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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Dagupan City
Pugaro District, Dagupan City
S.Y 2022 - 2023
Grade 12
Direction: For all the items below, blacken the circle corresponding the letter of the most appropriate answer to each
numbered item in your answer sheet.

1. Filipino culture is bound to believe that a decent display of someone's feeling is also a must, to be accepted by
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
2. Hil has leadership and work skills but does not have good looks. Is it attractive to ladies?
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
3. Megan dictates to her boyfriend how to dress up and what to eat. Is this a controlling issue?
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
4. Is “Love” one of the three components of a healthy relationship according to Sternberg?
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
5. Is cheating unacceptable in any relationship6. Which of the following is not a set of quantum numbers for an electron
in a 3p orbital?
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
6. Personal Relationship is the ______________.
A. choice of a person to be engaged in a certain kind of relationship.
B. kind of interaction one makes when dealing in an intimate group of people.
C. close connection between the people formed by emotional bonds and interaction.
D. type of person’s involvement in the community where he/she grows to be a good individual.
7. Romantic Relationship is characterized by ______________.
A. happy experiences shared by individuals
B. mutual love and respect shared by the couples
C. sympathy rendered by individuals towards one another
D. sense of belongingness felt by individuals with each other
8. Which of the following is NOT part of so called “feel good” chemicals?
A. Oxytocin C. Serotonin
B. Endorphin D. Dopamine
9. What do you call the feelings and action that keep partners working together to maintain a relationship?
A. Affection C. Commitment
B. Attraction D. Love
10. Infatuation comprises ________________.
A. Intimacy and Commitment
B. Commitment and passion
C. Passion only
D. Intimacy only
11. What is likely to happen when two people shared mutual love? Their relationship will_______________.
A. grow in numbers alone
B. be pleasing
C. for everybody grow and become stronger
D. be broken and get separated
12. What personality does a good and real friend must have to make the relationship stronger?
A. envious C. assertive gregarious
B. assertive D. compassionate
13. What should a family avoid to maintain the trust in each member?
A. affection C. disagreement
B. dishonesty D. encouragement
14. What item will BEST make a good romantic relationship or partnership to last?
A. infidelity C. insecurities
B. generosity D. communication
15. What item does NOT show a proper way of communicating one’s love and affection to someone?
A. warm embrace
B. frequent nagging
C. a tap on a shoulder
D. a kiss on the cheek
16. Being a good listener also entails being a good____________.
A. adviser C. partner
B. teacher D. provider
17. Which statement shows the meaning of “Respect begets respect”?
A. You should respect others for them to trust you.
B. You should respect others for them to accept you.
C. You should respect others for them to respect you.
D. You should respect others for them to encourage you.
18. What is likely to be developed by a person when he/she is able to experience the sense of reliability from his/her loved
A. He/She will become loyal.
B. He/She will become honest.
C. He/She will become sensible.
D. He/She will become responsible.
19. Which is NOT true about having mutual respect?
A. Only one party shows respect.
B. It makes the relationship stronger.
C It develops wholesome relationships.
D. Both parties try to understand one another.
20. How can relationships help you have a sense of direction?
A. It helps me reach my own goal.
B. It helps me gain opportunities I need.
C. It helps me aim to share a good life to my loved ones.
D. It helps me project my concentration to the priorities of both.
21. A servant leader put his own concern, motives, and interests first and foremost above the others.
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
22. An efficient leader sets himself/herself as an example.
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
23. Leaders are to serve others.
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
24. Leaders want followers who seek to enhance their own growth and development rather than depending on the leader
to do it.
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
25. Effective follower feels a sense of personal responsibility and ownership for his or her own behavior in the
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. Either A or B D. None of these
26. Which of the following characterizes a conforming individual?
A. Accepts responsibility
B. Fears punishment
C. Gains approval
D. Likes reward
27. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a conforming individual?
A. Accepts responsibility
B. Avoids rejection
C. Accepts opinion
D. Gains approval
28. Which of the following characterizes a compliant individual?
