Lifting The Lids Off Ripolin A Collection of Paint From Sidney Nolan S Studio

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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation

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Paula Dredge, Michael R. Schilling, Gwénaëlle Gautier, Joy Mazurek, Tom

Learner & Richard Wuhrer

To cite this article: Paula Dredge, Michael R. Schilling, Gwénaëlle Gautier, Joy Mazurek, Tom
FROM SIDNEY NOLAN'S STUDIO, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 52:4,
213-226, DOI: 10.1179/1945233013Y.0000000011

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Published online: 02 Jan 2014.

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Art Gallery of New South Wales

Getty Conservation Institute

Conservation Department, The Art Institute of Chicago

Advanced Materials Characterisation Facility, Office of Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research), University of
Western Sydney

A collection of  cans of Ripolin paint in  different tints from the studio of Australian artist Sidney Nolan
provides a unique reference set for the study of this brand of paint. The cans date broadly to the period –
. All the Ripolin paints in cans from this study were manufactured at the company’s English factory in South-
all, London, which commenced manufacture in . The paint is of two types, flat and gloss, in a range of
colors. Observations made during opening, painting out, and drying the paint have provided information on
its working properties. The flat paints with a large proportion of volatile solvents were quick to become touch-
dry, whereas the thicker oily liquids present in the gloss paints took up to several weeks to lose tackiness. This
observation is supported by Nolan’s own frustrations regarding the slow drying of Ripolin. Instrumental analysis
has identified the pigments present in each color tint. By using Meth-Prep GC-MS on  samples, the presence of
heat-bodied drying oils and a fatty acid marker for castor oil in one color were detected. Copal and colophony
resins were also identified in a number of colors. The highly oxidized state of the resins suggested significant
heat treatment during processing.
KEYWORDS: Sidney Nolan, Ripolin, house paints, heat treatment, paint analysis

. INTRODUCTION “…found some prewar artist colors Winsor &

Newton in those little tubes like your mother
In January , Melbourne artist Sidney Nolan had. I got some of that, perhaps it wasn’t very
(–) was conscripted into the Australian wise or organized, but I worked it out we could
Army (Australian Army –). He was sent to get a palette together with what you have at
Western Victoria to work on projects including guard- Heide. Perhaps one rainy morning when paint
ing supplies and camouflaging trucks. Inspired by the is scarce it might help us out” (Nolan,  February
landscape of his new environment he painted in his ).
free time. Nolan referred to these painting efforts
during his wartime service as a “reconstruction plan” Nolan had studied art at a number of technical col-
(Nolan,  February ). It gave him strength of leges in Melbourne, and for  years had worked as a
heart to think of a future when the war would be commercial artist for the Fayrefield Hat Company
over and his vision of a modern Australian landscape (Nolan ). His early art experience included paint-
in painting would carry the future forward. ing on glass with enamel paint for signage, cutting out
This sense of modern included for Nolan the use of stencils, and spraying nitrocellulose paints. After
non-artist-grade paints. He was particularly attracted leaving the hat company in  he determined to
to commercial sign writing and house paints. In this become either a poet or a painter. Finding both
early period Nolan appeared to have little regard for financial support and a shared artistic vision with the
artist’s oils. When he managed to find some to buy he artist and patron Sunday Reed and her husband John,
nominated them only good enough to use as a last Nolan decided that painting would be his main focus
resort: (Pearce ).

© American Institute for Conservation

of Historic and Artistic Works 
DOI: ./Y. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

At the time of his conscription in , Nolan was

already accomplished in painting with nitrocellulose
and alkyd paints, and preferred working with these
liquid and fast-drying mediums. Recent analysis has
identified the presence of nitrocellulose and alkyd-
based paints on a number of paintings by Nolan
dating from  and  (Dredge ).

Initially using watercolors after he was conscripted to the
army, in late  Nolan decided to resume work in
solvent-based paints. In the search for paint Nolan
describes his preference for DULUX, an alkyd paint.
“Dulux is probably the most durable lacquer or enamel
on the market, so is really the best angle to concentrate
on” (Nolan,  February ). Nolan and Reed
scoured hardware shops for supplies. Commercial
paints were in short supply due to wartime restrictions.
From January , finished paint products could no
longer be imported; synthetic paint resins and imported
white or chrome pigments could not be used in locally
manufactured paints (Decorator & Painter for Australia FIG. . Sidney Nolan, Self Portrait, Ripolin enamel on
& New Zealand a). The production of DULUX for hessian, . × . cm. Collection: Art Gallery of New
civilians had ceased until after the war. Existing stock South Wales, purchased with funds provided by the Art
could still be sold and paints made exclusively from Aus- Gallery Society of New South Wales . © Sidney Nolan
tralian materials, principally linseed oil and lead white,
were formulated to replace old stock. The use of
colored pigments was limited to ultramarine blues, Prus- It was a reference to Picasso’s use of Ripolin by Ger-
sian blues, pigment dyestuffs, lake colors, and black, and trude Stein in The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas,
only up to % by weight (Decorator & Painter for Aus- first published in , that had prompted Nolan and
tralia & New Zealand b). Reed to search for a supply of this particular brand of
Nolan and Reed had success in obtaining some paint. Stein wrote that Picasso had said Ripolin was
materials in  but only in small quantities. “la santé des couleurs, that is they are the basis of
Finding a source for strongly colored pigments was par- good health for paints” (Stein ). It was probable
ticularly difficult. It was therefore incredibly fortuitous that Nolan already knew something of Ripolin
that they were able to find a large quantity of imported through his commercial art background and that the
Ripolin paint in Australia. Nolan wrote to Sunday Reed endorsement by Picasso found resonance in his own
towards the end of  suggesting she make contact love for commercial paints. He said later, “I read that
with Ripolin House in Sydney and the first batch of Picasso had said that Ripolin was a healthy paint and
Ripolin paint arrived at his army base in Nhill on I thought, well why should I bugger around and
January ,  (Nolan,  January ). torment myself and a wise man says its healthy paint.
One of Nolan’s first paintings in Ripolin paint was a Okay, so Ripolin it had to be” (Nolan ).
self-portrait dated March  in which the fluidity The Ripolin paint was both inspiring and difficult for
and intense pigmentation of the paint has been used Nolan. It required a new way of working, as it was
to deliberate effect (fig. ). The ability to decant the slower to dry than the nitrocellulose and alkyd paints
Ripolin onto an artist’s palette as depicted in the paint- he had used previously. He had to leave paintings
ing would, however, have been impossible. As shown in drying flat for days in front of a small heater, which
photographs of Nolan working with Ripolin, he usually was frustrating since he preferred to work more
placed his supports wedged slightly out of the horizon- quickly. It was, however, the mystical gloss and flow
tal and dipped his brush directly into the can. Ripolin and richness of color that most attracted him.
became Nolan’s principal medium for painting from “Ripolin is like quick silver I can [see] us cooking it
 until his departure from Australia in , and over a fire or leaving it out under the rosemary all
he continued to use it alongside other mediums night to see what secrets can be found in it.” (Nolan,
throughout the rest of his life.  November ).

