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ESSAY: Direction: In your own words, explain the following mechanism: *Rubrics: (50%- Content
Relevance/ 50%- Grammar and Mechanics)

1. Negative Feedback

• A negative feedback is one that which responds to the perturbation in the opposite direction as the
perturbation, as opposed to a positive feedback that responds in the same direction. While the
mechanism involved in positive feedback tends to initiate or accelerate a process, the mechanism
involved in negative feedback tends to inhibit it or slow down.

A negative feedback Is a self-regulatory system in which it feeds back to the input a part of a system’s
output so as to reverse the direction of change of the output. The process reduces the output of a
system in order to stabilize or re-establish internal equilibrium.

2. Positive Feedback

• Positive feedback is a process in which the end products of an action cause more of that action to
occur in a feedback loop. This amplifies the original action. It is contrasted with negative feedback,
which is when the end results of an action inhibit that action from continuing to occur. These
mechanisms are found in many biological systems. An important example of positive feedback is the
process of labor and childbirth.

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