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Proceedings of the Institution of

Civil Engineers
Water Management 158
September 2005 Issue WM3
Pages 93–102

Paper 13967
Received 31/08/2004
Accepted 06/06/2005

Keywords: Adrian Laycock Chris Swayne José Marques

drainage & irrigation/tunnels & Chief Design Engineer, PHLC, Project Manager Construction, Mechanical and Electrical Specialist
tunnelling/waterways & canals Lahmeyer International, Oban, PHLC, Lahmeyer International, Consultant, Binnie & Partners (Overseas)
UK Monmouth, UK Limited, Woking, UK

Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan

A. Laycock MSc(Agr Eng), FICE, C. Swayne CEng, FICE, FCIWEM, MASCE and J. E. J. Marques MOE (Portugal)

This paper describes the design, construction and fertile Peshawar Vale centred on Mardan and has recently been
commissioning of a major irrigation project in Pakistan. It is rehabilitated under Swabi salinity control and reclamation
the final stage of the Tarbela Dam project and follows two project (SCARP).1 Cropping diversity and population intensity
centuries of irrigation development in the Indus Valley. The have increased over the years and the original design basis of
Pehur high-level canal (PHLC) is now operational after a protective irrigation for the wheat crop is no longer an overriding
five-year construction period which began in 1997. The factor. Over 100 different crops are grown under irrigation,
purpose of the project is to bring 30 m3/s of water from the including wheat, maize, rice, sugar cane, sugar beet, tobacco,
Indus River at Tarbela Dam to the lower reaches of the alfalfa, fodder and various fruits and vegetables.
existing Upper Swat canal (USC) system. This not only
alleviates water shortage in the existing 100 000 ha Upper The Swat river has excess water in summer (Kharif) from April to
Swat scheme but will allow additional areas totalling about September, but runs low in winter (Rabi) from October to March.
25 000 ha to be brought under irrigation upstream of the Water shortage can be particularly acute in October/November,
confluence with PHLC. The combined system Tarbela– at the start of the wheat planting season.
PHLC and Swat river–USC is a complex one that is aimed
at optimising water use from the two different sources, The Indus is regulated by Tarbela reservoir and has water
which are in restricted supply at different times of the year. available at different times of the year, when Swat water is in
Accordingly the design philosophy of PHLC is different to short supply. The 1991 Indus Waters Apportionment Accord
all other major canals in Pakistan. The project included between the four provinces of Pakistan allowed the Pehur
several novel principles of design, construction and high-level canal (PHLC) to proceed, diverting water into
operation, such as automatic downstream control, large North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) up to a limit of
parabolic canals and low-pressure pipelines for irrigation 650 Mm3/year (528 000 acre-ft/year). However, any water
distribution. The main project comprises two tunnels diverted into PHLC cannot be used for power generation at
totalling 6 km, two large inverted siphons, each over 3 m Tarbela and therefore has an economic cost of forfeited power
dia. and about 2 km long, 26 km of concrete-lined parabolic generation, which needs to be minimised.
canal (the largest of its kind in the world) and
reconstruction of the existing 45 km long Maira branch
canal. Cross-regulation of main and branch canals is 1.2. Canal operating principles
provided by 13 pairs of self-regulating float-operated gates.
The combined system Tarbela–PHLC and Swat river–USC is
The rugged terrain necessitated about 40 cross-drainage
shown in Fig. 1. The USC is operated under upstream control, in
structures in the form of culverts and super-passages. Also
which adjustments to canal discharge are made at the head of the
included was rehabilitation of the existing minor canal
main canal system. The response time near the tail of the canal
system covering 40 000 ha and the development of about
system is typically 4–5 days. The flow is continuous into the head
5000 ha of new irrigation based on a buried pipeline
of the system and split in proportion to irrigated area into the
distribution network. Commissioning was delayed by
distributary (secondary) canals. Watercourses (tertiary canals)
difficult tunnelling conditions, and several design
offtake from these, also flowing continuously, each serving a
modifications were required in commissioning the canal
irrigation area typically between 50 and 250 ha. Along the
control gates. The more unconventional facets of the
watercourse the water is diverted to each farm in turn.
project’s design were initially met with scepticism by the
engineering establishment, but have been mostly
The rigid Warabandi system is still the official method of water
vindicated by the project’s successful completion.
distribution, although it is usually only resorted to at times of
severe shortage. Warabandi is a system of water allocation
between farmers, in which each farmer receives from the
watercourse an amount of the available water proportional to the
1.1. Indus–Swat inter-catchment transfer size of the farm, on a fixed two-week rotation. Although giving
The Upper Swat scheme was constructed between 1902 and 1919 an apparently equitable division of water, the amount, frequency
and extended in the 1930s. It irrigates a large proportion of the and duration of irrigations are not suited to the convenience of

Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al. 93

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management 2005.158:93-102.

