Audiovisual Communication

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Audiovisual communication

Sergio de Jesús García Esparza

Reflect an this type of communication and answer the following questions:

How do these videos make you feel?

- The first video gave me that kind of eerie feeling that one only gets when faced with
something exetremely awkward; first, as a strange shock of never seeing something like
that before and secod because of that sudden realization that something like grown, old
men disguising themselves as teenagers with sick intentions in their mind is a reality and
it could be much worse in certain sectors of society and that, due to poor security,
education, infrastructure, etc. Serious matters like those could lead to much worse
situations endangering the lives of innocent young people that is just trying to socialize
and enjoy their youth, leaving them with a very real and severe trauma that could leave
serious damage in them, the question now would be what can we, as ordinary citizens
could do about it? Hopefully the feminist movements that have occured across the
country is the wake up call we all need as a society that there are injustices and sick
perversions committed to the younger generations – and a great percentage of those
violent acts comitted against females- from the older, wealthier ones.
- The second video made me miss my mother.

Do they accurately communicate a message and an intention?

- Yes, they do. At first they keep you engaged in the mystery of what will happen, or if
there is a catch (a trick) and you get mixed feelings, both good and bad, for the final
outcome of the scene.

Why is audiovisual communication popular nowadays?

- Because it is more available than ever, and it has been marketed as a gateway to virality
that a lot of people want to have, a desire to be well perceived, or perceived by many.

What are the main characteristics of an effective audiovisual message?

- An understandable message
- A shared code that is the structure of the message
- The medium to carry that message
- The receiver of that message
- The Transmisor that creates the message

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