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Difference between Structured Programming and Object-Oriented Programming

Structured Programming
• Programs are divided into small programs or functions
• facilitating the creation of programs with readable code and reusable components
• improve and increase computer programs' quality, clarity, and development time
• focuses on functions and processes that usually work on data
• method of organizing, managing, and coding programs that can give or provide much
easier modification and understanding
• methods are written globally and code lines are processed one by one i.e., Run
• follows the “Top-Down Approach”
• Breaking up the big program into smaller programs
• less flexibility and abstraction
• more difficult to modify structured programs and reuse code
• give more importance to code
Object-Oriented Programming
• Programs are divided into objects or entities
• creating objects that usually contain both functions and data
• aim is to improve and increase the quality and productivity of system analysis and design
• focuses on representing both structure and behavior of the information system into tiny
modules that generally combine data and process
• method in which a set of objects can vary dynamically and can execute by acting and
reading to each other
• method works dynamically, making calls as per the need of code for a certain time
• generally follows the “Bottom-Up Approach”
• Create small problems first, then solve the smaller problems
• Then integrate all the small programs into a whole and complete solution.
• provides more flexibility and abstraction
• less difficult to modify and reuse code
• more importance to data

Difference between Compiled and Interpreted Language

Introduction to Programming Language
• Computers can only understand and run binary code
• Programmers use high–level programming languages

• take a whole program as input and translate it to an executable binary code in several
• run the binary code only on the machine we compiled because the binary code depends
on the hardware and is not portable
• The compilation step is required only once. Afterward, we can run the binary code as
many times as we want

• run a program line by line and execute each command
• slower than compiled languages
• Examples of interpreted languages are PHP, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript
• tend to be more flexible, and often offer features like dynamic typing and smaller
program sizes

Compiled Language vs. Interpreted Language

Compiled Language
• Translate the entirety of the source code to machine code before execution
• Tend to have faster execution speeds
• Require additional time before testing to complete the entire compilation step
• Generate binary code that is platform-dependent
• prevented from finishing when compilation errors occur
Interpreted Language
• Translate each command in source code to machine code, and then execute it before
moving on to the next command
• Tend to have slower execution speeds because they translate the source code at run time
• Are often more flexible, with features like dynamic typing and smaller program size
• Generate binary code that is platform-independent because interpreters execute the
program source code themselves
• Debug the source code at run time

Programming Language vs Scripting Language

Programming Language
• is a type of computer language that consists of a set of instructions for communicating
with computers
• Most programming languages are compiled. The translation overhead is incurred once
when the source is compiled; after that, it needs to be loaded and run
• Traditional programming languages are based on low-level languages
• Execution of a program takes more time since they are compiled.
• used to create a new program or piece of software from the scratch
• are stronger in data and control abstraction
• runs or executes independently
• Requires many lines of code to accomplish a particular task
• have high maintenance costs
• generate .exe files
• designed to make full-fledged software development easier
• code takes a long time to develop since more code must be written (in most cases)
• self-executable
• All programming languages are not scripting languages
• Examples include C, C++, Java, etc.
Scripting Language
• is a kind of programming language that is used to automate the execution of operations
in a runtime environment
• Most scripting languages are interpreted languages. They must be parsed, interpreted,
and executed each time the program is run
• generally prefer high-level languages
• Execution of a script takes less time as scripts are generally short
• use to enhance an existing program or automate a specific task
• is used to control the behavior of a program
• generally emphasize the extensibility and richness of expressions
• runs inside a parent program
• Requires fewer lines to accomplish a task
• typically have a low maintenance cost
• do not create .exe files
• used to assist programming languages and make coding easier and faster
• They are typically used for open projects and web development
• take less time to code, as fewer lines (in most cases) of code are to be written
• require a host
• All scripting languages are programming languages
• Examples include Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, etc.

Component Object Model –COM

• Microsoft's component program architecture, COM (Component Object Model), was
mainly designed for Windows
• It is the basis upon which OLEand ActiveXare built, and it allows code to be reused
without being recompiled
• A component is a platform-specific binary file that the conforming apps and other
components can use
• Instead of having access to a component's underlying data structure, programmes that use
its services include pointers to its standardized interface
• As a result, components can communicate with one another regardless of how they work
or what language they're written in
Distributed Component Object Model -DCOM
• A programming technique
• Allows a computer to run programs on a remote computer as if they were running locally
• Enables COM objects to communicate over the network.
Few issues with COM –addressed by DCOM
• Marshalling solves the problem of delivering data from one COM object instance to
another on a different machine; in programming words, this is referred to as "passing
• Distributed Garbage Collection
• Designed to scale DCOM to handle high-volume internet traffic,
• Distributed Garbage Collection also includes a mechanism for deleting and reclaiming
completed or abandoned DCOM objects, preventing web server memory from being
blown up
• DCE/RPC is used as the underlying RPC mechanism
• Microsoft built DCE/RPC as the underlying technology for DCOM –where the D in
DCOM comes from –to achieve the goals mentioned earlier attempt to scale to support a
significant volume of web traffic

