Thuraya AD & PRO Project

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The University of Lahore

Campus: Lahore Business School


Mian Umer Mushtaq

Bilal Habib 02093-054
M. Usman 02093-055
Furqan Azeem 02093-052
Azib Javed 02093-143
Akif Abbas 02093-039

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Table of contents Page no:
Executive Summary 1
6LWXuWLRQ AQulysLs 3
1) IQGXsWUy sL]e: 3
3) CRPSuQy RYeUYLew: 4
5) PURGXFW UeYLew: 5
7) CRQsXPeU UeseuUFK: 6
8) MuUNeW segPeQWuWLRQ: 6
9) Target Audience and User Profile: 7
10) Consumer Decision Process: 7
Communication & response process for Thuraya: 8
Marketing and Advertising Plan 8
Marketing Objectives: 8
Target Audience: 8
Communication Mix: 9
Budget Recommendation: 9
Creative Plan 9
Creative Objectives: 10
Creative Strategy 10
Copy Platform: 10
Advertising appeal and execution style: 11
Media Plan 11
Media Objectives: 11
Media Strategy: 12
Advertising 12
How much use this media 13
How much cost the plan 13

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Charges on Advertisement 13
Magazine Rates 13
Conclusion 13

WKeQ we sWuUW wULWLQg, we sWRS IRU wKLle uQG WKLQN wKuW WR wULWe? HRw WR wULWe? We KuYe QR
wRUGs WR exSUess RXU SluQs. BXW we KuYe WR wULWe WR RIIeU RXU KXPEleEees seQse WR

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(PBUH) wKR Ls WKe gUeuWesW SeUsRQulLWy RI WKLs XQLYeUse.
Xs u WusN WR esWuElLsK u Qew EXsLQess.
We uUe ulsR exWUePely WKuQNIXl WR ull RI RXU WeuFKeUs IRU WKeLU syPSuWKeWLF WUeuWPeQW,
sSeFLully Sir Zeeshan Zafar UewuUG less KelS, SUeFLRXs sXggesWLRQs, FRQsWuQW

Executive Summary
Phase I: Situational Analysis
Company Overview: Thuraya
Telecommunications Company is a world-
leading mobile satellite service provider
of voice, data, maritime, rural
telephony, fleet management and other
telecommunication solutions in remote
Providing mobile satellite communications
to over 140 countries around the world,
Thuraya offers a congestion-free network
that now covers most of the planet,
encompassing Asia, Africa, Australia, the
Middle East and Europe.
In Pakistan, International Marketing &
Trading Company Limited (IMTCL) has
sole rights for sale and distributorship of
THURAYA products and services under the
table leadership of Brig. (Retd) Mukhtar
Ahmad, Chairman and Mr. Faisal Munir,
Chief Executive Officer.
IMTCL has a team of highly motivated,

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well-qualified and experienced professionals
dedicated to bringing this most
revolutionary mode of mobile satellite
communications to Pakistan. We have our
dealership network presence in almost all
major cities of Pakistan.
Product Review: The focus of our
campaign is the Thuraya Prepaid that
comes in Pakistan in Gsm Format. Thuraya
Prepaid gives Thuraya an advantage over
its competitors as far as providing a
congestion free satellite network in Pakistan.
Competitive Review and Competitive
Advantage: There are four big competitors
of Thuraya namely Mobilink, Telenor,
Ufone and Warid. Among these four
competitors the actual competitive
advantage of Thuraya is satellite network in
Pakistan. Thuraya is basically for business
people those are usually on business trip so
they dont want to be change their contact
numbers so Thuraya offers the services all
over the world.
Consumer Research - The customers of
Thuraya are limited because Pakistans 10%
population is aware about it. And this is
valuable only for elite class and
businessmen. Elite class businessmen and
foreigners are included in the list of
customer of Thuraya. Elite class
businessmen and foreigners are included in
the list of customer of Thuraya. Percent of
sale: Thuraya has captured the small share
of market in telecommunication industry.
And the sale of Thuraya in Pakistan is about
5 million in a year which is a small sale.
Buying Behavior and Decision making:
Problem Recognition (Awareness of Need),
Information Search, Evaluation of
Alternatives, Purchase Decision, Purchase,
Post-Purchase-Evaluation. Target Audience
and User Profile: The target market of
Thuraya consists of Businessmen. Moreover
the target markets tourists elite class and
the professionals. The target market is
believed to be educated and according to the
income they are earning above Rs.500, 000/-
.Communication & response process for
Thuraya: According to FCB model,
Thuraya lies in 1st quadrant where the
product decision has high involvement but
requires high specific information, therefore
and attitude or feeling towards the product is
more important.
Marketing and Advertising Plan
Marketing Objectives: The marketing
objective of Thuraya in Pakistan is to
increase its market share and to aware the
people of Pakistan about the product
because most of the people even dont know
about Thuraya. Positioning Strategy: We
are using the technological and our
competitive edge in our positioning strategy.
The Thuraya is known for its competitive
edge and congestion free networks from its
competitors and have an edge over its
competitors like as satellite network.
Communication Objective: Our
communication objectives are to increase
category demand and increase sale and
market share of our prepaid sim.
Communication Mix: To efficiently and
effectively achieve marketing and
communications objectives element which
we are choosing from promotional mix is
Advertising and Sales promotion. Our
sources for the campaign of the Thuraya
prepaid are print advertising, event
management and outdoor advertising.
Budget Recommendation: Thuraya is a
multinational company and has lots of