Project area
Land irrigated by Pehur high-level canal command

canal t
Land irrigated by Upper Swat canal command
Benton tunnel

Future irrigation by Upper Swat canal with water

available after Pehur high-level canal construction
Pitched channel



Badri siphon
Baja tunnel
Ma Kundal siphon
Lower Swat canal ch
Br Gandaf tunnel

Ballar Peh
Mardan u r hi


el c



i are
a Tarbela Dam

Peshawar River Indus

ul riv

0 12 3 4 5 10 15

Fig. 1. The Upper Swat canal—Pehur high-level canal system

the farmer or to the actual needs of the crop. Farmers often distributary, the head regulator gate is adjusted accordingly and
trade their Warabandi turns and routinely waste excess water the response of the main canal in delivering or storing rejected
into the drainage system, especially if their turn comes during the water is immediate. No water need be wasted as it is retained
night. (A recent study by the International Water Management within the main canal. The tail of the canal system is guaranteed
Institute, based in Sri Lanka, found that 60% of water was wasted water and there should be no tail-end shortage.
on some distributaries.)
This is achieved through self-regulating float-operated cross-
Upstream control requires operators to be in attendance at all regulator gates. The gates open or close in order to maintain
cross-regulators and needs an efficient communication system downstream water levels at a pre-established value. This effect is
between operators. A common manifestation of inadequate carried up through the system to Tarbela Dam, where a SCADA
operation is the occurrence of tail-end water shortages, which control system operates the Gandaf outlet valves in response to
arise because farmers closer to the system head take more water water levels in the PHLC head reach.
than their theoretical allocation. Tail-end shortages were
particularly severe in distributaries fed by Maira Branch. The normal operating mode of the main canal should be with
water levels at or near ponded level, except in periods of
Since the distributaries and watercourses were originally maximum demand, when levels will tend to draw down to normal
designed for proportional distribution, the main system canals channel flow. Normally there will be less demand at night and
are operated on a rotational basis during Rabi, when water distributary head gates should be partly closed then, allowing
availability is restricted to approximately half that in Kharif. water levels to recover to full ponding level overnight. Although
Swabi SCARP introduced main system cross-regulation officially the Warabandi system is in force, in practice it is
structures for the first time and increased the system capacity only fully used at times of water shortage, and most farmers
to permit on-demand scheduling in the future. prefer to work in daylight.

Regulation of the PHLC and the tail of the combined system in The key issue from the farmers’ viewpoint is flexibility of supply.
Maira Branch is achieved through downstream control. Water is With downstream control and wedge storage in the canal
stored in the PHLC and Maira Branch in ponded reaches. The system they are not restricted to fixed amounts of water at fixed
points of control are hence shifted to the distributary head times. The key issue from the Irrigation Department’s viewpoint
regulators. When more or less water is required in the is the ease of operation and reduced manpower required as the

94 Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al.

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management 2005.158:93-102.

