antimicrobial activity [134]
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 8–12 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [121]
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 4–40 Spherical Biofilm disruption [135]
Bacillus flexus 12 and 65 Spherical and triangular Antimicrobial activity [136]
Bacillus stearothermophilus 9.96–22.7 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [137]
Escherichia coli – – Antimicrobial activity [138]
Pseudomonas putida NCIM 2650 70 – – [139]
Bacillus strain CS 11 42–92 Spherical – [123]
Rhodhococcus sp. 10–15 Spherical Antimicrobial and catalysis [140]
Bacillus safensis LAU 13 5–30 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [141]
Delftia sp. strain KCM-006 9.8 Spherical Antifungal activity [142]
Nocardiopsi svalliformis OT1 5–50 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [143]
Lactobacillus lactis KC117496 35 Spherical Catalytic activity [144]
Bacillus brevis (NCIM 2533) 41–68 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [145]
Bacillus cereus 10 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [146]
Pseudomonas rhodesiae 20–100 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [147]
Escherichia coli, Exiguobacterium 5–50 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [148]
aurantiacumm, and Brevundimonas
Lactobacillus reuteri E81 50 Spherical Antimicrobial and antifungal activities [149]

to silver nuclei ­(Ag0). These silver nuclei further grow and also have been used for the synthesis of wide range of metal
form stable AgNPs [124]. The mechanisms of nanoparticle nanoparticles with different size and shape; but in this sec-
synthesis by bacteria have been shown in Fig. 4a. tion, we will mainly discuss about AgNPs. The examples of
AgNPs synthesizing fungi with their shape, size, and appli-
4.2 Fungal mediated AgNP synthesis cations has been briefly described in Table 2.
There are various proposed mechanisms of AgNP syn-
Members of kingdom fungi are another budding candidate thesis by fungi, but exact mechanism is still a mystery
to synthesize metal nanoparticles. Fungi can be used to (Table 3). However, according to Mukherjee et al. [152],
synthesize large quantity of nanoparticles because of their AgNP synthesis involves two main steps: the very first step
ability to secrete huge amount of enzymes and other metabo- includes the entrapment of A­ g+ on the outer most surface of
lites [150]. Dead biomass and culture filtrates of fungi can fungal mycelium while in the subsequent step this attach-
also be utilized for nanoparticles synthesis [151] and hence ment of silver ions creates an osmotic shock condition for
synthesis can be both intracellular and extracellular. Fungi fungi and secretes the extracellular enzymes and metabolites

Emergent Materials

which serves as potential reducing and stabilizing moieties

[201, 202]. These biomolecules possess great capabilities to
synthesize biocompatible metallic nanoparticles. Thus, algae
provide an alternate route to traditional toxic approaches to
synthesize nanoparticles through a rapid, eco-friendly, and
cost-effective route [202, 203]. Algal synthesized nanoparti-
cles can be utilized for wide range of applications including
catalysis, as antimicrobial agents, and many other purposes
(Table 4). The physical and chemical factors such as pH,
temperature, substrate concentration, and shaking play key
role in influencing the properties of synthesized nanopar-
ticles. Synthesis temperature greatly affects the rate, size,
and stability of nanoparticles [178]. But an increase in tem-
perature increases the synthesis for only a certain limit since
after that enzymes and proteins start degrading [204]. Like-
wise, pH of the system also affects the morphology and size
of the AgNPs [205]. Light is also an essential factor during
algal synthesis of AgNPs [206]. The synthesized nanopar-
ticles can be found in the cytoplasm, periplasm, nucleus,
or pyrenoid of the algal cells. Examples of some AgNPs
synthesized using algae are given in Table 4.
The exact mechanism of silver and other metallic nan-
oparticles synthesis is not yet exactly known but the bio-
reduction of metallic salts by the biomolecules of algae and
bioaccumulations of nanoparticles inside the algae could
be most probable mechanisms of synthesis [207]. The bio-
reduction phenomena involve three major steps of activa-
tion, growth, and termination. The activation phase involves
the reduction of metal ions, followed by nucleation of the
reduced metal atoms. In the growth phase, small nanopar-
ticles transform into larger size particles. In the first step,
metal ions are trapped on the outer algal surface. The entrap-
Fig. 4  Intracellular and extracellular mechanisms of AgNP synthesis ment of ions is the result of electrostatic interaction between
by a bacteria, b fungi, and c algae the positively charged ions and the negatively charged cell
wall components. Subsequently, in the second step, the
­ g+ ions to A
which results in the reduction of A ­ g0 to form enzymatic reduction of metal ions occurs, which results into
AgNPs. In addition to enzymes, naphthoquinones and anth- cytoplasmic metallic nucleation process. Finally, in the last
raquinones also have great reduction potential. These bio- step (termination), growth and accumulation of nuclei into
molecules along with NADPH-dependent nitrate reductase metallic nanoparticles takes place as summarized in Fig. 4c
function in shuttle system to facilitate AgNP synthesis as [208, 209].
represented in Fig. 4b [153]. The size and synthesis rate of
AgNPs can be controlled with a number of parameters like, 4.4 Lichen‑mediated AgNP synthesis
temperature, pH, concentration of substrate, and the time of
exposure to substrate [154]. Lichens have received special interest in the AgNP synthesis
due to their peculiar symbiotic association between a fungus
4.3 Algal mediated AgNP synthesis and green algae. The extracts of lichens are quite rich in vari-
ety of metabolites such as polysaccharides (homo-D-glucan)
Along with bacterial and fungal strategies of nanoparti- and phenolic compounds (depside, depsidon, and dibenzo-
cles synthesis, algae have also attracted the researchers to furane) [234]. These compounds can potentially reduce and
synthesize silver and other metal nanoparticles due to their stabilize silver ions. The most of primary metabolites from
extraordinary capabilities of toxic metal bioremediations lichens are water soluble while the secondary metabolites
[200]. Algal cells are rich in polysaccharides, flavonoids, show very poor aqueous solubility and require organic sol-
terpenoids, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids, and proteins vents for their extraction [235]. There are few reports where

