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CAV lemee laa oko alae In this unit-you will learn: ‘Ariveris water flowing downhill in a channel Rivers are important for many reasons they shape > what rivers are and how water flows into} the landscape, supply us with water, influence the location of setiements, and provide us with 2 means of travel, power and recreation A river then, can bea friend to peopl, butt can also be 2 foe - when it floods can kiland destroy, You wal investgate all of these in this unt. © The River Tees from source to mouth The cor beginning, ofthe River Tees is Cross Fell. cated in ‘Cumbria, in the Pennines. The source is marked by the stone shown In Photo 8. The Tees flows eastwards for 137 kr, whereit enters he North Sea, The point where aver enters the seis called ts {2 shown in Photo C © The soure2 of the River (02) In this unit-you wil investigate one river in detait the River Tees, in northern England. Thi river is shown in Image A from source to mouth. Map-fap C provides 1'50 000 OS maps for three Ioeations along the course of te river, maps wil help you investigate the Giferent river landforms throughout this Unit These rive ‘bea river n your local area you could study a5 well You wil also explore river Noosing aR how itcan be managed 1 What isa river? €) Desert 2 What isthe source and mouth of @ river? the fiver Tees ae aferentin 3 Look carefuly at Photos A-C and Map-iap C wiath, etn and other features. 2a) The photos, Band C, were taken at arid that shows diferent ways references 578242 an and mouth of maps on Map-fiap C the and references b) Use the satelite i that people use the s jain your view ati the nearest river to Where you We? 1) Find.a map tat shows te course ofyour localrver and use tt craw a sketch erap to show the ter fois mouth > wrt 3 paragranh 0 © <03> WY Learning objectives > Tounderstand what the water cycle. “> > Touunderstand how water lows into avers What is the water cycle? “Tne water cycle the journey water takes beseen ia TTanyarosshere mosphere an iospree As most simples rates «evaporation = when he Sun eats water ‘anges nto wat ape anise tea «+ Sonderaton= a aries Reso andi ter pou Yoms ute ‘© preciitation = water droplets ‘or and fall to the ground asain all or snow ‘vers — water flows in rivers tothe sea. The water ele This simple cycle is shown in Fue A What happens when water we reaches the ground? Tanta ar Ifyou go outside your classroom and pour water on ae Giferent surfaces you can ee what happene fray aa a ‘be intercepted by plants: Sees || ore {be stores on the surface in a padele (ema) 1 soakin — infesting int the si Laren “6 runoff down a slope Gainer fof Tsuen} + evaporate immeditey | + These processes areal par ofthe water eyce, but a \fyou 280 trem toa agram tke re one n Figure A —— ‘kgete much more complicated, a Figure D shows eee] (Gael ‘This is wy geographers use systems dagrams ke the onein Figure 8 to cealy show a ange ot [Hover and now hey ae ines by tansers. = © A water cycle systems diagram @ what happens when water hits the ground? Give ita try! Cree LP cs © Amore complicated water cycle diagram recs 1. Look atthe simple water cycle in Figure A Make 8 copy ofthis €agram and add lavels to show evaporation, condensation, preciptation anders Draw atablewith columns labeled: Sur Yype' and ‘Observations. Go out of your class'com and pour water on diferent surfaces Igrass, sol, concrete etc] ass shownin Photo Record your frdings in your table, Wirke 2 paragraph ycle works, a} Make a copy ofthe water cycle systems sagram shown in Figure 8 ) Add the following terms inthe blank boxes recitation, evaporation inftation and ver ) Adsallthe key terms shownin Diagram D 10, your copy of te water cyte from Question L jain how the water How does the water get from. the source to the mouth? ‘A drainage basin i an area of land which feeds 2 river, see Diagram E_ All ofthe preciptation that falls in ths area wl low into the river through ‘surface run-of, throughflow and groundwater ‘low, as shown in Diagram D. There is @ divide bbetwaen one drainage basin and another called the watershes, This ie marked witha dashed line on Diagram E @ Aryaroioast at work Hydrologist study how water flows across the land. Tey research ané measure groundwater and te dsinage basin processes. tisimoortant that hyrologiss study these processes to beter Understand mer floods and eroughte 5. Look carefully at Diagram E 1) What isa orainage basin? 1) Make your own copy of Diagram E €) Label the folowing on your diagram: watershed, source, mouth nutary. Write definitions ofall the key terms introduced inthis lesson, using the Glossary [page 302)t0 help you 1) What does a hydrologist do? ') What do you think tne nyerologsts doing in Photo F? €) Why do you think itis engotant we Understand haw water gets into riers? ) Compare what you have learnt about hhyeroiogsts with the vision statemant fr Progress n G2ograahy on Maptap A Explain why you think hycrotogsts are excellent geographers? a Touro ros roan, oot a coo How do rivers erode landscapes? River erosion isthe wearing ava ofthe banks and bed ofthe river by the power of the flowing water inthe channel. Rivers flow dowmnhil from nigner land cue to gravity Where tne gradient ofthe river in upland areas i steep, the ver I fast-flowing, providing more energy to erode indscapes, The rver channel sul of bits of rock {nd finer materi, whichis called bedload. This bedload is eroded. transported and ‘eposited by the river There are four ways that rivers erode, shown in Diagram A. ‘= Avrasion = the material being carried by the river hits the sides and bed of the ‘channel, each impact breaking pieces off the bed and banks. ‘Attrition ~ rocks and stones in the ver bang against each other, chipping bits off so the rocks become more rounded and smaller. ‘+ Hydraulic action ~ the force ofthe water pushes into cracks inthe rock atthe bed and banks, breaking bits of ‘Corrosion ~ rocks such as chak and limestone are dissolved in the rver water and ‘corried sway ne dasoives materia, © ropes oF river eration How do rivers transport oe material? ‘As tock is eroded by rivers its then transported. Itarer is flowing fast, ether where it flows across a steep gradient. or after heavy rain when there isa greater volume of water in the channel the river can transport or carty more material. Transportation happens in four diferent ways, as shown in Diagram B. © River transportation processes fae ESS peer peered itaee se Sige ero Why do rivers deposit their load? takes place when a river slows down The energy ofarver decreases, leading to and no longer has the energy to cary the material deposition i itis transporting, sot drops some. The larger rock the gradient ofthe river or the volume of water decreases feagments are dropped first due to ther greater ‘weight: er materals are deposited later, when the rver has even less energy the water slows dawn on the inside of a bene: inthe rver the rivar channel becomes shallowed the river enters lake or the sea. @ Bedload below the surface of the river Abend in ie ® River Tees: | 1 wre detnitons of erosion deposition and Drawa cartoon stip or mind map to show transportation. using the Glossary (page $02) the four ways tha a iver anspor bedload, ‘ohelp you 6. Wite a paragraph to explain why and where a 2 Whats the bedload of aver? river deposits materia 3 Write a paragraoh to explain howa river 7 Look carefuly at Photo C erodes landscapes, You can draw diagrams as a) What diferent processes are happening at par of your explanation the locations 1-5 in the photo? 