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

In  Nolan absented himself from the army and embedded around the necks of the cans, making them
went into hiding (Australian Army –). After useful comparative samples with the Ripolin paint
the war he travelled north through Queensland and sealed in the cans.
back to Sydney where he married and set up a studio
in suburban Sydney, Wahroonga, in  (Pearce
). After application for amnesty from prosecution
for his wartime absence in , he was able to come Although available as early as the th century in Indo-
forward as an artist and found great public success. In nesia (De Locomotief ), then a Dutch colony and
 Nolan, his wife Cynthia, and daughter Jinx Australia’s close neighbor, Ripolin does not appear
packed up the Wahroonga house and studio and in Australian advertisements until  (Sydney
moved to England. Morning Herald ). Available initially only in
white and promoted as a paint for cars, the arrival of
the full color range in  attracted great interest
(Sydney Morning Herald ).
In  Jinx Nolan made a gift of the contents of The Ripolin paint imported into Australia in the
the Wahroonga studio. The house was to be sold and s was made in Holland and subject to import
the painting materials from the studio were sent to the tariffs, making it expensive in comparison to locally
Art Gallery of New South Wales. The collection manufactured products. The Dutch origin of the paint
includes over  items of paint, solvents, waxes, available in Australia in the s is demonstrated by
receipts for goods, and supports with various priming the Ripolin Ltd. color chart in the collection of the
layers. There is very little in the way of artist’s grade State Library of South Australia, Adelaide, which is
materials other than several small bottles of varnish, stamped on the cover “made in Holland” (fig. ). The
distilled turpentine, and linseed stand oil. There are cover of the Adelaide chart also gives detailed instruc-
over  cans of Ripolin enamel in  different tints tions for painting a car with Ripolin paint and states
(some cans are duplicates), a can of thinners for that “Ripolin can be used for painting on stone,
Ripolin gloss, and a can of paste filler all made by the plaster, woodwork, garden gates, greenhouses, yachts,
Ripolin company (fig. ). A small number of items steamers, motor cars, baths, radiators etc…” (Ripolin
were disassociated from this main group of items and Ltd. c. ). The multiple uses for Ripolin, including
given to the National Gallery of Victoria. This included for painting both “inside and outside,” appears to
an additional  cans of Ripolin, most of which are have been one of its great appeals to customers as
duplicated in the Art Gallery of New South Wales most commercial paints at this time were formulated
group and are not included in this study. A leather for specific uses.
satchel with Australian Army issue screw-top cans
adapted by Nolan as paint containers for the Ripolin
also forms part of this collection of material. Moving
about with liquid paint required such a system. The The Ripolin paints from Nolan’s Wahroonga studio
contents of the satchel paints are now dry and thickly were, however, manufactured in England not

FIG. . Ripolin products from Sidney Nolan Wahroonga studio contents. Collection: Artists’ Materials Archive, Conservation
Department, Art Gallery of New South Wales. Gift of Jinx Nolan .

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

FIG. . Ripolin Ltd. Paint color chart outside, circa . W.B. Bruce Collection BRG //, State Library of South

