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The Information-Processing Model:

Three (Types) Memory Systems

The Information-Processing Model:
Three (Types) Memory Systems

1. Sensory memory
Sensory memory is the very first stage of memory, the
point at which information enters the nervous system
through the sensory systems.
a. Iconic memory
visual sensory memory, lasting only a fraction of a second.
• Eidetic Imagery: the ability to access a visual memory for 30 seconds or more.

b. Echoic Sensory Memory

Another type of sensory memory is echoic memory, or the brief
memory of something a person has heard.

The Information-Processing Model:
Three (Types) Memory Systems…..

2. Short-term memory (STM)

the memory system in which information is held for brief
periods of time while being used.
• Selective Attention: the ability to focus on only one stimulus from among
all sensory input.
• Working Memory: an active system that processes the information in
short-term memory.
• Chunking: There is a way to “fool” STM into holding more information than is usual. If
the bits of information are combined into meaningful units, or chunks, more information
can be held in STM. If someone were to recode the last sequence of numbers as “654-789-
3217,” for example, instead of 10 separate bits of information, there would only be
three “chunks” that read like a phone number .
The Information-Processing Model:
Three (Types) Memory Systems…..

3. Long-term memory
Long-term memory (LTM) the system of memory into which
all the information is placed to be kept more or less
• Maintenance Rehearsal: long-term memory (LTM) the system of
memory into which all the information is placed to be kept more or
less permanently.
• Elaborative Rehearsal: a method of transferring information from
STM into LTM by making that information meaningful in some way.

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