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19/03/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

The Longest Night Ever

In a kingdom of corruption and despair, a group of adventurers get drunk.

An adventure for tier 1 characters

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
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Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Samuele Zanchini and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. 1/26
19/03/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

The Longest Night Ever: Preface

Adventures often talk about great deeds, marvellous journeys
and formidable foes.
The joy, the sense of accomplishment after defeating an evil
archmage and saving the country or, possibly, the whole
world is priceless, and it's something everyone should be able
to experience at least once in their lifetime.
If you, brave hero, are looking for any of this search
elsewhere, for this is not the adventure you're seeking.
The Longest Night Ever is (supposed to be) a light-hearted
one-shot which favours roleplaying over combat, ideal
whenever the party do not want to deal with epic and serious
stuff and would rather hang around without killing everything
in sight.
Being RP-heavy my suggestion is to run it with a moderately
small party, so that everyone can have their own fair amount
of time to shine; that said, this is not a golden rule and the
adventure can be adapted for a bigger number of players
(with the risk of some stealing the spotlight, of course)
Regarding the level the adventure is calibrated for a level 2-3
party, although adjusting it is, again, an easy task; the only
clause is to run it for a Tier 1 party, because stronger spells
will obviously break the game, and that's not the point of this
supposedly cheerful story.
I mean, one could technically make it work for a stronger
parties as well (being drunk makes you unable to cast some
spells, what a pity I know right) , but might as well avoid that
issue altogether.
As for the duration, my personal experience tells me that it
highly depends on your players and how engrossed they get
by the circumstances; if I were to give a rough estimation I
would probably say at least 3-4 hours but again, take it with a
grain of salt.
Do note the DM can "artificially" extend the duration by
throwing one of the multiple hazards/subplot in the module,
thus preventing it from finishing too soon.
Lastly, I'd like to specify English is not my native language,
and that the reader is bound to run into a (hopefully
contained) multitude of mistakes; nevertheless I do hope the
general meaning will always be as clear as possible, and I'm
available to elucide possible confusing excerpts if needed.

Adventure made with The Homebrewery. 2/26
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Table Of Contents
1 Cover Page
2 The Longest Night Ever: Preface
3 What truly happened: a brief summary
3.1 The Longest Night Ever
4 Personal features
4.1.1 Feature 1
4.1.2 Feature 2
4.1.3 Feature 3
4.1.4 Feature 4
4.1.5 Feature 5
5 Beginning: the awakening
6 Return to Mirin
6.1 The Missing Bride
6.1.1 Evolving the plot
7 Mirin,the spring city of wonders
7.1 First Half: Locations
7.2 Pawn Shop
7.3 Mudmonger aka, Best Pig of the Year
7.4 The Laughing Soup
7.5 Mayor's Residence
7.6 The Usual Place
7.7 The Sewers
7.8 Second Half: Character-driven events
7.9 Another Wedding?!
7.10 Until Death Do Us Apart
7.11 The Rival
7.11.1 Regnor's Trial
7.11.2 What Went Wrong
7.12 Gangsters
7.12.1 Gangsters, First Choice
7.12.2 Gangsters, Second Choice
7.12.3 Possible Fight
7.13 Thieves, Again
7.14 Now what? Now Orcs!
7.15 What are you saying? Of course I'm an orc,
8 We're done for real, I swear: a quick recap
9 Epilogues
9.1 A fair wedding
9.2 Scapegoats
10 Appendix
10.1 NPC Index
10.2 Magic Vials
10.3 Riddle
11 Timeline
11.1.1 Night
11.1.2 First Day
11.1.3 Second Day 3/26
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What truly happened: a brief summary

t is most important for the DM to have a solid grasp Drunker and richer, they decided it was time to temporarily
of what happened in the fateful night, all stop drinking and doing something more socially-useful, such
consequences included. as organizing a surprise hen do party for the mayor's
The required knowledge for that is split into the next daughter, whose wedding would take place in the immediate
chapters, with the following summary providing only future.
a rough backbone of a wider plot: in order to What they did not know was that the groom was none other
understand each point in its entirety it is mandatory than Halan Dyrr, heir of the local criminal gang and son of
to read Personal Features and Mirin, the Spring City of the current boss, Nathar: after years of clashes and debates
Wonders chapters, which will explain how the nocturnal between the mayor and the criminals both parts came to a
events translate in-game while giving more detailed compromise, so that the gang would finally stop some of their
information about everything. major illegal trades; Diane's wedding was of course part of
the agreement – one could even say the turning point.
Beginning: The Awakening and Return to Mirin, covering
the prologue and the preliminary chapter, are the only To their delight they found a rather collaborative girl who
guaranteed parts the party will play as written for sure; after didn't hesitate to follow them in disguise once they crawled
that point, given the nature of the adventure, it's impossible to into her room through the window.
compile a linear set of the events the party will certainly
follow throughout the session in order to reach the ending. Together with their new comrade they proceeded to visit and
wreak havoc many other taverns, meet new faces and make
TL;DR a DM has to read everything. additional enemies (more in the next chapters)
Between one tavern and a brawl fight they ended up in the
Do note some plot points (and annexed features) can be wedding place, full of stands in the making packed with
either altered or outright removed if the DM desires to create objects and wonders to be used during the party: a locked
a simpler/different adventure while keeping the overall plot. coffer inside the illusionist's tent, whose contents would later
turned out to be a set of magical vials, caught their attention,
a fairly good reason to decide to steal it. The same fate would
befall to a pig, or rather the most famous pig in the whole
city, winner of the exuberant "Best pig of the year" contest,
but we shall talk about this later.
The Longest Night Ever At some point of the night the party and the soon-to-be bride
retired to a small clearing just outside the city to rest, but as
they say curiosity killed the cat, and while she was taking a
After fulfilling an important quest for the mayor the party peek a magic vial happened to crash and spill all over Diane,
find themselves in Mirin's most popular tavern, "The turning her into a pig. (oh, the irony!)
Drunken Dice", to celebrate the recent achievement: after
few...dozens of shots they got involved with a (supposedly The effect was going to wear out in two days at most, but the
rigged) gambling circle local criminals run in there, and heroes couldn't possibly know that, and amid the initial panic
ended up winning a fair amount of cash, more than what the (which would work off faster than the poison in their veins)
criminal higher-ups prearranged. they went back to the city to seek help, only to swap the pork-
princess with a real one in the "Best pig of the year" paddock:
The rigged game consisted of yet another drinking contest, such a quest turned out to be too hard for them, and as they
whose beers used are actually drugged in order to knock out fastly lost interest in it they opted to hang around with the
unaware contenders. (wrong) pig instead.
What the mobs didn't consider though is that a hero is no After safely hiding the money in the sewers they went back
small fry and a trivial, albeit powerful, poison won't be enough for some drinks, befouled countless inns and shops, and
to overwhelm them: that's exactly what happened, and while finally returned to the same clearing they had visited before,
the party suffered huge blows (namely getting high to say the this time astride a wagon full of beer borrowed from a
least) they managed to win both the challenge and the prize – merchant. Talking with a gang of orcs met alongside the way
multiple times, even if the thug was not supposed to bet that and inviting them to the wedding was the natural conclusion
crazy amount of money. of such an escalation: having ended the night on a high note
This small event led to unutterable consequences they finally decided it was time to sit down and enjoy the
throughout the long night. spring breeze, as their senses faded away together with the
awareness of what happened. 4/26
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Personal features

hile it's true the characters don't remember a How come?
single fact from the previous night, a lot of
people do, and it won't be long before our It didn't take long for Diane to blow off steam and confide her
beloved heroes have to face the consequences real feelings about the incoming marriage to the party and, in
of their acts. particular, to the selected character: while she doesn't mind
her spouse and their union will most certainly lead to a
brighter future for the city, she was still forced into a political
This section's purpose is to give more qualitative details marriage that defies her romantic idea of "true love".
regarding the heroes' deeds, and how such actions affect the Now, a common fact is that drunkards are not so good at
adventure: do note the following information are by no means grasping concepts, which is exactly why the selected member
absolute and mandatory as written for the purposes of the either misunderstood or forgot half of her talk and, amazed
plot itself, meaning that you can alter, make use of or even by what she (partly) said, decided it was time to look for a
remove some of them however you prefer (e.g. multiple partner.
features can be used on the same character if desired)
Each paragraph, called feature #, will be briefly describing A lot of contenders were flattered, some hearts stolen, but the
what a certain target (often referred to as "the selected two major conquests were most certainly Josette and Bella:
character" or simply "the character") notices at the start of the former, a sluggish girl whose father is eager to get rid of;
the adventure, and then the meaning and background info of the latter, a crazy hag who has never experience true love.
such a set-up; depending on the "complexity" of the feature
further explanations or tips/ideas may be given. It appears Josette was truly captivated by the character, who
What's left to do is deciding whoever is getting which feature seized the moment and bought her an engagement ring
before starting: make sure to pick the funniest combinations from a merchant who happened to be in the same tavern.
available within your party, such as the character with lowest Bella, met and seduced in a dark alley while she was hunting
CHA being the heartbreaker, or the weak wizard becoming rats as usual, is unaware of that, and would probably snap at
the ultimate fist-fighter. the sole sight of the ring.
More info in "Until Death Do Us Apart" and "Another
ve been in this place before!
An interesting gimmick to be used throughout the Feature 2
adventure is the Deja-vu effect:
effect a specific place, line
or even thought may trigger a partial recollection, a
possible hint to overcome a hurdle.
Consider using this trickery whenever the
characters are missing a (perhaps obvious) detail, "Clothes don't make the man."
or simply just for fun!