Holland, and this is clearly indicated on all the can when the English factory commenced production, and
labels. The Ripolin Ltd. Company had established a pre-date  when Nolan’s studio was closed after
branch in England in , initially importing and he moved to the UK.
selling the paint manufactured at its Dutch factory
(Earling Midweek Gazette ). In , a factory
making Ripolin was opened at Southall, London . OPENING THE RIPOLIN CANS
(Board of Trade ). Considerable pressure was Some of the Wahroonga studio Ripolin cans have been
placed on Ripolin Ltd. to establish a relationship with used but most have never been opened and retain their
an existing British manufacturer to make the paint in proprietary fastener and triple seal mechanism: a
England; however, direct ownership of the English colored string and metal seal across an outer metal
Ripolin branch was retained by the parent Dutch ring in addition to an inner painted lid showing the
company. The Managing Director was color of the paint in the can. The cans are mostly in
J. Colaço-Osorio, a relative of the financier involved two types of finish, a flat range of colors in ten different
in the formation of the French Ripolin company in tints and a gloss range in eight tints. An additional can
 (Raeburn ). The close relationship between of white, open and dried out, has no indication on the
the Dutch and English branches and their desire to label of gloss level and is referred to in this paper as
retain proprietorship over Ripolin are also demon- “old white.” Most of the gloss cans are described on
strated by an application made by the British Ripolin their labels as “Quality BLT.” This is a term used on
company to bring a paint chemist over from the the English-labeled gloss Ripolin cans from at least
Dutch factory “as our goods are made by a secret , as it appears in a drawing of a Ripolin can in an
process, it is essential for us to employ this man” Australian newspaper advertisement at that date (Single-
(Board of Trade ). ton Argus ). “BLT” may be an abbreviation of the
The British arm of the company remained under the French term brillant, used to describe a gloss finish. A
management of the Colaço-Osorio family until  French Ripolin color chart from the Art Institute of
(Earling Gazette ). By  the UK Ripolin Chicago collection estimated ca. – includes
company maintained a network of over  retail the note that Ripolin “se fait en mat ou brillant”
outlets and additional factories in a number of (Gautier ), but the use of an abbreviated French
countries including Australia (Earling Gazette ). term on the British labeled cans seems somewhat unli-
The company broke from the parent European kely. The exact meaning of the term remains elusive.
company with a management buy out in , after The color numbering system used on the Nolan
which the Southall factory was sold and closed Ripolin cans relates closely to the color codes on a
(Earling Midweek Gazette ). No exact date has British Ripolin Ltd. color chart (ca. ) (fig. ) and
been assigned to the Nolan-owned paints from his varies somewhat from the codes documented on the
Sydney studio, although they must post-date  French Ripolin charts (Gautier et al. ). The flat

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

FIG. . Ripolin Ltd. Paint color chart inside, circa . W.B. Bruce Collection BRG //, State Library of South Australia.

paints from Nolan’s studio are also given a number  at cloudy liquids and the paint films became touch-dry
the beginning of their numerical color code to differen- within an hour as the diluents quickly evaporated.
tiate them from the same colors offered in the gloss While the red () gloss and red () flat Ripolin
range. painted lids showed evidence of darkening and blacken-
The condition of the Nolan studio Ripolin paints ing where they had been exposed to light, the other pig-
after over  years in the can was variable between ments exhibited little sign of deterioration. Those
colors. Although several of the flat paints had gelled without zinc white solids such as blue deep (RD),
in the can, such as red () and lemon (), and black (), and red () were well dispersed with vir-
could not be reformed to make coherent paint films, tually no pigment settlement. Those containing zinc
most were remixed and painted out giving well white had settled with a still-pliable lump of solids in
formed, smooth paint films. The gloss Ripolin paints the lower part of the can with the liquids sitting
with thick oily liquids were slow to dry, taking above (fig. ).
between  and  days to lose surface tackiness. The
flat range contained a large proportion of thin, slightly
Pigments from the paint-outs of  different colors of
Ripolin paint in cans and contents from the open and
dried-out older white can were identified using portable
x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (PXRF), FTIR, and
microscopy at the Art Gallery of New South Wales
(Appendix ). SEM with energy dispersive x-ray spec-
troscopy was undertaken on samples at the Microstruc-
tural Analysis Unit at the University of Technology,
Sydney, and Raman microscopy was undertaken at
the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, Univer-
sity of Queensland. The accumulation of these results
is shown in table . As a comparative study, paint
swatches from the Adelaide Ripolin chart were exam-
ined with PXRF and attenuated total reflectance
(ATR)-FTIR at Artlab Australia.
The white paints (), (), and the older white from
FIG. . Opening can of Ripolin white () from Sidney Nolan the Nolan Wahroonga studio cans were all found to
Wahroonga studio contents with settled zinc oxide solids contain zinc oxide pigment. But while the gloss white
being lifted and oily liquids at top. () was almost exclusively zinc white, the other two

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –


Ripolin color Pigments identified (trace pigments)
Old White Zinc oxide, barites, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, aluminum silicate, iron
oxide, (lead chloride contaminant?)
Gloss White  Zinc oxide, (barites, lead chromate, iron oxide)
Gloss  (Ochre) Zinc oxide, iron oxide, lead chromate
Gloss Red  Barites, toluidine red (PR)
Gloss Blue Deep RD Prussian blue, (lead chromate, barites)
Gloss PE (Blue) Zinc oxide, Prussian blue, (lead chromate)
Gloss Ultramarine  Zinc oxide, copper phthalocyanine, barites, (lead chromate)
Gloss Black  Carbon black
Flat White  Zinc oxide, barites, titanium dioxide, aluminum and magnesium silicates, lead
chromate, iron oxide
Flat Canary  Lead chromate/ lead sulfate, aluminum and magnesium silicates
Flat Lemon  Lead chromate, aluminum and magnesium silicates
Flat Red  Barites, touidine red (PR), aluminum and magnesium silicates
Flat Maroon Lake To Shade Alizarin, calcium carbonate
Flat Pink Very Light  Zinc oxide, barites, titanium dioxide, chrome yellow, chrome red
(phoenicochroite), carbon black, aluminium and magnesium silicates
Flat Blue Deep RD Prussian blue, aluminum and magnesium silicates
Flat Black NO  Bone black, aluminum and magnesium silicates
Flat Olive Green  Zinc oxide, lead chromate, aluminum and magnesium silicates, carbon black
Flat Peacock Green  Zinc oxide, Prussian blue, lead chromate, (aluminum and magnesium silicates)
Flat Green Dark Yellowish  Zinc oxide, Prussian blue, lead chromate, aluminum and magnesium silicates

