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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-2022

[Semester 2]


Module Title: Research and Professional Skills

Module Code: GIS5015

Method of Assessment: WRIT1 – Research Proposal

Weighting: 50% Module Credits: 20

Level: 5 Semester/Teaching block: 1

Morning/Evening session: BOTH Examiner: Ms. Indu Govinda Pillai

Additional Information (if any):

Word Length: 2000 words equivalent, to be worked individually.

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Module Title Module JACS Subject Code(s) and % ASC Category(ies)
Number of each subject
Research and Professional Skills GIS5015 X210 – 50% 11B, 7
N100 – 50%

Level (3 to 8) Credits ECTS Credit Module Value (1=20 credits) Module Type
5 20 10 1.0 Taught

Teaching Period Pre-requisites

Semester 1 None

Module Leader School(s) Campus

Ms. Indu Govinda Pillai Gulf College Mabela, Oman

Assessment Methods
Assessment Code and Duration/Length of Weighting of Threshold Approximate Date of
Method Assessment Method Assessment Submission
PRES1 – Project 30 minutes 50% 1 Mid of semester
WRIT1 – Research Proposal 2,000 words equivalent 50% 1 End of semester

This module is designed to provide students with an introduction to the skills necessary for undertaking research. It focuses
upon building appropriate strategies for students to review literature within the field of computing and information systems
and present data and analyses, having considered and designed appropriate methods of collection. Additionally, the module
is to enable students to evaluate their skill and knowledge within the world of work, drawing on the experience working on
a live project, either in a virtual, international or class based setting.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Critically evaluate current research and scholarship literature within the computing and information systems
domain and plan a programme of independent research.
 Propose appropriate research methodologies and design for the collection, analysis and presentation of data to a
project specification.
 Reflect on their role within a project team on a real world problem and evaluate their own performance.

Learning and Teaching Delivery Methods

Method Rationale Type of Contact (scheduled/ guided Total
independent study/placement) hours
Lectures To enable core knowledge and understanding content to Scheduled 24
be delivered to the whole module cohort
Seminars/ To allow exploration and application of module content Scheduled 24
Workshops (knowledge, understanding, skills & other attributes) in
an interactive group setting
Student- To enable students to independently develop their Guided independent study 152
Centred understanding of the module concepts and to complete
Learning formative & summative assessment activity
Total 200
Indicative Content
• The nature and purpose of academic research within computing and information systems.

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• Conducting a literature review
• Formulating a research topic and setting appropriate aims and objectives
• Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative data e.g. survey / questionnaire v ethnographic techniques
• Reviewing access and ethical Issues.
• Appropriate research methodologies for computing and information systems.
• Negotiating tasks, duties and responsibilities within a working environment
• Understanding the roles and duties within a project team.
• Understanding the relationship between theoretical studies and the world of work.
• Develop common, personal and social skills, and the understanding of ethical issues
• Problem solving skills.
• Internationalisation and cultural awareness within the workplace.

Required Reading
Dawson, C. (2015), Projects in Computing and Information Systems: A Student's Guide. 3rd Edition. Pearson Education.
Ridley, D. (2012), The Literature Review: A Step-By-Step Guide For Students. 2nd Edition. Sage.

Recommended Reading
Bell, J. & Waters, S. (2014) Doing Your Research Project. 6th Edition. Open University Press.
Creswell, J.W. (2008), Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 3rd Edition. Sage.
Oates, B.J. (2005), Researching Information Systems and Computing. Sage.
Saunders, M. Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2015), Research Methods for Business Students. 7th Edition. Prentice Hall.
Silverman, P. (2010), Doing Qualitative Research. 4th Edition. Sage.
Strauss, A. (2015), Basics of Qualitative Research. 4th Edition. Sage.

Access to Specialist Requirements

Use of an IT laboratory
VLE – Moodle materials for use in-class and self-access purposes

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Assignment/coursework general submission requirements

A. Written work

 Student identification number must be clearly stated at the top of each page of the work.
 A signed declaration that the work is your own (apart from otherwise referenced
acknowledgements) must be included after the title page of your assignment
 Each page must be numbered.
 Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations should
precede your work.
 All referencing must adhere to School/Institutional requirements.
 A word count must be stated at the end of your work.
 Your programme, year of study and the relevant module must be included as “footer” on each
 Appendices should be kept to the minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of your
 All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labelled.
 Your assignment/coursework should be submitted in one A4 transparent pocket unless it is not
appropriate to do so (in which case, specific instructions will be provided by your module leader).

B. Other types of coursework/assignments

 Where coursework involves oral presentations, discussions, poster presentations, etc., specific
instructions will be provided by your module leader/team.