4 which process of erosion nas key caused b) Justify your choice in each cas. the following? In each case explain your 8 Look careuly at Photo D. note, a) What aiferentansportation processes 2) This has made rocks smoother, saller are happening atthe locations In the and more reundes photo? ) Thishas made the river banks weaker ) dusty your choice in each cas. ¢) Thishas made the bedloas disappear. 4) This has widened ard dee enn “The ver processes you studied las lesson form a series of diferent landforms. Although no two rivers are alike, many share a simiar long profile, which shows changes inthe oragiet ofa river from source to mauth and cross profile, the slopes across the vale. ‘Toknow whatthelongprofile | Wap A uses GIS to show the Rver Tees and its long profi. You can ofavers Use this online to see how the gradient of the Tees changes from ‘To beable to craw a cross- source to mouth, The river creates diferent lanaforms in is upper, {ection trom an OS mop. rridsle and tower courses, In the upper course, vers have asteep gradient, as you ccanaee in the long profile of Map A. The Tees is lowing ‘Quickly across this siope, down the Pennines. This gives the river the energy, But there is tot alt of water inthe ‘channel zo it erodes dowmvrarde creating steep valley sides, and a narrow valley floor filed by the river channel. This is known 35 vertical erosion and it creates a v-shaped valley. Me river doesnt have the power to ut through hil so it winds round them, leaving a spur of land jutting out from the valley sie. These are called interlocking spurs; the river 2igzags around these spurs, as shown in Proto @ interiocking spurs CUE ‘You con create your oan coseeotes forthe alley by Fest go backto Lesson 17 lpage 14 and evn youse (Sowing scrosesecton using he coiour ines an theOS ow height an sopes ae sown on OS maps wth maps on Map fap C Contour es Then flow ie tages Gunes uow. How to draw a cross-section 1 "lace stigh-edged piece of paper across the OS map, etween two locators, ether Q sez ‘ide ol hevaley myx 2 Mot offeey port wher a contour ine cots the ge of your paper eco be resgos cocoa Remember cota ae sown evo Sore ave a eg mses on tem they fn cortour sno wn ote ine vey $0 3 Drowa vec os rou cossecton sing asc ot Ue Pemterioomtor91 30000 eo Y ‘4 Mace your piece of paper on the betom edge ofyour aah as shownlnD Drawadoton the <9 Ae Conant ino aro tty BOO acetone aes on OU DE! 5 Join the dots together witha smooth freehand curvedine.Shade in below theline. «<< Sm 6 aethe main pn ana ran fats angina ine of hecoesecion Aaa te Sag, = to the verteal ans. and wrt the sigue gid references forthe two end pons Ser. Oseeps 41 What ae the long pote and cross profile of the upper course ofa river. arver? ') Label the river channel, v-shaped valley and 2 Look carefuly at Map A and view the ArcGis interlocking spurs on your sketch. version at hips ut y/2eWG4iL €) Wit a paragraph to expiin now these 2) Draw your own copy ofthe long profie for features are formed the River Tees, 4 a) Draw a cross-section fom 710351 10 ) Look back t Lesson 61, Map A.on page 710329 for the upper course ofthe 102, and marc the locations of the twee River Tees on Map 1, Mapp C. Use the (0S maps on your long profi. ‘uidance above to hela you White a paragraph describing how the 1b) Draw a second cross-section trom 755350 Gradient of the River Tees changes from 10755320. source tomouth (2 Compare your two cross-sections, nd 3 study Proto 8 describe how the River Tees changes over 4) Draw a feldsketch ofthe river landscape for this distance. How do rivers shape the land? Learning objectives To dently and explain the formation f river landforms ~ waterfall meanders. ox bow lakes. “To dent rer landforms on OS maps and photographs Erosion transportation ané deposition cccur inallrwers. Each process has 3 role to playin the formation of diferent ver lancforms. In the previous lesson, you discovered how rivers create v-shaped valleys anc interlocking “Spurs nthe upper course. In this esson you wl furnerinvestgate river landforms @ The formation of waterfalls How are waterfalls formed? A forms ata steep drop in the tong profile ofarver. This is usually where a river fiows acioes geologicel Boundary between 8 diferent rock types: where a hard layer of rock lies over a softer less resistant rock. Tis isthe case at High Force waterfl, along the course of the River Tees (see Diagram A and Photo 8) As the rver flows over the steep drop, it suddenly ‘eins energy. The river can now pick up large Focks atthe base of the waterfall hitting ther ‘gainst the softer rocks. The rushing water forms '3 deep pool inthe river bed a the base of the ‘wateral called a These less resistant rocks are eroded quickly undercutting the harder rock above, Eventually the ‘overhanging hard rock collapses, a5 ts weight ‘can na longer be supported. The large angular Boulders that fall into the base ofthe plunge pool are then used by the river to further erode the totter rock, Ths process of undercutting and callase repeats mary times and slowly the Waterfall retreats upstream, leaving o steep-sided ‘deep gorge that marks where the waterfall once was located @ High Force watertal How are meanders formed? ‘Meanders are bends inthe course of 3 river. On the outside of a meander the ‘water ie deeper and the cutent flows faster. The force of water undercuts the banicof the outside Bend forming 3 steep bank This is called ariver cif. On the inside bend the current is slower, the river deposits sand and pebbles, forming ‘gentle sip-off slope. Meanders stowly rove across a landscape, as the erosion @ Features of a meander Bankecuts into the valley. Lateral erosion ‘Secure at this lower stage ofthe river, forming a wide flat valle called a flood plain Sometimes when the loop of a meander bend becomes extreme, two erosion banks can| mast ata narrow neck of a meander tually the channel ets trough leaving the teander loop detached, forming as an ox-bow lake [see Diagram D) atone ne, The formation of a an ox-bow lake Activities What are a waterfall lunge noo and gorge? Look carefully at Map-ap C, Map 2 8) Give the sicigure ord reference for High Force waterfall by Look tthe contour patter around High Force, What evidence is there to suggest there a gorge? €) What evidence can you find to suggest wateral is popular with tourists? 