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P1: Good Morning! Thanks for being with me. I admire your desire for learning.
Have your ever wondered how societies emerged and come to what it is at present?

P2: Interesting right? Are you now ready to listen? If yes, we will now begin.

P1: We will begin exploring the age- old type of society the hunting and gathering

P3: Yes, We may already know that it is the earliest and the simplest form of society.
It is generally characterized by its small size and is composed mainly of families. They
are nomadic because they spend most of their time searching for food. They do not
have permanent territory.

P1: That’s right, The hunting and gathering societies rely primarily or exclusively on
hunting wild animals., fishing and gathering wild fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables
to support their diet. Not until human began to domesticate plants and animals
about 10,000 year’s ago. All humans societies were hunter gatherers.

P7: Now, let us hear a short skit in Food Gathering society.

P1: It's getting dark, it's time to hunt.

P2: What's the dinner for tonight?

P3: A fresh meat of dear, I prefer.

P4: Is that so? Let's go! Grab your weapons.

P5: Wait! I still need sharpen my axe so I could definitely hunt our prey.

P6: Then move fast, we need to leave immediately.

P5: Here! I'm done

P7: Come on, let's go! It's hunting time

All: Argghhhhh!!!

P3: The next type of society is called the pastoral society . It is characterized by the
domestication of animals for food, for a more stable and predictable food supply.

P4: So, in pastoral society, people rather plant and harvest edible plants, take care of
animals as a source of food instead of hunting them.
P1: Pastoral communities have larger populations than hunting and gathering society
and remain longer in one place. They also started the food and animal trade with the
other societies.

P3: A pastoral society is a group of pastoralists whose way of life is based on

pastoralism and is typically nomadic. Daily life is centered upon the tending of herds
or flocks.

P1: Yes, Pastoralism is characterized by extensive land use. Typically, animals are
moved to pasture. The feedstuff are not brought to them rather, they search for it.
Generally speaking pastoralists live in extended families in order to have enough
people to care of all the duties. Associated with animal care and other domestic

P3: The third type of society, is the horticultural society. This type of society
primarily engaged in the small scale cultivation of plants. Fruits and vegetables and
the domestication of animals.

P2: Yes, they are semi nomadic which means, they travel from one place to another
when they have consumed or exhausted the resources in their present area. In this
society, the roles and responsibilities are more clearly defined with many tasks
assigned according to gender.



P1: Okay , Next type of society is the agricultural society is a further evolution of the
pastoral and horticultural societies. It involved the large-scale and long-term
cultivation of crops and domestication of animals. It is characterized with improved
technology and the use of tools to aid in farming which resulted to increased

P7: Oh, it’s giving rise to a growing population in agricultural societies.

P2: That’s right, the subsequent type of society that was formed is the feudal society
which is based on the ownership of land. A feudal society has four distinct social
classes. On top is a king, then a noble class which include the nobles, priests and
princes, then the knight and the peasant class.

P3: And the historically, the king owned all the available land and he portioned out
those land to his nobles for their use. The nobles, in turn, rented out their lands to
peasants. To put simply, those who own land are considered powerful and influential
members of the society during that era.
P3: The next type of society which was formed is the industrial society. This society is
based on the use of specialized machinery in the production of goods and services.

P6: Wow !

P1: Yes, the advances in science and technology resulted in industrial revolution
which in return gave rise to new production and industrial methods as well as
innovations in transportation and communication.

P2: Lastly, the development of the post- industrial society. It is marked by the
establishment of societies based on knowledge, information and the sale of service.
Here, the trend shifted from industry to the generation, storage, manipulation, and
sale of information.

P3: Right! Information have great influence on the behavior of people thus it turned
out of be a significant commodity in the post-industrial society which resulted to the
ascend of a virtual society where people organized themselves through
communication technology and internet.

P2: At present, we can see that societies are continuously evolving but there is
another concept that we ought to always remember in our quest to understanding
the society and this is the main spheres of the society.

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