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Date 31st August 2018



 People’s bad attitude that are like to throw rubbish anywhere they want.
i. Because it can cause clogged drain and can affect the river also
ii. This problem can also caused the living things in the river endangered
iii. The plastic that people throw takes hundred years to decompose.
Furthermore , even when the plastic decompose the chemical from the
plastic can kill plants and any plants can’t grow.

 Illegal logging
i. Will cause global warming which is can cause the forest to burn.
ii. Animal will lost their habitat and can cause animal extinction.
iii. Lack of oxygen because there is less trees to provide oxygen

 Air pollution from factory and open burning

i. Depleting the ozone layer can cause UV ray enter our atmosphere
ii. The people can get asthma this makes their life endangered
iii. Will cause green house effect

 Illegal hunting
i. Animal’s life will be endangered and facing extinction
ii. A lot of rare species will become extinction such as ‘Orang Utan’ , Malayan
Tiger and sea turtle.
iii. Human will have less source of food because of many animals died.

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