4) What evidence can you find to suggest the hard rock tat caps the waterfalls Used by people for bulcing material? €) Draw a seich map from the OS to show igh Force waterall and gorge. Drow an arrow on your sketch to show the direction the wateral is revesting Look careful at Diagram A and Photo 8 8) Name the fetures labeled 1-6 on Photo B 1b) Draw a caroon stip o fipbook to show how a waterall forms and develops 2) Write a paragraph to expan which ofthe four rocesses of et0S0n wil contribute tothe formation and changng state ofa water hat isa meander? Study Proto C 8) Draw a cross-section of a meander loop from river ct spot sloge 'b) Annotate your ciagram to show where and {and now the meander moves 5 Create a wide, fat. alley lor. Create a fipbook or cartaon to show how an ‘xcbow lake is formed using Diagram D. So farin this unt you have investigated river iandtorms. In this lesson you will do the work of a Preuss and hhysrologist and investigate a stretch of river. You > Toconduct feldwerk to measurethe width. depth | should follow Steps 1t0 7, and eitner conduct and speed of iver. Your own fieldwork or use the data provided from > Topresent and analyse data to compare a reatriver | already completed feldwvor te element ofthe Bradshaw model >» Tosdaw conclusion rom the data, Step 1: Create your enquiry > To evaluate feldwork methods and tndings questions To start your fieldwork you need to write your enquiry ‘uestions which you wilanswer once you have ‘Bnalysed your findings For ths fieldwork enquiy, you fre going to text three pats of Bradshaw's model rte tne questions you need to answer about the depth width and velocity ofthe river. Step 2: Select the fieldwork location “The next step isto identity a river to vestigate. For your own research you need to use an OS map to IWerisy good places ta conduct the Fieldwork Locations which are safe and easly accessible. but ‘also seem to show cifferentrver features, are worthy ‘of investigation The fldwork data provided here ‘was conducted atfve diferent locations along Hoattord Combe in Somerset (see Map B). The subject of your research: Bradshaw's model Tre wr 3a complesed pace, so smetnes roses cre molto sev stor This Pete tener ocertond ters the acscae Do aie se racine model edo ets sera nasa geoyapre wrorotieate tere ore pettus cloacae or rere charged Tem souceto:maun Hera ames show ich corseras oe rate 2 wach Esker ares ows dong couse ee agra A ‘otertine accurey ofa model or treo. geosracners conduct flawor Following te steps {Qven ight you ae going to carryout your ean felore to test vee pats of Bracsha's mode: 1+ the eth ofthe chanrel| “+ te with ofthe occupied channel “+ tre mean velo average speed domnsream of te rver Gos men ortne eldworeloestion Step 3: Collect your data (Once you have written your enauity questions, and chosen your fieldwork location, you need to collect your data At each ofthe locations selected you need t: © Measure the width: Use a tape measure to measure the width of the river from one sie of the water tothe other “+ Measure the depth: Use a ruler to measure the depth atthe midpoint. ‘+ Measure the speed: Measuring speed is slightly harder. Measure ‘5m down the river, then time how ong it takes an item such 35 @ cork or orange to travel that distance. You may wish te do this three times and take an average (acd up al three times and divide the answer by three + Speed = distance yous can compare your findings. Step 4: Present your data For each ofthe methods of data collection, write a few sentences todeserbe how you carried out your research. Then present your ata as in Table E below. Complete ths table by calculating the ‘S920 of the river for each location, @ ble of cata collectes Step 5: Analyse your data Draw graphs to show the with, depth and speed ‘ofthe nver over the fve locations that you have investigated, or create graphs from the datain Table E ‘Step 6: Reach conclusions Look again at each of your three enquiry questions and write responses to each using the ‘evidence you have collected or the evidence shown in Table E Salon. oarge Feary @ Measuring the with and ‘depth of River Holford © Measuring the speed of River Repeat these surveys at your selected points along the riverso that Holford Step 7: Evaluate your fieldwork and results Evaluate how the feldwork was cared cut and consider the following ‘Why might the width, depth and speed of the river not have been measured accurately? Does this mean your conclusions are not reliable? ‘What could you do to make the investigation © NN 67 How are rivers important to people? SESE Learning objective ©} ves weinco ese. Nan cesta arg How are rivers used as a water supply? Cowgreen Reservoir (see A) on the River Tees was bult between 1967 ‘and 1971. A dam was bull across the valle creating a2 km-long reserve It ‘was bust to control the flow of wate ‘along the River Tees. The water isused by towns and cites along the ve, in particular the industries of Teesside at the river mouth @ The dam at Cowareen Reservoir © Teesport, at the mouth ofthe River Tees How do people use the mouth of the River Tees? The River Tees has created a deepwide natural for very large ships which bring in raw materals for haroour atts mouth. Teesport nas een developed the industries that have located on the surounding fon cheap recsimed river mudflats, the deposited flatand atthe river mouth, Teespor is the third {oad atthe mouth of the Tees. Such land deal for largest porn the UK and handles over 56 milion eau industy. The deepwater por is deep enough tonnes of cargo every year @ 350000 05 map © Yarm, on the south bank ofthe River Teas ei aaa rene 1 Compare Photo A of Comgreen Reseroit with Mapetiap C. Map 2 a) Whats the sacigue grid reference for were ths photo was taken? ) Invwhich direction was the camera pointing? ‘| What are the advantages ofthis location fora reseror? 4) Hows the water from Cowgreen Resevoir used by peosle? Compare Proto D with Map C of Yarn tion was the camera en ths photo was taken? bb) Name the types of features located at gonts 1-3 labeled on the photo, 2) Wirte a paragraph to descrive and explain the ste of Yarm Why are settlements located near rivers? Historically settiements grew up next to fvers, for a number of reasons. The river ‘water supplied drinking water, narrow points long a river channel provided bridging points and a focus for roads, where people ‘ould rade, leading to the growth of a fettement Some setiements ike Yarm. shown in Map C and Photo D, were sited in the loop of a meander for protection. In these locations in the past, the river acted tke a natural moat and often a wall and castle ‘ere built at the neck of the meander to provide all-round protection from invaders. Compare Photo & with Map-fap C. Map 3 ‘8 In which direction was the camer painting wnen this oto was taken? 1) Identity three examples of heavy incusty fon the map and photo and give si-fagure ‘red references foreach, €) Wete a paragragh to explain why heavy industy and pot facies have ocatec st the mauth of te rive 4) Draw sketch map of tne mouth of the land uses on CConsier at the evidence you have cotected this lesson, Write a paragraph answering the lenquity question for toaay’ lesson: How are rivers important to people? WG How do river floods create problems? .