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resources and well established company so
as such there is no problem of budget.
Thuraya arrange a big budget for
advertisement and promotional campaigns.
PHASE II: Creative Plan
Creative Objectives: Our creative objective
is to recall the brand name in mind of our
customer and increase the sales of Thuraya
in market. Copy Platform: The message
theme of the ad is aimed at professional
need and a network which works
everywhere in the world. Advertising
appeal and execution style: In print media,
advertising appeal which we are using for
the promotional campaign of Thuraya is
rational appeal. We are using the advantages
informative and total values which we are
given in our products. Media Plan The
Media plan and the figures are discussed in
detail in following phases. How we present
the ads and when we play the tvcs and at
which cost the promotions are affordable
and on which channels and on which
newspapers and on which magazines we
represent our ads.
Phase I
Situation Analysis
Industry/Company Overview
The Pakistan telecommunication industry as a whole coupled with its
public policies has undergone numerous changes in recent times. Recapitulating just the last
decade, once a sophisticated commodity, the mobile phone, is now practically with-in the reach
of every segment of the society. Telecom sector is also a major contributor to national
exchequer, depositing USD 1.3 billion during fiscal year 2008-09 and USD 0.5 billion during
first half of fiscal year 2009-2010. Pakistan is among the five dynamic economies of developing
Asia in terms of increased penetration of mobile phones, internet and broadband. The following
bar chart highlights the tele-density situation over last five years with respect to different telecom

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Nevertheless, the prospects of wireless segments have provided an exceptional communication
option to the people of Pakistan; the mobile subscribers would cross 100 million mark during
2010. If we analyze the trend of tele-density growth in the country, wireless segments (Cellular
mobile, Wireless local loop) have shown a steady adoption whereas the fixed local loop is losing
its charm with current penetration rate of 2%.
Industry size:
In Pakistan there are about 1100 million consumers and subscribers of telecom. And it is
increasing day by day with 10% annually.
Current trends of industry:
Now there is a very much progress and creativity in the telecommunication sector. Now
there is a trend of generation wise technology like as 2g, 3g and now 4g is now available in the
market. The gprs (internet) MMS and video calling is the requirement of the market.
Company overview:
The Arabic name of the Pleiades, is a regional satellite phone provider. Its coverage area is most
of Europe, the Middle East, North, Central and East Africa, Asia and Australia.
The company is based in the United Arab Emirates and distributes its products and service
through authorized service providers. Its shareholders are a mixture of Middle Eastern and North
African telcos (in which Etisalat is a major one) and investment companies.
Thuraya represents an ideal and an achievement, where we have provided services from the stars
to a large number of diverse nations here on planet earth. Waking up every day knowing how far
we have gone in bringing people closer together is an unparalleled joy.
y Innovative mobile satellite solutions that revolutionize communication
y Cutting-edge, congestion-free satellite network
y Tough, Innovative voice and data solutions that go anywhere
y Setting new benchmarks and pushing boundaries of connectivity
Thuraya Telecommunications Company is a world-leading mobile satellite service provider
of voice, data, maritime, rural telephony, fleet management and other telecommunication
solutions in remote areas.
Providing mobile satellite communications to over 140 countries around the world, Thuraya
offers a congestion-free network that now covers most of the planet, encompassing Asia, Africa,
Australia, the Middle East and Europe.
In Pakistan, International Marketing & Trading Company Limited (IMTCL) has sole rights for
sale and distributorship of THURAYA products and services under the table leadership of Brig.
(Retd) Mukhtar Ahmad, Chairman and Mr. Faisal Munir, Chief Executive Officer.
IMTCL has a team of highly motivated, well-qualified and experienced professionals dedicated
to bringing this most revolutionary mode of mobile satellite communications to Pakistan. We
have our dealership network presence in almost all major cities of Pakistan.

