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Outline Chapter3- Wave and Oscillation

1 Wave and Oscillation

2 Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring

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Wave and Oscillation

If a motion repeats itself in equal interval of time then the motion is

said to be periodic motion. The displacement of the particle in such a
motion can always be expressed in terms of sine or cosine. Hence the
periodic motion often called harmonic motion.
If a particle in periodic motion moves back and forth over the same
path the motion is said to be oscillatory or vibratory.

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring
The to and fro motion of a body in which
the acceleration of the body is directly
proportional to the displacement from
mean position and always toward the
mean position is called simple harmonic
Consider a horizontal spring of force
constant k whose one end is attached to a
rigid support and the next end is attached
to a body of mass m rest on a friction-less
Figure 1: Oscillation in loaded
level surface as shown in figure 1.

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)

Consider the spring is stretched to a distance A from its mean position

and then released. The force exerted by the spring on the body at any
position x from the mean position is given by Hook’s law as

Fspring = −kx (1)

This is the resultant force exerted on the body. This force is also
called restoring force or elastic force.
But from Newton’s second law of motion

d2 x
Fresultant = m (2)

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)


d2 x
m = −kx
d2 x k
=⇒ 2 = − x (3)
dt m
Let ω0 = angular velocity of the particle, the equation (3)
d2 x
= −ω02 x (4)
Equation (4) represents the differential equation of the motion of the
body attached to the spring.

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)

Here, = v is the velocity of the body at any time t.
d x dv dv dx dv dv
So, 2 = = = v=v
dt dt dx dt dx dx
and equation (4) becomes

v = −ω02 x =⇒ vdv = −ω02 xdx (5)

Integrating both sides, we get

1 2 1
v = − ω02 x2 + c
2 2

Where c is constant of integration.

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)

Now when the displacement x is maximum, the velocity v will be

zero. The maximum displacement is called the amplitude and
represented by A. Hence the displacement x is maximum. i.e. at
extreme position x = ±A and v = 0, so that

1 1
0 = − ω02 A2 + c =⇒ c = ω02 A2
2 2

1 2 1 1
v = − ω02 x2 + ω02 A2
2 2 2

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)
v = ω0 A2 − x2 (6)
dx p
=⇒ = ω0 A2 − x2
=⇒ √ = ω0 dt (7)
A2 − x2
Integrating equation (7), we get
sin−1 = ω0 t + φ
=⇒ x = A sin (ω0 t + φ ) (8)

Where φ is another constant of integration called the phase constant

or initial phase.

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)

Equation (8) is the solution of equation (4). When time t of equation

(8) is replaced by t + 2π
ω0 , then the new displacement is

x0 = A sin(ω0 t + 2π + φ ) = A sin(ω0 t + φ ) = x

That means the body’s position is repeated after every time. So
this is called time period of oscillation and given by
2π m
T= = 2π (9)
ω0 k

The maximum displacement A is called the amplitude of the

oscillation and φ is called the phase angle.

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)

The velocity in term of time is given by

v = ω0 A cos(ω0 t + φ ) (10)

The kinetic energy and potential energy of the body in term of

position are
1 1 1
K(x) = mv2 = mω02 A2 − x2 and U(x) = kx2

2 2 2
The kinetic energy and potential energy of the body in term of time
1 1 1
K(t) = mv2 = mω02 A2 cos2 (ω0 t + φ ) = kA2 cos2 (ω0 t + φ )
2 2 2
1 2 1 2 2
and U(t) = kx = kA sin (ω0 t + φ )
2 2
The total energy E0 = K + U = kA2
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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)

Figure 2: Energy versus position graph

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)

Figure 3: Energy versus time graph

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Simple Harmonic Oscillation:- Loaded spring (contd.)

The kinetic energy is maximum at mean position and minimum at

extreme position. The maximum kinetic energy Kmax = kA2 and the
minimum kinetic energy Kmin = 0. The average kinetic energy
Kmin + Kmax 1 2
Kave = = kA .
2 4
The potential energy is maximum at extreme position and minimum
at mean position. The maximum potential energy Umax = kA2 and
the minimum potential energy Umin = 0. The average potential energy
Umin + Umax 1 2
Uave = = kA .
2 4
The graphs of K and U versus x and t are as shown in figures 2 and 3.

