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To Fit Newborn 0-3 6-12 1-2 The quantities of yarn are
months months years based upon average
Hats, Helmet and Bonnet requirement and are
All sets To fit average sized Baby’s Head for the age indicated therefore approximate.

All sets To fit average sized Baby’s Hand for the age indicated VERY IMPORTANT IT IS
All sets To fit average sized Baby’s Foot for the age indicated TENSION TO ENSURE

Set 1
Wondersoft DK 100g 1 1 1 1 If there are less sts and
rows to 10cm, 4in, change
Set 2 to finer needles if there are
Wondersoft DK 100g 1 1 1 1 more sts and rows to
10cm, 4in, change to
Set 3 larger needles.
Wondersoft DK 100g 1 1 1 1

Set 4 NOTES: Instructions are

Wondersoft DK 100g 1 1 1 1 given for newborn, larger
sizes are given in square
Colours used:- Set 1 – Snow White 1001 Set 2 – Buttercup 1033 brackets.
Set 3 – Sky Blue 1032 Set 4 – Petal Pink 1030
1 Pair of 4mm (UK8 – USA6) Knitting Needles, 1 Pair of 3.25mm (UK10 – USA3)
Knitting Needles, Stitch Holders for Set 3, 1 Button for Set 3 and Set 4 and Where only one figure is
Ribbon for Set 4. given, this applies to all
sizes. Where the figure 0
appears, no sts, rows or
times are worked for this
alt alternate cont continue dec decrease(ing) inc increase(ing)
K Knit P Purl patt pattern psso pass slipped
rem remain(ing) rep repeat rs right side stitch over
s1 slip one stitch s1p slip one stitch st(s) stitch(es) tog together
knitways purlways ws wrong side yfwd yarn forward
yrn yarn round yon yarn over cm centimeters mm millimetres Owing to photography and
needle needle in inch(es) printing restrictions the
colour reproduction is
1x1 Rib. 2x2 Rib. matched as closely as
1st Row: *K1, P1, rep from * to last st, K1. 1st Row: *K2, P2, rep from * to last 2sts, K2. possible to the yarn.
2nd Row: P1, *K1, P1, rep from * to end. 2nd Row: P2, *K2, P2, rep from * to end.
Rep 1st and 2nd rows. Rep 1st and 2nd rows.

St-St. Stocking Stitch. G-St. Garter Stitch. STYLECRAFT CANNOT

1st Row: Knit. Every Row: Knit. ACCEPT
Rep 1st and 2nd rows. M1. Make one stitch. Pick up loop between THE RESULT OF USING
last and next stitch and work into the back of ANY OTHER YARN.
this loop.
Cr2. yrn, P2, pass yrn over 2sts just worked.