A party member wakes up in a fancy long dress, or at least

what's left of it – it is spoiled, with emphasis on the lower half,
by mud and a fair amount of unknown secretions, its old pure
colour now turned into an unpleasant ochre.
Feature 1
Make sure to describe how it doesn't suit its new host both in
size and style, and to re-evaluate the AC.
While the dress may not be the best armor in circulation it's a
"I just want you to know I think you're truly pretty, and I was
great tool to hide beings or tiny objects underneath it: small
wondering if you could get me another drink." creatures hide with advantage if the dress is used in the

A party member wakes up with an engagement ring stuck How come?

on their finger. Walking around with a noble girl would've been a hard task
even for seasoned heroes, which is why Diane had to be
disguised, one way or another.
A party member either swapped clothes or lent part of it (for
example a long coat or cape) so that she could cover her well-
known face and gaudy attire. 5/26
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It has taken a liking to the selected member, and will not
only follow them but even show jealousy whenever someone
This feature highly depends on the party's composition and tries to meddle with their friendship.
races, adjust it accordingly: in order for a character to swap
clothes with Diane their bodies must be somewhat The now transformed-as-a-pig Diane is still in the paddock,
compatible; moreover Diane won't wear medium or heavy unable to communicate or run away. The "Best pig of the
armors. year" contest took place a few days before the adventure, and
saw six fierce pigs fight for supremacy. Upon the ending of
• If a character and Diane swapped clothes it's easy to see the competition they were marked (with a brander) according
why the former is wearing such attire at the start of the to the final rank, and kept in a paddock near the main plaza.
adventure: the usual outfit can be found in the pawn shop, as Why does the character have a "7" on their back, you may
Diane later decided to trade them for comfier clothes (case A) ask? Another character thought it would be funny to mark
them just like the pigs, what's more the character is the last
one in the rank! What a loser!
• If not a single party member has suitable clothes for Diane
the selected character decided to get one as a keepsake while More info in "Best Pig of the Year" , "The Main Plaza"
visiting Diane's room, and later wear it while Diane was
choosing a better dress at the pawn shop; that's where the
original armor can be found. (case B)
If the only character not wearing medium or heavy armors is Feature 4
not compatible with Diane's shape opt for Case B, and have
Pawn Shop's owner tune the dress so that it can roughly fit
the new owner: the result will be imprecise, the dress itself
irreparable and utterly ruined by approximate cuts and
patches. "Or, as they say, pecunia non olet."

More info in "The Pawn Shop" , "Mayor's Residence"

A party member wakes up with a note wrapped around a
golden coin and a violet pastel in their pocket; the note says
"Remember to retrieve the others, you know where" The
character can recognize their own handwriting.
Feature 3
How come?
Appointed to hold the bounty but too anxious to keep it with
"You can put a crown on a pig, but you don't make it a queen."
themselves, the character decided to hide them in the sewers,
only to fetch them just before departing from the city. The
sewers are cold, deep and mostly filthy, so wide it is hard to
navigate through them without a map or a signal: the violet
A party member wakes up between a pig's warm paws. If pastel found in the illusionist's tent proved to be useful on
inspected (or visible depending on their usual attire) everyone that matter, and the character tracked the path up until the
will notice a large violet "7" painted on their back. If washed destination.
it will reveal to be water-proof, but it will fade and then
disappear in about ten hours without the need of being More info in "The Sewers" , "Gangsters", and "The Main
treated. Plaza"

How come?
Queen is not your average pig, for it has been crowned as the
best sow in the whole region - that's what the lil crown on its
head symbolizes. A big 1 marked on its back, Queen was
taken by mistake while it was minding its own muddy
business in a paddock. 6/26
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Feature 5

"Is it true in your country everyone loves you, because

whoever doesn't is dead?"

A party member wakes up without their main weapon; in

its place they have a wooden sword.

How come?
Feeling confident about their own luck the character couldn't
help but placing more and more bets, uncaring of what they
might lose – their weapon, for example.
After a lukewarm start, they took part in more physical
gambles and managed to overcome and defeat a famous local
champion in a fist-fight.
Such an unforeseen win went to their head, and things
escalated quickly: passing off as "### ", a noble hero who
came from afar for the wedding, they went ahead and spread
countless rumours about themselves, many of which both
false and illogical.
As for the title itself, decide whatever works best with the
relative character, player and so on - make sure to pick up a
funny name!
Since then their deeds are on everyone's lips, and few brave
men will not hesitate to ask for confirmation of such glorious
tales. The character obviously has no idea about what they
narrated the previous night and will have to make up on the
fly and try to fix possible inconsistencies.
The local champion's pride is still affected and he will do his
best to restore it as soon as possible, possibly challenging the
character again.
More info in "The Rival" , "The Laughing Soup" 7/26
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Beginning: the awakening

There it is, the blazing sun! Always shining above our heads - Areas: Southern side, Northern side, wood, main road.
unless you live in the Underdark, that is. Items of interest: coffer, barrels, trails of a wagon, footprints,
What a shame that right now sunbeams are being a frigging key, bonfires, shards of broken glass.
pain in the @ss, and won't stop dazzling your sight as you
The spreading is about a mile from the city, its radius six
struggle to open your eyes. meters long.
That faint stench of biles and booze you know damn too well The characters will be waking up in the southern side, amid
makes its way through your throat, together with that lil voice broken planks and debris, with no recollection of everything
behind your back silently judging you. that has happened in the past ten hours or so.
Well, at least it's not your talking cricket, because your Remember to underline they're all dirty, especially in the
meninges are already suffering. lower half of the body: a foreshadowing for a possible feature
"How did we come to this?"
(more info in "The Sewers" and "Personal Feature 4")
That's an actually interesting question - your brain replies - but Regarding their usual equip (weapons aside) you can decide
I don't care, just leave me alone for few seconds. whether they've lost it (in that case it's safely found in the
Moaning and puking noises reveal your pals' positions as they Pawn Shop, more info in "Pawn Shop") or they have it with
wake up, but it's better if you do not point out some of them themselves.
have been wallowing in... something - no big deal though,
that's probably flour from their mill either way. Choose one random character: inside their pocket a rusty key
Your surrounding is everything but familiar: a quiet spreading which appears to be somehow related to "The Usual Place",
as the name written on its key holder suggests: after few
you have no recollection about - how could you anyway?
seconds of pure oblivion the characters remembers that's
There's nothing else but damn trees around you, and no their hostel in Mirin, although none can recall going in there
matter the circumstances they always look the same. since the previous morning (More info in "Thieves, Again" )
Wait, do not give up: whilst it's true they're made of dead trees A dying bonfire with few active embers was warming their
those cylinders are not trees - they're barrels, for f#ck's sake. back not so long ago.
What's more, they look kind of wrecked, as the debris
scattered here and there show. A small, well preserved coffer can be found near the barrels;
Was it your doing perhaps?
if opened, read:
Now that you think... no, you don't want to think at all right
now, just take a deep breath and chill out.
All filthy and scuzzy, still reeking of alcohol, you take your time "Five sealed vials, whose liquid is so bright it's hurting your
to assess the situation, realizing your mind is as empty as the eyes, are aligned in two rows. Each content appears to be of a
different color."
barrels around you.