————— Learning Gbjectives | A flood occurs when a ver has too much waterin its channel. The | Sater in the river overfows its banks and spreads out onto the “To know komt ruria ard ee “This what happened in the north of Enaland and at J surrounding area. This is what happened in the north of Ena Physicaleausesobgvertoods. | fhe iy of yorkin December 2015. Article A Fghtights thatthe ely of Toknow some waysinwhich | York floods on a reguar bass. Diagram B identifies the reasons fortis ‘people respond flood risk @ Article trom The Yorkshire, 20 December 2015 York floods 2015 oh no, not again, and ag: when will it end? ‘ORK has known devasting oding many times before Time ane agin the cts defences have ben improved and adjoed at now lesons hive been lerned, Since the Second Word War, not fond in 1947, 197R, 1982 and 2000 008 out, nd more recent serious floods in 2007 and 2012, Bu despite the histo the evens ‘het tnbeed ineiatcly sce Clatstens 2015 were shocking ad ‘dvaating, Over the cour of a few di, York sured 6 Worst ‘onding na generation. A seccewion of arms brought seco levels People have got sed w the River surpried, and angered, dat the River Fou wat allowed to food. The Owe Aoodbaters backed up the Fo fore Fist faced qveions on Monday over why the burrct had been opened on Boxing Day Teapot sett re wi nog tut to abe the Foo Barer inthe chy sere bari’ piping sion bene ‘overwhelmed’ by Hood water, raking ee ee eee Se eee tee ee (Onoe ea bak i 1987 wi gad to be lowered when the Orne lve rie {prevent water fom the Ouse wing upteam into the Fos. The Environment eee a ee ee en Pee ee ee eee eee (ren morc Hooding as el otra fect 100 proper Tn toa 25 people ht be excused fom heir homes many by bot, Li Palite, 36, wos rescued om her home inthe Hantingeon sev ofthe city by bot. "We didn eink it would reach ux bees eke raid off the ground and have thee storeys but, by a morning. as fon the ps0 had a boat ride tse i. We'e elng all ight A Iie trdsa he shocked Wes laky doughs lot of ther rides were Aooded ise nigh ex on. ae ne> Y ree eet Titres of te Ouse Theat bophint rst odes [| Theserandeumbe af wou thtfow Tineavot tour else ee Eeprocmusaieitwrgisivton | metic fonteten filalawrenriocnee worm ie been fo eae Ce reel : Testo theSepe of le Tso eee ee ‘getting into the vers more quick al ‘In December 2015, the UK experienced record u ee eae ener inte ‘pee Ones bers Dero oe ec 7 ieee eel a ee eee See eee | Reece eked sett eres \ ae f evbulasand rine [| ek sad te cotuece lor our foros mesons mos ae sen ot eae Deserugtass’ || Lavme'se twncese ne [eee ere | eae oes ease ts Tose tiiaing || Fontancrves abt Moe elect See eee pdnunat tomes || Heng ante doen ie re © Reasons for the requent flooding in York rene {1 When does river flooding occur? 2 Read Article A careful, 2) What pointis the headline making? 1) What s the Foss Barer? €) Wy was this barier opened during the flooe? 1) Imagine you and your family vein York ana were evacuated. Describe how you would fet about the flood ana the ‘damage t caused fo your ome 3 Look carefully at Figure 8 €) Which tributary joins the Ouse at York? 1) Draw a two-column table with colurmns headed: Physical geography causes and ‘Human geography causes Write an ‘veal ile for your table: The causes of the 2015 York food! ©) Wee each cause shown in Aand Bin the comect column of your ttle Look back at Lesson 6.2. page 104, and Your defintions ofthe key drainage basin processes Wirte 3 paregreph to explan how {and why these processes didn't stow down the flow of river water to Yorkin 2015 2) What problems ais the flood of 2015, create for York? 'b) What do you think was the main cause of the flood? Justify your answer. Learning object > To identity diferent Wi foods canbe Mark Seott speaking ‘bout the Environment ‘Agency five-year flood im “The Environment Agency (EA) a government body and has responsibilty for te protection and enhancement ofthe environment in England. Their responsbities include managing the risk of leading from main rivers, Feservors, estuaries and the sea, as well as making people aware of flood Fisk and advising them how they ean protect themselves. This spread looks atthe ER's five-year plan in response tothe York floods (Band D). includes the views of local people which were given ata pubic enquiry into he flooding (C), One area of agreement was that work was required to ugrade the Foss Barer. Eight pumps capable of pumping 30 per cent more water were installed as part ofa £17 millon project. ‘The as Ouse a ove vig though Yorchae bon nseremaral inthe ns scceos roving est deere forte Roma either ar aio for trade ard dus FFowh othe cy expanded Ourrastnatip wth she hershas rot eer mess poHem. $Frnuase Hotoy theo ha eqdaryAobdd, none ae panne te cee of econo 2008 Ne-aonct porta fading What ne can dole manage nar better Bul ew an Improved defences thc the yanking upstream atte catcher. aha or Fon nae to owe ow ator water and reduce the nga of ood ork. The £4 ron inastnare poised tory te owrmar he Wot ep xan thats Or te Mest eypara ws llcary ea rar porate of sara So aeoncs Eh theo. “hip ovnes cur options and ner we thik te greatest improvements can Pemade © Environment Agency flood plan, published November 2016 How this could look These are illustrations ofthe type of things we could what vers ae and how water gets into them ferent aspect of rivers and ow diferent >» how weathering, erosion and transportation Yau have alsa seen how rivers are used by create rver landforms people in diferent ways and ataitferent points. ae ete aa on OS mene Although ths unt has focused on rivers in northern England, the principe are siilar for » ty rivers are knportent to people. Tver al over the wos, Map C shows the Let's see what you have remembered world's major river basins. You will investigate and understood! Some ofthese vers in future units @ THe location ofthe work's major river basins Activities 1. Stugy the ver basin shown in Diagram A. 1) What view of avers shown? 1) Name the rwer features at points 5, $ and 6. €e) Name the ways people are using the rver a points 3.4.7 2n39 1) Name the drainage basin process that siows down the flow lof water into the rver at 2 What are locations 7 and & called? In a group discuss how the rer changes from the upiang area to the se, {2} Draw your own copy of Table 8. ') Compare Diagram Mand Tole B and fi in your copy ofthe table. Ths wil summarize what you have leamtin ts unit Write 0 paragraph to explain how the rver characteristics shown in the table are interlinked, Look carefully at Map C which shows the world largest ver basins ‘8) Compare the map with an atlas mag ofthe world showing 'b) Name the river basins labelled 1-20. 6 Wite a paragraph to explain why river are important. {6 Why are rivers important? tickers) You will have opportunites tourer develop your understancing of erosion, transportation and depostion again in Unit Coasts and Unit 4 Glaciers You wil investigate river flooding in Unit 10 Asia and in Uni 15 Climate you wil investoate how scientists think iver flooding wit change inthe future. eset) at GCSE [ALGCSE you ean furner progress your Understanding of vers and fleoding in the UK In this unit, you | Developments complex term. Most simply, development means t people reaching an acceptable standard of ining or ually of fe Saas ther defintions are provided in C. vali oF ive maane te general > todefine development | well-being of people, which includes income, health, education, > tocompare develonment | employment, and the enviranment. The photos in for exemple around the world. | showhow secess to tolets varies in ually across the wort. The ‘ ‘access people have to quality sanitation wil impact ther heath and to understand where and} therefore wil affect ther quay of ie, ‘why inequality occurs Every county in the world is ata citferent stage of development. fa > to understand the actions Every Country's developing itis changing fr the better. This isa complex eee pwocetsto achive and manta oer vith may bres and ‘governments and Setbacks to overcome n ths unit you wil investigate development ‘communities to aid area he ves development nue _Z © images trom the Dollar Steet website showing tolet access —— seross the world 8 & Toilets ~ in the World * by income Po Image chewoid ap og oer Dal Stet pores oe andrea 1 ‘seroaas earn betwee. Tr hase rumors aul coe os hve Weer "ear of potvrapters arose tenors ‘avi aml ner one and potcaraphe acorn 035 casos "Newant eo aor how pope rely