SET 1 with a ws row. Keeping continuity of patt as set

TENSION Next Row: Rib to end inc 1 st in centre of (throughout) cont until Hat measures 12
24sts and 28 rows to 10cm, 4in, over row. 74 [82:86:90]sts. [13:15:16]cm, ending with a rs row.
pattern using 4mm needles. 22sts and 30 Change to 4mm needles and proceed Next Row: P9 [8:6:6], P2tog, (P7 [6:10:
rows to 10cm, 4in, over stocking stitch as follows:- 17], P2tog) 6 [8:6:4] times, P9 [8:6:6].
using 4mm needles, or the size required 1st Row: Knit. 67 [73:79:85]sts.
to give the correct tension. 2nd Row: P2, *Cr2, P2, rep from * to Shape Crown.
end. **1st Row: K1, (K2tog, K4) 11 [12:13:14]
HAT 3rd Row: Knit. times. 56 [61:66:71]sts.
Using 3.25mm needles and thumb 4th Row: P4, *Cr2, P2, rep from * to last 2nd and Every Alt Row: Purl.
method cast on 73 [81:85:89]sts and 2sts, P2. 3rd Row: K1, (K2tog, K3) 11 [12:13:14]
work in 1x1 rib for 6 [6:8:8]cm, ending 1st to 4th row sets patt. times. 45 [49:53:57]sts.
5th Row: K1, (K2tog, K2) 11 [12:13:14] 2nd Row: S1p, P7 [7:9:11], P2tog, turn. Change to 3.25mm needles and work 6
times. 34 [37:40:43]sts. 3rd Row: S1, K7 [7:9:11], s1, K1, psso, rows in 2x2 rib. Cast off in rib.
7th Row: K1, (K2tog, K1) 11 [12:13:14] turn.
times. 23 [25:27:29]sts. Rep 2nd and 3rd rows 2 [3:4:5] times TO MAKE UP
9th Row: K1, (K2tog) 11 [12:13:14] more. Join foot and back seam. See ball band
times. 12 [13:14:15]sts. Next Row: S1p, P7 [7:9:11], P2tog, turn. for pressing and care instructions.
10th Row: (P2tog) 6 [6:7:7] times, P0 27 [29:31:33]sts.
[1:0:1]. 6 [7:7:8]sts. Next Row: S1, knit to end.***
Break off yarn, run yarn through rem 6 Next Row: P3 [4:3:4], m1, (P10 [5:12:6], TENSION
[7:7:8]sts, draw up and fasten off.** m1) 2 [4:2:4] times, P4 [5:4:5]. 22sts and 30 rows to 10cm, 4in, over
30 [34:34:38]sts.** stocking stitch using 4mm needles, or
TO MAKE UP Proceed as follows:- the size required to give the correct
1st Row: Knit. tension.
Join back seam, reversing sewing for
turnback. Make a pom-pom and attach to 2nd Row: P2, *Cr2, P2, rep from * to HELMET
centre of crown. See ball band for end.
3rd Row: Knit.
pressing and care instructions.
Using 3.25mm needles and thumb
4th Row: P4, *Cr2, P2, rep from * to last
method cast on 5sts.
MITTENS (Both Alike) 2sts, P2.
Working in g-st (throughout) work 5
Using 4mm needles and thumb method 1st to 4th row sets patt.
cast on 30 [34:34:38]sts. Work 0 [4:8:8] rows more in patt.
Next Row: (Buttonhole Row). K2,
1st Row: Knit. Cast off.
yfwd, K2tog, K1.
2nd Row: P2, *Cr2, P2, rep from * to Work 6 [6:8:8] rows more.
end. TO MAKE UP Work 2 rows inc 1 st at each end of 1st
3rd Row: Knit. Join foot and back seam. See ball band row. 7sts.
4th Row: P4, *Cr2, P2, rep from * to last for pressing and care instructions. Work 9 [9:13:13] rows inc 1 st at each
2sts, P2. end of next and every foll 4th row.
1st to 4th row sets patt. SET 2 13 [13:15:15]sts.
Work 1 [3:7:7] rows more in patt. TENSION Cont without shaping until Ear Flap
Next Row: Purl to end dec 2 [4:2:4]sts 22sts and 30 rows to 10cm, 4in, over measures 6 [6:7:8]cm, ending with a ws
evenly across row. 28 [30:32:34]sts. stocking stitch using 4mm needles, or the row.
Working in st-st (throughout) cont until size required to give the correct tension. Leave these 13 [13:15:15]sts on a stitch