Fig. 4. The screed bars are used as a guide for formation trimming

Fig. 2. Excavation and trimming to profile using a chain

template (c) It provided a saving in concrete. The parabolic section offers a
potential saving in concrete volume of about 5% over
the equivalent trapezoidal section. However, in the interests
cross-regulators operate automatically. It would also be
of safety the adopted profile was made flatter than the
extremely difficult to balance supplies between PHLC and USC
theoretical optimum, which would have had top side slopes
without some form of automation in this way.
too steep for a person to climb out. The actual saving in
concrete was about 2%, which was nevertheless significant
2. MAIN CANALS over the 26 km length.
2.1. Pehur high-level canal (d) Suspended sediment-carrying capacity is better than other
The concrete-lined main canal is unusual in that its profiles, owing to the even velocity distribution over the
cross-sectional profile. At present the water from Tarbela is
cross-sectional profile is for the most part parabolic, rather
sediment-free, but by the year 2015 it is anticipated that
than a more common trapezoidal section. The reasons for
Tarbela reservoir will have silted up to the extent that all
adopting this design were as follows.
the reservoir outlets including Gandaf tunnel will be
(a) It offered ease and speed of construction, using a rotating significantly affected by sediment. De-silting basins at
striker tube on pre-formed screed bars. It took less than 1 h to the head of the canal have been planned, and will be built
place a 6.5 m bay of the 15 m wide canal. The sequence of when needed in the future.
construction is shown in Figs 2–5.
(b) It also offered greater strength owing to reduced stress The design capacity is 30 m3/s, with a longitudinal gradient of 1
concentration, and hence reduced tendency to crack. in 5000. Typical cross-sectional profiles are shown in Fig. 7. A
Trapezoidal lining of this size tends to crack longitudinally rectangular profile was adopted over two short reaches through
along the junction of sides and base owing to varying deep cut in rock, in order to reduce the amount of rock
earth pressure, and on the sides owing to tension cracking excavation, and in the short head reach between the tunnel
during concrete placement. A finite-element analysis of both outlet and the site of the future de-silting basins. Owing to the
profiles is shown in Fig. 6. level-top design, the actual profile and depth varies throughout
its length.

Fig. 3. Concrete screed bars are cast in situ at 6.5 m spacing. A

single purpose-built shutter is used over the whole canal, with
the elevation adjusted to suit the level-top design Fig. 5. Concrete is placed using a Bunyan striker tube

Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al. 95

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management 2005.158:93-102.

Fig. 6. Comparative stress distribution in parabolic and
trapezoidal profiles owing to horizontal forces from Fig. 8. Orifice-type float-operated self-regulating gate for
swelling soils downstream control

2.2. Cross-regulators with self-regulating gates through the small orifice, creating additional damping and
Cross-regulator gates were built to a performance specification reducing gate oscillations. These features are shown in Fig. 9. The
and are self-regulating, float-operated and arranged in 13 pairs sequence of operation between adjacent reaches of the canal is
down the length of the main canal system, including PHLC shown in Fig. 10.
and Maira Branch. The gates are free surface type with falls of
up to 1.2 m, except for those at the outlets of the two large During commissioning of the canal, several adjustments were
siphons and Baja tunnel, which are orifice type operating at made to increase the damping effect and to ensure that each pair
heads of up to 4 m. In order to deter vandalism, all gates are of gates performed slightly differently in order to prevent
enclosed in 3 m high walls with locking access doors. The largest hunting between the pair. An important on-site modification was
gates weigh 26 t each (Fig. 8). the closure of the float chamber and its reconnection by pipe
to the canal at a distance of 50 m downstream, where there was
These are radial gates with a trapezoidal-shaped skin plate on no turbulence created by the flow through the gate.
the upstream side, a combined float and counterweight on the
downstream side and a second counterweight above the trunnion To prevent jamming, there is always a small clearance between
axis. The trapezoidal shape prevents binding of the cheeks during the sides of a self-regulating gate leaf and the canal walls or
gate opening, and hence permits a very small opening force, the opening side walls. Hence, when closed, the gate does not
which is provided only by the buoyancy of the float. As the water cut off the flow completely. Isolating gates are installed upstream
level downstream drops owing to increased irrigation of the orifice gates, designed for closing against the flow in
consumption, the float falls, opening the gate to increase the flow an emergency. All cross-regulators are equipped with two
in the canal. When water consumption decreases, the float rises, self-regulating gates in parallel so that the structure can operate
closing the gate and reducing the discharge. By changing the even if one gate is taken out of service for maintenance.
weight in the float it is possible to adjust the water level at which
the gate is fully closed. By changing the weight in the
2.3. Cross-drainage works
counterweight it is possible to adjust the water level at which the
gate is fully open. In order to improve stability of operation The main canal route traverses two wide valleys. A comparison of
and prevent hunting, the gate float works inside a chamber designs for aqueducts and inverted siphons indicated that for the
connected to the canal downstream level by an adjustable lengths and available heads involved, inverted siphons were
opening. In addition the skin plate has an air–water chamber cheaper and far less disruptive in terms of land acquisition. The
open at the bottom (in water) and with a small opening at the top two inverted siphons are among the largest ever built for this
connected to the atmosphere. As the gate moves air is purpose. Kundal siphon (Fig. 11) is 1800 m long and Badri siphon
admitted (when the gate opens) or expelled (when the gate closes) is 2200 m long. Both are 3.2 m dia. steel tubes encased in mass

