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IIP International School

Progress Report - Term 1

Academic Year - 2022 - 2023

Student ID: 228140 School Year: Year 8

Student Name: Nyan Moe Myat Term: Term 1

June 2022 - October 2022 Issued Date: 28.11.2022
Attendance % Grading Scale
Absents 5% A* Above 90% D 50% - 59%
Present 95% A 80% - 89% E 40% - 49%
No. of School Days 89 B 70% - 79% F 30% - 39%
C 60% - 69% G 20% - 29%
Academic Total %

90th Percentile
Overall Grade
[Out of 100%]
Mid Term
[Out of 60%]

[Out of 40%]
Assessment 1

Average %
Overall %
CATs %


Myanmar 30 100% 100 82% 51% 39% 90% A* 89% 98%

English 30 90% 100 72% 45% 33% 78% B 76% 86%

Mathematics 30 77% 100 83% 49% 38% 87% A 79% 91%

Science 30 65% 100 81% 47% 36% 83% A 81% 93%

Geography 30 77% 100 56% 36% 32% 68% C 74% 92%

History 30 73% 100 66% 40% 36% 76% B 70% 86%

90th Percentile
[Out of 100%]

Overall Grade
[Out of 60%]

[Out of 40%]

Mid Term
Average %

Overall %

Assessment 1
CATs %

Non -



ICT 30 73% 50 96% 51% 36% 87% A 74% 93%

0% 0% 0% 31% 31% B 33% 37%
Fine Arts 30 87% 30 97% 55% 36% 91% A* 76% 86%

Music 30 88% 30 90% 54% 38% 92% A* 79% 92%

40 35% 20 75% 29% 28% 57% C 55% 74%
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IIP International School
Progress Report - Term 1
Academic Year - 2022 - 2023

Teachers' Comment
Myanmar: Fine Arts:
The student is a diligent student who participates
actively in class and focuses well on his/her Your drawings, colorings and ideas are excellent.
If The student could work diligently in the second
semester, The studentwill surely improve

English: Music:

Simon is responsive, hardworking and ambitious.

The student is excellent at playing violin and musical skills,
He always contributes his knowledge with his
and also participate well in the class activities.

Science: Global Perspectives:

The student understands some of the concepts of the

subject but struggle with some advanced research and
Enthusiastive and positive in learning. analytical skills. He/She demonstrates some ability to think
independently but would benefit from expressing themselves

Geography: History:

The student is enthusiastic and hardworking in studying and

Good work! Thank you for trying.
discussion and you will be a good potential one.

ICT: Physical Education:

The student is clever and responsive. The student

S/he needs to put more effort in PE.
pays attention and does well in class and in exam.

The student is cooperative and puts forth his/her

He didn't return the both assessment and project.
best effort into homework assignments.

PTO -->

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IIP International School
Progress Report - Term 1
Academic Year - 2022 - 2023

Teachers' Comment

Units 3, 6, 7 and 8 are missing; able to tap into deep learning; meaningful contributions during class discussions;
creative; good communicator. I’m unsure of what is the reason behind not submitting some units but it might have
to do with -as recognized by himself - the difficulties he has to keep on focused when engaging with a task.

- End of Teachers' Comment -


Global Perspective: This paper presents a model of assessment for the whole academic year, supervised by
the teacher. The academic score will be reflected at the final term progress report.

Continuous Assessment Tasks (CATs) mean the regular evaluation of the learning process of a student with
four categories ( Attendance and Punctuality, Discipline, Homework and Project works.)
Average Score Percentage means that the score for the whole level for this subject.
90th Percentile means that the score for which the top 10 percent of the class got the whole level higher than the

Tr. Thiri Aung Myint Daw Aye Aye Aung

Class Teacher Principal

#Completed - Progress Report of Term 1 (June 2022 - October 2022)

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