The odd number is important: one vial is obviously

First things first, describe both the area and the new odd missing, but do not outright tell that to the players. In their
features each party member has unconsciously acquired; as current state connecting dots or even noticing the dumbest
already stated you can split them as you see fit or even add detail is proving to be quite a grievous task, and nothing is
fresh ones, the Personal Features' purpose is just to give you "evident".
possible spurts. The effect of alcohol will slowly wear off in the morning, and,
Make sure to point out that they're still suffering the when sobered enough, they can be granted a DC10
after-effect of alcohol: whoever tries to stand up or, worse, Intelligence (Investigation) Check, were they to examine
jump and walk instantly has to succeed a DC10/15 the coffer's content once again. They automatically succeed
Dexterity (Acrobatics) Check in order not to fall on the after three hours from the beginning.
ground and/or puke.
Their minds hurt like hell and it's as if a giant hammer is
constantly hitting their brain, making each kind of reasoning
both hard to do and painful.
If a character is strong against poison (alcohol included)
underline that yourself, to make them understand something
is amiss. 8/26
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If opened the content of each vial appears to be odorless, and Tracks of a wagon leading from the main road to the clearing
everyone can notice the liquid is steadily evaporating if left in can be found, although there's nothing like that in sight – only
contact with the air; in case someone decides to either spill a few scraps near the bigger trees, presumably broken after
the liquid on themselves or drink it, apply the vial-related few crashes (never drive when drunk) The orcs took the
effect to the target. wagon and left this morning.
Each vial can be used up to three times if the characters
prevent the liquid to evaporate and don't finish it in one sip. The main road is somewhat crowded, since it's not that
The effect of each vial can be read in "Magic Vials" uncommon to find late merchants going towards the city in
(Appendix). search of good deals during the wedding; hitch-hiking is a
The few untouched barrels around them contains beer, some perfect reasonable way to reach the city sooner, a smart
of which has been, judging by the reek and wet soil, spilt on excuse to have a random merchant explain known facts that
the ground recently. the absent-minded could not remember (e.g. details about the
A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) Check can reveal wedding, or criminal trades)
there are multiple humanoid footprints nearby, more than
what the party may leave: moreover, something was sitting
around that spot not too long ago, the tracks around there
disappearing inside the wood.
Those are the remaining left by the gang of orcs who drank
together with the party just before dawn.
The northern side is where the party used to rest hours ago
together with Diane, as well as the exact spot in which she
became a pig because of the broken vial.
Shards of broken glass can be found without the need of a
check in there, and there are remaining of a single broken
barrel: the content was wine for sure, but the soil is already
dry. An old bonfire can be found as well, extinguished by
hours according to the cold ashes.
A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) Check can reveal
fewer footprints in that spot, definitely less than those in the
opposite side; most of them are humanoid, but some belong
to an animal, a pig perhaps? Do specify the pig has not
stepped on those points yet.
All the footprints disappear inside the wood among the
brushes, but the direction appears to be Mirin.

Note: It goes without saying that both rolls are

needed if a character wants to acquire additional
information regarding the footprints, otherwise
everyone will simply see an unspecified amount of
them on the ground. 9/26
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Return to Mirin

erhaps it's the pig, perhaps a deadly combo of Proceeding into the city, some guards may be seen
filthy clothes and rumours, but one thing is looking for something or someone in each street, nosey
sure: the party lure more than one glance. parkers may intercept cryptic lines (few suggestions in the
They're bound to be approached by someone note), but that's all the party will learn from the militia
involved with their lil adventures sooner or themselves.
later, the only questions are who, when and While their mischiefs are already common knowledge and
with which attitude. would get processed under normal circumstances, to their
Lots of tavern owners will be cursing them as they walk own luck pressing matters made them of less importance and
around the city, or even demand them to either clean or pay no one will try to apprehend them for the time being: a
for the damage. convenient but unstable state, because their criminal record
If Personal Feature 5 was chosen some will talk to "###" has what it takes to make them the perfect scapegoats for
and perhaps ask them to sing their deeds once again; some Diane's kidnapping - if the researches are fruitless and the
folks armed with forks may be looking for Josette's contender, party's conduct didn't improve even once sobered up, that is.
and so on.

Tips: if the party get suspicious about guards'

The Missing Bride behaviour and try to eavesdrop, a successful DC10
Wisdom (Perception) Check may reveal that they're
indeed looking for someone. "Have you found her?
Hurry up, or the Mayor will hang us himself!" ,
The sudden disappearance of Diane one day before the "Have you looked for her in the sewers already? I
wedding threw her father into turmoil. saw an opened manhole near the main plaza." or
What made things worse was Diane herself who, too young such lines could be good ways to sow the seed of
and naive to understand her role, took the opportunity to play doubts in the party without explicitly stating the
a prank on her father before adhering to her role: she left a problem.
letter on her bed, certain it would be found in no time, saying
"This wedding is not meant to be done tomorrow, nor
Nothing but a small joke that turned into something much,
much bigger when she actually didn't come home the
following morning: her marrying Halan is essential for her
father's plan, and a sudden cancellation could be regarded as Evolving the plot
a change of course or worse, a declaration of war.
Based on such assumptions it's easy to see why her father is At the start of the adventure Mayor Ludger (just because I
trying to contain such knowledge; that's why, unless felt like giving him a name too) does not care about the
something unexpected happens, no one in the city but few party's whereabouts and is secluded in his dwelling, but the
loyal guards working for the Mayor knows Diane is nowhere situation may rapidly change.
to be found. He may eventually decide to count on the characters once
more in strict confidence: whilst they might as well have ties
with the criminals too, being adventurers and all, it's also true
Upon entering the city walls through the main gate the they are all skilled individuals and there's no wasting time.
characters will be questioned by the guards regarding where
they spent the night. Another crucial detail is that assistance from the adjacent
A successful DC10 Wisdom (Insight) Check can reveal the cities would never arrive in time for the wedding since Mirin
guards are so nervous they can barely contain their (or the valley as a whole) is provided with neither high-level
uneasiness, although they won't tell the reason even if mages nor magical devices to instantly get in touch with
questioned – or rather, pressing too much about the matter possible helpers.
may lead to them getting suspicious, and asking the party to
follow them to the headquarters for further investigation (do It's only when you have to rely on a gang of drunkards to
note that while their deeds are on everyone's lips, it's not a solve a major accident that you realize you've hit the rock-
given their looks is as easily bottom. 10/26
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Mirin,the spring city of wonders

