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Nama : Aditama Bagus Antasari

NIM : 5191411025
Prodi : PBI
Perkuliahan pertemuan ke 2 Theory of Literature


* What is Literature?
- Literature is written material such us poetry, novels, essays, etc., esp works of
imagination characterized by excellence of style and expression as well as by
themes of general of enduring interest.
* Reason for Using Literature as Content for ESL/EFL
-Valuable Authentic Material
-Cultural Enrichment
- Language Enrichment
- Personal Involvement
* Literature and Writing
- Literature can be a powerful motivating source for writing in ESL/EFL, both as a
model and as a subject matter.
- Literature as a model occurs when student writing becomes closely similar to the
original work or clearly imitates its contents, themes, organization, and/ style.
- Literature as a subject matter occur when student writing exhibits original
thinking like interpretation or analysis or creativity by reading literature.
*Objective approach
- It proposes that one must find what happen within a literary work.
- It is a reflection or recreation of the world and of life but it is not the world and
not real life
- The best literary work describing the real world where we find familiar characters
is moving in the fictional world or their own, not in the real world..
- Poet expresses his idea by presenting himself in a single mood as a lover,
mourner, etc.
- Thus, he is already fictional characters in incipient form, and he is moving about
in a fictional world which may resemble ours but is not world in which we move.

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