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Advanced Refrigeration  Psychrometry and wetted – surface Heat transfer

& Air-conditioning  Heating and Cooling Load Calculation
Reference: Refrigeration & Air-conditioning , Stocker

 Fan and Duct Design

4. Air conditioning System (Psychrometrics),
Duct System and Pumping)  Pump and Pumping
Compiled by: Solomon Tesfamariam (PhD)
Energy Center
 Air conditioning systems
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology - Addis Ababa university

January 2021 1 2

1. Psychrometry and wetted –  Humidity Ratio

surface Heat transfer

 Air is a mixture of gases
 Dry air (Nitrogen+ Oxygen + others) and Water vapour
 From Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure:
Pair = Pdry air + Pv
 Assuming Perfect gas
 Relative humidity

3 4


 Psychometry Chart
 Psychometry is the study of the properties of mixture of air and
water vapour.
 In some air-conditioning processes, water is removed from the air-
water-vapor (called dehumidification process) and in others water
is added (called humidification process).
 Psychrometric principles are applied to
Load calculations, air-conditioning systems, cooling and
dehumidifying coils, cooling towers, and evaporative condensers.
 In some equipment there is a heat and mass-transfer process
between air and a wetted surface. Examples:
 Some types of humidifiers, dehumidifying and cooling coils, and water-
spray equipment such as cooling tower, and evaporative condensers
 Some convenient relations can be developed to express the rates of
heat and mass transfer using enthalpy potentials.
 Psychrometric Chart is used to relate properties of a wet-air. 5 6

 Saturation line
 Let consider the temperature ‘t’ to Combined Heat and mass transfer (the straight line law)
be the abscissa and temporarily the
water-vapour pressure Ps for the
 If air flows over a wetted surface, as shown in
 First consider the chart to represent
water alone. The saturation line
the figure the condition of air passing over
can now be drawn on the chart.
Data for the saturation line can be
differential area dA changes from condition 1 to
obtained from tables of saturated
water. The region to the right of
2 on a pychrometric chart.
the saturation line represents
superheated water vapour. If the
superheated vapour is cooled at
constant pressure, it will  There is actually slight interaction
eventually reach the saturation between the molecules of air and
line, where it begins to condense. water vapour, which changes the
 Thus far no air has been presented steam table data slightly.
with the water vapour.  Tables A-2 and A-1 reveal
 What was the effect if air is practically no significant
presented? difference in pressure at a given
 Ideally none. temperature.

7 8


2. Heating and Cooling Load Calculation  They influence both the equipment capacity and the
energy required for its operation.
 Buildings are built to proved a safe and comfortable
internal environment despite variations in external  The primary characteristics of the building envelop of
the system is to provide comfort,
 Health and comfort criteria:
 The extent to which the desired interior  The human body is an amazing adaptable organism. With
conditions can be economically maintained is one long-term conditioning the body can function under quite
important measure of the success of the a building extreme thermal conditioning.
design.  Variation in outdoor temperature and humidity, may often go
beyond the normal limits of adaptability, and it becomes
 Although control of inside conditions is usually
necessary to provide modified conditions indoors in order to
attributed to the active heating and cooling system, the maintain a healthy, comfortable environment.
design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) must start with an examination of the thermal
characteristics of the envelope.
9 10

 Thermal comfort:  The body is continuously generating heat, which be must

 First body heat is generated by be dissipated to maintain a constant body temperature.
metabolic process to maintain body For a person at rest or doing light work in a conditioned
temperature. Metabolic processes are space, the body dissipates heat primarily by convection
influenced by such factors as age, (carried away by the surrounding air) and radiation (to
health, and level of activity. surrounding surface that are at a lower temperature than
For example, the body surface)
 a given range of environmental  Each of these components of heat dissipation accounts
conditions might be quite acceptable in
a space occupied by a health person but
for approximately 30% of the heat losses.
unacceptable for one who is ill.  Evaporation, from both respiration and perspiration,
 When people are willing to adjust their account for the remaining 40%. As environmental
dress habits with the change in seasons, conditions or levels of activity change, these percentage
they find that they are comfortable over will vary. For example, if a person is doing strenuous
a broad range of environmental work, the primary heat-dissipation mechanism will be
conditions than they would expect. 11
evaporation. 12


 Four environmental factors influence the body's ability to  Air quality:

dissipate heat
 Air temperature, the temperature of the surrounding
surfaces, humidity and air velocity.
 The amount and type of clothing and the activity levels of the
occupants interact with these factors
 If a person is wearing appropriate clothing, the following
ranges should be acceptable
 Operating temperature 20 to 26oC
 Relative Humidity: A dew-point temperature of 2 to 17oC
 Average air velocity: up to 0.25m/s
• Operating temperature is approximately the average of the air dry bulb
temperature and the mean radiate temperature as long as the mean radiant
temperature is less than 50oC and the average air velocity is less than
0.4m/s. the mean radiant temperature is the uniform surface temperature
of an imaginary black enclosure with which an occupant would have the
13 14
same radiant energy exchange as in the actual non-uniform space.