C. This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

 Propose appropriate research methodologies and design for the collection, analysis and
presentation of data to a project specification.
 Reflect on their role within a project team on a real world problem and evaluate their own

D. This assignment is also aimed for students to achieve the following graduate attributes:

Graduate Attribute Key Skill Definition

GA6 Critical Thinking Ability to use various strategies to form an objective

GA3 Effective Ability to communicate effectively with others


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WRIT 1 – Research Proposal

Instructions to students:

 Each page must be numbered.

 Please use a font size of 12.
 All referencing must adhere to Institutional requirements (Harvard Referencing Style).
 A word count must be stated at the end of your work.
 All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labelled.

Note: Total word-count be at least 2,000 equivalent (excluding references).

This coursework is worth 50% of your overall module mark.

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Research Proposal

The Research Proposal has a weighting of 50% of the module marks. The Proposal is to be attempted on an
individual basis.


In this assessment, you are expected to produce an individual research proposal with ethical approval
application in the area, about “e-Commerce applications”. Any element of the given area can be considered
to select the topic. The selected topic of research should align with the chosen academic discipline e.g.
Computer Science.


You are hereby instructed to produce the following deliverables with approximately 2,000 words equivalent:

a. Research Proposal; and

b. Ethical application form.

Your submission should consist of the following key elements:

i) Background/Introduction: State the selected research topic within the given area. You need to explain
an overview of the chosen research topic, framing what you are doing and why it is a worthwhile and
interesting topic within the broader discipline. Similarly, identify any limitation for the study.

ii) Objectives: Formulate your research question. You need to clearly define the objectives (at least 3) of
this piece of work so you are able to demonstrate what you have achieved once you complete the

iii) Literature Review: You are required to objectively frame your chosen topic within the wider academic
and technical domain literature, linking it to existing related work and the key sources. Likewise, you
must prepare a literature review with synthesis.

You will need to read and reference a wide range of credible and quality sources to appropriately
contextualise your chosen research area and research question.

iv) Methodology: Define the methods on how you collect the data. Also, identify the type of data you will
be collecting. Based on that, select the research methodology such as quantitative or qualitative.

Also, discuss the software methodology, which is appropriate, such as waterfall, RAD, agile, etc.
Likewise, you have to justify your selection.

v) Project Planning: You need to draw the timescales for the project and identify key milestones and

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You may wish to utilise appropriate project planning techniques, such as a Gantt chart.

vi) Reflection/Evaluation: Consider you have an opportunity to implement the research proposal within
a team. Identify and justify which role in the team you will select to work with, and you will be able to
complete the designated tasks. Evaluate your performance, based on how far would you be able to
complete the selected task.

vi) References: You should cite all of the key domain literature that you have utilised and referred to in
this research proposal using the Harvard referencing style.

vii) Ethics Application: You will need to complete a Cardiff Met ethics approval form for your chosen
research project, giving a concise summary of the project's aims and objectives, your methodology
and data collection, identifying and addressing any of the associated risks and ethical considerations

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ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-2021 – S2
Marking Scheme
First Second Agreed
Description Weighting
marker marker Marks
1 Background/ Introduction 5

2 Objectives 5

3 Literature Review Total: 20

Literature review 10
Synthesis 10
Methodology Total: 20

Appropriate methodologies and data collection 10

Analysis 10

5 Project Plan 10

6 Reflection and Evaluation 20

7 Appropriate referencing, structure, clarity of language 10

Ethics application 10

Grand Total 100

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Generic Marking Criteria
Grade % Mark Requirements

0 No answer has been attempted or there is evidence of unfair practice.

The work presented for assessment may be incomplete and/or irrelevant and
demonstrates a serious lack of comprehension and/or engagement with the set task.
Attainment of the learning outcomes is minimal and assessment criteria are not

Misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the set task, providing a short and/or largely

10 – 19 irrelevant response. Consequently, no learning outcomes are met in full although
there may be minimal attainment in relation to one or two.

Minimal understanding of the set task and little knowledge and understanding of the
field of study relevant to the task is demonstrated. Limited ability to communicate
simple concepts and/or factual information is shown. Significant difficulties in the
report’s structure and organisation detract from the clarity and meaning overall.
F 20 - 29
Evidence of individual reading and investigation is negligible, and the limited
(Fail) referencing of literature and other sources is frequently inaccurate. Some ability to
describe and report knowledge gained but very little evidence is available to indicate
an ability to engage in critical evaluation and reflection.