nce in the city it's time to choose and the All preparations are close to being complete, lots of stands
reveal what the future is holding for the party: scattered among streets and squares are already selling
depending on how enterprising they are, either goods or performances to amaze the crowd: as for the
chances are that you will barely have to "Main Plaza", a traveling circus is covering most of the
introduce anything at all, because they will available ground, its crew busy wrapping up the exhibition
look for troubles or follow specific sub-plots prepared for the occasion.
themselves; otherwise, start throwing NPCs Jugglers, contortionists, illusionists... the whole packet could
on them until they either make up their mind or are left at the have a lot to offer, with the real members in the city (More
mercy of the events. info in "Thieves, again")
Regarding this section: although the whole adventure will
most likely take place in it, Mirin is not the main focus at all, Drawn like a moth to a flame the drunk characters took a
meaning that only the relevant spots will be introduced and look around the circus, peeking into the garish tents: when
deepened in the first half; each segment includes background they noticed the illusionist's was left unguarded they couldn't
informations revolving the specific place, why and when the help but ransack for a bit, and left with a plentiful loot, that is
characters visited it during the previous night/might visit it the coffer and the violet pastel.
during the adventure, and a brief description of its most The following day no one could find the illusionist as well as
peculiar characteristics when present (you won't find in-depth other members of the troop... what could've happened?
outlines of taverns, since that's neither my aim here, nor
relevant to the adventure itself)
If necessary the DM can add new locations on the fly, as long
as they make sense in the context of such a city. Pawn Shop
The other main goal for this chapter is to develop the
Personal Features and, on account of that, will be describing
how each involved NPC will behave throughout the "I do remember y'all, I saw you with these two eyes of mine...
adventure. or was it with this pair perhaps?"
Whenever a sub-plot is strongly connected to a specific place
not encountered in the first half, a small portion of the text
will be trying to give as many details about that structure or
its use as possible, although do note some of them do not Trading goods from time immemorial, there's nothing you
take place in a particular location (e.g. Until Death Do Us can't find at "An eye for detail", be it a new dress or a magic
Apart) scroll – you just need a lot of time and patience to rummage
the myriad piles of stuff. The owner, Naethr, is an eccentric
Locations: The Main Plaza, Pawn Shop, Mudmonger, The granny fixated with eyes: no one knows how, but it looks like
Laughing Soup, Mayor's Residence, The Usual Place, The she can swap her eyeballs with different ones (both in shape
Sewers and colour) with some kind of magic tricks.
Additional locations introduced: Josette's House (Another She gave Diane peasant clothes and possibly tuned her
Wedding?!) , Bella's Hut (Until Death Do Us Apart) , The expensive dress if required (More info in Personal Feature
Alabaster Minstrel (Gangsters) , Seraphine Square (The 2)
Although the shop is always open it's not a given Naethr can
always be found inside: whether she enjoys taking a walk
outside or is submerged by new purchases is up to you.
First Half: Locations Of course, that doesn't mean theft is allowed, and whenever a
customer tries to leave with a stolen good Alarm will trigger
and Naethr's pet, a Quasit called Elbert, will attack the thief.
The Main Plaza Once a spellcaster herself, Naethr got a handful of useless
potions whose effect she's come to ignore; among them the
characters can find a dispelling potion, to be used on Diane
What comes after the rite can't be anything short of a jouyful to restore her true form. In order to recognize the potion a
celebration, let alone if the newlyweds come from powerful successful DC15 Intelligence (Arcana) Check is required,
families; Diane may be against this political union but, no unless its effect is revealed by using part of the content on
offence intended, merchants and sellers put business first something magical.
rather than love, and such an important event will fill their Having "seen" the party together with a young girl, Naethr
pockets for sure. is in possession of pesky information indeed... let's just hope
no one will get to the good ol' granny, am I right? 11/26
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The local champion, Regnor, hardly knew what defeat
Mudmonger aka, Best Pig meant before meeting the selected character who, quick-
tempered because of all the booze, challenged him to a duel
of the Year and surprisingly won: it turned out mocking the character for
losing their beloved weapon in a bet against another dude
wasn't the right choice for him.
"Oink!" Among all the bruises the worst thing he suffered was
Queen's winning speech wounded pride, his resolution to redeem himself tangible.
More info in "The Rival".
Few minutes on foot from the Main Plaza there's another The character's weapon can be found in a bedroom on the
small square, "Mudmonger", decorated with a wooden stage, first floor, hidden by a pile of hay: reasonably whoever won
a large paddock and, above all, fat pigs weltering in the mud: the bet rented that room.
that's where the annual "Best Pig of the Year" contest was
taken few days before the adventure.
The drunk party ended up in there while trying to find a
Mayor's Residence
cure for Diane, only to swap her with a real pig, Queen,
during one of the many commotions. A fancy mansion surrounded by an ornate fence, located in
Each pig in the paddock but Diane is marked on their back, the central area of the city: that's where Mirin's Mayor and his
the numbers going from 2 till 6: the number 1 is on Queen's family dwelve.
back, and one character may have a 7 written on theirs with
the violet pastel if the DM chose Personal Feature 4. Diane's disappearance triggered a state of alert, like the
Everyone in the city knows there were six pigs in the contest, guards scouting both the gate and mansion's entrance can
and will confirm that to the party if asked. show. The mayor is inside his studio in the ground floor, in
The five pigs plus Diane will be staying in the paddock, their desperate need of good ideas to wake up from this gruesome
fates left uncertain until the wedding day, unless something nightmare: his efforts to stop the illegal deals the criminals
unexpected happens. (More info in "Now What? Now supervise through this wedding could not only vanish, but
Orcs!") reverse very soon after all.
He will refuse to receive visits until late afternoon of the First
Day, unless the guests have real information about his
The Laughing Soup daughter; after that point the remaining time will be so thin
he may seek for the party himself (More info in "The Missing
"The waitress asked why we carried weapons on us in the
tavern, we said Mimics. The waitress laughed, we laughed, the Diane's room is located on the second floor, first details to
soup laughed. We ate the soup. It was a good time." stand out being a huge canopy bed and a marvellous wedding
dress on a mannequin.
It is currently empty, just like many of the mansion's rooms.
Your average two-story tavern and, to its owner's demise, Lots of gold and jewellery can be found in each room, were
the first stop right after the sewer break, the after-effects of the party interested in acquiring gold for whatever purpose;
the previous night are still fully visible on the floor and stolen goods can be sold under-the-counter in one of the
tapestry of "The Laughing Soup": drenched with mud and many less righteous stands or taverns, although no one would
filth, armed to the teeth with their fresh new addition - dare to buy too much without knowing their origin first.
namely, Queen - it didn't take long for the characters to
begrime the inn beyond salvation. The morning after Climbing the outside walls is possible only at night, and
Rudolph, the poor owner, is still trying to make a quick fix requires a successful DC10 Strength (Athletics) Check if
out of that mess before the wedding, although odds are nothing else is used to ease the scaling.
against him. The guards will be scouting the mansion throughout the
night as well, but a successful DC15 Intelligence
Even if the name may suggest so, The Laughing Soup's (Investigation) Check can reveil a blind spot with a 20
main attraction can't be found in the menu, but rather in its seconds gap between each patrol (unless a diversion is used
underground basement, among elated men betting on who to distract the guards, that is)
will win the next round: pit fights are a common hobby in
many cities of the country, and Mirin is not exempt. 12/26
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The one used the previous night is still half-uncapped, and
The Usual Place it's near the Main Plaza.
In order to notice the violet trace a successful DC10
Wisdom (Perception) Check is required, as the lines are
well-covered by the darkness.
"Where do you want to go tonight?"
If the party enters from a random manhole they will
"I don't know man, the usual place." eventually find the violet trace, but not before wandering
through empty channels for two hours (remember time is
vital in this adventure)
Unbelievably spared by the party's woeful devastation, "The The sewers are dark and unpleasant, and count as a
Usual Place" is your average inn for adventurers, always heavily obscured area: the hallways are often only five
offering somewhat comfortable rooms for cheap fees; its meters wide and the running water, albeit only 50 cm deep,
strategic position near the city gate together with the busty hinders movements.
waitresses makes it an eligible destination for both incoming Wild creatures may be lurking behind each curve, ready to
travellers and pervy locals. exploit the environment to grab a meal.
The party has been resting here for the past nights, and the
room has already been paid. The 799 gp (one was kept in the selected character's
pocket) are hidden inside a small hole, protected by a
They stopped here the previous night only to deposit a barrel powerful curse... or at least that's what the character wants
inside their room: some waitresses swear they heard you to believe. A note can be found on the bag, with a riddle
something moving inside it, but no human could be contained and a warning written on it.
inside such a small container (More info in "Thieves, Again")
"Beware of this powerful curse! Before touching the bag, solve
the riddle and insert the correct code, or be cursed for all
The Sewers eternity and blame your greed! Ah, ah, ah!"

Holy moly - money may not stink, but we sure do! The handwriting can be easily recognized as the
character's, the violet pastel used to write it unmistakable.
Just so we're clear from the start, there's no curse involved
Hanging around with lots of money is not pleasant, in all of this: the drunk character thought that was a clever
especially if the owner is a drunk paranoiac - guess what? way to scare thieves - he was obviously wrong - but once
That's what we have here. again luck's on their side, and no one has found the bag yet.
The total amount of money obtained is 800 gp, and the
selected character felt too uneasy about it. Chances are the players will still lose time-solving the riddle
Where to hide the treasure though? The stroke of genius out of sheer curiosity, and something nexpectedmay happen
arrived when they saw another character trying to wash away in the meantime: was that the sound of a wall collapsing not
the number written on their back (see "Best Pig of the Year" too far from here? The water level seems to be raising, the
for more info) to no avail: who would ever go look for money current is getting rather fierce indeed. That's why you do not
in the dark and wet sewers? fight nor rest in the sewers!
And that's how he dragged the party amid the filthy water in
search of a well-hidden spot, marking the path with the violet
The Curse
Remember that's how the party got their lower half soiled, a Consider it as a, let's say, minigame
detail you must point out at the start of the adventure (if you, You can use different (dumb) riddles to amuse your
by any chancs, forgot about that, a good old NPC could party (good ol' sheep, wolf, cabbage one)
simply complain about their smell later in the adventure) My version can be found in the Appendix

The fastest way to reach the sewers is to use a manhole,

although having the pig (which will never, ever accept being
left behind) pass through it without getting stuck may be the
real quest after all. 13/26
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Second Half: Character- Angry mob

driven events Huge swarm of Medium humanoids, chaotic

Armor Class 11
Another Wedding?! Hit Points 65(10d12)
Speed 30ft.

