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Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð IB psychology

Cognitive approach to understanding behaviour:

Class activity

Contrast the multi-store model of memory and the working

memory model

1. Draw a picture of the MSM and describe how information flows

through the different memory systems:

2. Draw a picture of the WMM and explain shortly the difference

between the phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketchpad

3. Outline the key differences between MSM and WMM:

4. Outline which research would you use to illustrate those differences

(one study for each model):

a) Study in support of the MSM:

 Write a short summary (aim, procedure, findings).
 How does this study support the MSM?

b) Study in support of the WMM:

 Write a short summary (aim, procedure, findings).
 How does this study support the WMM?

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