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4 Phases of Matter and Phase Changes

A piece of copper of mass 100 g is being drilled through with a 1/2" electric drill. The drill operates at 50.0
W and takes 30.0 s to bore through the copper. If all the energy from the drill heats the copper, find the
copper's increase in temperature. (ccopper = 387 J/kg · °C.)

Select one:
a. 38.8°C

b. 31.0°C
c. 40.6°C

d. 27.3°C
Question 2
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A thermodynamic process that happens very quickly tends to be:

Select one:
a. adiabatic.

b. isobaric.
c. isovolumetric.

d. isothermal.
Question 3
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A string is strung horizontally with a fixed tension. A wave of frequency 70 Hz is sent along the string,
and it has a wave speed of 51.4 m/s. Then a second wave, one of frequency 140 Hz, is sent along the
string. What is the wave speed of the second wave?

Select one:
a. 25.7 m/s
b. 51.4 m/s
c. 205.6 m/s
d. 102.8 m/s
e. 77.1 m/s
Question 4
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While standing at a crosswalk, you hear a frequency of 510 Hz from an approaching police car. After the
police car passes, its frequency is 460Hz. What is the speed of the police car? (speed of sound = 340 m/s)

Select one:
a. 5.0 m/s
b. 48.9 m/s
c. 17.5 m/s

d. 8.8 m/s

e. 13.4 m/s
Question 5
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14.6 Heat Conduction

The inside of a house is at 20°C on an early morning when the temperature outside is 15°C. The next
morning the inside temperature is the same, but the outside temperature is now 5°C. How much does the
energy per unit time lost by conduction through the walls, windows, doors, etc., change for the house
from the first morning to the second one.

Select one:
a. The loss triples.
b. Since the inside temperature stays the same, the loss is the same both days.

c. The loss reduces to 1/3.

d. The loss increases by 5/278 since we need to use the Kelvin scale for this calculation.
Question 6
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How far away is a lightning bolt if it takes 13 s for the sound of the associated thunder to reach the

Select one:
a. 3 miles
b. 1 mile
c. 13 miles
d. 6.5 miles
e. 4.4 miles
Question 7
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14.4 Phases of Matter and Phase Changes

A machine gear consists of 0.40 kg of iron and 0.16 kg of copper. How much total heat is generated in the
part if its temperature increases by 35°C? (Specific heats of iron and copper are 450 and 390 J/kg · °C,

Select one:
a. 4000 J
b. 5300 J

c. 8500 J

d. 910 J
Question 8
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A traveling wave train has wavelength 0.4 m, speed 28 m/s. Find the wave frequency.

Select one:
a. 70 Hz
b. 35 Hz

c. 44.272 Hz
d. 17.5 Hz

e. 0.014 Hz
Question 9
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Which of the following ranges corresponds to the shortest wavelengths?

Select one:
a. infrasonic
b. audible

c. ultrasonic

d. All have the same wavelengths.

Question 10
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14.6 Heat Conduction

A windowpane is half a centimeter thick and has an area of 2.0 m 2. The temperature difference between
the inside and outside surfaces of the pane is 15°C. What is the rate of heat flow through this window?
(Thermal conductivity for this glass is 0.84 W / m ·°C.)

Select one:
a. 5000 J/s
b. 2500 J/s

c. 1300 J/s

d. 630 J/s
Question 11
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What is the cause of refraction of a wave traveling from one medium to another?

Select one:
a. There is a change in wave amplitude due to the change in the medium.
b. There is a frequency change due to the change in the medium
c. There is a speed change due to the change in the medium.

d. None of the above are associated with refraction.

Question 12
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A series of ocean waves, 6 m between crests, move past at 5 waves/s. Find their speed.

Select one:
a. 1 m/s
b. 11 m/s
c. 6 m/s

d. 1.20 m/s

e. 30 m/s
Question 13
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A mass on a spring vibrates in simple harmonic motion at a frequency of 5 Hz and an amplitude of 4.5
cm. If a timer is started when its displacement is a maximum (hence x = 4.5 cm when t = 0), what is the
acceleration magnitude when t = 3.1 s?

Select one:
a. 1.4 m/s2

b. 88.8 m/s2
c. zero
d. 0 m/s2

e. 44.4 m/s2
Question 14
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14.5 Thermal Expansion

A rectangular steel plate with dimensions of 60 cm × 25 cm is heated from 20°C to 150°C. What is its
change in area? (Coefficient of linear expansion for steel is 11 × 10−6/°C.)

Select one:
a. 1.1 cm2
b. 0.82 cm2

c. 6.6 cm2

d. 4.3 cm2
Question 15
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14.5 Thermal Expansion

A brass cube, 10 cm on a side, is raised in temperature by 150°C. The coefficient of volume expansion of
brass is 57 × 10−6/°C. By what percentage is any one of the 10-cm edges increased in length?

Select one:
a. 2.8%

b. 0.29%
c. 4%

d. 0.38%
Question 16
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A simple pendulum of length 1.46 m has a mass of 160 g attached. It is drawn back 34° and then released.
What is the maximum speed of the mass?

Select one:
a. 1.29 m/s
b. 1.83 m/s
c. 0.27 m/s

d. 2.94 m/s
e. 4.03 m/s
Question 17
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A Carnot engine runs between a hot reservoir at Th and a cold reservoir at Tc. If one of the temperatures is
either increased or decreased by 3.5 K, which of the following changes would increase the efficiency by
the greatest amount?

Select one:
a. increasing Th
b. increasing Tc

c. cannot be determined from information given

d. decreasing Tc
Question 18
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The term "timbre" refers to which of the following?

Select one:
a. Any musical instrument made primarily of wood.
b. An instrument made in France.

c. The quality of sound from instruments due to the mixture of harmonics.

d. Instruments that have valves.

Question 19
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A turbine takes in 2,100-K steam and exhausts the steam at a temperature of 200 K. What is the maximum
theoretical efficiency of this system?

Select one:
a. 67%
b. 90%
c. 74%

d. 82%

e. 61%
Question 20
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The position of a 0.63-kg mass undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by x = (0.160 m) cos (πt/16).
What is the maximum net force on the mass as it oscillates?

Select one:
a. 3.9 × 10−3 N
b. 19.8 N

c. 24.3 × 10−3 N
d. 2 × 10−3 N
e. 6.2 × 10−3 N

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