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1 The Compound (Physical) Pendulum

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum
The physical pendulum (also called a
compound pendulum) is a rigid body
of any shape capable to oscillate in a
vertical plane about a horizontal axis
passing through it.
The point of intersection of vertical
plane and horizontal axis is called point
of suspension S in figure 1. C is the
center of mass of the pendulum. The
distance between the point of suspen-
Figure 1: Oscillation of compound
sion S and center of mass C is calledpendulum
length of the pendulum. It is denoted by l.
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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

The compound pendulum can be converted into a simple pendulum by

concentrating the whole mass of the pendulum at a point. When the
mass of the compound pendulum is concentrated at a point to form a
simple pendulum such that the time period of the resulting simple
pendulum is equal to that of the compound pendulum, then the point
of concentration is called point of oscillation O in figure 1. The
distance between the point of suspension S and point of oscillation O
is called length of equivalent simple pendulum and denoted by L.

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

Now the rigid body (physical pendulum) be displaced from

equilibrium position by a small angle θ at any time t. The restoring
torque τ for an angular displacement θ is given by

τ = −mgl sin θ

Negative sign shows couple is oppositely directed to the displacement

Now, if I be the moment of inertia of a body about an axis of rotation
d2 θ
and 2 is its angular acceleration.

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

From Newton’s second law of motion, the restoring torque is

d2 θ
τres = I


d2 θ
I = −mgl sin θ
d2 θ mgl
=⇒ 2 = − sin θ (1)
dt I

For a sufficiently small angular displacement, sin θ ≈ θ (in radian).

Then equation (1) is reduced to

d2 θ mgl
≈− θ (2)
dt I
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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

Comparing the equation (2) with the equation of simple

r harmonic
oscillation a = −ω02 x, the angular frequency ω0 = .
Hence the time period of the compound pendulum is given by
2π I
T= = 2π
ω0 mgl

Now, if IG is the moment of inertia and K is the radius of gyration of

the compound pendulum about the horizontal axis passing through the
center of mass are parallel to the axis passing through the center of
suspension. Then using the theorem of parallel axes

I = IG + ml2 = mK 2 + ml2 = m K 2 + l2

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

Hence the period of oscillation is

s s s
m K 2 + l2 K 2 + l2
K 2 /l + l
T = 2π = 2π = 2π
mgl gl g
=⇒ T = 2π (3)

Thus the time period of pendulum is same as that of simple pendulum

of length L = + l. This length is therefore called the length of
equivalent simple pendulum or reduced length.
Now consider a point O on the other side C on a line with SC
K2 K2
produced such that SO = l + or CO = . The point O is called
l l

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

the center of oscillation or the point of oscillation corresponding to

the center of suspension S.
Now if the pendulum is inverted and made to oscillate about the
centre of oscillation, then the new time period T 0 will be obtained by
substituting in place of l in equation (3)
Hence, v
u 2
u K
u 2 + K 2 /l s
K /l l + K 2 /l
T 0 = 2π
= 2π =T
g g

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

Thus the time period about the center of oscillation is same as the time
period about the center of suspension. Hence the point of suspension
and point of oscillation are interchangeable or reciprocal to each other.
Rearranging equation (3) we get

T 2g
l2 − l + K2 = 0 (4)
4π 2

This equation (4) is quadratic in l, that means for each value of time
T 2g
period l has two roots l1 and l2 (say), such that l1 + l2 = 2 and
r 4π
l1 + l 2
l1 l2 = K 2 . That means T = 2π .

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

Both sum and product of length l1 and l2 are positive. Therefore for
any value of time period T there are two points at distances l1 and l2
from the center of gravity and on the same side of it. There mus be
two other points on the other side of the center of gravity for which
the time period will be same. Hence there are four points collinear
with center of gravity about which the time period is the same. The
graph of T versus l is as shown in figure 2.