Emergent Materials

Table 2  Examples of fungal synthesized AgNPs and their characteristics

Fungi Size (nm) Shape Applications References

Verticillium 25 ± 12 Spherical – [152]

Aspergillus fumigatus 5–25 Spherical and triangular – [155]
Aspergillus flavus 8.92 ± 1.61 Spherical – [156]
Alternaria alternata 20–60 Spherical Antifungal activity [157]
Trichoderma viride 2–100 Spherical to triangular – [158]
Penicillium fellutanum 5–25 Spherical – [159]
Penicillium sp. 52–104 Irregular – [160]
Aspergillus terreus 1–20 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [161]
Candida albicans 50–100 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [162]
Fusarium sp. 12–20 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [124]
Trichoderma harzianum 19–63 Spherical & ellipsoid Seed germination and viability [163]
Fusarium solani 5–30 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [164]
Aspergillus versicolor 15.5 Spherical Antioxidant and antimicrobial [165]
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 25–30 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [166]
Colletotrichum sp. 20–50 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [167]
Aspergillus clavatus, Aspergillus 25–145, 25–175, Spherical – [168]
niger, Aspergillus flavus, and 45–185, and
Aspergillus fumigatus 5–95
Aspergillus flavus (AfAg-NPs) and 100 Quasispherical, hexagonal, and Antimicrobial activity [169]
Emericella nidulans (EnAg-NPs) triangular
Trichoderma viride 15.5 Globular Antimicrobial activity [170]
Penicillium expansum and Aspergil- 14–25 and 10–18 Spherical Antifungal activity [171]
lus terreus
Rhizopus arrhizus IPT1011, 30–100 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [172]
Rhizopus arrhizus IPT1013,
Trichoderma gamsii IPT853, and
Aspergillus niger IPT856
Ganoderma enigmaticum and Tram- 15–25 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [173]
etes ljubarskyi
Aspergillus oryzae (MTCC 1846) 7–105 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [174]
Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001) 12–486 Quasispherical – [175]
Aspergillus niger L3 (NEA) and 15.21–77.49 Spherical Antimicrobial activity, antioxidant [176]
Trichoderma longibrachiatum L2 activity, and catalytic activity
Penicillium polonicum 10–15 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [177]
Trichoderma longibrachiatum 10 Spherical Antifungal activity [178]
Phenerochaete chrysosporium 34–90 Spherical and oval Antimicrobial activity [179]
Cladosporium species 135–140 Spherical Antioxidant, antidiabetic, and anti- [180]
Alzheimer activities
Phomopsis liquidambaris 18.7 Spherical Antimicrobial and larvicidal activi- [181]
Phomopsis helianthi 35.05 Spherical to hexagonal Antimicrobial activity [182]
Beauveria bassiana 10–50 Triangular, circular, and hexagonal Antimicrobial activity [183]
Botryosphaeria rhodina 2–50 Spherical, rectangular, and trian- Anticancer activity [184]
Trametes trogii 1–65 Spherical – [185]
Piriformospora indica 6–30 Spherical Antioxidant activity [186]
Cladosporium cladosporioides 30–60 Spherical Antioxidant and antimicrobial [187]
Setosphaeria rostrata 2–50 Spherical and cylindrical Antifungal activity [188]
Penicillium oxalicum 60–80 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [189]