seomadrataral to ne finde ope ar saeor buses wha fe Toke ke on teen cele “he Wot Bank uses 0 wealth indicator to Gefne poverty. thas seta poverty ne of ($190 or 180 per persona cay — tose Fecelving es thon tht are 580 e ing in extreme poverty, The Word Bank elves tat in 2015, an estimates 767 milion people ves Delow tis poverty ine foure That's simost 11 people every 100 inte word or 107 per cet ofthe wovi's population © Amma Rosting énniung nas rented Dollar Street ead The Development Compass Rose Understanding and questioning the idea of © The Development 5 Compass Rose @ Definitions of development Frog are the Manbub ui Hag international evelopment theorist ores Cn eee “A ‘The Nobel Prize- winning economist “Amartya Sen The alr of nation aaron ‘etre rom a menue of ‘Simon Smith Kuznets ~1971 Nobel Memorial Prize LJoreph Stiglt: ~- 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics evelopment rvolves thinking about a variety of factors. The Development Compass Rose (0). Isa tool to support this thinking, The OCR encourages you to ask a range of questions and explore links Between four areas ~ Natural, Social/cultural, Economic and Political (Who decides). You will use this tool to investigate places and issues around the world, as par of an investigation or geooraa lenquiy, in this unit of work and beyond a) Whatisa simple definition of development? 'b) What is meant ay the term ‘qualiyofife? Read tne cfferent expert views about development. ven in C a) For each identity what they think of development ') Write sentence stating your own thoughts on each view (2 Wee your own definition of development «) Compare tis with your answer to Question La, Identiy ow tis diferent 2) How does the World Bank deine world poverty? ) What co you think you could buy for £140? Make a is. €) Do you think many people in the UK are lving on less than £140 per cay? «) Hows this statistical measure of poverty diferent to the es of the development experts? The images shown 4 ate taken rom the Dol Street {) Read 8 and exlan what the webste & tying to achieve 'b) How do the photos of toilets shown in A, helo you better Understand development? ‘| Draw 2 Development Compass Rose ) Write two questions for each part of your rs ‘what you can see in image A ©) Goto the Dollar Steet website wav gapminger or dolla-sveet/matrx Selecta aferent category of otograpns for families on the street by selecting from ropsown menu 4) Repeat tne actities above for this ferent category. Reread your definition of development from 2c. Are you happy with this definition ox, having investigated rea familes on Dolar Street. do younow want to changeit? it $0, wite your new defnition. Explan why developments a complex ideato understan. bout “The World Bank is an international organisation which provides loons, advice and research o countries to support economic ‘development. The World Bank uses one main Indicator to measure evelopment, Gross National income (GNI) per capita, This isthe Sollaryalue of a county’ final come in a yest, divided by ts Population, Tables A and B show the top ten and bottom ten Countries inthe word using ths indicator to measure development. ‘Map ¢ shows @ choropleth map ofthe world of GNI per capita It con be used to compare development at a global scale. Learning objectives > Tounderstand how to measure development using ‘one economic incest > Tointerpre diferent waysof presenting development data > To investigate the patterns ot wealth acror the wor © ‘ep ton countris ranked in terms of GNI por capita, 2016 key Gl per capita MiB High income (US$12,476 or more) > Upper mide income (USS4,036-$12.475) wi0_| e270) tower middle income (US$1,026-$4,035) se2070 I ow income (USS1,025 ore) aa Nod 558 _| SIS @ Globe aistribution of GNI per capita, 2017 © Bottom ten countres ranked n terms of GNI per capita, 2016 Boe © Anoxtam campaign poster Showing global wealth inequality (2015 Migures) @ Ne fi Saeed ') Whats GNI per capita? 1b) Which organisation uses GNI to measure evelopment? Look at Tables A and 8 2) Locate the countries on an outine potica world ) Using two colours, one for the top ten countries ang one forthe bottorn ten Countries, shade and label these counties 1) Describe the dstoution of the top ten and bottom ten countries in te worl for GNI per capita 4) Do ary of the top ten countries in Tt Surprise you? Map C shows the GNI distribution forall counties ‘Use an alas to help you name the counties labelled 1-10 by Create @ table isting these ten countries n terms of weath using the key on te with th highest one fst. 1) Wy is the GN! per capita messured in USS even though couniis have diferent currencies 1) Why do you think GN per capitais a useful ‘igure to comoare the level of development Look carefully again Table A comparing the GNI per capita and population ofthe USA and Iceland ‘The GNI per copia data suggests that els richer or mote Seveloped than the USA The ‘opulation data for these two countries provides a Elue 2s to one ofthe problems with using GNI per Cepta as 2 measure af how developed a county 5: Explain what ts problem i Look at D ‘8) Which organisation has published the poster wats th reign? by Discuss with a partner wn this poster ©) Waite a paragraph outining your ew oft «) Look again at Map C. Wherein the word do yu think most ofthe 35 bilan poorest people the noste relers to, ae located? ph toidenty what you have covered about the gba dsvibution of ‘evelopment using GNI per capt asthe nccator you think abou Learning objectives > Todentiy ferent measures of development > Tounderstana the benefit of sing diferent measures of evelopment LN @ © The HDI rankings for a ees ‘St ciferent levele of evelopment, 2015, © Nap to show slobal HDI levels, 2017 The Human Development Index in Lesson 71, the expert views and the Development Compass Rose remind us that there are things to consi, other than just GNI per eapita, when measuring development. n 1980, the Human Development Index (HDI) was created to better measure development. HDI combines three elements: « living standards: the GNI per capita ‘health: the life expectancy or average age which people lve to education: the average number of years of schooling children The HDI hae a value between O and 1. The higher the number the reater the level of development Map B shows the global pattem ofH| a T [Emo paoenl [nee coed ners [ oss, Environmental impact In Unit 2you were introduced tothe term sustainably. Some development experts believe that development should consider the impact of human activites on nature, oF its ecological 1 Whatis HO 2 Look at able A a) Sor the countries in Table A into a rank ‘onde foreach inccator GNI, fe expectancy, education and HOI by What aterences do you iertify in the rank Order for each indicator Exglain tne Sierences. ‘1 What conclusions can you rake about Using just ane indicator of development? 5 Study Map B careful. 