"Don't worry son, saying "yes" gets easier once you have a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
fork pointed on your back. We all went through that once or
twice." 17 (+3) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Senses passive Perception 10
Josette is not a bad girl – a slacker some may say, Languages Common
nonetheless good at heart.
Her father Moetjens is your average farmer who expects his Swarm. The swam can occupy another creature's
own daughter to help with the crop, only to get disappointed space and vice versa, and the swam can move
by her contumacy. through any opening large enough for a Medium
humanoid. The swarm can't regain hit points or
gain temporary hit points.
His last hope is for her to finally get married and raise a
family, but Josette knows what that would implicate quite Strength in Numbers. The swarm has advantage on
well, and prefers to fool around and enjoy her youth. Strength and Constitution Checks and saving throw.
That's why when Moetjens heard about her daughter's last Pin. Large or smaller creature that the mob
flame and saw the ring he thought the right time has come, surrounds is also grappled by it (DC 13 escape)
and decided to actively organize the wedding as fast as Volatile. The mob is susceptible to rhetoric. DC 14
possible. Charisma (Performance) check can disrupt their
anger, giving them disadvantage on attacks and skill
checks that round. The check is done with
He's searching for the contender together with friends and disadvantage if the swarm has half of its hit points
family members, having a rough idea of their look based on or fewer.
what his daughter said.
Once reunited, he will act all nice and friendly, possibly Actions
avoiding the marriage talk in order not to scare the Multiattacks. The swarm makes two melee attacks
character, but based on the character's reaction he may come
up with the craziest ways to lure the character to his house – Improvised Weapons Melee or Ranged Weapon
remember: whatever it takes, be it violence, deceit or a Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft., or range 20/60 ft., one
kickback to arrange Josette! target in the swam's space or within range. Hit 7
(2d6) bludgeoning damage, or 14 (4d6)
bludgeoning damage if the swarm has half of its hit
points or fewer.
Josette is sort of indifferent to the marriage, having realized
that trying to persuade her father into giving up will be
useless either way – besides, she does have good memories
about the previous night.
The whole family will be waiting for the couple in their
house's garden, underneath an adorned vine tunnel: the Make sure to remember the party none of these
character may be incentivized with a fork on their back, were men is evil:
evil their objective is only to scare the
they too shy to pronounce "yes" at the right time. Tying them chosen character into a marriage, and not to
against a pole is another fair solution, everything truly works actually harm or kill them – few punches or a blow
as long as Josette gets married to someone. Moetjens and his is the most they will resort to unless deadly
folks will pursue the selected character everywhere, be it in threatened. As such, killing them is greatly
the local market or on the city's roofs, leading to exciting discouraged, if nothing for the penal consequences
chases. such act may lead to. 14/26
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Until Death Do Us Apart

A possible way to reveal her real nature:

Your eyes catch an unusually wide silhouette at the end of the

"I'm engaged."
road - nothing worth mentioning until you realize that was
"Let's think of a way to get rid of that together, sweetie!"
only one leg, and the remaining body is slowly but steadily
covering your whole field of vision.
The widest hag you've ever set your eyes upon is looking right
Every city has its own weirdo, but Bella is on a whole at you, her purulent arm hunched forwards. Well...arm,
different level: living by herself in the forest right outside shoulder, whichever body part that clump of flesh, blisters and
Mirin, she's the local boogeyman, that creature children fear
and have bad dreams about. pus is supposed to be.
Yet, for some (un)known reasons, she has been left
untouched for years: some may be too afraid of possible "How long do you intend to keep me waiting?" My whole self
curses to drive her away, others simply believe she doesn't is striving for you, I can barely contain my moans! Your words!
pose an actual threat, considering that whenever she sneaks Let me hear such blissful lines one more time, and I shall be
into the city - mostly at night - it's only to steal chewed yours for the eternity!"
remains or small animals in the back alleys, or make one kid
or two cry with her dread look. Her whole body quivering in ecstasy, she throws herself at
She despises humanity as a whole and tries to interact you.
with them the least possible - rats are not so unpleasant on
the other hand.
Or at least that's what she used to think until now, because
love is like a bolt out of the blue, and that's exactly what
happened last night.
Now totally infatuated with the (un)fortunate selected Bella
character, she starts the adventure inside her hut, too busy
making herself over before making the first move. Large fey, chaotic infatuated

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Not so deep into the wood, her hut is partly covered by Hit Points 65(5d10 + 15)
moss and brushes, although bones and debris will easily Speed 30ft. , climb 20ft.
reveal its position; the gloomy entrance leads to few small
chambers dug into the ground, in which characters can find a
horde of remains, filth, stolen objects and tinctures, some of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
which able to break Diane's spell (question is, which one?) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (0)
Unable to contain her overflowing feelings Bella will, Damage resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
beyond the shadow of a doubt, eventually approach the party, slashing from nonmagical attacks
either intercepting them along a road or bursting into their Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 11
room; as for when, the night is where you want to bet your Languages Common, Infernal, Abyssal
money on, although it's not a certainty. Challenge Love finds a way

Do not give away Bella's true nature before her reveal: Actions
throw continuous hints of her queer personality with the help Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
of "gifts" or love letters she delivers to the selected character one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
through her minions, as a way to build the suspense before Crushing Hug Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
the final confrontation! reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 4)
bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled
Bella's goal is not to kill the characters, even less make a (escape DC 14) if it is a Large or smaller creature.
mess in the city: the selected character is all that matters. Until the grapple ends, the target takes 14 (2d8 +
That's the mantra you have to keep in mind while using her, 4) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the
who will prioritize a safe escape with her willing-or-not dear. hag's turns. The hag can't make attacks while
grappling a creature in this way.
She may consider grappling (and possibly disabling with her Summon Rats (1/Day): Bella can use her bonus
crushing hug) the selected target and then run away, action to call for a Swarm of rats that will show up in
confident of her climbing skills to swiftly leave behind the her aid.
rest of the party after few parkour moves. 15/26
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The Rival
The race consists of, as the name suggests, a course from the
starting point, "The Laughing Soup", until the established
destination, a plaza called Seraphine Square, the
So, we just heard stories... like that no one truly knows what contenders will have to hurry through: the main purpose of
you look like, because you have your face reshaped with magic such a preparatory phase is that whoever gets there first has
every three years. time to look for better weapons, or exploit the surrounding to
their own benefit for the incoming battle; moreover, no one
can directly deliver a weapon to any contender, nor help them
Not the smartest guy in the world, but far from being a find a suitable one. As for the race itself, you can either let the
complete idiot either: a fitting description for Regnor, Mirin's characters run through a straight road, or or complicate
former champion. matters: choose whatever you prefer.
The suffered blow made him realize the selected character Rules are stated as the following before the trial starts: the
is not someone he can underestimate, perhaps even a duel itself in the plaza must be 1vs1, no allies permitted;
stronger foe than himself. whoever is incapacitated or gives up loses, although Regnor
Still, the sooner he challenges them again to restore his will not accept half-assed reasons to surrender.
status, the better – in fact he's already come up with a plan What's been omitted though is that nothing prohibits others
(More info in Regnor's Trial) from helping or hindering a competitor, as it will happen.
Rumors of Regnor's comeback are spreading throughout Regnor, in fact, has already paid four thugs (CR1/2 Monster
Mirin's streets like ravenous rats, and it's a matter of time Manual 350) to hinder the selected character alongside the
before words reach the party and, above all, the selected route, so that he can be the first one to arrive and get the best
character. weapons in the area.
For the time being though, "###" can enjoy their short-lived A good variety of urban complications can be found in the
fame, signing signatures and answering disparate questions Dungeon Master Guide, page 254.
to their fans. As for the thugs themselves, blocking the road with falling
booths, throwing whatever they can get their hands on
against the character, gathering a crowd in a one-way road so
It won't be long before Regnor meets his fated rival, and the that the character is forced to climb on a building and roof-
provocation will be as ostentatious as possible: refusal is not hopping for a bit – manage the race as you see fit.
an option, Regnor will do whatever it takes to get a second The rest of the characters will most likely repair the favour to
chance. Regnor once they catch the bug.
Threatening Queen or another bystander are all fair ways to The duel is more straightforward and will be taking place in
blackmail the character into accepting the challenge, the sky a rather small plaza: lots of stands selling hides, vegetables
is the limit. and trinkets; unwary bystanders caught in-between this
Another possible idea is to quote their lost weapon, madness; a circular fountain, whose statue placed in the
revealing that it is currently in Regnor's hands, who's willing middle of the pool, a bronze angel, judges Regnor for his
to give it in after the challenge; nothing but a small white lie dumb idea.
to achieve his goal. Regnor hid a shortsword inside a hay bale in a corner,
although his pride stops him from using that right away.
There are no proper weapons to be found in the stands,
Regnor's Trial daggers and small axes aside: persuading a seller to give up
on them while getting bashed by the other contender may
prove to be quite difficult.
Every single object in this area can be turned into a weapon,
Is it true that when you enter the room, even the chairs are so don't underestimate a clothes horse used as a whip, or a
standing up. And they're not frigging mimics I swear. gnome thrown against the enemies like a dagger.
The thugs are still trying to indirectly help Regnor (remember
Regnor's next challenge will be somewhat peculiar, and is the duel in the plaza must be a 1vs1, although that rule
made up of two steps: the first one, what could be described doesn't count in the race part) by distracting the other
as a race throughout Mirin's streets; the second, a proper contender.
duel in a larger environment. If things get for Regnor, the most insane thug could do the
irreparable... (More info in "What Went Wrong") 16/26
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At the end of the duel Regnor will either go home as the new
champion, or as a sore loser; regardless of the result he will
stop bothering the character, who may have become Regnor's
worst nemesis or perhaps a respected foe; a rather
unexpected turn of events could be Regnor proposing the
character to organize more fist-fights as a way to earn quick