Emergent Materials

Table 2  (continued)
Fungi Size (nm) Shape Applications References

Ganoderma lucidum 15–22 Spherical Antioxidant and antimicrobial [190]

Alternaria tenuissima AUMC 9.8 Spherical Antioxidant and antimicrobial [191]
13,621 activities
Penicillium duclauxii 3–32 Spherical Antifungal activity [192]
Penicillium citrinum CGJ-C1 2–5 Spherical Anticancer activity [193]
Colletotrichum incarnatum DM16.3 5–25 Spherical Antithrombin and cytotoxic activi- [194]
Pleurotus florida 10 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [195]
Inonotus hispidus 69.24 – Antimicrobial and antifungal [196]

Table 3  Various fungal Site of synthesis Methods Reference

mechanisms of AgNP synthesis
Extracellular By nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and NADH-dependent [173]
nitrate reductase enzymes
By biomolecules during NADPH/NADH to ­NADP+/NAD+ conversion [168]
By the action of NADPH without nitrate reductase enzyme [197]
By nitrate reductase enzyme and anthraquinones [198, 199]
Intracellular Bioaccumulation, precipitation, biomineralization, and biosorption with [26, 198]
the help of enzymes and proteins
In the mycelial matric by enzymes and proteins [152, 156]

lichens have been explored for AgNP synthesis, as listed in 2-mercaptoethanol) [20] nor produce any toxic by-prod-
Table 5. However, AgNP synthesis using lichens is a rela- ucts like as iminodiacetic acid [64, 65, 83]. Since the first
tively newer field of work and lots of work is presently going synthesis of AgNPs by this method, using Medicago sativa
on to decipher the synthesis mechanism of AgNPs. being reported by Gardea-Torresdey et al. [244], a lot of
work has been done using different plants as machinery to
4.5 Plant‑mediated AgNP synthesis synthesize AgNPs. Similarly, AgNPs from extracts of Oci-
mum sanctum [245], Datura metel [246], Coffea arabica
The most extensively studied method of synthesising metal [247], Azadirachta indica [243], Matricaria recutita [248],
nanoparticles is by plants. It is a fast, eco-friendly, eco- Aloe barbadensis miller (Chandran et al. 2006), Camel-
nomic, and easily scaled up process. Utilization of plant lia sinensis [250], Allium sativum [98], Pistacia atlan-
and their parts for the production of nanoparticles has tica [251], Nelumbo nucifera [252], Datura metel [246],
drawn attention due to the presence of primary and sec- Citrus sinensis [253] for various applications have also
ondary metabolites (carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, been documented. The examples of plants and their parts
pigments, glycosides, vitamins, flavonoids, alkaloids, pol- utilized for AgNPs production, their characteristics, and
yols, alcohols, and amino acids). These plant metabolites applications have been listed in Table 6. The plant-derived
can be used to reduce metal ions to metal nanoparticles synthesis of AgNPs is an inexpensive procedure and can
(Fig. 3) [243]. The aforementioned biomolecules exhibit be easily maintained and handled as compared to micro-
excellent reducing and capping capabilities. In the past, bial processes. The hydroxyl groups of metabolites present
the extract of various parts of plants has been used for in the plant extracts act as mild reducing agents and help
the synthesis of different metal nanoparticles viz. Au, Ag, to control the size and shape of nanoparticles [254]. The
Cu, Zn, Ti, etc. In the previous reports, the live plants, diverse morphologies of AgNPs were also achieved due
plant extracts, and plant tissues have been used for reduc- to complex interactions between nanoparticles surface and
tion of metal ion into nanoparticles. Plant extracts are functional groups (aldehydes/ketones) present in the plant
most effective for reducing A ­ g+ into ­Ag0 as they neither extract [255–257].
use harmful chemicals (borohydride, thio-glycerol, and

Emergent Materials

Table 4  Examples of algal synthesized AgNPs and their characteristics

Algae Size (nm) Shape Applications References

Sargassum muticum 5–15 Spherical – [210]