8) Describe the cstrbution of countries with very nigh HO 'b) Describe the distribution of countries with very low HDI 2) Whien countries have no data? 4) Why might ere be problems collecting data in these counties? €@) Identity problems in collecting reliable data for measuring development footornt, shown in Map C. This is a measurement ‘of how mary natural resources a country Consumes nd how many planets would be Fequied to support the Worf every country Consumed that amount @ Anecoiosical footprint map, 2018 4 Compare Map B with Map C in Lesson 72. pages 124-125, 2) What diferences can you identi? (Hint: look at Argentina ans South fica) by Which aspects of te Development Compass Rose are ignored by HDI? Look at Map C. {a} Whats the ecological footprint? ) Look again atthe counties in Table A Locate them on Map C ara identi their ecological footprint ‘2 What extra information about development does this provide for each country? Go back io your Development Compass Rose from tesson 71 Ads re questions to your tse aboutthe develoomentingieators you have studied today. Retead the expert view from Kuznets rom Lesson 7. page 123 Write a paragraph to compre this view withthe findings you nave made about the ‘Seren indicators ths lesson In your history lessons you wil study the way in which the UK was transformed by the Industria Revolution. As you tcovered in Lesson 51 (pages 42-43), the UK economy has ‘changed a (ot n the last 200 years. This is shown by the facts iA and B, The Industral Revolution lead to change. Other ‘courivies, such as Germany and USA, went through a similar process. People began to leave the countryside for new jobs In growing cites, New ideas and inventions transformed the Country Examples ofthis are shown in Figure C. This growth happened at a elatively slow rate compared to other Counts Learning objectives » To understand that development is process of change. > To understand that development ‘Secure at iferent rates and Umes in ‘Stterent countries OK © v«20n Population Even milion. Bahty percent of people ved) (Population: Sxty-Ave milion. Seventeen inte countysce. percent of peope tne nthe countyside Werk Aoout 7S per can were emloyes inthe pi ‘Work: One per corto the popultion sre Indus, the most mortar work aang, fond and ropoyed inte porary nau, 18 per ‘Noo! pragueton fiteen per cant were employes inne tere in tne secondary ity, 57 pet cert Sceorcany industy and ten per certinthetertanyindusty. || inthe tertiary industry and 24 percent 2 Education: Only 2 select few chigen were alowed Dew escton the quaternary industry, ‘stend schoo. Education [5a ieoareaurerrent ot Health and medicine an babies dies before ther est Enloren to atendsencol ater mer sh Drab, and 22 percent of peopeiedbelore ey were Shay nd hey tu 8 five yews 8, People didnot krow tal germs caused Health and medicine: Five every 1000 ‘Seease Average ife expectancy wis 40 years However, ‘hlsren bom in the UX de before he age ‘ope coud ive to ove 50 yeas 6 age they reached ‘five Le expectancy is 79.yeats fora sauthooe, tan snd 85 fors woman Trove I iook ten dye ta travel fam London to Edrourgh || Travel Itakes 80 minutes to fy to Dy 88 Enburgh rom Lance. ‘Thevote: Onl fve percent of hemale populaton could | | Thevote: From the age of 18, UK ctizers {oven siectone hve he right to vote ete pnb was Sori tea elevated abel pee oe Corner @ Progress in the UK's development was not How did these inventions transform the county? possible without Innovation. These inventions bre described in Tim Harfords book 50. Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy. 7 What aoe BRICS “Today ve countries, Brazil, Russa, India, China and South Arica, ae considered to beat asilar Stage in a process of rad economic development. These ae called BRICS, These countries are developing ata rapid rate all at once, as they benefit rom global inventions and ideas Counties tke the UX developed more slow. The inventions and clecoveres were made more slow, leading toa slower rate of development In some ways, China ls becoming more developed ‘hon counties tke the UX: '* 1n2010, China became the world's largest ‘exporter of manufactured goods ‘+ China is now the second largest economy inthe ‘world ater the USA, ‘+ Inthelast 35 years, China has ited 800 milion people aut of poverty 1 Joentiy five ways thatthe UK changed over 200 years 2. Look atthe examples of inventions in Diagram c. ‘) What inventions ae highightea? ) Why d0 you think these inventions were importa for the development of countries lke the UX, Germany and the USA ©) In small groups, thnk of three other Inventions that ave shaped our ves today. Be able to explain why you thnk nese are important. 4) Share your inventions with the class. As 3 class decide the top fve inventions for the development of the UX 1) Exsian tne reasors forthe chosen top tive. \Wirte a paragraph to explain why the UKs evelopment was gradual over the ast 200 years © china 1990 ares & @ china 2014 4a) Who are the BRICS? 1) How are these BFIC countries able to develop ata much more rapid rate than the Uk a? '5 Compare Pie charts Cand D. What do you ‘notice about how China's economy has changes Erste ‘Vist wow gapminderorg tools CGapminder isa website that use statistical data \isualzation tool to better understand the Worle, Dallar Steet part of this site. Select the Uk and China in the select box. Pay te data ‘animation. wil rack change Getween the two ‘Counties. How does it show the diferent rates ff development tough the time period you have investgated in this lesson? So far you have investigated development and inequality ata {global scale and established that development is uneven. But inequalty alco occurs within countries and even within cites or heighbourhoods. We now need to 200m between the scales, fom gioba to local ta look at internal patterns of development. Maps A-C provide evidence to show inequality across the UK and Photo = shows inequality in S80 Paulo, Brazil {@ ota! household income inthe UK Gaon Bases @ Percentage of GCSE students awarded A'-C In Wales, England and Northern ireland ae Seat me scion taas pe ad ‘mage similar to one that appeared in the Daily Mail for an stile about UK North-South ‘vide, Sth June 2011 Most vulnerable populations not captured by household surveys Hotness mesure poverty aaund the ‘werd. However, diicuie in ‘messing how mary people ive in feria teat mean hit) many individual ae not incoded inthe ress, People chs the homeless, SS SS fy be meprtie t they me potable fo prc in the rey. ‘An evtimated 350 sllon people pees eee Tehied Gor the bosib survey and thet ar ily tobe the poorest and mos in ned of ep Inequality shown in S30 Paulo, Brazil 4 Look careful at Maps A 4 Rea Extract F 2) Desctvethedstoutonpaterns shown ina) Which grouns of people ) How does tis data sho 1) Whatimpact might ths have on levels of aly nitferent rei pment such as HDI for courses? does the article suggest about the data YU have been using inthis units fa? '5 Think about the regional inequalities you hi ficult to 1) What does it suggest about regional this lesson ualtes in the UN? a) Angie the lesson’ enqutry uestion ‘Wha 1b) Compare Image D to what you have Is the global development map mis agecor natis the problem of only measuring ard comparing development for citerent {2 Has your view of development now |) Descibe what hie photo shows using the iste atl the sare as for Lesson 71 sity questions from Lesson 1 pages 2-3 Question 6 (page 123) dusty your choi by How does this phato show inequality in S80 Paul Learning objective > Tounderstand he eausos of poverty Housing beside arivor polled with sewage in Inala ‘war-torn Syria (2 Why do people live in poverty? What is poverty? “The World Bank estimates that 767 millon people live on tess than US 5190 per day ~ that’s 107 per cent ofthe wera's population living in extreme poverty, Poverty, however, means more than just ‘money, Lacking access to basic resources Such