15 334 Smaller cross-drainage structures take the main canal across

numerous nullahs (mountain watercourses subject to flash
flooding). Culverts were adopted for deeply incised nullahs, many

having an inclined drop within the barrel in order to arrest gully

erosion through natural accumulation of sediment. Most such
nullahs filled with silt after one or two storms. Super-passages
with chute outfalls were used in terrain having a steep cross-fall
Fig. 7. Cross-sectional profile of parabolic and equivalent
in which large amounts of rock debris are moved during floods
trapezoidal canals (dimensions in mm)
(Fig. 12).

96 Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al.

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Float keeps gate closed

Damping chamber with top hole when downstream water level
is high

Target downstream water level

Reduced water level

float lowers and gate opens

Fig. 9. Operating principles of self-regulating gates

2.4. Maira Branch canal cracks eventually sealed themselves and no embankment
Maira Branch runs for 45 km to the tail of the Upper Swat failures resulted.
system and required major rehabilitation. It was converted to a
level-top canal in order to carry the principle of downstream
control down to the heads of all distributary canals. The canal is
unlined and the existing earth banks had to be raised by up to 3.1. Gandaf tunnel
1.5 m in places. This created longitudinal settlement cracking Gandaf tunnel is 4700 m long and 3.4 m dia. It connects the
owing to sudden stressing of the original banks. However, these new canal to Tarbela Reservoir through a stub tunnel, which had

Wedge storage

Gates closed, with water


Outlets opened,
wedge storage starts

Irrigation outlets open

Water level reduces,

gate opens,
wedge storage depleted
in adjacent reach

Gates open throughout the

system to replenish wedge
storage in downstream

Gates close when target

downstream water level is

Fig. 10. Downstream control in adjacent canal reaches

Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al. 97

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management 2005.158:93-102.

Fig. 11. Kundal siphon is 1800 m long and 3.2 m dia. Fig. 13. Shuttering for concrete lining in Gandaf tunnel

been previously constructed at the same time as Tarbela using lattice girder supports and extensive rockbolting with
Dam in 1976. In order to utilise the 120 m head, it was additional shotcreting.
designed as a pressure conduit with provision for future
construction of a hydropower station at its downstream end. In the karstic limestone, groundwater pressures of up to 80 m
A tapping is also incorporated for a future pressure pipeline head were encountered. Forward drilling for 40 m was carried
to serve the Janda Boka irrigation area, hence avoiding the out to locate and drain karstic cavities and fissures. In some
need for pumping when this proposed 5000 ha scheme is cases it took three days to relieve the pressure enough to proceed
developed. with advancing the tunnel face. Drainage flows of up to
100 litres/s had to be controlled and pumped to the surface.
Geological conditions varied from loose alluvial gravel to hard
rock including carbonaceous schist, sugary and karstic limestone Pre-cast segmental lining with internal steel secondary lining
and igneous intrusions. In hard rock, NATM drill-and-blast was used over the downstream 1200 m, which is in loose
excavation with shotcrete was used throughout, with secondary water-bearing alluvium comprising sand, gravel and boulders.
lining of reinforced concrete (Fig. 13). (NATM is the New A tunnel boring machine (TBM) was used to place segmental
Austrian tunnelling method, in which shotcrete is applied pre-cast concrete with steel secondary lining. Cut-and-cover
immediately after excavating each blast, and the tunnel methods were used over a 200 m length close to the outlet, with
perimeter is monitored for subsequent deflection before a steel liner encased in concrete.
determining which type of secondary lining, if any, is to be used.)
Difficulties were encountered when varying rock types occurred Two intermediate access shafts of 10 m dia. were sunk, one at the
across the tunnel face. Narrow zones of soft schist or sugary boundary of the alluvium and hard rock and the other at the
limestone called for additional support measures and disrupted junction of the cut-and-cover and bored sections.
the drilling operations. These problems were largely overcome by
3.2. Baja tunnel
Baja tunnel takes the main canal 1200 m through a mountain
ridge. It has a horseshoe profile, 4.8 m wide. Geological
conditions were mainly hard quartzite, with zones of limestone
and schist, which proved far less problematic than Gandaf.