Chaetomorpha linum 3–44 – – [201]
Chlorella pyrenoidosa 2–15 – Antimicrobial activity and catalytic [211]
Caulerpa racemosa 5–25 Spherical and triangular Antimicrobial activity [212]
Dracocephalum moldavica 5–50 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [213]
Ecklonia cava 43 Spherical Antimicrobial activity, antioxidant [214]
activity, and anticancer activity
Euphorbia antiquorum L 10–50 Spherical Anticancer activity [215]
Phoma exigua var. exigua 22 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [216]
Ulva compressa (L.) Kütz. and Clad- 81.8 and 66.3 Irregular and sponge like Antimicrobial activity [217]
ophora glomerata (L.) Kütz
Laminaria japonica 20–30 Spherical to oval Seed germination [218]
Gelidium amansii 27–54 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [219]
Gracilaria birdiae 20.2–94.9 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [220]
Ulva armoricana sp. 339 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [221]
Botryococcus braunii 40–90 Cubical, spherical, and truncated Catalytic activity [222]
Polysiphonia 5–25 Spherical Anticancer activity [223]
Padina pavonia 49.58–86.37 Spherical, triangular, rectangle, – [224]
polyhedral, and hexagonal
Chlorella vulgaris 40–90 Cubical, spherical, and truncated Catalytic activity [225]
Oscillatoria limnetica 3.30–17.97 Quasispherical Antimicrobial and anticancer activi- [226]
Spyridia filamentosa 20–30 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [227]
Padina sp. 25–60 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [228]
Gelidium corneum 20–50 Spherical Antimicrobial activity and antibi- [229]
ofilm activities
Portieria hornemannii 70–75 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [230]
Saccharina cichorioides and Fucus 45–57 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [231]
Chlorella ellipsoidea 220.8 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [232]
Chaetomorpha linum 70–80 Spherical Anticancer activity [233]

4.6 A sustainable approach of AgNP synthesis between 40 and 60% of its total solid waste generated [306].
The above stats highlight the alarming situation of municipal
Disproportionate development of cities and exponential rise solid waste globally; hence, sustainable development is the
in urban population have led to rapid increase in consumer need of time to overcome this problem.
demands and generations of various types of municipal solid The green synthesis of nanomaterial using waste mate-
waste [300]. According to Environmental Protection Agency rials is a developing area of research in recent time. This
[301], the USA generated about 267.8 million tonnes of approach focuses on innovative strategies to implement sus-
municipal solid waste in 2017. It is estimated that annu- tainable methods to achieve the desirable products with min-
ally more than 2 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste are imal or almost zero production of waste materials [307–309].
generated globally out of which less than 20% is recycled. Agricultural wastes, fruit wastes, waste plant residues, wood
It is believed that global waste production will rise by 70% wastes, and some other wastes have been successfully uti-
until 2050 [302]. If we talk about Asia, everyday, more than lized by various researchers to synthesize AgNPs [310].
1 million tonnes of municipal solid waste is generated, and These squander materials contain starches, proteins, sug-
it is assumed to reach 1.8 million tonnes by 2025 [303]. In ars, alcohols, phenols, lignins, flavonoids, unsaturated fats,
India 90, million tonnes of solid waste is generated annually and a lot more biomolecules that have been viably used for
[304, 305], out of which the organic waste amount remains green synthesis of AgNPs (Fig. 5). Utilization of fruit and

Emergent Materials

Table 5  Examples of lichen-synthesized AgNPs and their characteristics

Name Size (nm) Shape Applications References

Parmotrema praesorediosum and 42 and 20 respectively Spherical to oval – [234]

Ramalina dumeticola
Evernia mesomorpha, Parmeliopsis 150–250 – Antioxidant and antimicrobial activi- [236]
ambigua, Punctelia subrudecta, ties
and Xanthoparmelia plitti
Parmotrema praesorediosum 19 Cubical Antimicrobial activity [234]
Cetraria islandica 1–118 Spherical, oval, and irregular – [237]
Parmelia perlata – Spherical Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and [238]
antidiabetic activities
Cetraria islandica 6–21 Spherical Catalytic activity [239]
Usnea longissima 9.40–11.23 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [240]
Xanthoria elegans, Cetraria 5–100 Bimodal Antimicrobial activity [235]
islandica, Usnea antarctica, and
Leptogium puberulum
Xanthoria parietina and Flavopunc- 1–40 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [241]
telia flaventior
Pseudevernia furfuracea and 10–100 – Antimicrobial activity [242]
Lobaria pulmonaria

other wastes as source of reducing moieties provides con- of the microorganisms [339]. Moreover, the liberated sil-
siderable economic benefits and is becoming increasingly ver ions can also inhibit proteins synthesis by denaturing
attractive in last few years [311]. Wastes like banana peel ribosomes in the cytoplasm of microorganisms [339, 340].
[17], papaya peel [312], tea wastes [313], sugarcane bagasse Unfortunately, there have been few studies where subin-
[314], orange peel [315], cauliflower waste [316], and Euca- hibitory concentrations of AgNPs are supposed to develop
lyptus camadulensis waste bark [317] have been successfully AgNP resistance in microorganisms [341, 342]. However,
utilized for the synthesis of AgNPs. Although until now, other studies conclude that AgNPs pose low risk of bacte-
considerable research has been carried out using wastes to rial resistance development because they concurrently affect
synthesize AgNPs, the detailed mechanism still needs to be so many aspects of bacterial physiology [340, 343]. AgNP
deciphered and needs to be further explored. Some exam- resistance is also shown to be microorganism dependent,
ples of waste utilization for synthesizing AgNPs have been with different bacterial taxa exhibiting differential resistance
discussed in Table 7. profiles and some not developing any resistance [341, 342].
Despite these conflicting outcomes, the scientific community
is still working on developing AgNPs with great enthusiasms
5 Antimicrobial mechanisms of AgNPs to develop as efficient antibacterial agent.