white Ripolin paints had a more complex mixture of pig- of copper phthalocyanine pigment assigns a new date to
ments. This included the presence of titanium dioxide, the Nolan Ripolin paints as post- when this
barium sulfate, aluminum silicate, and magnesium sili- pigment first came into use (Hunger ). The flat
cate. The older white additionally contained calcium car- green paints, peacock () and green dark yellowish
bonate. An unusual lead compound giving peaks with (), are variations of the combination of Prussian
SEM-EDS for both lead and chloride in the older white blue and lead chromate, but the chrome yellow in
can of dried residue exhibited a distinctive needle-like olive green () is darkened with carbon black. The
structure under backscattered imaging. As this can was flat lemon yellow () is lead chromate, while the
unsealed and retained only a small amount of dried lead chromate in canary () has a lead sulfate
paint in the bottom this may, however, be a contaminant phase. The ochre () is a combination of iron
rather than an added pigment. oxide and lead chromate in zinc oxide.
Prussian blue is the principal blue used in a number The red () in both gloss and flat colors contains the
of the Nolan Ripolin colors, both with zinc oxide as a coal tar pigment, toluidine red (PR), identified with
pale blue (PE) and without zinc oxide as a deep trans- FTIR with barites and without zinc oxide (fig. ). The
parent blue gloss (RD) or flat (RD). The presence use of toluidine red in this particular color red ()
of Prussian blue is readily identified with FTIR by the differs from the French chart study in which this color
strong C=N absorption at  cm−. These deep was identified as alizarin crimson, although toluidine
blue Ripolin colors are so highly saturated with red was present in a number of other French Ripolin
pigment they are iridescent as dried paint films. The color tints (Gautier et al. ). Similarly, the red ()
ultramarine () color is pigmented with copper phtha- on the Adelaide Ripolin chart dating from the s
locyanine, barites, and zinc oxide, as seen in the was identified with ATR-FTIR as alizarin crimson,
complex multi-peaked FTIR spectra of a sample from suggesting that the use of toluidine red in the Nolan
the can against library references and the detection of Wahroonga studio Ripolin red () was a shift in the for-
copper when analyzed with PXRF (fig. ). The presence mulation of this color dating some time after the s.

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

ranges. Meth–Prep gas chromatography-mass spec-

troscopy (Meth–Prep GC/MS) on a selection of 
samples from the cans, which included all the gloss
paints and three of the flat colors, was undertaken at
the Getty Conservation Institute (Appendix ). The
samples for analysis were taken from dry paint films
prepared by remixing the contents in similar pro-
portions of liquids and solids as present in the cans,
painting out on glass slides and leaving to air dry for
a year.
Meth–Prep GC/MS identified drying oils in all 
samples on the basis of the fatty acid composition and
proportions of palmitic (P), stearic (S), and azelaic (A)
acids and found the presence of copal resin and coloph-
ony in some samples (table ). A typical total ion chro-
matogram showing all these components for the sample
of Ripolin gloss black () is shown in figure .
The difficulty with the interpretation of the Meth–
Prep GC/MS results is the variety of different com-
ponents or features detected which are inconsistent
within either the grouping of gloss and flat paints, or
FIG. . Absorbance FTIR of samples from Ripolin cans; (A) the dark and light colors. This supports the proposition
ultramarine () and (C) red () shown against library refer- that the binder in each color tint in the Ripolin range
ence spectra for (B) copper (II) phthalocyanine, (D) toluidine was individually formulated in much the same way as
red, and (E) barites. the pigments. The gloss paints did in general however
contain a higher percentage of fatty acids (.%–
The pink very light () was made using both lead .%) compared with the flat paints tested (.%–
chromate in the yellow form and basic lead chromate .%), supporting the greater oil content in the gloss
(phoenicochroite) in orange-red form mixed in a colors observed on opening the cans.
white base of both zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. There are three proportional measurements of the
Raman spectroscopy identified the titanium dioxide fatty acids found in drying oils that give useful infor-
pigment in this sample as anatase. This unfortunately mation. The first ratio, palmitic to stearic acid (P/S),
gives little additional information regarding dates for has been used traditionally to identify oil type (Mills
these Ripolin cans, as anatase titanium dioxide and White ). The three main types of drying
pigment was commercially available in Europe from oil used in Old Master Paintings have P/S ratios in
 and a good-quality version was manufactured in the region of . for linseed,  for walnut, and 
France from  (Laver ). for poppy oil. P/S ratios on the  Ripolin samples
The Wahroonga studio can of flat black () con- are all within the accepted range for linseed oil:
tains a bone-derived black, which is not present in the .–.. The difficulty with the analysis of th
can of gloss black (). A similar difference century oil-based paints is the increased range of oil
between the flat and gloss blacks was also noted in types that may be present. Many of these alternative
the French Ripolin charts (Gautier et al. ). oils such as tung and dehydrated castor have P/S
However, a gloss black paint swatch in addition to ratios similar to that of linseed oil. It is also probable
 is present on the Adelaide Ripolin chart and num- that the Ripolin paints were formulated using a
bered , which when analyzed with ATR-FTIR was mixture of oil types and therefore assigning oil type
found to contain bone black. in the Ripolin paints by P/S ratios is not possible.
Most of the flat colors additionally contain alumi- Some of these other types of oils do, however, have
num and magnesium silicates. These may be present identifying fatty acid markers, and such a marker
to assist the formation of matte surfaces, but were was found in the mass spectrum of the white ()
also commonly used to reduce pigment settling in gloss Ripolin sample. This was ricinoleic acid
cans of paint (Boan ). (-hydroxy--cis-octadecenoic acid), a fatty acid
type specific to castor oil. Although a slow drier,
dehydrated castor is a pale oil compared with the
more traditional drying oil linseed and for this
FTIR analysis of the liquids from the Ripolin cans ident- reason was a good choice for the white paint color.
ified the primary binder as oil across the gloss and flat Unfortunately, linseed oil does not have a fatty acid