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Company product lines:
y Voice communications with hand held (Thuraya XT, SO-2510 (discontinued), SG-2520
(discontinued), Hughes 7100 (discontinued) / 7101 and Ascom 21 (discontinued)) or
fixed terminals
y Short message service
y 9.6 kbit/s of data & fax service
y 60 kbit/s downlink and 15 kbit/s uplink "GMPRS" mobile data service on XT, SO and
SG handsets
y 144 kbit/s high-speed data transfer via a notebook-sized terminal (ThurayaDSL)
y GPS is supported by all handsets
y A number of value-added services, such as news, call back, call waiting, missed calls,
voicemail, WAP, etc.
y A one-way 'high power alert' capability that notifies users of an incoming call, when the
signal path to the satellite is obstructed (e.g. inside a building)
y Prepaid
y Handsets
y Post-paid

Product review:
The GSM connection of Thuraya is now launch in Pakistan the sim of Thuraya is simply
works everywhere in the world. Now Thuraya is available with Gps and gprs services. Thuraya
is the one of the cellular services which is working in everywhere although in the space. Thuraya
is the only cellular service which works through direct satellite system. The Thuraya has the
customers about 2 million in the world. The sale of Thuraya in Pakistan is too low because
peoples are less aware about it. The total number of customers of Thuraya is only 11300 peoples.
Market share of Thuraya is too low among the competitors. The strength which has the Thuraya
is the congestion free network and it is the only network which operates the telecommunication
through satellite. Thuraya has not a strong position among its competitors.

Competitive Review and Competitive Advantage:
In the Pakistan industry there is a big competition in telecommunication sector. Mobilink
Warid Telenor and Ufone provide the services at the lowest rate and with the latest technology.
Thuraya also provides the latest technology like as gprs mms and GPS. The competitors of
Thuraya ha a great impact on consumers minds. They make a lot of advertisement about there
different packages. They arrange many promotional campaigns. They provide full fledge
information on their website. And they provide many facilities on it. They promote the value at
low cost. They target maximum segments they target every type of consumer. Consumer

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perceptions about the companies are good because they promote the different packages for the
different customers. And also there is big advantage to these companies that is they are well
known in the market. Our actual competitive edge is that we are providing congestion free
satellite network for the customers at many places right now. And our network is simply works
Consumer research:
Market segmentation:
Thuraya of Pakistan is a telecommunication company. It targets the all those
persons who belong to business and they are on the travel mostly and the elite class
who are on the trips mostly and they want no change in their connection numbers.
Thuraya basically segmented on the demographic and psychographic bases. Thuraya
target the business class elite class. They are using their product for business purpose
and want to make the Pakistan a big market of Thuraya. They are also providing
communication system to our army and naval forces. Thuraya is the only satellite
company which provides the gsm connection in Pakistan with many services.
Thurayas major competitive edge is the congestion free network which provides the
cellular services in the telecommunication sector.
Cutting-edge, congestion-free satellite network
Tough, Innovative voice and data solutions that go anywhere
Innovative mobile satellite solutions that revolutionize communication
Setting new benchmarks and pushing boundaries of connectivity

Age: 35-65
Gender: Male, Female
Income: High Income Group
Psychographics: Social class,
Thinkers: Professionals elite class educators businessmen. They look for professionalism,
functionality and value.
Buying Behavior and Decision making, Problem Recognition (Awareness of Need) ,Information
Search, Purchase Decision ,Purchase ,Post-Purchase-Evaluation
Target Audience and User Profile:
The target market of Thuraya consists of Businessmen. Moreover the target markets tourists
elite class and the professionals. The target market is believed to be educated and according to

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the income they are earning above Rs.500, 000/- . The age of target market is from 35 to 65 year
because this is the right age of a businessman and a professional and these persons are found in
many categories like as tourists professionals. Psycho graphically the target market is known to
be Social class, conservative, practical consumers who value knowledge and responsibility. They
look for professionalism, functionality and value. In the telecommunication they are the decision
makers who look for something that is more effective network in the market.
Consumer Decision Process:
Buying behavior is part of the purchasing process in both consumer market and business to
business transactions. The customer decision making process consist of five stages: Problem
recognition, information search, evaluation of alternative, purchase decision and post purchase
evaluation. If we see this process in context of Thuraya at first step of problem recognition the
customers first identify need or want of the product. Thuraya is the most precious need for
businessmen and tourist class.
At second step the customers Thuraya conduct a search for collecting information about Thuraya
prepaid internally and externally. In internal search the customers recall product that might
satisfy the meet and need or not.
In the third step of evaluation of alternatives the customers of Thuraya use a multi-attribute
approach because there is a high involvement of the customers when making a decision about
Thuraya Considering the service of Thuraya the customers first analyze the cellular service
which is provided by Thuraya. Moreover the customer sees the brand stability, in this case the
Thuraya is the largest selling international brand

Communication & response process for Thuraya:
The FCB matrix divides advertising strategy into two dimensions, based on thinking vs. feeling
and high involvement vs. low involvement.