Partial understanding of the set task and some of the associated learning outcomes
are met at a basic level. Factual inaccuracies, errors and misconceptions are evident in
important areas and elements of the assessed work which may be irrelevant to the
task. If attempted, the presentation of arguments and more complex ideas may be
confused and clumsily expressed. Some enquiry and analysis relevant to the task
30 – 39 attempted but outcomes may be naïve, simplistic and/or unconvincing. Limited
knowledge of current research/scholarship in the discipline is demonstrated. A
restricted range of sources are used but overall, there is an over-reliance on
programme materials with little evidence of individual reading and investigation.
There are frequent errors in the referencing of literature and other sources. The work
is largely descriptive and arguments, if attempted, are rarely substantiated.

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the
associated learning outcomes. Assessment criteria are addressed at a threshold level.
Basic knowledge and understanding of many aspects of the field of study relevant to
the task is displayed. Errors and misconceptions are evident, but these are outweighed
by the degree of knowledge and understanding demonstrated overall. More success
D is achieved in describing and reporting factual information rather than communicating
40 - 49
(Third) complex ideas. Generally, the work is appropriately structured although key points
may not be logically sequenced. Some limited analysis and enquiry relevant to the
task/discipline are included and has intermittent success in presenting and
commenting on outcomes. A limited ability to critically evaluate and reflect is shown.
Although some critical reflection is evident, the balance within the work is likely to be
in favour of description and factual presentation.

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A secure understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the associated
learning outcomes is demonstrated. Assessment criteria are addressed at a
satisfactory level. A sound knowledge and understanding of most key aspects of the
field of study relevant to the task are evident as well as an ability to apply such
C knowledge. Some evidence of independent thinking beyond programme notes is also
(Lower 50 - 59 shown. Overall, the structure and format of the work are appropriate. There are
Second) occasional faults in the presentation of work, but overall, these do not detract from
the clarity of expression. Examples of research/scholarship referred to in the work
demonstrate individual reading and investigative ability to critically evaluate and
reflect although there may be some over-reliance on description and factual
presentation. Arguments are usually substantiated.

A full understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning outcomes
is demonstrated. Assessment criteria are addressed at a good level. A detailed
knowledge and thorough understanding of key aspects of the field of study relevant
to the task are shown. There is clear evidence of an ability to apply such knowledge
and, in some contexts, to extend and transform it. Discussion of complex concepts is
often tackled successfully and there is evidence of independent thinking. An ability to
communicate information, ideas and concepts clearly and succinctly is displayed. Work
B is well presented and the format appropriate. Key points are appropriately organised,
(Upper 60-69 and the writing style is fluent and arguments are well articulated. Detailed analysis and
Second) critical enquiry relevant to the task/discipline is undertaken by making use of
appropriate techniques and has considerable success in presenting and commenting
on outcomes. There is some linkage between theory and practice. Examples referred
to indicate a breadth and depth of individual reading and investigation that extend
beyond the sources provided. The referencing of literature and other sources is almost
always accurate. Arguments are clearly considered and substantiated and there is
evidence of an ability to make appropriate judgements and to suggest solutions to

A full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning
outcomes is demonstrated. Assessment criteria are addressed at a very good level. A
detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of key aspects of the field of study
relevant to the task are evident. There is strong evidence of an ability to extend,
transform and apply such knowledge. The student also demonstrates an ability to
engage in confident discussion of complex concepts and to recognise the limitations
and ambiguity of disciplinary knowledge. Independent thinking and original insights
A are also present in the report. Ability shown in communicating information, complex
70 – 79 ideas and concepts in a coherent and succinct manner is shown. The standard of
presentation is high and the format appropriate. Key points are logically organised and
in written work, the style is lucid and mature. Detailed and thorough knowledge of
current research/advanced scholarship in the discipline are evident. The use of
scholarly reviews/primary sources is confident and a breadth and depth of individual
reading and investigation, extending beyond the sources provided, is apparent. The
referencing of literature and other sources is accurate and in line with academic
conventions. An ability to engage in critical evaluation of concepts/arguments/data
and to make appropriate and informed judgements is shown. Arguments are well

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developed, sustained and substantiated. Where relevant, assumptions are challenged
and there is clear recognition of the complexities of academic debate. Appropriate and
sometimes innovative solutions are offered to problems.

Beyond the above, a full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to
80 - 89 have met the learning outcomes is demonstrated. Assessment criteria are addressed
at an excellent level.

Beyond the above, demonstrates a full and detailed understanding of the set task and
an ability to have met the learning outcomes and address the assessment criteria at
90 - 100 an outstanding and exceptional level. Work is of a standard deemed to be worthy of
publication. Reference citations extend significantly beyond the main body of reading
normally expected in the discipline/field of study.