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

Figure 2: The time period versus length of compound pendulum

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

Condition for minimum time period:

From equation (3)
4π 2 K2
T = +l
g l
Differentiating T with respect to l we get,

4π 2 K2
2T = − 2 +1
dl g l

For T be minimum =0
Which gives
− +1 = 0

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The Compound (Physical) Pendulum (contd.)

=⇒ l2 = K 2

=⇒ l = ±K

i.e. the time period will be minimum if l = ±K.

Then s
Tmin = 2π
But the time period will be maximum i.e. infinite when l = 0.

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1 Damped Harmonic Oscillation

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation

If no frictional force acts on the oscillation, it would oscillate

indefinitely. But in actual practice, the oscillator almost always lies in
resting medium (air, oil etc) and the amplitude of oscillation gradually
decreases to zero as a result of friction. The motion is said to be
damped by friction and is called the damped harmonic motion. The
resistive force is called damping force.
Consider horizontal spring of force constant k loaded with mass m
and is set to oscillate
r freely. The angular frequency of oscillation is
given by ω0 = 2π . When some resistive (damping) force acts on
the spring then the load experiences two forces: one is the restoring
force Fspring = −kx and the other is the damping force Fdamp . In
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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

general the damping force is proportional to the velocity of the load

and directed opposite to the motion, i.e. Fdamp = −bv = −b , where
b is some positive constant. The resultant force exerted on the load is

F = Fspring + Fdamp = −kx − b
d2 x
But from Newton’s second law of motion, F = ma = m , therefore
d2 x dx
m 2
= −kx − b
dt dt
d2 x b dx k
+ + x=0 (1)
dt2 m dt m

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

b b
Let = 2γ, so that γ = is called the damping constant. The
m 2m
1 m
reciprocal of damping constant i.e. τ = = is the relaxation
2γ b
time. We have, = ω02 . Now equation (1) reduces to
d2 x dx
+ 2γ + ω02 x = 0 (2)
dt dt

Equation (2) is the differential equation of damped harmonic

oscillation. To solve the equation, let’s assume a trivial solution,
x = Aeαt . Substituting this solution in the above equation, we get

α 2 Aeαt + 2γαAeαt + ω02 Aeαt = 0

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

=⇒ α 2 + 2γα + ω02 = 0
−2γ ± 4γ 2 − 4ω02 q
=⇒ α = = −γ ± γ 2 − ω02
=⇒ α = −γ ± β (3)

with r
2 2
β = γ − ω0 = − ω02 (4)
4τ 2
According to equation (3) α has two values; −γ + β and −γ − β . So
the equation (2) must have two solutions; x1 = A1 e(−γ+β )t and

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

x2 = A2 e(−γ−β )t . The complete solution is the linear combination of

these two solutions i.e.

x = x1 + x2 = A1 e(−γ+β )t + A2 e(−γ−β )t

= A1 e−γt+β t + A2 e−γt−β t = A1 e−γt eβ t + A2 e−γt e−β t

x = e−γt A1 eβ t + A2 e−β t (5)

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Case I: Over damped motion If the damping force is very high, then
γ  ω0 i.e. 2 > ω02 and β is a real. The solution is

given by equation (5). But A1 and A2 are constants to be
determine from the initial condition.
In this case the frictional force or damping is so large
such that oscillation do not take place.The amplitude
decreases without any oscillation. The situation is
called over damping or aperiodic or inharmonic.

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Case II: Critically damped motion In this case β = 0 i.e. = ω02
4τ 2
To avoid the breakdown of the soluton, if the damping
force is normal, γ is slightly greater than ω0 , and β is
still real but very small.
Now equation (5) reduces to
x = e−γt A1 eβ t + A2 e−β t
(β t)2 (β t)2
=e A1 1 + β t + + · · · + A2 1 − β t + −·
2 2

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

In this limit when β → 0 terms containing β 2 and

higher order power of β may be neglected. Hence

x = e−γt (A1 + A1 β t + A2 − A2 β t)

= e−γt [(A1 + A2 ) + (A1 − A2 ) β t]

= e−γt (M + Nt)

where M = A1 + A2 and N = (A1 − A2 ) β . The

amplitude decreases even faster than that in Case I. This
situation is called critically damping.