A. Accepts responsibility
B. Respects authority
C. Accepts opinions
D. Likes reward
29. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a compliant individual?
A. Fears punishment
B. Follows request
C. Avoids rejection
D. Likes reward
30. Which of the following characterizes an obedient individual?
A. Respects authority
B. Fears punishment
C. Accepts opinion
D. Avoids rejection
31. Which institution has the responsibility for developing the personal relationship in teenage life?
A. Family
B. School
C. Community
D. Barangay Office
32. Who could influence more in the development of teenagers as they transcend to young adulthood?
A. Classmates in high school and college
B. Friendship and attachment
C. Family members and relatives
D. School and the teachers
33. What is social relationship?
A. refers to society and the place where he/she belongs.
B. refers to the emotional relationship of individual
C. refers to the marital relationship
D. refers to connection that exist between people who have recurring interaction that are perceived by the participants
to have personal meeting
34. What is an acquaintance?
A. a person whom you are always with
B. a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend.
C. a person you meet every day, who is close to you.
D. a person who knows you, but you do not know them.
35. How can home and school partnership develop the social relationship of an adolescence?
A. The school broadens the mind of the students.
B. The school involves the parents in its various activities.
C. The school and the home create a collaborative environment to the students.
D. The school suggests improvement for students’ academic performance.
36. Which of the following best describes a foster family?
A. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation, or remarriage
B. A family wherein father or mother who is singly responsible for raising a child
C. A family where the parents are members of different racial groups
D. A type of family wherein one member of the family is a temporary member of a household either that member is
related by blood or not.
37. An extended family consists of
A. father, mother, children
B. father, mother, children, grandparents, cousins, and other relatives
C. gay father, mother, niece
D. mother and father
38. Which of the following is not included in a nuclear family?
A. Mother
B. Father
C. Grandparents
D. Children (son/daughter)
39. Which of the following best describes single parent family?
A. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation, or remarriage
B. A family wherein father or mother who is singly responsible for raising a child
C. A family where the parents are members of different racial groups
D. A type of family wherein one member of the family is a temporary member of a household either that member is
related by blood or not.
40. Family is defined as
A. A group of people with common likes and dislikes
B. A group of people related to one another by blood, marriage, or adoption
C. Two people loving one another
D. People living together in one community
41. A family wherein one or both parents are member of the LGBT community.
A. Single parent family
B. Immigrant family
C. Gay or lesbian family
D. Foster family
42. Adoptive family is
A. A parent who left his/her family due to employment
B. A divorce husband/wife who chooses to raise his/her children alone
C. A couple or single parent who decides to raise another person’s child as their own
D. None of the above
43. A guardian is a
A. Person who is the parent of the child
B. A mother or a father
C. A sister or a brother
D. A person who has the responsibility to take care of a child with a consent from the government
44. In relation to good parenting, which of the following is a legacy that you can pass on to your children?
A. Social legacy
B. Emotional legacy
C. Spiritual legacy
D. All the above
45. Which of the following is a benefit of extended family?
A. Potentially increased emotional support
B. Comparing yourself from your siblings and cousins
C. Increased fighting among relatives
D. All the above
46. What is this graphic representation of a family tree that displays detailed data on relationships among the individual
member of the family?
A. Genocide
B. Genogram
C. Genealogy
D. Generation
47. Genograms were first developed and popularized in clinical settings by Monica McGoldrick and Randy Gerson
through the publication of a book in
A. 1985 C. 1995
B. 1988 D. 1998
48. A genogram is also known as
A. McCormick–Gerson study
B. McGoldrick–Gerson study
C. McJohnrick–Gerson study
D. McPatrick–Gerson study
49. Who invented the concept of the genogram as part of his family systems model?
A. Charles Bowen
B. Harray Randell
C. Marly Bowen
D. Murray Bowen
50. Genograms are now used by various groups of people in a variety of fields like medicine, psychiatry, psychology,
social work, genetic research, and
A. culture
B. education
C. philosophy
D. society


Pain makes us stronger and wiser. We may hate those who hurt us, but in the end,
the lessons we’d learn from it would help us cope with this pain.



Teacher III Head Teacher I Principal IV

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