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Helena Miralles

My holiday in París

Last summer I was lucky enough to be able to go to París and in a week I will go again but
instead of going with my family I will go with my friends. We will go by plane and we will
rent a car to be able to move around the city. The first three days we will visit the most
important parts of the city and the other two remaining days we will go out to party to meet
These days I have been very nervous and overwhelmed by the trip, especially yesterday,
when I got up I had to call the hotel to tell them that in the end we will be 4 instead of 5
since Sandra will not be able to come because she had a personal problem, she will I told
the group and we all got a little sad because we wanted Sandra to attend. Apart from calling
the hotel I had to call all the places we had reserved to unsubscribe Sandra. The group and I
have thought about buying a gift for Sandra to cheer her up.

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