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Case III: Under damped motion (Damped oscillating motion) If the

damping force is very low, such that γ  ω0 i.e
< ω02 . As a result, β becomes a complex, i.e.
4τ 2
q q  q 2
2 2
β = γ − ω0 = − ω0 − γ = i ω0 − γ 2 = iω
2 2

k b2
ω = ω02 − γ 2 = − 2 (6)
m 4m

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Now the equation (5) becomes

x = e−γt A1 eiωt + A2 e−iωt

= e−γt [A1 (cos ωt + i sin ωt) + A2 (cos ωt − i sin ωt)]

= e−γt [(A1 + A2 ) cos ωt + (A1 − A2 ) i sin ωt]

= e−γt (C cos ωt + D sin ωt)

2 2
=e C +D √ cos ωt + √ sin ωt
C2 + D2 C2 + D2
= ae−γt (sin φ cos ωt + cos φ sin ωt)

i.e. x = ae−γt sin(ωt + φ ) (7)

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)
√ C
where, a = C2 + D2 , cos φ = √ ,
C + D2
sin φ = √ , C = A1 + A2 , and D = i(A1 − A2 )
C 2 + D2
According to equation (7) the amplitude part ae−γt
decreases exponentially with time and finally it
becomes zero but motion is still periodic with angular
frequency ω and phase angle φ . This situation is called
under-damping. The displacement versus time graph is
as shown in figure 1.

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Figure 1: Different type of damping situation

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

The time interval between two successive maxima and minima in the
damped oscillator is known as period of the motion and is given by

2π 2π
T=r =r
1 k b2
ω02 − − 2
4τ 2 m 4m
The frequency of damped oscillator is given by
1 1 k b2
f= = − 2
T 2π m 4m

From equation (7) the amplitude of damped oscillating motion at any

instant t is ae−γt

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Damped Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

If b = 0 or damping is negligibly small, the motion of the oscillator is

undamped and the frequency is called the natural frequency and is
given by r
1 k
f0 =
2π m
Also the natural time period is given by
1 m
T = = 2π
f0 k

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1 Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation

When a body is displaced and then released, the body oscillates with
its own natural frequency given by
ω0 = (in absence of frictionl force)
k b
and, ω = − (in presence of small frictionl force)
m 2m
The damping can be overcome by applying some oscillating external
force on the oscillating body. As a result, its own frequency
immediately dies out and the body starts to oscillate with the
frequency of external oscillating force. This type of oscillation is
called forced or driven harmonic oscillation.
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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

The equation of motion of forced (driven) oscillator is given by

Newton’s second law F = ma in which F is the sum of restoring force
−kx, the damping force −b and the applied external oscillating
force is Fext = F0 eiω t (for simplicity). Where F0 and ω 0 are the
amplitude and angular frequancy of the external force.
The resultant force experienced by the body is

dx 0
F = Fspring + Fdamp + Fext = −kx − b + F0 eiω t

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

d2 x
But from Newton’s second law of motion, we have, F = m ,
d2 x dx 0
m 2
= −kx − b + F0 eiω t
dt dt
d2 x b dx k F0 0
+ + x = eiω t (1)
dt m dt m m
b k F0
Let = 2γ, = ω02 and = f0 .
m m m
Now the equation (1) reduces to

d2 x dx 0
+ 2γ + ω02 x = f0 eiω t (2)
dt dt

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

where b is some positive constant, k is the force constant of the

spring, m is the mass of the load, γ is the damping constant.
The equation (2) represents the differential equation of forced
oscillation. To solve this equation, let’s assume a trivial solution

x = Aei(ω t+φ ) (3)

where A is the amplitude of the oscillation and φ is the phase angle to

be determined. Substituting the value of x in equation (2).

