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Your first day in the academy: past simple

I arrived at the academy in the afternon on the second of october in 2017. Women were in two
buildingS. My building was the first ON in the left in a big courTyard. Four civil guard women, a
lieutenant, a staff sergeant and two civil guard agentS were in charge of the women Company.
They explainED to us where the blankets and sheets were and I met my five roommates. We

MADE did our bed and we FELL falled in the couryard. The lieutenant assigned a pupil by
seniority to be in charge of the Company. The FOLLOWING next day we visited the armory, the
mess, the gym, the conference hall, the MECHANIC´S mechanical garage, the infirmary and we
picked up our equipmeNt. We meT our classmates and our teachers. There WERE was ten
companies. Each company had four teachers: the Captain of the company and three
liutenantS. Each lieutenant was in charged of a platoon, which MADE UP was a class. Each class
was compOsed of fifty pupilS, forty four males and six females more or less.


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