15 16


2. Estimating Heat Loss and Heat Gain

17 18

19 20


 Design Condition 3. Fan and Duct Design

 In Conveying Air:
1. Computing pressure drops of air flowing through
ducts and fittings
2. Extending the computation of presser drop to
design an duct system,
3. Understanding the characteristics of a fan, both
independently and in conjunction with a duct
4. Designing the distribution of air in a conditioned
21 22

 Heat is finally to be transferred from or to the

4. Pump and Pumping air inside the conditioned space
 Comparison of Water and Air as Heat Conveying
Media  Device to supply heat (called heat source)
 Usually either electrical coil or fuel fired furnace
 Device to extract heat (called heat sink)
 Usually refrigeration unit

23 24


 When a heat pump is used the same equipment

is both a source and a sink

25 26

 One common method of pressurization is through the use

High Temperature Water (HTW) System of high pressure nitrogen as show below.
 HPW systems are those operating with supply water in the
180oC to 230oC range.
 At 230oC the saturated pressure of water is 2800 kPa
 A fundamental reason for using HTW system is to take it
possible to transfer the required rate of heat energy using
lower flow rates than if the supply temperature were
 A pressurization chamber is connected to the system, and the level of
 While steam generators are occasionally used as the liquid is maintained in this vessel between the high and low limits.
heater in a HTW plants, systems are usually pressurized  Should the system pressure fall too low, nitrogen is added to the
so that no vaporization of water takes place in the heater, system.
and in no case should flashing into vapour be permitted in  If there should be a leak of water somewhere in the system, both the
the distribution system. pressure and water level are likely to drop and water should be
27 replaced. 28


Available Pipe and Tubing

29 30

Pressure Drop of Water Flowing in Pipes

 Pressure Drop in Fittings:

 One approach to computing the pressure drop caused by fitting
(elbows, tees, open valves, etc.) in a piping system is to express
their pressure drop in terms of the equivalent length of straight
pipe that would cause the same in which the diameter and flow are
constant can be considered as one length of straight pipe. 31 32


33 34

 The three major pipe section in a basic refrigeration

system are the piping for:
 the discharge gas,
 for liquid,
 and for suction gas.
Somewhat different considerations apply to the selection of sizes of
these three different pipe sections.

35 36


 Pump manufacturers often show in their catalogues the

Pump Characteristics and Selection Δp curve and the power (or required motor size) at
various positions along the curve. The isoefficiency
 The most useful curves (curves of constant efficiency) are not normally
performance data of a pump given in catalogues but are presented here to increase
are the pressure differences understanding of pump performance.
it is capable of developing
at various flow rates.
 Of equal importance is the
knowledge of the power
requirement at the design
condition and at other
possible operating points.
 Typical performance
characteristics of a
centrifugal pump are show
in the figure. 37 38

Pump manufacturers often show in their catalogues the Δp curve and

the power (or required motor size) at various positions along the
curve. The isoefficiency curves (curves of constant efficiency) are not
normally given in catalogues but are presented here to increase
understanding of pump performance.
Example: using the efficiency curve, compute the power required by
pump where the water flow rate is 6L/s.

The intersection od the pipe and characteristics with the pump

characteristics is called the balance point. Because here the flow rate
and pressure difference of the two components are satisfied.
The performance of the pump usually must be considered in The figure above shows balance point for a pipe with no throttling
combination with the characteristics of the pipe network it serves. A (valve fully open). If the flow rate is greater than desired, a valve can
visualization of the combined pump and pipe characteristics is be partially closed to introduce additional resistance in the pipe line.
available from a graph of pressure difference versus flow rate, as The result is lower flow rate and higher pressure difference. As the
shown in the figure below. pipe network is throttled, instead of the increased power requirement
39 40
intuition leads one to expect, the power drops. Refer Fig 7.9.


Design of a Water-distribution System

 In a closed water systems the major components
 straight pipes, valves, fittings, pump(s), heat
exchangers, and an expansion tank.
 The design process includes both the
determination of sizes and their arrangement.
 Some major tasks in the design process are to
decide on the location of the components, select
the pipe size, select the pump, and choose the size
of the expansion tank. 41 42

Single-zone System and Multiple-zone Systems

5. Air Conditioning Systems  Single-zone System
The temperature
control is provided
Thermal Distribution System by a thermostat
 Is the assembly that transfers heat b/n the regulating the
cooling or heating
conditioned spaces and the sink coil and the humidity
 Multiple zone systems is controlled by a
humidistar that
regulated the

43 44


 Outdoor air control  Multiple-zone systems

 for large buildings it is not economically feasible
to provide a separate system for each zone
 In such cases it is common to have a central
 A zone is controlled by thermostat
 A wide variety combinations of duct networks,
coil locations, strategies are in use. For example:

45 46

 Terminal Reheat System  Dual Duct System

47 48


 Variable Air Volume System  Four Pipe water thermal-distribution System

49 50

 Problems
 3.8;
 4.3 for Dire Dawa
 5.2
 7.1, 7.4, 7.5



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