What Went Wrong

I heard you're so lucky you got to experience a once in a life

time occurrence twice.

So, who thought letting a giant boar wreak havoc in a

commercial area with a multitude of people and stands was a
good idea?
Locked up few wards from Seraphine Square, ready to be
sold to the best bidder is a giant boar, or at least that's where
it used to be before getting released by a thug, who
proceeded to enrage and kite the wild beast towards the
duel's spot.
Unless deafened everyone in the plaza can hear the
creature getting closer, and has one turn to take actions
before the boar becomes an active member of the combat.
The Giant Boar (CR2 Monster Manual 323) enters the fight
with a charge attack that must be dodged by each character
still standing on its path: a successful DC13 Dexterity
Saving Throw is required to dodge the beast, a failed
attempt result in 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
A creature hit by the first charge must succeed on a DC 13
Strength Saving Throw or be knocked prone.
After the first round the boar will, if not bothered by
characters or NPC, demolish barrels and stands in order to
eat vegetables; once disturbed it will focus whoever gets its
attention until defeated.
Frightened by the sight of the boar the crowd will try to run
away from each possible exit, or climb on adjacent buildings
and booths to save themselves, uncaring of whoever they may
step on or harm in the process.
The city militia will arrive five turns after the boar enters the
fight to subdue the animal, and depending on the characters'
actions may reward or detain them.
Praiseworthy conduct may lead to the characters getting
informed of Diane's whereabouts (More info in "The Missing
Bride" and "Mayor House") 17/26
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Gangsters, First Choice

The characters are escorted inside "The Alabaster
Minstrel", Mirin's most famous and refined brothel: a quick
"I've been in forests less shady than him." glance is enough to understand the place is overflowing of
mobs, and any reckless action may lead to dreadful
Extorting money out of bets – better when rigged – sounds As they enter a cozy backroom, they find the boss awaiting
like a good plan to local criminals, and that's in fact what them, four huge men standing on his back.
they've been doing since the year dot.
It doesn't matter whether they have to manage the gambling "First of all, do thank you for accepting my request without
themselves or simply collect their fair share from causing a tantrum in the city, because that's the last thing I
independent inns, as long as they get richer. wish, and I take the same goes for you all – you are heroes of
justice after all, am I right? Now, let's cut the bull: last night
It goes without saying that's only one tiny gig compared to one of my aides went overboard and bet far more than what he
their serious trades, but the higher-ups still demand was tasked to do – people here hardly have that amount of
seriousness and professionalism from their subordinates. money, to begin with. While you're utterly innocent and I am
That's why losing 800 gp on a rigged bet was not only a sincerely sorry for the misunderstanding, what I'd like to ask is
financial blow, but a dishonor the thugs who oversaw the for you to give me back the won amount, minus your starting
game already paid for – what's left to do is explain the money of course. I am sure you can all understand the
mistake to the unfortunate winners and kindly ask for them oversight and collaborate on the matter."
to return the money.
The party will sooner or later be approached by five well-
dressed yet shady guys whose task is to escort the characters
to their boss' room; none of them will directly resort to If the characters can't pay him right away, read
violence, their tone will always be placid no matter the
characters' reaction to their request.
The reason behind this invite is "discussing with our boss "Now that's truly a pity, I was hoping to settle things as fast as
about your recent deals with the family" ; additional possible – I am rather busy these days.
information will not be granted as they "do not have the right That said, I do understand your circumstances and I'm ready to
to do it". give you more time to get back what you're supposed to –
let's say you can deliver the bag tomorrow morning, for
Common folks around this scene will do their damn best not
to get involved, as well as possible guards nearby (who, I assure you I will not bother you ever again after our lil deal is
over, and I am a man who keeps his word. That's all for now I
among other things, have other pressing matters in mind) guess? I will be waiting for you all. Have a pleasant afternoon."

At this point, the party can either obey and follow them, or
refuse: if they choose the thugs will insist few more times,
before leaving and letting them be for now. If the characters decide to attack the boss, follow what
"You shall regret it" is a fitting ending line in that case. written under Possible Fight.
Before them doing the irreparable do remind them of where
they are, and the number of enemies they would face. 18/26
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Gangsters, Second Choice Possible Fight

The boss will pay a call on the party himself, and it will not be
too pleasant. This can happen whenever and wherever the "Damn kids, I didn't work my ass off to become who I am, just
DM deems right; I suggest this scene to happen inside a local to be beaten by some random adventurers, you know that
The boss will be escorted by some of his trusted men, and
will casually approach the party before revealing his true It wouldn't be that unbelievable for the characters to fight
intention. back the Mafia, although their chances of winning face-to-
Because of the characters' previous decision, he will be face are nonexistent.
asking for a surtax of 100 gp, and for the character to give his
men few drops of blood as "insurance in case you will try to The boss, guarded by four Martial Arts Adept (CR3, Volo's
run away without fulfilling your task." Guide to Monsters 216) , is a Warlock of the Fiend (CR7,
Volo's Guide to Monsters 219) himself.
As for example, this could be how the scene is carried out if
the characters are inside a tavern: Even if the characters attack the boss and his men, they will
not be killed – getting the money is worth more than finishing
off pipsqueaks – although the criminals will be sure to return
the fire and teach the characters a lesson.
You are all sitting on a table waiting for your meal, when the
constant and deafening murmuring suddenly disappears.
You are still trying to figure out the reason, when you notice Do notice the boss has the spell Scrying available if required,
someone else has joined your table, and is asking for a soup. making a possible escape troublesome.
A fair man in his 50s, wearing supposedly expensive black
clothes and a showy red scarf.
"Have you heard of "The Best Sow of the Year" contest? I
personally do not care about such mundane festivals, but
some of my men appear to be rather big fans themselves.
Still, I must admit, pigs are incredible animals, that much is
I don't remember where I heard that, but it seems they're truly
efficient when it comes to dispose of human corpses: all you
have to do is chop'em off, then throw the pieces to starving
pigs and they will do the rest in a couple of hours.
Now, I can have all the pigs I desire, but going through that
procedure is still a pain in the @ss – for my men at least – and
I feel like we can reach a better compromise.
I could've properly explained everything, but given the
circumstances all you have to know is that you won money
that wasn't supposed to be bet, and I want everything back.
And I don't care if you don't have them with you right now, for
there will always be tomorrow, right? But nothing more, or it's
mealtime for some pigs, you got what I mean?
I wouldn't mind an extra 100 gp as a way to apologize for
refusing my previous invitation, and you will be asked for a
drop of blood, just in case you decide to run away without
telling me first.
Although rest assured – contrary to someone else I am a man
who keeps his word, and you will be free to do as you please
once our lil deal is carried out. Now, if you shall excuse me, I
have important matters to handle – and thanks for the soup, it
was truly disgusting." 19/26
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Caim and his brothers may be open to listening acceptable
Thieves, Again proposals from the party if those include acquiring gold and
jewellery, or they may try to seek for a partnership
themselves, should an opportunity arises.
Of course, the halflings will always be ready to end the truce,
"Do you know how to handle a triple trapeze with only one
frame the characters and keep the bounty all for themselves,
leg? Me neither!" the only question is when and under what situation.
For instance, were they to burst into the mayor's house, Caim
would step forward to go with a single character, saying that
Having always been fascinated by acrobatics and weird "the fewer the better", only to smash a window and run for
tricks, no one could deprive Diane of a circus in her wedding his life all alone after tricking the character into checking
day – on the contrary, her father himself decided to invite a other rooms for more gold.
rather famous one, trusting that it will make his beloved Or, even worse, the characters may decide to cooperate with
daughter forget she's undergoing a political marriage. Quite a Caim and abduct Diane, only to have the halflings sold out
good plan, no complaints here, provided that the circus' the party to the militia and make it out as the true heroes...
members are not imposters. sure, they have to discover the magic effect casted upon the
pig before doing this, but it's still a possibility.
It just so happens that the circus was recruiting new
trapeze artists, the so-called Halflying Brothers for the While they're not experienced fighters one should not
incoming show, and four Halfling thieves took their spot in underestimate them either (use Spy statblock for them, CR1
disguise. No one suspected a single thing, except for the Monster Manual 349)
illusionist, his eyes unbending upon them: that's why they
had no choice but to knock him out when he tried to confront Their names are: Caim, the oldest brother; Butch, Colton,
them. One could say part of the mess happened exactly Lester.
because of them, for the illusionist wasn't in his tent when
the drunk party sneaked in and stole the potions.
Talking about the thieves, none of them is fancy enough to
come up with a "team name" – getting richer is all that Now what? Now Orcs!
matters after all. Lured in Mirin for the wedding, they've set
their eyes on the mayor's house, as well as wedding gifts –
kidnapping Diane was even prompted at one point, but
they're more comfortable when stealing lifeless objects that "Sometimes you gotta play the role of fool, to fool the fool
can't scream nor kick up. who thinks they're fooling you."