3.3. Gandaf outlet works

Discharge through Gandaf tunnel is controlled through four
Howell–Bunger free discharge valves, with butterfly guard valves
(Figs 14 and 15). These valves were chosen, unhooded, to simplify
the stilling basin design. An automatic supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) control system relates the discharge to
water level in the canal headreach.

At its downstream end the cut-and-cover tunnel connects to a

high-pressure penstock. This is a manifold with six branches: a
600 mm dia. pipe to supply Janda Boka, a 2000 mm dia. branch,
currently closed, to supply the future powerhouse, three main
Fig. 12. Super-passages were used for diverting storm water
outlets 1600 mm dia. each and a fourth outlet 600 mm dia.
and debris in steep terrain
(Fig. 16). These four branches lead to butterfly valves of the same

98 Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al.

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Fig. 14. The Gandaf outlet valves in operation Fig. 16. Installing the Gandaf outlet penstock manifold

diameter located upstream of four cone outlet valves, three valve shall not exceed 1.7 m3/s (based on an allowable
1400 mm dia. and one 450 mm dia. The butterfly valves provide velocity of 6 m/s through the upstream butterfly valve).
emergency closure in case of malfunction or failure of the (c) None of the free-discharge valves shall be operated at an
cone outlet valves as well as isolating facilities to permit opening of less than 5%.
maintenance of any cone outlet valve without disturbing the
operation of the other outlets. Drainage of the whole penstock is
through a 300 mm dia. pipe draining to the stilling basin. 3.4. Gandaf intake
Construction of Tarbela Dam in the 1970s had included the
The total discharge to the canal may vary between zero and Gandaf intake shaft, together with a short stub tunnel and
30.6 m3/s. It is expected that, for most of the year, two of the underground stilling basin. The tunnel had been closed by a steel
1400 mm discharge valves will be used for water releases, with bulkhead which now had to be removed by divers, after
the third held in reserve for use when it is necessary to pass the equalising the pressure on both sides by filling the shaft against
highest discharges, or if one valve has to be taken out of service closed isolating gates. The stilling basin had been intended for
for maintenance. The 450 mm valve is intended to be deployed use with an underground power station, with the main tunnel
for the discharge of small flows, which would otherwise require free-flowing. This was filled in after the detailed design was
one 1400 mm valve to operate at a smaller opening than is changed to a pressure tunnel with control and power generation
desirable. at its downstream end.

The cone outlet valves operate according to the following The intake shaft, 4.9 m dia. for most of its length enlarging to
rules. 8.5 m at the bottom, is 80 m deep. It houses six sliding bonneted
gates, each 2 m  0.9 m, arranged in three pairs working in
(a) The total discharge through all the valves and power station,
parallel. In each pair, the downstream gate acts as the service gate
when built, shall not exceed 30.6 m3/s.
and the upstream gate acts as the guard gate.
(b) The discharge through any one of the 1400 mm valves shall
not exceed 12 m3/s and the discharge through the 450 mm
With flow regulation at the outlet there is no longer a
requirement for the gates to operate at partial openings. In
normal operation they will be fully open but will close in an
emergency, or for inspection and maintenance. The gates are
operated by hydraulic cylinders, one per gate, with latching
mechanisms that keep the gates in the fully open position without
the need for oil pressure.

Downstream of the bonneted gates is a paddle-type overspeed

device that will automatically close the intake gates should the
water velocity in the tunnel exceed a pre-set value, thus
indicating that a serious fault has probably occurred

3.5. Control and telemetry

Opening of the six intake gates can only be done at the intake
shaft. The master control panel is located in the control room of
Fig. 15. Testing the Howell–Bunger valves
the Tarbela power station. It is connected to the equipment in the

Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al. 99

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management 2005.158:93-102.

