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ENGR& 225 Practice Exercise 4 Name ______________________

Week 3


The goal of this Practice Exercise is to explore what you have learned so far this quarter by answering
some relevant questions

True/False, Short Answer, Multiple Choice.

1. Normal force, N, acts __________ to an area.

a) parallel
b) perpendicular
c) near
d) none of the above

2. Factor of safety (F.S.) is the ratio of ___________________and has values ____________ than 1.
a) Ffail to Fallow , less
b) Fallow to Ffail , less
c) Ffail to Fallow , greater
d) Fallow to Ffail , greater

3. A bar having a length of 5 in. and cross-sectional area of 0.7 in.2 is subjected to an axial force of 8000 lb.
If the bar stretches 0.002 in., determine the modulus of elasticity of the material.
ENGR& 225 Practice Exercise 4 Name ______________________
Week 3

4. The strut is supported by a pin at C and an A-36 steel guy wire AB. If the wire has a diameter of 0.2
in, determine how much it stretches when the disributed load acts on the strut.

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