as clean wate ‘Shelter, food. work, healthcare, sanitation and education are a Significant, Photos A-C show examples ofthe really of this poverty, round the worl Reasons for poverty ‘ust as measuring development is 8 complicated process, $0 is Understanding tne reasone why some countries ae ess developed than others. Some ofthe main factors are given in Diagram D. te causesofpovery @ eaters rec ila Somes (enderinequaty van nona] Seve serene Saorer senor ed mpimay | Nepal fact file im Secondary | 4 epalis meses poorest county inthe wort meray — | « 24millon people vein exteme povery “6 Nepalis landiockes county: itis surourded by nda forthe eos soutn and wes, aby the great Himalayan ‘angeto te non ‘+ Mountains and his cover almost 75 percent of Nepal's and are, which unsulie or arming ard makes buliding reads and bndges extemal aficut ‘About 80 per cent ofthe population vein rua areas and epena on subsistence farming for ther weinoces [According to UNESCO report in 201L the iteracy rate of Nepalis 56.6 perce wth 1 huge valaton between mate and female: male 7.6 par cant fevale 445 percent ‘Gender inequsiy is 8 major iesu, Rather than attending sonoo gis are expected to rary at an ea age and workin the Flas ara at nome Nepal suters from natural disasters n 2015 an earthquake devastated uldngs, roads and beges Over 5000 people were kled and mary more ost tei homes, 1. Lookat Photos A-C a) Draw a Development Compass Rose. Wite two questons foreach point on the compass about what you can see i the images. 1) Write 2 tought bubble forthe people in the images, imagining what they might Be thinking _) Wtea Ist ofthe causes of poverty 1) Identify which causes are shown in Photos ALC. €) Go back to your Development Compass Rose, Add each ofthe ‘causes where you think they Mt into the compass ‘Study the dota snown in Eane the fact fie about NezaL {) Use an alas to help you descrite the location of Nepal. 1b) Look at tne fact fle anc compare it to Diagram D, Draw your wn spider clagram to show causes of poverty ip Nepal 12) Wrte@ poregraph to descrive how poor Nepal, nd the causes of this poverty Gender inequality occurs when people are treated diferently and ‘ven diferent opportunities just bacause they are male or female Inmany places throughout the worls gis do not experience the Learning objectives oe ‘same rights as boys. This can take many forms including being > To understand how gender eprved of education, forced into early marriage. or held back from ‘equal con ead toigher ‘opportunites at work This inequality often takes piace because of eed Cultural beliefs or economic factors, butt results in half 2 countrys population being he beck Below, Sada tels her story about being a child bride. Poster © shows the impact of investing in gis, and ilustrates the true cost of Stories such a Sadia’ Gender inequality) © S07 ten trom planters world facts “+ One inte tenage os around the wort is denied access to One in tree isn te ower income counties vllbe mores y er 18h Breas Difcutiesin pregnancy ard ign are he leacing use ‘of deat for gts aged 150 19 in developing counties. Between 2009 and 2013 there ete atacks on schools nat least 70 atferent couris. ‘Snumber of nese atacie ware crectea at is, parents {and teachers who argued for ‘gender equaiy mn education, inequality. For every EL eames byaman a woman ears Bip. Inte argest 350 UK companies. women only represent 235 per cent ofthe top postions. Sadia’s story My name's Sida and was a his bide [m row 6 yets ia have Ine alley fen 2 smal vilage ousice Dhatain Banaladesh [rae mec at 24 My nusbond ‘Somon fefour yer oer My husband ia farmer Hs fray rmoveanee af ya ape on ‘tence tama. lant know him © Defoe we ner marie, na never seen rim Gelore. | enjoyes schock especialy maths wich was my fasourte subject Buin eighth rade. | was suddenly tla by my Doves that hae to qt | thine twas four or five days ater it hoo! tet my granamotner tld me what ely vas ong on | was Shocked and completely devastated. Mary? Me? Sut sic nothing to her leet meet my husbane before te weosng, but they said he was a good man, Tne ite of wat was expected of abide. Grandma had been raried very young, prooaby much younger ran me, so se tied thelo She {ad [would be reponsbie forthe Rouse. had to tke cre of my Psband andi had ote car of fail ‘Say later wae marae The ret words Messe to me were to tll metastop eying Thad 9 cut pregnancy ans was sick aot with lt of pan, Ihave become scoustomes to my new if nave my Guts 3s 2 wie cndrmother But worry lot | wary about money my husband, my hid andy choves but mast of al worry frat my own daughter wll ‘350 one day be marred off eat, Ud Tae eee LL 1a) Identify an example of gender inequality ang an example of gender equally. Discuss your ideas witha partner ) Write your own definition and example of ‘gender inequaity ©) Read the factsin A about gender inequaiy. Do any ofthese facts surprise you? Discuss which one shows the greatest inequalty SSummarise and justly your findings 2 Look carefully at 8. 1) How cid Sasa’ ile change ater mariage? 1) How do you think Sada fet when she marred? 2) Why i Sada Uihely to have more children ‘over ner if than if she artes ater? \Wmat do you think her future holds? 3 Explain why you think gender inequalty exists organisation that works to progress women's health, Fights and welFbsing. They =" ‘vise organisations s Inclacing international == ‘agencies such asthe World act Bank They influence and i ‘act both globally and locally o 4 Look carefully at Poster C. 2) What isthe poster snowing sbout gender inequalty and gevelopment? by Wn has creates this poster? ‘21 Why do you think this organisation nas publshea ths poster” 4) The poster iderines sx easons wy 2 county should ivestin gis. Discuss each reason with 8 partner, and rankthem in (order of importance 1) dusty your rank order decisions. 5 Wte a paragraph to explain why girs and women can be at the heart of development ‘Stretch and challeng rte an alternative future fr Sadia from 14 years ola if ene had Sayed in education Internationa ald isthe voluntary donation of money, goods oF knowledge trom one county to another, often a developed country supporting developing countries There are two rain types of a Learning objectives To understand how bilateral anc non-governmental ai supports ‘development ‘© Bilateral aid ~ 2 government in one country provides aid to the > Toundersind how development | 90¥emmment ofa foreign country 3i¢ may change overtime ‘» Non-governmental aid ~ charities called non-governmental organisations (NGOs) aise money from the public to support {evelopment projects in other countries. © counties receiving mot Bilateral aid ‘30 trom bio, 2017 The Department for International Development (Of10) i responsible for administering biateral aid from the UK. The buaget for aid projects in 2017 is shown in Tables A and B. Between 2014, 2015 DID gave £249 millon in ad to Pakistan (Poster C), PAKISTAN Me come ° a 936% SEE eran Proisct buses for DD In score, eo | ar 000i Bests | IN 201415 DFS PROGRAMME WAS £249 MILLION. eS oo —— SumLoN RS ;aIMLoRFOne aa o,000 owen ht Tete! saci COMTI 67,000Pe0rte en Ee HLLON ORE Sones” Treweetand am wae’ MOR Ne 2 LON @ p10 Development Report on Pakistan, 2018 © Actionaie’s vision ana mission Statement ur von i's et ete and sustainable worn Whicker prson eno the att to Hoot aan, rea ram poverty anal trs o oF reson urminoon ese wrk th por ard loed peopl 2 cade poor ordi! NGOs ActionAid isan international NGO which works ‘with over 25 millon people in 45 countries. thas been working for a wot fee from poverty and injustice for over 40 years. Its vision is shown in D Today, ActionAid Uses @ Human Rights Based ‘Approach (HRBA) to reduce poverty in the wort. ‘Table E shows examples of tir work. @ Examples of Actionale's work 1 2 ') What's international aie? 1 What are the two main types of aid? Look at Table A 2) Onan outline map of te world, plot and shade the top ten countries he UK provides acto b) Goto Map Con pages 124 and identity the GNI foreach of these countres. Add this to your outine map. ©) Describe the dstbution ofthese countries and the GNI 4) Explain why you tink the UK donates ai Look closely at Tabie . ‘) Drala tar grap to show total spend on ach Spe of project 1) Describe the types of project the ad is spesten. 