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It certainly can be said that Othello’s love is not stable and being in an isolated

place leads them to break apart. Afterall, the tragedy demands that this chaos

At the start of the play, their love is certainly not stable even though Othello
sees Desdemona as honest and fair, the main Antagonist tries to ruin
Desdemona’s and Othello’s relationship by using the racial preconceptions of
the time to anger Desdemona’s father. “ a black ram is chupping at your white
ewe” through this imagery of a white ewe, Desdemona is characterizes as
innocent and weak, while, “black ram” juxtaposes white ewe, and
characterizes Othello as dangerous and nefarious. Through this imagery,
Shakespeare enlightens the audience to the racial dynamics which existed, an
suggests that despite of Othello’s status and despite of their love, Othello will
never be able to equalize in venetian society due to his race, through this,
Shakespeare presents their relationship as unstable, since Desdemona because
of her race is treated as “superior”, and Othello is depreciated.

While their love is unstable is slightly unstable in Venice, their love becomes
drastically more unstable in Cyprus amongst isolation. Interestingly, while the
characters are in Venice, Iago’s is unable to destroy their relationship, due to
the ubiquitous presence of authority, however in Cyprus this changes and Iago
is able to use Othello’s isolation into tricking him into thinking Desdemona is
unfaithful. The instability of his love is demonstrated through symbolism and
imagery “her name that was as fresh as dian’s visage is not begrimed and
black”. Through this imagery and juxtaposition, Shakespeare enlightens the
audience to the change in Othello’s character and thoughts. While at the start
of the play Desdemona was described as “sweet” and “fresh” by Othello, now
in contrast, she is described by him as “begrimed and black”. Through this
juxtaposition, Shakespeare also demonstrates the effect of Iago’s actions and
words on Othello, and in turn reemphasizes how Lago uses the characters
isolation in Cyprus to destroy their relationship.

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