Existing literature revealed that AgNPs have multiple mech-

anisms of action (Fig. 6) for antimicrobial activity. AgNPs 6 Applications of AgNPs
exhibit their antimicrobial activity by continually releasing
silver ions in their vicinity [336]. AgNPs can also interact AgNPs are the most interesting materials for industrial
with sulphur-containing proteins and with the assistance applications as they play an extensive role in electronics
of this interaction they adhere to the cell membrane and industries, as antibacterial and antifungal agents (in medi-
cytoplasmic membrane of microorganism and may cause cal implants, dressings, catheters, and in dental composites),
disruption of the bacterial envelope [337]. With post bacte- and anticancer agents, used in textile coatings, food storage,
rial envelop destructions, the free silver ions are taken up and many more applications as shown in Fig. 7. The growing
by cells where they can deactivate respiratory enzyme and resistance in microorganisms against antibiotics is a severe
other important enzymes. In contrast to this activity, cells threat to health and well-being of people around the world
generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) but on the cost of [344]. Silver has been reported to inhibit microbial growth in
interrupting adenosine triphosphate production [338]. ROS various medical and industrial processes. In addition to this,
also leads to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) modification silver and its nanoparticles are successfully used in the form
by interacting with sulphur and phosphorus hence creating of ointments to inhibit the infection in burn cases and open
problems in DNA replication process and cell reproduction wounds [65]. Damage to cellular structures, inactivation

Emergent Materials

Table 6  Examples of plant-synthesized AgNPs and their characteristics

Plant Plant’s part used Size (nm) Shape Applications References

Aloe vera Leaves 15.2 Sphere – [249]

Camellia sinensis Leaves 5–100 Sphere – [258]
Datura metel Leaves 16–40 Quasilinear – [246]
Acalypha indica Leaves 20–30 Sphere Antimicrobial activity [259]
Memecylon edule Leaves 50–90 Squares – [260]
Allium sativum Cloves 12 Sphere – [98]
Nelumbo nucifera Leaves 25–80 Sphere, triangle Anti-malarial and anti-filariasis [252]
Eclipta prostrate Leaves 35–60 Triangles, hexagons, pentagons Larvicidal activity [261]
Ocimum sanctum Leaves 4–30 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [245]
Vitex negundo Leaves 5, 10–30 Sphere Antimicrobial activity [262]
Tribulus terrestris Fruit 16–28 Sphere Antimicrobial activity [263]
Acorus calamus Rhizome 31.83 Sphere Antioxidant, antibacterial and [264]
anticancer activities
Cocous nucifera Inflorescence 22 Sphere Antimicrobial activity [265]
Pistacia atlantica Seeds 10–50 Sphere Antimicrobial activity [251]
Ziziphora tenuior Leaves 8–40 Sphere – [266]
Melia dubia Leaves 35 Sphere Anticancer activity [267]
Alternanthera dentate Leaves 50–100 Sphere Antimicrobial activity [268]
Brassica rapa Leaves 16.14 Sphere Antimicrobial activity [269]
Abutilon indicum Leaves 7–17 Sphere Antimicrobial activity [270]
Ficus carica Leaves 13 Sphere – [271]
Azadirachta indica Leaves 34 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [243]
Phlomis Leaves 25 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [272]
Helicteres isora Roots 16–95 Spherical Antioxidant and antimicrobial [273]
Coffea arabica Seeds 20–30 Spherical and ellipsoidal Antimicrobial activity [247]
Elephantopus scaber L Leaves 50 Spherical Antioxidant activity [274]
Zanthoxylum armatum Leaves 15–50 Spherical Catalytic activity [275]
Prunus persica Leaves 40–98 Spherical Antimicrobial activity and cata- [276]
lytic activity
Alpinia katsumadai Seeds 12.6 Quasispherical Antioxidant activity, cytotoxic- [277]
ity activity, and antibacterial
Camellia sinensis Leaves 65–70 Spherical to cubical Thermal conductivity and anti- [250]
bacterial activity
Callistemon lanceolatus, Leaves 5–55 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [278]
Decaspermum parviflorum,
Eucalyptus citriodora, Mela-
leuca cajuputi, Rhodomyrtus
tomentosa, Syzygiupam cam-
panulatum, and Xanthostemon
Gmelina arborea Fruits 8–32 Spherical Catalytic activity [279]
Rheum palmatum Root 121 Hexagonal and spherical Antimicrobial activity [280]
Origanum vulgare L Arial parts 2–25 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [281]
Cordia dichotoma Fruits 2–60 Spherical Antimicrobial, antibiofilm, and [282]
photocatalytic activities
Cleome viscosa L Fruits 20–50 Spherical Antimicrobial activity and anti- [283]
cancer activity
Curcuma longa Rhizome 18 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [284]
Pelargonium Leaves 25–150 Spherical – [285]