Mitten measures 6 [7:8:9]cm, ending with holder.
a ws row.
Shape Top.
Using 3.25mm needles and thumb
**Next Row: (K1, s1, K1, psso, K8 [9:10: Work as given for Left Ear Flap omitting
method cast on 74 [78:86:94]sts and
11], K2tog, K1) twice. 24 [26:28:30]sts. buttonhole.
work 7 rows in 2x2 rib.
Next Row: Purl.
8th Row: P6 [8:6:6], P2tog, (P8 [13:10: Main Section.
Next Row: (K1, s1, K1, psso, K6 [7:8:9],
8], P2tog) 6 [4:6:8] times, P6 [8:6:6]. Using 3.25mm needles cast on 8 [10:
K2tog, K1) twice. 20 [22:24:26]sts.
Next Row: Purl. 67 [73:79:85]sts. 10:11]sts, with rs facing, knit across 13
Change to 4mm needles and working in [13:15:15]sts left on a stitch holder for
Next Row: (K1, s1, K1, psso, K4 [5:6:7],
st-st (throughout) cont until Hat measures Left Ear Flap, cast on 25 [27:29:33]sts,
K2tog, K1) twice. 16 [18:20:22]sts.
9 [10:11:12]cm, ending with a ws row. with rs facing, knit across 13 [13:15:
Next Row: Purl.
Shape Crown. 15]sts left on a stitch holder for Right Ear
Cast off rem 16 [18:20:22]sts.**
Work from ** to ** as given for Shape Flap and cast on 8 [10:10:11]sts.
Crown of Hat in Set 1. 67 [73:79:85]sts.
Join side seam and across top. See ball Work 9 rows more in g-st.
band for pressing and care instructions.
TO MAKE UP Change to 4mm needles and working
Join back seam. See ball band for in st-st (throughout) cont until Main
pressing and care instructions. Section measures 9 [10:11:12]cm,
BOOTEES (Both Alike)
ending with a ws row.
Using 3.25mm needles and thumb
method cast on 19 [23:27:31]sts.
MITTENS (Both Alike) Shape Crown.
Using 3.25mm needles and thumb Work from ** to ** as given for Shape
1st Row: Knit.
method cast on 30 [30:34:34]sts and Crown of Hat in Set 1.
2nd Row: K1, m1, K8 [10:12:14], m1,
work 7 rows in 2x2 rib.
K1, m1, K8 [10:12:14], m1, K1. TO MAKE UP
8th Row: Purl to end dec 2sts evenly
23 [27:31:35]sts. Join back seam. Sew on button. See ball
across row for 1st and 3rd sizes only.
3rd Row: Knit. band for pressing and care instructions.
4th Row: K1, m1, K9 [11:13:15], m1, K3, 28 [30:32:34]sts.
Change to 4mm needles and working in
m1, K9 [11:13:15], m1, K1. MITTENS (Both Alike)
st-st (throughout) cont until Mitten
27 [31:35:39]sts.
measures 6 [7:8:9]cm, ending with a ws Using 3.25mm needles and thumb
5th Row: Knit.
row. method cast on 28 [30:32:34]sts and
6th Row: K1, m1, K10 [12:14:16], m1,
Shape Top. work 8 [8:10:10] rows in g-st.
K5, m1, K10 [12:14:16], m1, K1.
Work from ** to ** as given for Shape Top Change to 4mm needles and working
31 [35:39:43]sts.
of Mittens in Set 1. in st-st (throughout) cont until Mitten
7th Row: Knit.
measures 6 [7:8:9]cm, ending with a ws
8th Row: K1, m1, K11 [13:15:17], m1,
K7, m1, K11 [13:15:17], m1, K1.
Join side seam and across top. See ball Shape Top.
35 [39:43:47]sts.
band for pressing and care instructions. Work from ** to ** as given for Shape
Change to 4mm needles and working in
Top of Mittens in Set 1.
st-st work 6 [8:8:8] rows more.
Shape Instep. BOOTEES (Both Alike)
1st Row: K21 [23:26:29], s1, K1, psso, Work exactly as given for Bootees in Set TO MAKE UP
turn. 1 until ** is reached. Join side seam and across top. See ball
band for pressing and care instructions. Working in st-st (throughout) cont until Next Row: P1 [2:5:4], P2tog, (P2 [3:4:2],