intake shaft by cables, and to the outlet structure by a radio link. activated this will mean that either the control system has been
The master control panel has the following functions unable to regulate the water level adequately—that is, the control
system is defective—or a major problem has occurred in the canal
(a) monitor the condition of the equipment in the intake shaft system. In such circumstances an alarm will sound and both
(b) monitor the total discharge through the tunnel and the canal HMIs will be prevented from controlling the equipment, with
water level control passing automatically to the emergency control desk.
(c) impose a maximum discharge at times of water shortage Typical screen displays are shown in Fig. 17.
(d) provide voice communication with the outlet structure
control room The control system operates along the following general
(e) provide emergency closure of all six intake gates either performance criteria.
manually or automatically (activated by the overspeed
device) (a) The system must respond to changes in the outlet basin water
( f ) provide a printout of discharged flows and other events level, caused by changes in downstream water demand,
for record purposes. producing progressive changes in discharge passed into the
canal from Gandaf tunnel.
The total discharge through the Gandaf outlet is accurately (b) The system must be stable under all operating conditions, and
measured through an ultrasonic flowmeter installed at the end of short-term fluctuations in discharge (‘hunting’) must be
the cut-and-cover tunnel. Water level is measured in the canal minimised.
head reach by three ultrasonic devices. A single piezoelectric (c) There must be no loss of water over escapes on the first reach of
device is installed in the stilling basin. The measured water flow the canal, other than in exceptional conditions, such as heavy
and the water level in the canal are transmitted to the master rainfall or rapid emergency shutdown of the canal.
control panel at Tarbela power station through the outlet control
room and the radio link. The discharges from the cone outlet valves are controlled in
such a way that the water level in the main canal is maintained
The outlet control system operates at three levels. The lowest within a pre-set range, irrespective of variations in pressure in
level is individual manual control of the cone outlet and butterfly the penstock immediately upstream of the outlet valves or
valves through the respective local control panels. These controls variations in water level in Tarbela Reservoir.
are intended for testing and commissioning and in an emergency
should the other control systems fail. The control system includes the following facilities for use in
automatic operation.
The next control level is an emergency control desk. This is a
hard-wired system with minimum number of interlocks that (a) An algorithm which estimates the discharge through each
permits regulation of each individual valve and at the same time cone outlet valve based on the water pressure upstream
displays their positions, discharges, and so on. This system is of the valve, the valve opening and a database of valve
intended as a backup system to be used should the computerised characteristics; the value thus obtained will be corrected,
system fail. if necessary, based on the total discharge as measured by
the ultrasonic flow measuring system.
The main control system is fully computerised with two human– (b) An algorithm to compare the readings from the pressure
machine interfaces (HMIs), each consisting of industrial-grade transducers, taking into account valve openings, and identify
personal computer (PC), flat screen thin film transistor (TFT) potentially faulty transducers and raise alarms.
colour display, keyboard and mouse. Any significant discrepancy (c) The option of operating the valves either in tandem, or
between the two will initiate an alarm. Should the ‘high water with one of the valves used for ‘trimming’ and the others
level alarm’ or the ‘low water level alarm’ in the escape weir be adjusted less frequently.

Fig. 17. SCADA control screens

100 Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al.

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management 2005.158:93-102.

Fig. 18. Pipeline inlet from main canal Fig. 20. Installation of Harris float valve

Audible and visual alarms will be raised by the control system, in concrete chambers to prevent interference (Figs 18–20). End
reporting any non-compliance with the operating criteria and users can obtain water at any time by opening valves in the field,
recommending corrective action. subject to prearranged daily scheduling. However, in practice
the Irrigation Department was reluctant to introduce a new
management system and consequently the farm distribution
4. TOPI PIPELINE AREA pipelines were not installed and the more familiar open
About 4000 ha of new irrigation land are under gravity watercourses are used instead. It is hoped that the full pipeline
command of the PHLC. The design of the system, as distribution network will be completed in the future.
downstream-controlled with intermediate storage within the
main canal, enabled the Topi area to be designed as a
low-pressure pipeline distribution system. Apart from a small 5. REHABILITATION WORKS
pilot project at Mardan, this is the first irrigation scheme in The project included rehabilitation of 42 000 ha of irrigation and
Pakistan to be designed in this way. It enables equitable drainage infrastructure under the command of the USC. For
distribution of water down to the tail end of the system, but minor canals and watercourses, pre-cast, parabolic channel
requires a different conceptual approach to design and operation. sections were introduced in the Swabi SCARP Project. These were
Apart from advantages in equitable distribution of water, so successful and popular with the farmers that they were
pipelines offer cost savings over open canals in the rugged continued in the PHLC project (Fig. 21). Local entrepreneurs are
topography of this area. They also cause less disruption and now manufacturing these units in various sizes for private
conflict over land tenure boundaries, which in this area of steep development as well as for the upgrading of minors under the
terrain are extremely fragmented, with as many as 20 separate agricultural development component of the PHLC, where they
landowners to the hectare in some places. have been used for rehabilitating canals up to a capacity of
0.62 m3/s.
The system was designed as semi-closed concrete pipelines with
400–900 mm dia., under a maximum working pressure of 5 m. On distributary channels, outlets were reconstructed as
Pressure control is through float-operated Harris valves, enclosed proportional division structures (Fig. 22). These were provided