Emergent Materials

Table 6  (continued)
Plant Plant’s part used Size (nm) Shape Applications References

Thymus kotschyanus Whole plant 50–60 Spherical Antioxidant, antibacterial, and [286]
cytotoxic activities
Fritillaria Flower 10 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [287]
Salvia spinosa Whole plant 5.13 Spherical and oval Antimicrobial activity [288]
Phyllanthus pinnatus Stem  < 100 Cubical Antimicrobial activity [289]
Berberis vulgaris Root 30–70 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [290]
Camellia sinensis Leaves 34.68 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [291]
Withania coagulans Leaves 14 Spherical Antibacterial, antioxidant, and [292]
cytotoxic activities
Albizia procera Leaves 6.18 Spherical Antimicrobial activity and cata- [293]
lytic activity
Dionaea muscipula and Dio- Plant tissue 5–60 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [294]
naea indica
Annona muricata Fruits 60.12 Spherical – [295]
Lactuca indica Leaves 13.5 Spherical Catalytic activity [296]
Allium cepa Bulbs 49–73 Spherical Antidiabetic activity [297]
Rheum ribes Leaves 18.2 Spherical Anticarcinogenic and antimicro- [298]
bial activities
Hibiscus rosasinensis Leaves 12–17 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [299]
Matricaria chamomilla Flower 18 Spherical and irregular flower- Antimicrobial activity [248]

Fig. 5  Wastes as sustainable
source for synthesis of AgNPs

of enzymes and proteins, condensation of DNA, error in been successfully used to inhibit the growth of pathogenic
DNA replication, reduction in ATP synthesis, and barrier microorganisms.
in ribosomal interactions and accumulation in the cell are Nanoparticles are a distinctive tool for biosensor applica-
most common proposed mechanisms of antimicrobial activ- tion as they can be detected by methods like optical absorp-
ity. Additionally, phenomena like generation of ROS, dis- tion, fluorescence determination, and electric conductivity
ruptions in cell membrane, and obstacle in cell signalling measurements. AgNPs have been used to improve sensing
are also equally important mechanisms for antimicrobial for diagnosing diseases, monitoring pathogenicity, therapy
activity of AgNPs [99, 345–347]. Therefore, where most of monitoring, cell tracking, and bioimaging [348]. Chen et al.
available antibiotics acts only by one or two mechanisms, [349] have synthesized fluorosurfactant-capped AgNPs to
the AgNPs function in multiple ways. Some reports have sense cysteine (detection limit 0.05 μM) colorimetrically.
been listed in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 where nanoparticles have The mechanism of biosensing was the analyte-induced

Emergent Materials

Table 7  Examples of waste-synthesized AgNPs and their characteristics

Waste Name Size (nm) Shape Applications References

Mango peel 7–27 Quasis-spherical Antimicrobial activity [318]

Sugarcane bagasse 50–150 Spherical – [314]
Industrial milk waste – Nanorods Milk quality [319]
Fish processing discard 8–40 Spherical – [320]
Waste teak leaves 28 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [321]
Grape seeds 25–35 Spherical and polygonal Antimicrobial activity [322]
Banana peel extract 23.7 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [17]
Citrus aurantifolia peel 10–32 Spherical Catalytic activity [323]
Waste vegetable fibres 15–35 – Antimicrobial activity [324]
Carboxymethyl sago pulp 15 Spherical – [325]
Waste banana plant stems 70–600 Cubes, truncated trian- Antimicrobial activity [326]
gular, and hexagonal
Papaya peel extract 16–20 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [312]
Waste tea extract 45 Spherical Catalytic and antimicrobial activity [313]
Coconut shell waste 14.2–22.96 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [327]
Orange peel 25.4 Irregular Antimicrobial activity [315]
Citrus fruits waste 9–46 Spherical and irregular Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and [328]
cytotoxic activities
Citrus sinensis peels 3–12 Spherical – [329]
Green vegetable waste 10–90 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [330]
Palm shell agro-waste  < 40 Spherical Catalytic activity [331]
Ananas comosus outer peel extract – Spherical Antioxidant, antibacterial, antidia- [332]
betic, and cytotoxic activities
Grape and orange wastes 3 to 14 and 5–50 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [333]
Pisum sativum outer peel 10–25 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [334]
Sapota fruit waste 8–16 Spherical Antimicrobial activity [335]
Eucalyptus camadulensis waste bark extract 468.7 Spherical Anti-ageing effect [317]
Cauliflower waste extract 35.08 Spherical Catalytic activity and biosensing [316]