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

Ripolin Color Palmitic/stearic acid Azelaic/palmitic acid Suberic/azelaic acid Compounds
ratio ratio ratio identified
with markers
Gloss White  . . . Castor oil
Gloss  (Ochre) . . . Copal
Gloss Red  . . .
Gloss Blue Deep . . . Copal
RD Colophony
Gloss PE (Blue) . . . Colophony
Gloss Ultramarine  . . . Copal
Gloss Black  . . . Copal
Flat White  . . .
Flat Blue Deep RD . . .
Flat Black NO  . . . Copal

marker and cannot be positively identified in this formed well-polymerized paint films, as expected for
way. drying oils.
The proportion of azelaic to palmitic acid (A/P) is the Thirdly, proportions of suberic to azelaic acids (Sub/
second useful measure comparing fatty acid types. A/P A) above . indicate the presence of heat-bodied oils in
ratios below  generally indicate the effective drying all the Ripolin paints tested, except for the flat black
and cross-linking of the oil structure (Corbeil et al. () containing bone black, which was just below
). The results of the Ripolin sample A/P ratios this level at . (van den Berg et al. ). Heat-bodied
are in the range of . to . demonstrating they have fatty acid markers in the chromatogram (m/z  and

FIG. . GC/MS total ion chromatogram of Ripolin black  (left). Peaks indicated for suberate (sub), azelate (a), palmitate
(p), stearate (s), glycerol (g), copal marker epi-labdanoid (c), colophony marker -oxo dehydroabietic acid (co). Mass spectra at
right are scans of Brazilian copal at . minutes (top) and Ripolin black  at . minutes (bottom).

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

) were also found in several of the paints. Heat- for cobalt and manganese in these two colors, the
bodied oils are typically used in enamel paints to colophony may be present in the form of a resinate
assist with the formation of smooth flat paint films (self- drier.
leveling) and rapid drying especially when heated with The eperuic acid associated with the copal resin in the
driers. The presence of cobalt peaks in the PXRF paints was also well oxidized. This oxidation was prob-
spectra of most of the Ripolin paints, and small manga- ably also a result of heating during production. Adding
nese peaks detected in a number of the dark colors such copal resins to paint commonly involved liquefying the
as gloss black () and deep blue (RD) suggests hard insoluble resin by heating it to a high temperature
that metallic driers were used in these paints, although and “running” it into hot oil. The addition of these types
their exact form has not been identified. of “cooked” materials—heat-bodied oils, processed
Copal, a hard fossil resin, and colophony, a softer colophony, and liquefied copal—to the Ripolin paints
resin derived from pine, were both identified in a as found in the results from the Meth-Prep GC/MS
number of the Ripolin samples. In addition to its analysis is consistent with the historically documented
presence in a number of the gloss colors, copal resin types of processing commonly used in the preparation
was detected in one of the flat Ripolin paints, black of oil enamels of the period.
(). In this case, it may be present to assist with
drying and hardness as this color had the highest A/P
and lowest Sub/A proportions, indicating poorer
drying characteristics. The copal resin identified in The fatty acids in oil and the metallic zinc ions in the
several samples is either Brazilian, African, or Congo white pigment are known to react in paints to form a
due to the presence of eperuic acid. However, it most variety of zinc soaps. While commonly found in dry
closely matches a Brazilian copal (Jatobá resin) by the and aged paint films, those sealed and still-liquid
mass spectrum, with good correspondence to an paints in the Ripolin cans containing zinc oxide were
epi-labdanoid, which is typically found in Brazilian also found to contain these types of products.
copals (fig. ) (Doménech-Carbó et al. ). The In many samples small and hard aggregates were
addition of copal resins to oil-based enamel paints visibly distributed within the zinc oxide solids in the
imparted gloss, hardness, and assisted with can and created seed-like lumps in the paint-outs.
drying, although it also could increase the tendency of Thin cross-sectional samples of the paint-out of ultra-
the paint to yellow and become brittle (Standeven marine (), white (), and white () examined
). with the Infrared Beam-line at the Australian Synchro-
Colophony is less stable than copal in this respect and tron produced informative infrared spectral maps
it is a surprising addition to the Ripolin paints, which (fig. ). Areas associated with these “seeds” had sharp
were considered of the highest quality and suitable for carboxylate doublet peaks at  and  cm−
outside exposure where the deterioration of these and a shoulder at  cm−, which correspond well
resins would be greater due to their exposure to the with the observed FTIR spectral pattern for zinc
weather. Although present in a number of color tints oleate (zinc -octadecenoic acid) (Corbeil et al. ).
along with the copal, there are also a number of The paint matrix surrounding these soap aggregates
colors in which the colophony is the only resin detected, conversely showed a broad non-specific carboxylate
and cannot therefore be exclusively associated with the peak in the area – cm− with no sharp
copal. The abietic acid derived from the colophony peaks, demonstrating the zinc oleate was confined to
identified with Meth-Prep GC/MS was so oxidized the seed-like aggregates.
that it had completely converted to -oxo dehydroabie- As discussed by Corbeil et al. (), oleic acid in
tic acid. This suggests significant heat treatment of the paint slowly oxidizes and reduces in concentration in
colophony associated with some form of pre- well-hardened and dried paint films. FTIR examination
processing. Processed colophony products were more of Ripolin paint containing zinc oxide in the dried rem-
stable than unprocessed colophony and included ester nants of the cans from the leather satchel demonstrated
gum; a combination of glycerol and colophony, and the more usual presence of zinc soaps in the form of zinc
metallic resinates used as driers produced by reacting stearate (zinc octadecanoate) with an identifying peak
colophony with lead, cobalt, or manganese (Standeven in the carboxylate region of  cm−. This suggests
). The exact form of the colophony in the that the zinc oleate soaps observed in the sealed paint
Ripolin paints tested has not been identified. Glycerol, from the cans may not be present in dried paint films.
which may be a tag for ester gums, is present also in In one unusual example, pink very light flat ()
the GC/MS chromatograph associated with the oil when examined in the can was observed to have a
in the paints. However as the identification of brittle waxy layer at the interface between the liquids
colophony in the black () and blue deep (RD) and the solids. This was identified with FTIR as a
is consistent with the larger PXRF peak counts detected very pure zinc stearate with sharp spectral peaks at