Difference between COM and DCOM

Remote Method Invocation -RMI

• A mechanism that allows an object residing in one system to access/invoke an object
running on another JVM
• an API that provides a mechanism to create distributed application in java
• RMI is used to build distributed applications; It provides remote communication between
Java programs
• The RMI provides remote communication between the applications using two objects
stub and skeleton.
• The stub is an object:
• Acts as a gateway for the client side
• All the outgoing requests are routed through it
• It represent the remote object
• When the caller invokes method on the stub object, it does that following tasks:
• 1.It initiates a connection with remote Virtual Machine (JVM),
• 2.It writes and transmits (marshals) the parameters to the remote Virtual Machine (JVM),
• 3.It waits for the result
• 4.It reads (unmarshals) the return value or exception, and;
• 5.It finally, returns the value to the caller
JAVA RMI Skeleton
• When the skeleton receives the incoming request, it does the following task:
• The skeleton is an object:
• Acts as a gateway for the server-side object
• All incoming requests are routed through it
• Reads the parameters for the remote method
• Invokes the method on the actual remote object, and
• Writes and transmits (marshals) the result to the caller.
Understanding requirements for the distributed applications
• If any application performs these tasks, it can be distributed application.
• 1. The application needs to locate the remote method
• 2.It need to provide the communication with remote objects, and
• 3.The application need to load the class definitions for the objects. The RMI application
have all these features, so it is called the distributed application

Introduction PHP
• acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"
• widely-used, open source scripting language
• PHP scripts are executed on the server
• Free to download and use
• It is powerful enough to be at the core of the biggest blogging system on the web
• It is deep enough to run large social networks!
• It is also easy enough to be a beginner's first server side language!

PHP File
• contain text, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code
• PHP code is executed on the server, and the result is returned to the browser as plain
• PHP files have extension ".php"

PHP can do
• Generate dynamic page content
• Create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
• Collect form data
• Send and receive cookies
• Add, delete, modify data in your database
• Used to control user-access
• Encrypt data

• PHP runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)
• PHP is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc.)
• PHP supports a wide range of databases
• PHP is free. Download it from the official PHP resource:
• PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side

PHP Syntax

• A PHP script can be placed anywhere in the document.

• A PHP script starts with <?php and ends with ?>
• A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, and some PHP scripting code.

PHP Variables
• starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable
• can be short or descriptive
• cannot start with a number
• an only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
• case sensitive

PHP Conditional Statements

• Conditional Statements: IF, If Else,If Else if Else and switch //4 conditions
a. If- executes one code if condition is true
b. If else- executes some code if a condition is true and another code if that condition is
c. If Else if Else - executes different codes for more than two conditions
d. switch- select one of many blocks of code to be executed and is used to perform different
actions based on diff. conditions
• Used to perform different actions based on different conditions

• They allow you to run through the same block of code under different circumstances.
• Php has several loops: For Loop, Foreach Loop, While Loop, Do While Loop
• For Loop- goes through a block of code a specified number of times
• Foreach- runs through each element in an array
• While Loop- Loops through a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.
• Do While loop - runs a code snippet once, then repeats the loop as long as the given
condition is true.

PHP Operators
• allow you to perform operations with values, arrays, and variables. There are several
different types:

1. Arithmetic Operators- standard mathematical operators.

• + — Addition
• - — Subtraction
• * — Multiplication
• / — Division
• % — Modulo (the remainder of value divided by another)
• ** — Exponentiation

2. Comparison Operators-
• == — Equal
• === — Identical
• != — Not equal
• <> — Not equal
• !== — Not identical
• < — Less than
• > — Greater than
• <= — Less than or equal to
• >= — Greater than or equal to
• <=> — Less than, equal to, or greater than

3. Logical Operators
• and — And
• or — Or
• xor — Exclusive or
• ! — Not
• && — And
• || — Or

4. Assignment Operators- Besides the standard assignment operator (=), you also have the
following options:
• += — a += b is the same as a = a + b
• -= — a -= b is the same as a = a – b
• *= — a *= b is the same as a = a * b
• /= — a /= b is the same as a = a / b
• %= — a %= b is the same as a = a % b

PHP Object

• Classes and objects are the two main aspects of object-oriented programming.
• A class is a template for objects, and an object is an instance of a class.
• When the individual objects are created, they inherit all the properties and behaviors from
the class, but each object will have different values for the properties.

PHP Function
• block of statements that can be used repeatedly in a program.
• executed by a call to the function.
• start with a letter or an underscore
• Function names are NOT case-sensitive
• Writing PHP Functions
Function NameOfTheFunction() {
//place PHP code here

PHP Function Arguments

• Information can be passed to functions through arguments

• An argument is just like a variable
• Arguments are specified after the function name, inside the parentheses.
• You can add as many arguments as you want, just separate them with a comma.

PHP Types of Data

• Integers are non-decimals numbers. At least one digit and no decimal point. Either
positive or negative.
• Floats - decimal point or in exponential form.
• var_dump() returns data type or value.
• Strings - holds texts or sequence of characters. Can used one or double quote
• Boolean - meaning true or false statements
• Array - stores multiple values
• NULL - no value
• Resources- These are references to functions and resources outside of PHP.

PHP Arrays
• Data structure that stores one or more similar type of values in a single value
• Advantage: Less code, Easy to traverse, and sorting
3 Types of Array
1. Indexed- with numeric index
2. Associative- named keys
3. Multidimensional - containing one or more arrays

• Disadvantages of Multidimensional: 3 levels deep are hard to manager for most

• The dimension of an array indicates the number of indices you need to select an element.
• For a two-dimensional array you need two indices to select an element
• For a three-dimensional array you need three indices to select an element

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