The unexpected increase of security around the house has

floored them all, but few more guards won't be enough to
make them leave with their tails between their legs. The Lastly, let's not forget a gang of orcs will be approaching
same can't be said when the oldest brother, Caim, Mirin later in the afternoon, only to make everything more
disappeared after that fateful night: having heard of the complicated.
multiple mishaps the three remaining siblings now fear the
worse for their beloved brother and are on hold awaiting After bonding with the characters the previous night they
news from him. were told to join them later in Mirin, as "a wedding will be
and there will be lots of food to eat and wine to drink".
At the start of the adventure Caim is stuck inside a barrel, All the orcs know is that the characters are heroes and are
his hands tied and his mouth gagged: getting mistaken for a staying overnight in The Usual Place, and expect to receive a
gnome, famous (?) for being good luck charms, by one of the respectable service as "the heroes' new pals"... little did they
drunk characters he was seized and captured, just to be then know, since half Mirin is probably holding a grudge against
forgotten inside their rented room in "The Usual Place" the characters at this point.
(More info in "The Usual Place")
Whether they will be waiting for the characters in an inn,
Having bathed in his own piss and tears all night long, he or look for them after growing impatient is up to the DM: an
will jump on the first human to open the barrel, fearing his orc's mind is unpredictable after all.
true identity has been revealed. Once he realizes the Will they behave, or finish what the party started the previous
characters do not remember a single thing, himself included, night?
he will fake ignorance, blaming them for kidnapping a poor Will they spend the whole afternoon drinking wine, or will
passerby; he will then attempt to escape to rendezvous with they come into view during Josette's wedding?
his brothers as soon as possible – united we stand, divided we Who knows, one can only hope they won't at least try to steal
fall, as they say. pigs, because Diane is among them. 20/26
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The orcs don't mind that, some of them are still too drunk
What are you saying? Of and stupid to notice Don Kith is nothing but a mere human;
besides, they took a liking to him, might as well keep him as
course I'm an orc, duh! the gang's mascot.
When faced with pesky questions or obviousness, he may
either recall something (e.g. when he was first approached by
the party the previous night, whether they were with Diane or
"V-verily I say unto you, t-this table is an eyesore!" not, and so on) or simply throw an orcish tantrum... that's up
Don Kith before attempting to overturn a table to you.
Don Kith is doing his best to mimic orcish behaviors, and
while the result is not up to the standards no one can deny
Wait, we did forget about a small detail: what's with the his dedication.
wagon's trails in the clearing? When the characters bought Once in city he will wander around with his new gang, trying
the beer – although they were supposed to pay the following to overturn tables, burping and arm wrestling with the tiniest
morning – and borrow the wagon from Don Kith, a local victims available, because that's what orcs do, don't they?!
clergyman in search of good deals, they decided to invite him
to the clearing for an intimate party; once the orcs arrived the
situation escalated fast.
Don Kith has never been famous for his big brain, but that
blow he received from an inebriated orc was truly something:
he awoke few hours later in the orcs' camp, his face and skin
so soiled of bile they acquired a greenish shade, his mind so
confused for the hit he ended up believing he's an orc himself.

We're done for real, I swear: a quick


o what we have here? Rather than trying to foresee what the party may go for, it's
A group of characters who will struggle to better to let them choose the right path, and whenever they
remember what they did the previous night; a reach a standstill or are getting closer to truth, throw
missing bride, who's been transformed into a pig; something unexpected at them – they're rather famous and
criminals in search of money the party shouldn't lots of people in Mirin have a score to settle with them.
have; few love interests who will not give up on
their new crush, for one reason or another; a rival Be sure to remind them of both the incoming wedding and
eager to redeem his status; a band of thieves always ready to deadline : they roughly have one day to solve everything,
make shady deals; a father worried about his daughter and meaning each second is valuable!
his city's future; a gang of orcs on a rampage; a variety of
other possible walk-on actors.
Diane's spell can be broken thanks to Naethr or Bella – of
course, those aren't the only possible ways to achieve that.

The plot itself is really simple, and could potentially end

rather fast: get the pig, undo the spell, get the money in the
sewers, deliver the bounty, all's well that ends well.
What makes the adventure longer are the various hazards
and sub-plot, which will do their best to stand in the
characters' way.
As such, exploit and develop them as you prefer, always
considering the party's intentions and their reaction to each
premise: some may be more interested in retrieving the gold
as fast as possible, others may attempt to rip off mayor's
mansion; in still others Josette and Bella may have the top
priority at first, and so on. 21/26
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aving only one day to find Diane and collect Just a handful of quick looks, and few lines before the crowd
the money for the boss, the adventure will reclaim her.
eventually come to an end - which one "I never expected a hen do party to be this funny; had I known
though? that before, I wouldn't have waited for this much to get
As if I know that: it depends on what the
specific party has done throughout the married! I swear I will never forget what we went through!"
session(s). Flattered as you may be, it would be better for her to forget
What I can do though is providing two possible closures, everything - you do not want rumours to spread, do you?
which must be adapted with the right context each time this Hours go by and the chaos eventually fades away.
module is run. As such take them with a grain of salt - they're You are all chilling on a bench, the feeble spring breeze
nothing but examples after all. coddling your round bellies, while you finally have some time
to meditate.
It's not that bad after all. Adventuring, you mean.
A fair wedding You know, saving the princess, killing the dragon.
Except that there was no princess to save, nor dragon to kill
this time.
This epilogue presumes the characters successfully rescued
Diane and paid their debt to the boss in time - what you Well, whatever.
would define as a happy ending. It has been a long journey, but at last you can enjoy your well-
Unless the characters' reputation has been irretrievably deserved rest.
compromised they will all be invited to the wedding as FIN
special guests, the mayor so reassured he will forget about
whatever those crazy pants did the previous night...for today
at least.
Besides, who cares about what the mayor has to say - Diane
herself wanted them to be present no matter what.
Read the following:

You're currently enjoying the wedding, eating high-quality

courses and consuming a perfectly reasonable quantity of wine
like the truly refined beings you all are.

Diane looks enchanting in her wedding attire, her father is

barely containing tears.

"Don't stare at her so much, or the bad guy over there will tear
off your eyes!" burbled the wino seated next one of you.

