Module-2 Project Life Cycle

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CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT (CEM) [CE181801] Compulsory Subject for 8° Sem (Civil) Dr. Pulendra Dutta Asstt, Professor, CE Dept, ‘Assam Engineering College, Jalukbari, Guwahatt13 PROJECT LIFE CYCLE PROJECT LIFE “Project Life” means the time duretion elapsed from the day of initiation to the day of completing the construction project. Wherees “Project life cycle” represents the different phases (or Stages or Activities) thet a project undergoes through its life span. Each project follows certein definite phases right from the planning to its implem entetions CHARACTERISTICS OF PROJECT LIFE CYCLE The beginning and end of the project should be clearly be defined. The sinffing levels are low at the start, higher towards the end and drop as project closes Probability of project success is low at the start of the project and gets progressively higher as the project continues The Cast of changes and of exxor correction generally increases as the project continues. Project fe defines technical w ork. Project fe defines implementers. The deliverables usually approved before stasts of the next phase Sometimes a subsequent phase is began prior to approval of the previous phase This is called fast tracking. PROJECT LIFE CYCLE conti... PHASES/PROCESSES/STAGES ‘reach Construction Project follows certain processes from the day of i PROJECT lanning to the da ofcommi Y LIFE CYCLE of commissioning. “There are normally 5 Stages or Processes of a construction Project. FIG: PHASES OF PROJECT LIFE CYCLE PHASES OF PROJECT LIFE CYCLE contd... Tendering Stage 1. BRIEFING STAGE (nitiation or Planning Stage) Thisis the stage where Ideas are originated by individuals or agencies to create a facility. Y This is known es “Initiation” o: “Planning” phase. Y Thisis also known as “Reporting Stage” Y The Activities involved in Briefing stage are ¥ To prepare Feasibility report ¥ To prepate Teclinvical report Y To carryout Financial analysis Y To appoint « Project committee 2. DESIGNING STAGE Y This is the stage where @ Realistic aud Detailed cost estimate of the project is prepared. Y It is a very important stage in the field of construction because any modification after this stage would lead expensive to the project. Y The Activities involved in this stage are + To cesry out detailed technical investigations such as Topographic investigation, Soil investigation, Materials survey, Market survey. + Toprepare the detailed desigw and their deawings + Toprepare detailed Bill of quantities + Toestimate the foral project cost. * Todetermine the metliod of coustruction > Toprepare a preliniinary program of construction. ‘To develop the project summary for final adoption of the most suitable alternatives 3. TENDERING STAGE > This is the stege where TENDERS are invited and the contract is awarded. In this stage, the TERMS of agreements axe mutually fixed ‘between the owner and the contractor. The purpose of tendering stage 4s to appoint a contractor. > The Activities involved in tendering stage are Toinvite tenders from contractors for the construction works Toinvestignte the potential contractors Tohold a pre-bil coufereuce and providing necessary information Toidentify a suitable contractor. Tonegptiate contract price with qualified contractors Toprepare the contract docnment. Toward the coutract to a particular contractor. 4, CONSTRUCTION STAGE. O The construction stage involves the Execution of coustruction works as per the design and deawing of the project components. The contractor should comply to the contract rules and regulations O The Activities in this stage are > Todo the real works of construction activities > Toprepare a detailed planning for the construction activities such as: > Construction schedule > Manpower schedule > Material delivery schedule > Plant & equipment schedule > To control site operations such as > Supply of materials and equipment > Supervision of quality contrals. > Coordinsting the people working at ste. Fig: A Construcvon Projectsite 5. COMMISSIONING STAGE ( The Commissioning Stage is the stage where the Performance of the facility ox stractuce constructed is evaluated before putting into use CO The Activities in this stage are > To keep vatious record of works actually done atthe ste > Toiiuspect the construction works thoroughly > To evaluate the structuce for its quality and purpose > Handing over the completed Civil engineering ‘project for actual commissioning > Terminating Suppliers contract > Necessary formalities for clamre of the project

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