1) wnat is the problem of spending the ‘most money on disaster reir? Study Poster C. 4) Kdently tne development challenges for Patan ) Drawa Development Compass Rose. For leach point othe compass. write now the Uk has supported devetoornentin Pakistan, ©) Explain which sategy you belive isthe ‘ost important to supgort development in Pakstan Study Statement O and Table 1a) How does Actionsi's mission statement lineto economist Amartya Sen's efintion of development in Lesson 73. page 1257 by What @ Human Rights Based Aporoach tocevelopment ad? €) How do the exarnples in Table Elin to the mission statement for ActionAla? 4) Use the examples in Table Eto explain how the projects suppor counties to deveion. ‘81 What kind of challenges do you think ‘Action may face when carrying out thei projects? Exslain how Actionsi's workisciferent to the UKs biateral ac Learning objectives > Tounderstand Sustainable “The United Nations (UN) isan organisation of 192 countries. It was set up in 1945 following the end of the Second World War. It aimed to bring nations together to prevent future contct. From 2001 to 2015 the UN setup eight Millennium Development Goals: They focused on reducing global poverty. In 2035, a new set of seventeen targets - Sustainable Development Goals - were Created (see Poster Cl. These goals cal for action by all countries and aim to end poverty, Aight inequally and injustice, and tackle ‘climate change by 2050, The goals are not legally binding. but governments are monitored to see i they are working towards them. Poster A was created by the UN to ep explain te frst goal > Tounderstand the purpose of these goal in resucng word povery [ate Bie ae = SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Por) © UN poster onthe fst Sustainable Development Goel . eed 1 Whatis sustainability 2. Reac Ban-Ki Moon's quote in and Poster C 1a) What ae the Sustainable Development b) Why's sustainable development so mpertant fr the future of the planet ‘© Wry'sitimportant thatthe goals apaly toll countries, notjust counties with iow levels of development? 3 Look carefully t Poster A goal ) Explain how the UN aims to stop © Former UN Secretary-General Ban Kiemoon Speaks about the Importance of the Sustainable Development Goals, in 2015, seine abou? by Wich goats are you unsure abot vill learn more about these inthe other Unis in ro phy ana Unit 15 ck tal of them, €) Look back at tne vision statement on Mapp A How does Poster C demonstrate the world working together tobe good geograpners? 4 Draw a Development Compass Rose anc {1 Which tree goals do you think ate the ost important? ‘choice. Cd BPA | 5 way may some governments find ta ‘Soremrcon tthe SOG overty in Lesson 76, page. VEST susraivanie DEVELOPMENT GOALS 7:10 In this unit, you have learnt: > to define development > to compare development arourd the world » to understand where and why inequality > to understand the actions taken by individuals, governments and communities to aid development Let's see what you have remembered and understood! @ Economic sectors of ‘employment in Golvia, 2015, What is development? Review You ae to apply what you have leant inthis Unit fo make decisions and write @ report on Dehalf ofthe Bolvian Government about future evelopment strategies. Bova is located in South America (Map A. Ithas many physical and human challenges to development, shown in the resources below. © Landscape of chapare province in Bolivia, senses 2001 8 2010 ume prr nthe hp ean y 22% ‘Wier eran! 159% ‘emambrfehlien sth ronan tn Lm 13% ‘Thetarryre mpemedhy 13,59 atm T by 149 ompudion 4M neers epee er i 4 20% et eatin rite © An example ofthe Sustainable Development Goals. being implemented by one community in Bolivia Activities 1 Look at resources A-C. Answer the 4Ws and 24s engury questions (from page 3) about Botha Use the maps from Lessons 72 (pages (124~ 1125) and 73 (999¢ 126) 0 find out Boia level of development [HDI and GNI per capita, iors Bark grouping! Use A-E, ang what you have learnt about the ‘causes of inequality to exiain the challenges to ‘develooment hat Bolivia needs to overcome Look at D,an example of how the Sustainable Develoament Goals have been implemented in one area of Boni. 2) Why were these SDGs a focus inthis area? 1) What SOG priorities are idenitied for Bola? 1) Do you agree with these priorities? @ The Kapa fomnly, trom the Dol Street website Bova Juans 39 yeas ls ana wersin consrton His wifes ‘a youngest Paola 5 andEic 1.30 et yet goto schoo. They ne st outs roma glacier treo and isnot alvays safe to crk Sale thnwng water wl cost to 10 per cen of ther ncore, Fouling, San sre works asa Gus lane. They ve wah thee feurchiaren The eloes Do, 9 and Keun, 6 2 oot Suse, Paz the capital of Bova They he ing Zuttide the ey a ne rent much eneaper but woudsprterit poole didnt dump wash the mer neat. The house has etry, buttney mus use 2 pic pay ale oust he Nous (which cost 28 Balvan Bovoros@ USD per week Hal ther famiyinccr spent on buy food Water must be colectes '5 Write a report on behalf of te Bolivian Government on the prorites fr future development of the cou ‘dentiy and exclain the folowing + the probleme Bolivia neads to overcome {tne typeof id that can be obtain from tne UK Government and ActionAid ‘which SOGs Balvia snould prirtise in 2sson 71 page 123 you produced a Development Compass Rose You wrcte what you thought were important questions on your ‘ase. Now that you have made proms your staring of developrrent, go back 21d Teread your questens. Do you sl think these brethe Important questionsin each exeg007? ‘so new questions to your rose Srare your rev: Questions wih the class. ieee) You wil get tne opportunity 10 consider your new Development Compass Rose questions as well as progress your understancing of {eveloprnentin the folowing unitsin Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 Unit One planet. mary peopl How are populatons changing? Unit 10 Dietse and dynamic: Hows AS being tansformed?: Unt 2 What ae the enalenges ana opsomunities facing Ares”: Unt 14 Wry te idle East an impocant world region? Unit 5 Whats the future for the planet? A geographers view tee koe ‘Anunderstanding of developments an important aspect of GCSE ‘geogranty, You wil be requis to ‘consider change in at east one lower incor county or one thats within 3 neviy emerging economy, You vestigate how t's changing, anc the characterstes of international ade, ‘a0 and geo-political relationships with respect to that county,

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