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

FIG. . Synchrotron infrared map of thin section sample of Ripolin white () paint with area mapped in green (top left) and
infrared map (top right) showing concentration of doublet peaks ( and  cm−) in clear areas in cross section indicated
in red and the absence of these peaks in blue. Extracted spectra from three areas with changes associated with soap regions –
 cm− (bottom).

, , , and a small doublet at  and  paints are drying oils. In general, the gloss range utilizes
cm−. As the soap had not formed circular aggregates a higher proportion of oil compared to the flat colors.
but a distinct layer and was found in the stearate The flat range of colors has a high proportion of volatile
form, not the oleate as for the other sealed cans, it is solvent and the addition of aluminum and magnesium
probable that in this instance the zinc stearate was silicates to assist in the formation of matte paint films.
added as an ingredient to the paint rather than having While zinc oxide is the principal white pigment in
formed in situ. these paints, there are a number of paints in the
deeper colors that do not contain zinc oxide. Barium
sulfate (barites) is present in some of these colors;
. CONCLUSION others contain no white solids at all. Chalk was also
Examination of the contents of this collection of identified in the can of older white (no number) and
Ripolin paints has demonstrated the complex formu- maroon lake (); titanium dioxide was identified
lation of the British-made Ripolin paint. Not only are in three white cans: flat white (), the older white,
combinations of colored pigments selected for each and pink very light (). The principal colored pig-
tint, but the white base pigments also vary. Likewise, ments identified were Prussian blue, lead chromate,
the binders appear to be formulated for each color iron oxide, toluidine red, carbon, and bone-based
with copal resin, colophony, and dehydrated castor blacks. All these pigments were commonly used in
oil being detected only in some colors. The medium house paints of the period and combine the features
analysis has been made difficult due to the highly of strong tinting strength, semi-permanence, and rela-
oxidized state of many of the components. This, tive cheapness.
however, is an important finding regarding the use of Comparison of the pigment analysis of the Nolan
heated oils and resins, which is consistent with the his- Wahroonga Ripolin with the French Ripolin study
torical literature regarding the preparation of oleoresi- suggests good correlation between most colors that
nous vehicles and driers for enamel paints. are numbered similarly. Some differences are noted par-
There are, however, some shared features of these ticularly in the use of toluidine red and copper phatha-
paints. The principal binders in both the flat and gloss locyanine blue, but these are likely to be evolutions in