Still, gotta give some credit to the drunkard, given who her
father-in-law is. Although he doesn't seem nearly as peevish as
before... nothing is more powerful than love, uh?
"But that's wrong, duh! Alcohol is always the answer to that!"
Can you stop reading my mind, you mutter - oh, don't you dare
barf here, blooming heck! Gee, why does it always come down
to that?

The party continues, and as expected it's quite hard getting in

touch with Diane, being constantly assaulted by lords and
ladies. 22/26
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He stops for a second to check the road, then looks back at
In the sad possibility the characters get to retrieve the gold you.
but fail to rescue Diane, the anxiety among the guards will
slowly become so noticeable that what's left for the party is "Still, you look as pale as a wright. Want some wine to ease
nothing else but an escape, before things get out of hands your fatigue" A patched jug dangling from his hand.
and they're accused of a crime they (partly) didn't commit. You politely decline though - your lips won't get a sole sip of
alcohol for a while.
You can solve the last part narratively if you prefer, or commit FIN
a whole part of the adventure to the getaway.
As the ending lines, read the following:

Miles away from Mirin, the chaotic city can't even be

perceived as an indiscernible dot from this distance. Still, all
you can think of is to get away as fast as possible from there,
too young to become this sad story's scapegoats.

As you quietly admire the sunset with an unconfirmed sense

of guilt in your chest, a wagon coming from Mirin stops next
to you, offering a ride until the next hamlet.
You're too tired to ask what happened after Diane didn't show
up at the wedding - you had already legged it at that point to
know anything - but it looks like the merchant is quite the
talkative guy.

"You guys should've seen it - the wedding in Mirin, I mean.

A bit lavish for my taste, but a happy ending nonetheless.
What I fail to grasp though is the beginning - now, being a
peasant myself I'm not that susceptible to people sloshing
around with pigs, but when it's the mayor's daughter we're
talking about then yes, you can bet your damn booty I'm hella

Whatcha sayin'? No one got a frigging clue about what truly

happened... I heard some saying she was abducted by some
doppelganger that posed as a bunch of heroes - do you know
what a doppelsomething is? It's, like, an evil being with
magical superpowers that can shape its look to its liking... I

Where was I... oh yeah, so they pretended to be heroes,

trapped the poor girl in another dimension or something, until
the true adventurers appeared, defeated the enemies and then
ran away for their life - cuz no one knew about the
doppelganger but the mayor's daughter herself.
But again, that's just what she said, according to some guards I

If you ask me, I'm still puzzled about her being naked in a
frigging paddock. But who cares, right? Life goes on, and I
hope she will find happiness with that young boy." 23/26
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2) You feel so damn light - watch out, a simple gust of
wind could blow you away.
Whenever you're wearing clothes your jump distance is
NPC Index doubled; if you get naked it is quadrupled.
Every time a wind current runs over you, failing a DC16
Strength Saving Throw will get you pushed for 10 feet and
Ludger: current mayor of Mirin either get knocked prone at the end of the landing or get
Halan Dyrr: Next head of Dyrr Family, son of Nathar, Diane's stuck on object mid-air before that point; if you were naked,
fiancé the DC becomes 20 and the distance 20 feet.
Diane: Mayor's Daughter, Bill's fiancée The malus can be balanced by using some weight.
Nathar Dyrr: Current head of Dyrr Family,
Bella: hag, in love with selected character 3) Every time you drink a liquid a perfect copy of
Josette: commoner, in love with selected character yourself will appear nearby. The more clones you have,
Moetjens: Josette's father the less they will last.
Naethr: Pawn Shop's owner, former spellcaster
"###": selected character's alias, to be chosen by the DM The copies have their own free will and thus can't be forced
Don Kith: clergyman, owner of the wagon to carry out an action.
Regnor: local former champion, selected character's rival Objects can't be copied, although the copies appear with the
Rudolph: The Laughing Soup's owner same clothes as the original body.
Caim: thief, head of the team Copies are significantly weaker than the original, and can't
Butch, Colton, Lester: thieves cast a spell or use class/racial abilities; they can use their
fists, and improvised weapons.
One copy lasts 4 minutes, two copies half the time (2
minutes) and so on, to a maximum of five copies (lasting 15
seconds each) at the same time, provided that the owner
Magic Vials keeps on drinking.
Abusing of this power can be dangerous, as you don't know
how the copies will react: sure, they're weak as hell, but can
The broken vial was obviously a polymorphing potion, still throw a spanner in the works.
created for a show involving pigs; it was supposed to be a
funny reference of the famous "Best pig of the year" contest. 4) You just realized that standing on the floor is
The whole package was bought by the circus' crew from a everything but safe, therefore you will avoid at all costs to
merchant in another city of the region. do that.
Each potion was to be used to enhance or help a specific
member of the crew for the upcoming show (e.g. in order not If you stay on the ground for too long (more than 12 seconds)
to be afraid of heights) without climbing on something in-between you get 1d4
Feel free to change their effects and create new amusing psychic damage.
scenario if you have better ideas, but remember to keep the
odd number (even with the broken vial) 5) It's as if your bones have disappeared, and you can
contort yourself in impossible ways.
1) While your body feels oily, your throat is really sore -
so much that everytime you speak chances are flames Whenever you assume an unnatural pose, unless held by
will emerge from your mouth. something, you will abruptly revert to the usual one after 6
The volume of your voice seems to affect the percentile of You can't contort so much as to affect your size.
spitting fire: the louder, the more probable.
The body is inflammable, but the character has resistance
against fire damage.
Every time you whisper for more than 12 seconds roll a d8:
you spit fire with 7 or more.
Every time you talk for more than 6 seconds in a normal
tone, roll a d8: you spit fire with 6 or more.
Every time you talk for more than 3 seconds in a higher tone,
roll a d8: you spit fire with 4 or more.
Every time you yell like a madman even for a second, roll a
d8: you spit fire with 2 or more, flames are so uncontrollable
you catch fire with 5 or more. 24/26
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same size as original, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 4(1d4)
Speed 30ft.


8 (-1) 8 (-1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)

Condition Immunities
Senses passive Perception 9
Languages Same as the original
Challenge 0

Ephemereal Existence. The copy disappears after a

fixed amount of time.

Cogito, Ergo Rhum Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d4-1 bludgeoning

What you want to do is write it down on a paper, and then
hand it to your party.
Five Shapes (labelled as ABCDE here)
ABCD - two white dots
ABEE - no dots
ABDC - two black dots
CCAB - two black dots
BAAB - no dots
The correct code is CCDC
The white dots mean there is a correct letter but wrong
place, while black dots mean correct letter, correct place (DM
info, not for the players) 25/26
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ecause having it may come in handy (the order Party stop at "The Usual Place" to deposit the barrel
of certain events may be altered if desired) containing one of the Halflying Brothers.
First Day

Party and Queen wake up with no memories about the

Night previous night.
Party get caught up in a gambling circle, win a remarkable
amount of GP, get really drunk due to a mixture of alcohol ...
and poison used in the bets.
Party get approached by the gangsters regarding the acquired
Party sneak into the mayor's house and escort his daughter money.
Diane outside unbeknown to the security to celebrate a hen
do party. ...
Party and Diane go to Pawn Shop to get more suitable The orcs arrive in Mirin.
Party and Diane visit many taverns and inns. Second Day
Party and Diane steal the coffer and the violet pastel from the
Circus in the Main Plaza. Payment of the debt (approached by thugs if needed)
Party and Diane go to a clearing outside of the city, Diane Diane's wedding.
gets turned into a pig by the broken vial.
Party and Pig-Diane get back to Mirin to find a cure, but give
up on that shortly after.
Party and Pig-Diane visit many taverns and inns.
Party and Pig-Diane visit the paddock again, Pig-Diane and
Queen get swapped by mistake.
Party and Queen visit many taverns and inns.
Party and Queen hid the money in the sewers.
Party and Queen buy the beer from Don Kith and travel
towards the clearing together with the clergyman.
Party, Don Kith and Queen meet the orc tribes, drink beer
together and tell them to come to Mirin for the wedding.
Party and Queen fall asleep in the clearing while the orcs and
the unconscious Kith go away.

The following events can happen in a random moment

during the night:
Selected characters hits on girls, meets and conquers Bella,
buys an engagement ring to Josette.
Selected character loses their weapon, then beats Regnor,
the local champion, and starts spreading rumours about their
fictional identity. 26/26

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