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This is Civil Guard Agent Laura Aguilera. I am posted in Alcora, Castellón Headquarters. I joined
the Civil Guard three years ago and I have been posted in Archidona, in the province of
Málaga, where I did my training. Before being a Civil Guard Agent, I worked as a soldier in the
Tenth Mechanized Brigade, based in Cerro Muriano, Córdoba, for eight years. My RANK range
was private. Now I am living in Alcora, in Castellón, although I am from a village in the North of
the province of Málaga. I am living with my family in a flat in the barracks. I am married and I
have two sons, the elder is five years old and the younger is seven months OLD, so my
MATERNITY leaves finishes in January. My husband currently enjoys the partnity leave,
although he works in the Carrefou supermarket. Also, while we were living in my village, he
worked in the country picking up the olives, in the construction and in a factory of olive oil.

My parents live in my village, Villanueva de Algaidas. My father, before retiring, worked in the
country in his own olive oil trees, he was a self-employer. Also, he worked in a factory to
manufacture olive oil. In my village, the majority of the people works in the country, in the
olive oil trees, due to this, there are four olive oil factories, in a village of 4000 inhabitants
more or less.

My mother now is looking after my grandfather, who is ninety five years old. Before, she
worked in a factory making trausers for the label Maximo Duty.

My sister has two sons and works as an English teacher in Tarifa, in Cadiz. My brother-in-law is
a busInessman for the Company Mafre and he works mainly on line, FROM since his house.

In my job, my speciality is citizen security, although I would rather work in SEPRONA, the
environment speciality, since I studied Environmetal Science. So I hope to do this course soon.

My duties are several because I work in the street PATROLLING in the patrol with a partner,
and sometimes I work in the office, reporting or doing paperwork. Depending on the shift, the
job can be a BIT (Little+UNCOUNTABLE NOUN) diferent. For example, at weEkdays night there
is less traffic, therefore we set FEWER (less+ UNCOUNTABLE NOUN/ADJ) check points too. At

weekends it is more probable to find situations with people disturbing the neighbours, fights
in clubs or in the street, due to the fact that people ARE is drunk or drugged.

But normally, the first thing we do is to check transmisión?????, and later we usually go

around the villages of the territory. Also we can set a check-point, or we can be asked TO
SOLVE for solving a difficult situation.

During my training, I got a commendation because of the floods in Campillos, in Málaga, which
took place in October 2018. We were suporting the Army, the UME, the emergency military
unit. We worked for many hours, controling the traffic so that the soldiers could clean the
area, without interruption. All was full of water and mud. Many people lost their cars,
appliances, furniture.

About me and my hobbies, I like going running, cycling, practising yoga or pilates, although I
am not good at sports. I like going for a walk in the country, I love nature, mainly the plants. I
like playing the violin, too. I belong to a group of musicians that plays the traditional music of
Málaga, called Panda de Verdiales. Verdiales is the most ancient music in Europe and I enjoy it
a lot. I like it very much, in spite of THE FACT I live far from Málaga and with the coronavirus
crisis it is imposible to meet to play to spend a good time.



In my free time I like going to my parents´ country house and SPENDING staying there all the
day, even we HAVE LUNCH eat there. We usually walk or pick up the nuts, pines and some
fruit, such as lemons, oranges, kakis, peaches, etc. In summer, my father always GROWS sows
a vegetable garden with lettuces, tomatoes, aubergines, courgettes, peppers, cucumbers, etc.

My older son loves watering the plants. My father MADE maked a swing in a oak TREE
and my son and my nephews have usually have a very good time there playing. When the
coronavirus crisis begAn, a family moved to live to a cottage close to my parents´ house. The
WOMAN HAS BEEN wife is my friend since we were children, we were in the same class, so
sometimes we visit them or they come to my parentS´s house so that the children CAN play
together, since they have a little girl. When it is very cold, we stayed inside the house. We
prepare the fireplace and make cakes.

Besides, I like travelling, although last summer I stayed at home with my family. I was pregnant
and I was very fat and frecuently dizzy because I was under medical treatment. Futhermore, I
prefered not to go anywhere, due to the coronavirus crisis. In spite of staying at home, it was
not boring, because THERE WAS A POOL IN THE BLOCK WHERE I LIVED the flat where I lived,
had a swimming pool. Other holidays I went abroad, to London, Ireland, Portugal, Italy or I
visited other places in Spain.

Perphaps in two years, when my little son IS will be older, we will travel again for our holidays,
although I have noT thought where yet, but my husband would like to visit Scotland or GREEN
CAPE Cabo Verde. I guess the coronovirus crisis will HAVEBEEN OVER BY be improved then.



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