aggregation of nonionic fluorosurfactant-capped AgNPs. 354]. Recently, Streptomyces antimycoticus L-1 (isolated
Green synthesized AgNPs were used to sense lactose with from Mentha longifolia L.)-synthesized AgNPs loaded on
detection limit of 3.5 mM [350]. The biosensor utilized cel- cotton fabric were observed to exhibit antimicrobial activity
lobiose dehydrogenase from Trametes villosa for the elec- against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and
trochemical detection of lactose. In another study, Rosati loaded fibres were found stable upto 10 washings [355]. Sim-
et al. [351] have used conductive properties of AgNPs to ilarly, Muntingia calabura synthesized AgNPs, when loaded
detect ampicillin in milk and estimated the detection limit on the surface of cotton, polyester and nylon fabrics were
to be around 10 μg/ml. Recently, a electrochemilumines- found to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Escherichia
cence (ECL) biosensor has been developed using AgNPs coli, Chromobacterium haemolyticum, and Bacillus cereus
nanoparticles to sense mucin 1 [352]. Similarly, Naqvi et al. [356]. Cotton fabrics loaded with AgNPs (synthesized from
[80] have developed a colorimetric biosensor using maltol- Curcuma longa L.) were observed to exhibit appreciable
capped AgNPs as selective probe to sense cysteine with a antimicrobial properties against the skin infection-causing
detection limit of 0.043 μM. It utilized cysteine-induced pathogens. Furthermore, fabric also exhibited potent wound
AgNP aggregation mechanism for the detection. healing activity in the fibroblast (L929) cells [357].
Beside these utilities, textile industry also utilizes AgNPs In additon to the above applications, AgNPs also find
for making different types of textile fabrics. In the same themselves in the field of electronics. Inkjet technology is
pipeline, silver nanocomposite fibres were prepared by considered as cost-effective technology for the production
incorporating AgNPs inside the fabric having antibacterial of electronic circuits [358]. The nanoparticles of Ag, Cu,
effect. The prepared cotton fibres containing AgNPs exhib- Zn, and Au are useful for making electronic circuits due to
ited good antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli [353, their nanosize. The advantage of size helps in their isolation

Emergent Materials

Fig. 6  Antimicrobial mechanism of AgNPs

elastic conductor was found to exhibit conductivity higher

than 4000 S ­cm−1 with highest conductivity of 6168 S ­cm−1
at 0% strain [361].
AgNPs also have bioremediation potential; hence, it has
a great role in pollution control. Azo dyes are a group of
synthetic colourants commercially used in the textile and
fibre processing industries. These dyes are highly toxic, car-
cinogenic, mutagenic, and non-biodegradable in nature due
to the presence of benzene/naphthalene ring and azo bond
in their structure [362–365]. Unfortunately, these dyes are
extensively employed in dyeing processes and straightway
discharged into the water bodies without proper treatment
[366]. Moreover, these effluents also contain acids, alkalis,
heavy metals, various inorganic, and organic salts etc. These
components along with toxic dyes exhibit serious health haz-
ards to flora, fauna, and microbiome of terrestrial as well
as to aquatic lives [367, 368]. In order to sort this problem
AgNPs have been utilized as a catalyst for the degradation
Fig. 7  Application fields of AgNPs of various commercial dyes [275]. In some previous reports,
bleaching of organic dyes by potassium peroxodisulphate
from the inks and their electrical conductivity can also be has been enhanced by addition of AgNPs [369]. Findings
improved [63]. AgNPs of uniform size have been observed of Gangula et al. [370] has showed that green synthesized
to display improved electrical conductivity in electronically AgNPs have tendency to catalytically reduce 4-nitrophenol.
conductive adhesives [359]. Similarly, to fabricate a con- Similarly, green synthesized AgNPs from Zingiber officinale
ductive mark pen, the AgNPs were injected in the ink of have been reported as excellent catalysts for the degrada-
mark pen and were found to have an electrical conductiv- tion of 4-nitrophenol and methylene blue [371]. Recently,
ity of 2.4 μΩ cm [360]. The use of AgNPs in the printable κ-Carrageenan gum-stabilized AgNPs have been reported