1. Plagiarism, which can be defined as using without acknowledgement another person’s words or ideas and
submitting them for assessment as though it were one’s own work, for instance by copying, translating
from one language to another or unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further examples of plagiarism are given

 Use of any quotation(s) from the published or unpublished work of other persons, whether
published in textbooks, articles, the Web, or in any other format, which quotations have not
been clearly identified as such by being placed in quotation marks and acknowledged.
 Use of another person’s words or ideas that have been slightly changed or paraphrased to make
it look different from the original.
 Summarising another person’s ideas, judgments, diagrams, figures, or computer programmes
without reference to that person in the text and the source in a bibliography or reference list.
 Use of services of essay banks and/or any other agencies.
 Use of unacknowledged material downloaded from the Internet.
 Re-use of one’s own material except as authorised by the department.

2. Collusion, which can be defined as when work that has been undertaken by or with others is submitted
and passed off as solely as the work of one person. This also applies where the work of one candidate is
submitted in the name of another. Where this is done with the knowledge of the originator both parties
can be considered to be at fault.

3. Fabrication of data, making false claims to have carried out experiments, observations, interviews or other
forms of data collection and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any other way.

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Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS)

As part of its commitment to quality and maintenance of academic standards, the University reserves the right
to use Plagiarism Detection Software (PDS), including Turnitin. Such software makes no judgement as to
whether a piece of work has been plagiarised - it simply highlights sections of text that have been found in
other sources, thus giving the student the opportunity to rephrase or rewrite such section.

Turnitin has two basic functions – first, as a developmental tool and second, as a plagiarism policing agent. As
a developmental tool, Turnitin can be used to provide students with formative feedback through a well-
designed scoring rubric, helping them develop and improve their writing skills. As a plagiarism policing agent,
Turnitin would facilitate understanding of plagiarism, citations and the proper way of referencing thus helping
the student avoid plagiarism issues.

Further information and guidance can be found in the University’s policy on the Use of Plagiarism Detection

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I, [Name of Student], hereby declare that the uploaded Assignment through Turnitin is my own work. I affirm
that this has been researched and completed in accordance with the college rules and regulations on

I acknowledge the advice given by the module tutors on proper referencing to avoid plagiarism and the rules
on the academic unfair practice.

I acknowledge that I read and understand the plagiarism guide written at the end of this assessment. Any
academic misconduct will be handled according to the rules and regulations of the university.

[Name of Student]


General instructions:

Assignment and coursework must be submitted online through Turnitin on or before the due date. The only
circumstance in which assignments can be uploaded late via Turnitin is if a Mitigating Circumstances (MC)
form is submitted at the same time. In these circumstances, work may be submitted within five (5) working
days. Make sure to secure the MC form and submit the same to the Faculty Administrator.

Write the number of words used, excluding references, at the end of your assignment. Provide the list of
sources you used at the last page of your assignment with proper label ‘References’. You may include
diagrams, figures etc. without word penalty. The number of words will be + or – 10% of the approximate total
words allowed.

A work declaration must be included just after the reference page of your assignment. This ensures that you
prepare your work in good faith. Any form of collusion and/or academic unfair practice will be dealt with
according to the pertinent rules and regulations of the partner university. Please read carefully the plagiarism

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Module Number: Module Name: Module Leader: Indu Govinda Pillai Year/Term: 2021-2022 Semester: S2
GIS5015 Research and Professional Skills

Description of
Task/Problem/Topic ☒ The assessment is clear and matched The assessment is amended as per the
PRES1- Project with LOs. Comments are provided, for assessor comments.
Presentation you to consider revising.
Hand in Details ☒

WRIT 1 – Research Guidance Notes ☒

Learning Outcomes ☒

Total 100% Assessment Criteria ☒


Title: Research Proposal

Marking Scheme ☒

Feedback Sheet ☐

Assessment type: WRIT 1 Referencing

Requirements Given

Nominated IV: Ms. Anju Mathew Cherian Date: 11/12/2021

IV Signature:

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X Please check the appropriate box below X Please check the appropriate box below

☐ I confirm that I have considered the above draft assignment/exam and I am ☐ I confirm that I have considered the above draft assignment/exam and I am
happy to approve the content. happy to approve the content.
Assessment can now be forwarded to the External Examiner for approval. Assessment can now be released to the students.

☐ I confirm that I have considered the above draft assignment/exam and I am ☐ I confirm that I have considered the above draft assignment/exam and I am
happy to approve the content subject to the above amendments. happy to approve the content subject to the above amendments.
Assessment can be forwarded to the External Examiner once these changes Assessment can be released to students once these changes have been
have been implemented and verified. implemented and verified.

☐ I confirm that I have considered the above draft assignment/exam and suggest ☐ I confirm that I have considered the above draft assignment/exam and suggest
the above amendments. the above amendments.
I would like to see the final amended version before I confirm approval. I would like to see the final amended version before I confirm approval.

Cardiff Metropolitan Link Tutor: Link tutor signature: Date: External Examiner: EE Signature: Date:

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