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The model is powerful because it accommodates different versions of the learn-feel-do sequence
and suggests different advertising strategies for each of the four quadrants. Thuraya lies in Ist
quadrant where the product decision has high involvement but requires high information,
therefore attitude or feeling towards the product is less important than Information. This is
psychological model, because the importance of the product is connected to the customer self-
esteem. The advertising strategy requires rational involvement on the part of the customers so
that they become connected with the Thuraya being advertised and subsequently become
Professionals. Therefore, the proposed model is learn feel Do.
Marketing and Advertising Plan
Marketing Objectives:
The marketing objective of Thuraya in Pakistan is to increase its market share and to aware the
people of Pakistan about the product because most of the people even dont know about Thuraya.
Our marketing objective for this campaign is to Aware the brand in mind of our customers and
also to increase the market share and sales of Thurayas prepaid services. Commitment to
professional excellence has made Thuraya the largest selling international brand with a sales
network spanning all across Pakistan. So the primary motive will be to improve the market share
overall and recall the brand Thuraya stay close in the mind of customers to boost its sales.
Target Audience:
The target market of Thuraya consists of Businessmen. Moreover the target markets tourists
elite class and the professionals.
Positioning Strategy:
The target market of Thuraya consists of Businessmen. Moreover the target markets tourists
elite class and the professionals.


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Communication Objective:
Our communication objectives are to increase category demand and increase sale and market
share of our prepaid sim. Since our product falls in the 1
quadrant of FCB model, so according
to response hierarchy, hierarchy of effects model applies in our Thuraya prepaid connections in
which first of all awareness is created in mind of customers in cognitive stage. Secondly the
knowledge about the Thuraya prepaid sim is conveyed to the customer in cognitive stage and the
liking is created in affective stage. At preference phase the customer compares the benefits of
Thuraya with its competitor products. FCB model is more effective in this case which is justified
above in Communication and Response Process.
Communication Mix:
To efficiently and effectively achieve marketing and communications objectives element which
we are choosing from promotional mix is Advertising and Sales promotion. Our sources for the
campaign of the Thuraya are print advertising, event management advertising and outdoor
advertising. The message we want to convey is to recall the brand name of Irridium Thurayas
Prepaid in mind of customers through Rational Appeal in all three Media. As discussed, our
sources for Advertising are print, Event management and outdoor. The Channel for Advertising
in broadcast media is Television, for print media the channels are Signboards, Flex, Newspaper
and Magazines. For outdoor advertising we will emphasize on billboards. The Vehicles for
Television are CNBC, Geo News, Duniya, City 042, Express News and Dawn news because our
target customer are the business people and they commonly watch news channels almost. In print
media our vehicle for advertising in newspaper are DAWN, JANG and KHABRAIN The Post.
The reason for selecting these are because one two of them are Urdu newspapers and one is
English. For Magazines we have selected Herald and Sunday Magazine. We will also print 500
flex and put signage on different shops in Lahore and Islamabad. This also covers our outdoor
advertising part. The reason for selecting these channels and vehicles is because these are very
strong elements to communicate with our customers and recall our brand name in mind of
Budget Recommendation:
Low Price
High Price


