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Reading Session:

The Truth About Customer Experience

Tuesday, April 12 2016

Yosanova Savitry
Idea in Brief

Why What How

The Problem: The Argument: The Solution:

Many Companies excel in Companies that perfect Combine top-down, judgment
individual interactions with customer journeys reap driven evaluations and
customer, but they fail to pay enormous rewards, including bottom-up, data driven
adequate attention to the enhanced customer and analysis to identify key
customer’s complete employee satisfaction, reduced journeys, and then engage the
experience on the way to churn, increased revenues, entire organization in
purchase and after lowered costs, and improved redesigning the customer
collaboration across the experience.
How: #1 Identifying Key Journeys

Top-Down Bottom-Up
Judgment Driven Evaluations: Data Driven Analysis:
• Identify early win (policy or • Do additional research into
process changes that can be customers’ experiences of their
implemented quickly and journeys and which ones matter
centrally) most
• Use whenever company seeking • Draw on customer and employee
just to fix a few glaring problems in surveys along with operational
specific journeys data across functions at each
touch point
How: #2 Understanding Current Performance

Additional Research: Initial Bottom-up Understanding Current

• Customer and employee focus Analysis Performance
• Call monitoring
How: #3 Redesigning the Experience and Engaging the Front Line

Getting cross-functional teams together to see problems

from themselves

Design Solutions as a group

“Even if a fix appears obvious from the outside, the root causes of poor customer
experience always stem from the inside, often from cross-functional disconnect”
How: #4 Sustaining at Scale by Changing Mind-Sets

Modifying the organization and its processes

to deliver excellent journeys

Adjusting metrics and incentives to support

journeys, not touchpoints

“Implementing the changes across the firm is hugely important – and hugely
Reward of Perfect Journey




Take Away: Using Journeys to Differentiate

Identifying the journey that matter most can be beneficial even when companies don’t
1 have a nagging customer service problem

Optimizing a single customer journey is tactical; Shifting organizational processes,

culture, and mind-sets to a journey orientation is strategic and transformational

Journey-based transformations are not easy, and they may take years to perfect. But
the reward is higher customer and employee satisfaction, increased revenue, and
lower cost

Delivering successful journeys can create a culture that’s hard to build otherwise, and
a true competitive advantage goes to companies that get it right

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