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

We get

d2 Aei(ω t+φ ) d Aei(ω t+φ )  0
+ 2γ + ω02 Aei(ω t+φ ) = f0 eiω t
dt2 dt
02 i(ω 0 t+φ ) 0 0 0
=⇒ −ω Ae + i2γω 0 Aei(ω t+φ ) + ω02 Aei(ω t+φ ) = f0 eiω t
0 0 0 0
=⇒ −ω 02 Aeiω t eiφ + i2γω 0 Aeiω t eiφ + ω02 Aeiω t eiφ = f0 eiω t

=⇒ −ω 02 Aeiφ + i2γω 0 Aeiφ + ω02 Aeiφ = f0

=⇒ −ω 02 A + i2γω 0 A + ω02 A = f0 e−iφ = f0 (cos φ − i sin φ )

=⇒ ω02 − ω 02 A + i2γω 0 A = f0 cos φ − if0 sin φ


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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Equating the real and imaginary part of equation (4), we get

ω02 − ω 02 A = f0 cos φ


2γω 0 A = −f0 sin φ (6)

Squaring and adding equation (5) and (6), we get

ω02 − ω 02 A2 + 4γ 2 ω 02 A2 = f02 cos2 φ + f02 sin2 φ
h 2 i
=⇒ ω02 − ω 02 + 4γ 2 ω 02 A2 = f02

=⇒ A = q 2 (7)
ω02 − ω 02 + 4γ 2 ω 02

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Dividing equation (6) by equation (5), we get

2γω 0 A −f0 sin φ sin φ 2γω 0 2γω 0

 = =⇒ = − =⇒ tan φ =
ω02 − ω 02 A f0 cos φ cos φ ω02 − ω 02 ω 02 − ω02

2γω 0
=⇒ φ = tan (8)
ω 02 − ω02
Therefore,equation (3) becomes

2γω 0
f0 0 −1
x= q exp i ω t + tan
ω02 − ω 02
+ 4γ 2 ω 02 ω 02 − ω02
Equation (9) gives the displacement of the load at any time in the
forced oscillation.

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Case I:- For no damping i.e. free oscillation, γ = 0, and the

amplitude A becomes

A= 2
ω0 − ω 02

The amplitude goes to infinity as ω 0 ≈ ω0

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Case II:- The amplitude has maximum value at a frequency of external

oscillating force. To get the maximum amplitude, we have

 dω 0 
d  f0
=⇒ =0
dω 0
q 2
ω02 − ω 02 + 4γ 2 ω 02
1 h 2 2 i− 3 
=⇒ f0 − ω0 − ω 02 + 4γ 2 ω 02 2 2 ω02 − ω 02 (−2ω 0 ) + 8γ 2 ω 0 = 0
=⇒ −4ω 0 ω02 − ω 02 − 2γ 2 = 0
=⇒ ω02 − ω 02 − 2γ 2 = 0
=⇒ ω 0 = ω02 − 2γ 2 (11)

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

Hence the amplitude is maximum when the frequency of

external oscillating force is equal to
k b2
ω 0 = ω02 − 2γ 2 = − 2
m 2m
This situation of maximum amplitude is called resonance.
That means, the resonance is the phenomenon of making the
amplitude maximum by matching the frequency of external
oscillating force with the frequency of free or natural

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

The maximum amplitude is

A( max) = q 2 
ω02 − ω02 − 2γ 2 + 4γ 2 ω02 − 2γ 2
=q 2
ω02 − ω02 + 2γ 2 + 4γ 2 ω02 − 8γ 4
4γ 4 + 4γ 2 ω02 − 8γ 2
4γ 2 ω02 − 4γ 4
=⇒ Amax = q
2γ ω02 − γ 2

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Forced or Driven Harmonic Oscillation (contd.)

That means the maximum amplitude (the amplitude at resonance)

decreases as damping increases. The amplitude A versus frequency of
external oscillating force ω 0 is as shown in figure 1

Figure 1: Amplitude versus external frequency of oscillating force

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