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15/12/22 ENGLISH 3.3 & 3.4 marks 30

1. Fill the proper form
in as per the subject Mother. a good meal ( cook, cooks)
2. Make sentence of your own - to put ones foot forward
3. If we did we could send a message for the new spear ( identify the modal auxiliary and state its function

Identify the kind of sentence -can you please tell me what you just heard?

ldentify the clause and state its kind when we saw him on the road we began
i- to run.

6. Change in to indirect speech- He asked, "Canyou cook ?

7. Use the following word in two different sentencesas a noun and verb:- :watch"
8. Change the degree in

to ( positive and comparative ):- Taj Mahal
is the most beautiful monumentin India

10. Now
my man Begin the sentence with, My man
see why the great chief pretended not to notice me (find the infinitive)

2 Read the passage and answer the given questions (10 marks

Once upon a most early time was a Neolithic man and he livedcavily in a Cave, and he wore very few clothes, and he

couldn't read and he couldn't write and he didn't want to, and except when he was hungry he was quite happy. His
name was Tegumai Bopsulai, and that means, "Man-who-does-not-put-hisfoot-
forward-in-a-hurry'; but we, O Best

Beloved, will call him Tegumai, for short. And his wife's name was Teshumai Tewindrow, and that means,
whoasks- a-very-many-questions'; but we, O Best Beloved, will call her Teshumai, for short. And his little

girldaughter's name was Taffimai Metallumai, and that means,

be-spanked'; but I'm going was Tegumai Bopsulai's Best Beloved and her own Mummy's
to call her Taffy. And she
Best Beloved, and she was not spanked half as much as was good for her; and they were all three very happy. Now

attend and listen! One day Tegumai Bopsulai went down through the beaver-swamp to the Wagai river to spear
fish for dinner, and Taffy went too. Tegumal's spear was made of wood with shark's teeth at the end, and before he

had caught any fish at all broke it clean across by jabbing it down too hard on the bottom of the river.
he accidentally
They were miles and miles from home and Tegumai had forgotten to bring any extra spears. "Here's a pretty kettleof
fishl' said Tegumai. "It will take me half the day to mend "There's your big black spear at
this. home, said Taffy. "Let
me run back to the Cave and ask Mummy to give it me. "tts too far for your little fat
said Tegumai. "Besides,

you might fall into the beaver-swamp and be drowned. We must make the best of a bad job.
He sat down and took
out a little leather mendy-bag, full of reindeer-sinews and strips of leather, and lumps of bee's-wax and resin, and
began to mend the spear

1.complete the following sentence -(2M)

a) Taffy sat down too. b) One dayTegumai Bopsulai went down
state True
or false (1 M)
a) Taffimai was Teguma's wife b)Tegumai and Tewindrow went to river to spear fish for dinner=
the word
3.find fromthe passage -a]strangeb)by chance (1M)
4, state the adjectives used for the following character in the story: Teshumai Tewindrow (1 M)
5. Give noun form of - happy,hungry (1M)
6.1 fetched water and filled pots (use not ) (1 M )
up the only...but also
7.Name the writer of the story
(1 M)
8.. Do you think Tegumai was a good father ?justify your answer (2 M)

03Writethe critical appreciation

" of the poem (5marks)
"The road Not taken
usingthe following points- Name of the poet, central Idea,Tone of the poem,
rhyming words and rhyming scheme,Two lineseach of repetition and Inversion
Q4 write a short note on the women Power in Neolithic, Medieval and Present times


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