Emergent Materials

to degrade rhodamine and methylene blue with degrada- intraventricular catheters were able to inhibit the growth of
tion efficiency of almost 100% [372]. There are many more Staphylococcus aureus [383]. More recently, polygalactu-
reports where AgNPs have exhibited excellent catalytic ronic acid, hyaluronic acid, and AgNPs containing dressing
activity. were found to exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
However, the applications of AgNPs are not limited to the activities (in vivo and in vitro). The developed dressing pro-
above-mentioned fields. The AgNPs have been widely used tected wound from the enhanced level of reactive oxygen
in water filters, sanitization equipment, soap and detergent species and accelerated the healing process [384]. Likewise,
industries, deodorants manufacturing, in seed germination AgNP-based inhalation delivery system was found to exhibit
technologies, in cancer diagnostics and treatments, in food significant antimicrobial and antiviral activities [385]. The
preservations, and as insecticides (Fig. 7) [63, 373, 374]. in vitro and in vivo studies clearly show that there are some
pleasing findings using AgNPs.
The literature studies showed that limited research has
7 In vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies been conducted by performing clinical trials using AgNPs.
of AgNPs Some of those are discussed below. A clinical study where
triple-lumen central venous catheters were impregnated with
AgNPs offer great spectrum of applications in biomedicine AgNPs was observed to exhibit no significant difference in
and related fields. In the past years, AgNPs have been tested central venous catheter colonization and related bloodstream
in vitro and in vivo for various applications. On studying infections as compare to conventional catheters [386, 387].
in vitro interactions of AgNPs with HT-1080 and A431 cells Furthermore, AgNP incorporation into the acrylic baseplate
in the process of topical antimicrobial agent development of orthodontic retainers was found to exhibit strong antimi-
for burn wound infections, it was observed that there were crobial effect against Streptococcus mutans under clinical
no morphological changes in the cells up to 6.25 μg/mL conditions [388]. In another study, polymeric middle ear
concentration of AgNPs. However, abnormal size, shrink- prosthesis enriched with AgNPs was observed to exhibit
age, and rounded appearance of cells at higher concentration strong antimicrobial activity with no microorganism in mid-
of AgNPs displayed its toxicity [375]. AgNPs from 3 and dle ear spaces [389].
10 g/mL concentration were observed to modulate cytokine
production and hence prove its use for the treatment of
inflammatory diseases [376]. In an interesting study, com- 8 Conclusions and future prospects
mercially available AgNPs during in vivo oral exposure to
humans did not cause clinically important changes in human Based on literature study, we can conclude that green tech-
metabolic, hematologic, urine, physical findings, or imaging nologies have obtained lots of appreciation as environment
morphology [377]. Furthermore, poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate- friendly and sustainable technology. This appreciation has
co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and AgNPs in a nano-fibrous scaf- motivated the scientific community to work with more enthu-
folds showed good antibacterial activity as well as in vitro siasm. This piece of information has addressed that biologi-
cell compatibility for joint arthroplasty [378]. Similarly, cal approaches of AgNP synthesis have several advantages
AgNPs in bone cement were observed to inhibit the pro- over traditional physical and chemical approaches. The bio-
liferation of Staphylococcus epidermidis without in vitro logical sources (bacteria, fungi, plants, algae, lichens, and
cytotoxicity [379]. Furthermore, polymeric nanoparticles waste materials) are reservoir of biomolecules which have
having the drug alisertib and AgNPs have been observed to marvellous potential to reduce and stabilize AgNPs. The
exhibit cytotoxicity against glioblastoma multiforme in both benevolence of utilizing these sources provides ecological
in vitro and in vivo studies [380]. Biologically produced as well as economic advantages. Moreover, manipulations
AgNPs from phycoerythrin extracted from Nostoc carneum in parameters like temperature, pH, substrate concentration,
have been observed to exhibit anti-haemolytic, antibacterial, and time provide control to shape and size of nanoparticles.
and anticancer activity during in vitro and in vivo studies The shape, size, and geometry of AgNPs determine their
[381]. intrinsic properties. AgNPs produced from green methods
It is well known that implantable devices can cause hos- have showcased valuable properties viz. antimicrobial, anti-
pital-acquired infections. To counter this problem, several fungal, antiviral, anticancer, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and
attempts have been made using AgNPs. AgNPs impreg- anti-inflammatory properties. However, it was noticed that
nated in medical polymers were found to exhibit antimi- most of studies on AgNPs are limited to in vitro level studies
crobial activity [382]. Furthermore, AgNP-impregnated with slight extension up to primary in vivo studies. Further-
intraventricular catheters have also been developed to reduce more, there are lesser number of studies on clinical trials of
catheter-associated infections in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) AgNPs for biomedical applications. Hence, authors believe
drainages. The study revealed that AgNP-impregnated that there is urgent need to scale up clinical and in vitro

Emergent Materials

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