Bonnet measures 9 [10:11:12]cm, from P2tog) 8 [6:4:8] times, P2 [3:6:5]. 28

BOOTEES (Both Alike) Picot Row, ending with a ws row. [30:32:34]sts.

Work exactly as given for Bootees in Set Shape Crown. Next Row: (Eyelet Row). K1 [2:3:2],
1 until *** is reached. Work from ** to ** as given for Shape *yfwd, K2tog, K2 [2:2:3], rep from * to last
Next Row: Purl. Crown of Hat in Set 1. 3 [4:5:2]sts, yfwd, K2tog, K1 [2:3:0].

Change to 3.25mm needles and work 8 Next Row: Purl.

[8:10:10] rows in g-st. Cast off. STRAPS Working in st-st (throughout) cont until
Left Strap Mitten measures 6 [7:8:9]cm, ending with

TO MAKE UP Using 3.25mm needles and thumb a ws row.

method cast on 5sts. Shape Top.
Join foot and back seam. See ball band
Work in g-st until Strap is of sufficient Work from ** to ** as given for Shape

for pressing and care instructions.

length to go from edge of Bonnet to chin, Top of Mittens in Set 1.
allowing for an overlap for button

SET 4 fastening, ending with a rs row.

Cast off knitways.
22sts and 30 rows to 10cm, 4in, over Join side seam and across top. Thread
Right Strap
stocking stitch using 4mm needles, ribbon through eyelets. See ball band for

Work as given for Left Strap until strap is

pressing and care instructions.
or the size required to give the 6 rows less.
correct tension. Next Row: (Buttonhole Row). K2, yfwd,
BOOTEES (Both Alike)

K2tog, K1.

Work 5 rows more in g-st. Work exactly as given for Bootees in Set
BONNET 1 until ** is reached.
Using 3.25mm needles and thumb Cast off knitways.

Next Row: (Eyelet Row). K2 [2:2:4],

method cast on 67 [73:79:85]sts and *yfwd, K2tog, K2 [3:3:3], rep from * to last
work 4 rows in st-st. TO MAKE UP
4 [2:2:4]sts, yfwd, K2tog, K2 [0:0:2].
Join crown seam for 3 [3:4:4]cm. Fold

Picot Row: K1, *yfwd, K2tog, rep from * Next Row: Purl to end inc 1 [3:3:5]sts
to end. onto ws at Picot Row and sew loosely in
evenly across row. 31 [37:37:43]sts.
Commencing with 2nd row of st-st work 4 position. With rs facing, using 3.25mm

Proceed as follows:-

rows. needles pick up and knit 34 [38:42:46]sts

1st Row: K1, *yfwd, yrn, P1, P3tog, P1,
Next Row: P8 [6:7:7], m1, (P10 [12:13: evenly along row ends. Knit 1 row. Cast
yon, K1, rep from * to end.
14], m1) 5 times, P9 [7:7:8]. off knitways. Sew on straps. Sew on

2nd and Every Alt Row: Purl.

73 [79:85:91]sts. button. See ball band for pressing and
3rd Row: K2, yfwd, s1, K2tog, psso,
Change to 4mm needles and proceed care instructions.
yfwd, *K3, yfwd, s1, K2tog, psso, yfwd,
as follows:-

rep from * to last 2sts, K2.

1st Row: K1, *yfwd, yrn, P1, P3tog, P1, MITTENS (Both Alike)

5th Row: P2tog, P1, yon, K1, yfwd, yrn,
yon, K1, rep from * to end. Using 4mm needles and thumb method
P1, *P3tog, P1, yon, K1, yfwd, yrn, P1,

2nd and Every Alt Row: Purl. cast on 37 [37:37:43]sts.

rep from * to last 2sts, P2tog.
3rd Row: K2, yfwd, s1, K2tog, psso, 1st Row: K1, *yfwd, yrn, P1, P3tog, P1,
7th Row: K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, *s1,
yfwd, *K3, yfwd, s1, K2tog, psso, yfwd, yon, K1, rep from * to end.
K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd, rep from * to

rep from * to last 2sts, K2. 2nd and Every Alt Row: Purl.
last 2sts, s1, K1, psso.
5th Row: P2tog, P1, yon, K1, yfwd, yrn, 3rd Row: K2, yfwd, s1, K2tog, psso,
8th Row: Purl.

P1, *P3tog, P1, yon, K1, yfwd, yrn, P1, yfwd, *K3, yfwd, s1, K2tog, psso, yfwd,

1st to 8th row sets patt.

rep from * to last 2sts, P2tog. rep from * to last 2sts, K2.
Work 0 [0:4:4] rows more.
7th Row: K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, *s1, 5th Row: P2tog, P1, yon, K1, yfwd, yrn,
Cast off in patt.
P1, *P3tog, P1, yon, K1, yfwd, yrn, P1,

K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd, rep from * to

last 2sts, s1, K1, psso. rep from * to last 2sts, P2tog.
8th Row: Purl. 7th Row: K2tog, yfwd, K3, yfwd, *s1, TO MAKE UP

1st to 8th row sets patt. K2tog, psso, yfwd, K3, yfwd, rep from * to Join foot and back seam. Thread ribbon

Work 3 [3:7:7] rows more in patt. last 2sts, s1, K1, psso. through eyelets. See ball band for
Next Row: P8 [6:7:7], P2tog, (P9 [11:12: 8th Row: Purl. pressing and care instructions.

13], P2tog) 5 times, P8 [6:6:7]. 1st to 8th row sets patt.

67 [73:79:85]sts. Work 1 [1:3:3] rows more.




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