Fig. 21. Pre-cast parabolic canals have become ubiquitous in the

Fig. 19. Chamber for Harris float valves area, for both new and rehabilitated watercourses

Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al. 101

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management 2005.158:93-102.

Innovative aspects to the design and construction of this
project included

(a) downstream control on main system canals

(b) in situ parabolic main canal
(c) piped distribution systems with downstream control
(d) pre-cast parabolic units for small canals.

The canal system and automatic gates were commissioned in late

2003 and are operating as planned, with little management effort
required. Tail-end shortages in the command area of Maira
Branch are reported to have been alleviated completely for the
first time in 90 years. Further development upstream under USC
command has commenced, utilising water resources freed up by
the PHLC serving downstream areas.

Fig. 22. Proportional division structure constructed under Management effort along the main canal system is limited to
rehabilitation of existing distributaries operating the distributary head gates, with no routine
involvement on the main canals at all. There is therefore no
wastage of water through incorrect operation of the main canals.
with refusal gates so that flow could be rejected by farmers
The pre-cast parabolic canals have proved so successful that they
without recourse to the usual practice of diverting unwanted
can now be seen throughout the province, manufactured in
water into the drainage system. Drop structures, most of
numerous private pre-casting yards. The only part of the works
which were 80 years old, were replaced with new concrete
not yet operating as planned is the Topi area with its demand-
falls. Canal lining was installed through villages and in
scheduled semi-closed pipeline network. Owing to a contracting
unstable soils.
dispute the Harris regulating valves were not fully installed
and the pipes are running on a supply schedule. However, the
Subsurface drainage was introduced in areas subject to
valves can be installed at a later opportunity.
waterlogging. This resulted in immediate and dramatic
improvements in crop production over 8000 ha. Surface drainage
improvements were carried out by enlarging main drainage 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
channels and reconstructing falls, bridges and channel
The project was designed by PHLC Consultants consisting of:
Lahmeyer International GmbH, Germany; Binnie and Partners
(Overseas) Limited, UK; Hunting Technical Services (Limited),
6. CONCLUSIONS UK; National Development Consultants (Registered), Lahore; and
The primary objective of the PHLC project was to improve BAK Consulting Engineers (Registered), Peshawar. Agricultural
socio-economic conditions of the rural population by development is being implemented separately by the provincial
removing the major constraints on agriculture of inadequate government through its Department of Agriculture. The project
irrigation supplies, waterlogging and frequent flooding. design and construction was administered through WAPDA
Improvement in irrigated agriculture is being achieved and the NWFP Irrigation Department. The main works were
through financed through a loan from the Asian Development Bank.
Main contractors were STFA, Turkey; Siemens, Pakistan; Sarwar,
(a) alleviating the present shortage of irrigation water supplies to NWFP; and Khyber Grace, NWFP.
an area of about 36 000 ha at the tail end of the USC
(b) reclaiming 8000 ha of waterlogged land
(c) providing new irrigation and drainage infrastructure for REFERENCES
5100 ha in the Topi priority area 1. DONALDSON M., BANGASH H. and STACEY D. Swabi salinity
(d) making sufficient water available via the PHLC to permit control and reclamation project. Proceedings of the Institution
future irrigation development of 20 000 ha in the command of Civil Engineers, Water and Maritime Engineering, 2003,
of the USC. 156, No. 1, 85–95.

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102 Water Management 158 Issue WM3 Pehur high-level canal, NWFP, Pakistan Laycock et al.

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management 2005.158:93-102.

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