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Details of forgetting

How fast do people forget things? Are there some things that are
harder or easier to forget? There are several reasons why people
forget things.
 Encoding failure
Failure to process information into memory, consequently
sensory memory past away.
 Memory Trace Decay Theory
One of the older theories of forgetting involves the concept of a
memory trace. A memory trace is some physical change in the
brain, perhaps in a neuron or in the activity between neurons,
which occurs when a memory is formed
• Decay or Disuse
Assuming that over time, if particular memory traces
are not used will eventually decay and disappear.
Interference Theory
All information stored in memories may not always be
accessible to attempted retrieval because other information

• Proactive interference
memory problem that occurs when older information
prevents or interferes with the learning or retrieval of newer
• Retroactive interference
memory problem that occurs when newer information
prevents or interferes with the retrieval of older information.


Figure Proactive and Retroactive Interference

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