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

the formulations over time. Otherwise it is remarkable KBr window (,– cm−). A micro-compression cell
how consistent the pigments are, both over time and with diamond window was used as a sample platform. Porta-
across different manufacturing countries. ble x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (PXRF) was undertaken
The ability to identify the presence of Ripolin on for  seconds with a Bruker Tracer III-V and SPXRF soft-
ware in three modes: a low-mass mode at  kV,  µA,
paintings by Nolan has been made possible by this his-
vacuum . torr with a titanium filter; a mid-mass mode at
torical survey outlining dates of use by the artist and the
 kV, . µA, vacuum . torr without filter; and for high
history of the British Ripolin company alongside the mass element,  kV, . µA, no vacuum, titanium and alumi-
analytical study of the contents of the cans. Compari- num filters. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was under-
son of FTIR and PXRF spectra from paintings by taken at the Microstructural Analysis Unit at the University
Nolan dated after January  show excellent corre- of Technology, Sydney using a Zeiss Supra VP at  kV
spondence with spectra obtained from paint-outs accelerating voltage in variable pressure mode. Energy-
from the can (apart from the peaks related to the pres- dispersive x-ray spectroscopy was performed using the
ence of zinc soaps, which do differ between dry paint Oxford Instruments INCA x-sight microanalysis system.
films and paint kept sealed in cans). Ongoing investi- Chamber pressure was maintained at . torr to minimize
gations into Nolan’s paintings in which Ripolin is skirt x-rays. Raman spectroscopy was undertaken at the
Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, University of
present should add further understanding to the aging
Queensland with a Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope Spec-
characteristics of this paint. A dataset of the analytical
trometer with a near-infrared enhanced, deep depletion
spectra obtained from the materials from Nolan’s charge-couple device array detector with  ×  pixels
Wahroonga studio is being developed as an ongoing and Peltier cooling and Renishaw near-infrared diode laser
reference collection available to researchers as part of at  nm with  mW nominal power at the source. This
the outcomes from The twentieth century in paint was fitted with  nm Rayleigh edge filters and  lines
project. per mm dispersive grating. The microscope was a Leica
DMM microscope with x reflected light illuminated
objectives. Laser power at the sample was reduced to %
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS using neutral density filters and pinhole inserted to improve
This research forms parts of an Australian Research Council the beam quality. Data were collected with an extended
Industry Linkage Grant, The twentieth century in paint. The scan and -second dwell time.
Principal Chief Investigator, Associate Professor Robyn Slog-
gett, and Post Doctoral Fellow, Nicole Tse, at the Centre for MEDIUM ANALYSIS
Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Mel-
bourne, and fellow PhD candidate Gillian Osmond from Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) of the
Queensland Art Gallery and University of Queensland have binders was undertaken using the Meth-Prep procedure:
been a critical part of this project. Dr. Harriet Standeven’s  µL of a solution of Meth-Prep II reagent (. M
inspiring work on the history of developments in gloss TMTFTH in methanol) in toluene (:) were added to the
house paints and her generous sharing of ideas for this paint samples. The vials were warmed on a hotplate at °
paper are greatly appreciated. Funding for the Art Gallery C for  h. After cooling, the vials were centrifuged, and the
of New South Wales’ participation was provided by the contents were ready for injection into the GC/MS. An
Art Gallery of New South Wales Friends of Conservation. INNOWAX ( M × . mm × . µm) capillary column
Analysis of the English Ripolin chart was undertaken with was used for the separation. Helium carrier gas was set to a
the permission of the State Library of South Australia and linear velocity of  cm/s. Splitless injection was used with a
instrumentation was provided by Artlab Australia. Analysis -s purge off time, and was set to °C. The MS transfer
of the zinc soaps was undertaken on the Infrared line was set to °C. The GC oven temperature program
Beam-line at the Australian Synchrotron, Victoria, Australia, was: °C for  min; °C/min to °C; isothermal for 
and assistance with the results was given by Dr. Ljiljana min; °C/min to °C; isothermal for  min. Total run
Puskar. Raman spectroscopy was performed by Ying Yu time was  min. The mass spectrometer was used in SCAN
and Gillian Osmond at the University of Queensland. mode as it permitted unknown peaks to be identified on the
Sidney Nolan’s words in his letters to Sunday Reed are basis of their mass spectra using a spectral library from
kindly reproduced here with the permission of the Sidney NIST. Fatty acids were quantified with calibration curves
Nolan Trust and the John and Sunday Reed Estate. The and the amounts of fatty acids are reported as % fatty acids
Ripolin Ltd. Chart is reproduced courtesy of the State (mg fatty acids/mg paint). Samples were prepared for the
Library of South Australia. Infrared Beam-line at the Australian Synchrotron by embed-
ding dried films of Ripolin paint in polyester resin and
cutting -μm thin-sections. Sections were supported on a
APPENDIX  -mm diamond window and flattened using a stainless steel
roller. Infrared spectra were collected in transmission
mode with  μm aperture at -μm steps following custom
FTIR was performed on paint decanted from the Ripolin defined grid positions. Spectra were collected from  to
cans with a Thermo Nicolet Nexus Spectrometer attached  cm− wavenumbers and are the sum of  scans at a
to a Continuum IR Microscope and MCT-A Detector with resolution of  cm−.

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

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PAULA DREDGE is the head of paintings conservation at the Art Gallery of New South Wales where she has worked since . She
has a Bachelor of Applied Science, Conservation of Cultural Materials, from the University of Canberra, , and a Bachelor of
Arts in Art History from the University of Sydney, . She took  years’ study leave in – to complete her PhD at the
Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, University of Melbourne, as part of the Australian Research Council linkage grant,
The twentieth century in paint. The Art Gallery of NSW was the linkage partner supporting her research project on Sidney Nolan
and paint. A study of an artist’s use of commercial, ready-made paints in Australia from –. Address: Art Gallery Road,
Sydney, NSW , Australia. Email:

MICHAEL R. SCHILLING is a senior scientist at The Getty Conservation Institute, where he has worked since . He holds bache-
lor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. As head of the Organic Research
Laboratory of GCI Science, he supports research in organic colorants, organic materials analysis, modern paints, biotechnology,

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

museum research studies, and field conservation projects. Address: Getty Conservation Institute,  Getty Center Drive, Suite
, Los Angeles, CA . Email:

GWÉNAËLLE GAUTIER has worked consecutively as the Andrew W. Mellon fellow, assistant conservation scientist, and associate
conservation scientist at the Art Institute of Chicago (USA), –. She has a PhD in Chemical Sciences “Characterisation
of proteinaceous binding media in wall paintings by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry” from the University of Pisa (Italy),
. Email:

JOY MAZUREK has worked as an assistant scientist at the Getty Conservation Institute since . She specializes in the identifi-
cation of organic materials by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. She obtained her master’s degree in biology, with empha-
sis in microbiology from California State University Northridge, and a bachelor of science degree in biology from University of
California, Davis. Address: As for Schilling. Email:

TOM LEARNER is senior scientist and head of Modern and Contemporary Art Research at the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)
in Los Angeles. He has a PhD in chemistry (University of London, ), a Diploma in conservation of easel paintings (Courtauld
Institute of Art, London, ), and an MA in Chemistry (Oxford University, ). At the GCI, he oversees a number of
research projects on modern art materials, including how modern paints, plastics, and outdoor painted surfaces can be scientifi-
cally analyzed, how they will alter with time, and how to best conserve them. Before joining the Getty in , he was senior
conservation scientist at the Tate in London, where he worked for  years. Learner sits on the advisory committees for
INCCA (the International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art) and RPM (Rescue Public Murals), and he is
coordinator for the Modern Materials and Contemporary Art working group of ICOM-CC. Address: As for Schilling. Email:

RICHARD WUHRER has recently been appointed research manager of the Advanced Materials Characterisation Facility at the Uni-
versity of Western Sydney. Work for this paper was undertaken as electron microscopist of the Microstructural Analysis Unit
(MA Unit) at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). He has a PhD in Applied Science from UTS, M.App.Sc and B.
App.Sc (Hons I) from UTS. He is president of the Australian Microbeam Analysis Society (AMAS) and the publication chairman
of Materials Australia. Richard has extensive experience with materials science and engineering and scientific characterization
instrumentation that includes SEM, EDS, XRM, XRD, and EBSD. Address: Advanced Materials Characterisation Facility,
Office of Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research), University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag , Penrith, NSW,  Australia.

RÉSUMÉ—Une collection de  pots de peinture Ripolin dans  teintes différentes, du studio de l’artiste austra-
lien Sidney Nolan, fournit un ensemble de référence unique pour l’étude de cette marque de peinture. Les boîtes
datent grosso modo de la période -. Toutes les peintures de cette étude ont été fabriquées dans l’usine
anglaise de la société Ripolin à Southall, Londres, qui entra en production en . La peinture est de deux
types, mate et brillante, dans une gamme de couleurs. Les observations faites lors de l’ouverture des pots, de l’éta-
lage et du séchage de la peinture ont fourni des informations sur ses propriétés d’utilisation. Les peintures mates
avec une grande proportion de solvants volatils n’ont pas tardé à devenir sèches au toucher, tandis que les liquides
huileux plus épais présents dans les peintures brillantes ont pris plusieurs semaines pour perdre leur adhésivité. Cette
observation est corroborée par les propres frustrations de Nolan quant au séchage lent des peintures Ripolin. L’ana-
lyse instrumentale a identifié les pigments présents dans chaque teinte. En utilisant le couplace CG-SM Meth-Prep™
sur dix échantillons, on a détecté la présence d’huiles siccatives modifiées par traitement thermique et un marqueur
d’acide gras de l’huile de ricin dans une seule couleur. Copal et colophane ont également été identifiés dans un
certain nombre de couleurs. L’état très oxydé des résines suggère un traitement thermique significatif lors de la

RESUMEN—Una colección de  latas de pintura Ripolin en  colores diferentes del estudio del artista austra-
liano Sidney Nolan nos ofrece un grupo de referencia extraordinario para el estudio de esta marca de pintura.
Las latas son mas o menos del periodo entre  y . Todas las pinturas Ripolin en estas latas estudiadas
fueron manufacturadas en la fabrica inglesa de esta compañía en Southall, Londres, que comenzó su producción
en . La pintura es de dos: tipos una mate y otra brillante, y en una gama de colores. Se ha obtenido información
sobre las propiedades y comportamiento de la pintura por medio de las observaciones hechas durante la apertura de
las latas, las muestras pintadas y el secado de las muestras. Las pinturas mate que contienen una proporción grande
de solventes volátiles, rápidamente se sentían secas al tacto, mientras que las pinturas brillantes, mas espesas y con
mas contenido de aceite, tomaron hasta varias semanas para perder su pegajosidad. Esta observación es apoyada
por la frustración del mismo Nolan a cerca de la lentitud en el secado del Ripolin. Análisis instrumental identificó los
pigmentos presentes en cada color de la pintura. Se utilizo Meth-Prep GC-MS en diez muestras, y se detecto la

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

presencia de aceites secantes espesados por calentamiento y un indicador de acido graso para aceite de ricino en uno
de los colores. Resinas de copal y colofonia también se identificaron en varios colores. El avanzado estado de oxi-
dación de las resinas sugiere un tratamiento de calor significativo durante el proceso.

RESUMO—Uma coleção de trinta latas de tinta RIPOLIN em dezenove diferentes tons provenientes do estúdio do
artista australiano Sidney Nolan fornecem um conjunto único de referência para o estudo desta marca de tinta. As
latas datam do período entre  a . Todas as latas de tinta RIPOLIN deste estudo foram fabricadas na
empresa inglesa situada em Southall, Londres, que começou a fabricá-las em . A tinta é de dois tipos, fosca
e brilhante, numa variedade de cores. Observações realizadas durante a abertura das latas, durante a pintura e
durante a secagem da tinta forneceram informações sobre as suas propriedades de funcionamento. As tintas
foscas, com uma enorme proporção de solventes voláteis, secavam rapidamente ao toque enquanto que os líquidos
espessos e oleosos presentes nas tintas brilhantes levavam até várias semanas a perderem viscosidade. Estas obser-
vações vão de encontro à própria frustração de Nolan respeitante à secagem lenta das tintas RIPOLIN. A análise
instrumental identificou os pigmentos presentes em cada tom de tinta. Utilizando o MET-PREP GC-MS em dez
amostras, detectou-se a presença, através de aquecimento, de óleos de secagem e a presença de um marcador de
ácido gorduroso com origem em óleo de rícino foi detetado num das cores. Foram, também, identificadas num
variado número de cores, goma copal e resina colofónia. O elevado estado de oxidação das resinas sugere um sign-
ificativo tratamento por calor durante o seu processamento.

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

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