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Thuraya is a multinational company and has lots of resources and well established company so
as such there is no problem of budget. Thuraya arrange a big budget for advertisement and
promotional campaigns. The budget required for our advertising campaign we would recommend
will be 6 billion. Because event management is expensive as compared to print media and
Television provides many opportunities for creativity in advertising design.
Creative Plan
Creative Objectives:
Our creative objective is to recall the brand name in mind of our customer and increase the sales
and market share for Thuraya. New and repeat purchases will eventually result in sale increase
and increase in market share. Because the Thuraya prepaid is require the heavy promotional
Creative Strategy
Copy Platform:
The message theme of the ad is aimed towards technological, high quality, reliable. The network
is congestion free and highly professional. we have gone in bringing people closer together is an
unparalleled joy.
y Innovative mobile satellite solutions that revolutionize communication
y Cutting-edge, congestion-free satellite network
y Tough, Innovative voice and data solutions that go anywhere
y Setting new benchmarks and pushing boundaries of connectivity
Thuraya Telecommunications Company is a world-leading mobile satellite service provider
of voice, data, maritime, rural telephony, fleet management and other telecommunication
solutions in remote areas.
Providing mobile satellite communications to over 140 countries around the world, Thuraya
offers a congestion-free network that now covers most of the planet, encompassing Asia, Africa,
Australia, the Middle East and Europe.
Advertising appeal and execution style:
In print media, advertising appeal which we are using for the promotional campaign of Thuraya
is rational appeal. The rational appeal leads to stronger conviction about network features &
benefits so that purchase is eventually made by the customers. Print media offers the best outlets
for rational appeals. Print ads allow readers greater opportunities to process copy information.
Such appeals emphasize the characteristics and features of the product and the service and how it
would be beneficial to own or use the particular brand. We are using the print ad as professional
paper. In which we discuss the advantages of our network. That is it simply works everywhere.

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Company Slogan: Stay close
Slogan for our product: It simply works everywhere.
Objective: Brand Recall and Increase Sales and Market Share
Method: Focus on technology, quality and benefits of Thuraya in newspaper, flex and TVC.
Media Plan
Media Objectives:
Reach: The media plan targets both male and females involved in any business young and old
age people who wants to stable and want only the reliable network. This means that Million of
peoples are the target audience will expose to some of the media vehicles we have selected. In
one month campaign we are assuming that reach doesn't double-count people exposed multiple
times if the media plan involves repeated ads in one media category or ads in multiple media
Frequency: Frequency is the number of times that the average business person is exposed to the
schedule among those persons reached in the specific period of time. Because it is an average
frequency, dispersion of frequency of exposure will differ between specific schedules of time.
We use the print ads in twice time a weak and 5 times in a day.
GRP (Gross Rating Point): The aggregate total (the sum) of the ratings is called Gross Rating
Points or GRPs. The sum of the ratings of a specific demographic segment may be called Target
Audience GRPs or more simply TRPs. There are two methods for calculating GRP. In first
method, we say that at all the time racks we have selected of all the channels, 19% of the total
population is tuned into our media vehicles. This means that our reach is 70 and ad will be aired
on different channels with 18hrs rack time. So 18 X 19 = 342. GRP can also be calculated by
using the formula GRPs = Reach X Frequency. The total GRP for the channels we have selected
and on which our ad will run is 350.
Continuity of Message: We are using continuous method because this technique is used for
newly entered product in the market and not well known products in the market. Advertising
runs steadily with little variation over the campaign period. Our message will be played
continuous for 30 day time period. The advantage of this approach is that this approach helps as
a remainder for target audience and it apposite our marketing and creative objectives.

Media Strategy:
As discussed earlier in phase 2
part 2, our sources for the campaign of the Thuraya are print
advertising, event management advertising and outdoor advertising. The message we want to
convey is to recall the brand name of Thuraya prepaid in mind of customers through Rational

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Appeal in all three Media. As discussed, our sources for Advertising are print, exhibition
advertisement and outdoor. The Channel for Advertising in broadcast media is Television. For
print media the channels are Signboards, Flex, Newspaper and Magazines. For outdoor
advertising we will emphasize on billboards and signage all these things are discussed in the
previous detail.
Made advertising through
1. ATL(above the line), newspapers, magazine, TV ,etc
2. BTL(blow the line),include, billboards, conferences, and
Exhibitions etc.

How much use this media:
Both ATL and BTL is used for making the advertising because
both have separate importance according to need. Some like to watch TV and some like to
read newspapers, and someone enjoy exhibitions. So they use both.
How much cost the plan
y Budget:
Total turnover of one year is Rs.36 billion dollars and budget for marketing is Rs.
350 millions. Through this turnover we can imagine their market share and the Thuraya spend 32
million dollars in a year.

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Charges on Advertisement
Magazine Rates:

Friday Times: (Quarter Page, 19x3) 57cm Rs. 35000/- Ord Color
Sunday Mag. (Daily Times) Rs. 10,000/-
DAWN Rs. 20,000/-
The Post Rs. 22,000/-
Capital Business Rs. 24,000/-
Nation Rs. 15,000/-

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y Final Project Report:
Final project of marketing Market Plane of Thuraya
Pakistan give us the knowledge about stature, planning, how to make decision by the
Thuraya , how the Thuraya works, what types of climate of Thuraya , their employees
behaviors, their products and much more. We really enjoyed and get information from
this project.
Flex Samples

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