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RESEARCH TOPIC/TITLE: Political Awareness and Political Participation of Senior High School

A. Description of the Research Project

1. Rationale

Politics is one of history’s most significant social structures. It is not only for politicians,
elderlies, and adults but also for society and the life that the elected representatives mold.
Political awareness and participation of the students pave the way to a stable and consistent
political mentality. As the living subject that awakens adulthood, the youth can grasp minimal
idea about politics due to education and surrounding. However, ingraining an unfortunate quirk
of not being politically mindful and politically engage would conceivably risk the nation's future.
Thus, it may result in a helpless dynamic situation wherein the youth and the people cannot voice
out or make an influence due to unjust governance. Furthermore, this research aims to investigate
the association of political awareness (independent variable) and political participation
(dependent variable) among respondents. Where areas, it evaluates how politically aware and
active senior high school students are.

2. Research Purpose/Question(s)/Objective(s)
The primary purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between political
awareness and political participation of senior high school students at the University
of Mindanao-Bolton campus.

2.2 Specific
We seek to address the following research questions:

1.) What is the level of political awareness of the students in terms of:
1.1. Public policies;
1.2. Political leaders;
1.3. Political institutions;
1.4. Political processes; and
1.5. Political issues

2.) What is the level of political participation of students in terms of:

2.1. Voting;
2.2. Public forum; and
2.3. Political Activism

c.) What is the level of political awareness and participation in whole?

d.) Is there a significant relationship between political awareness and political

participation of senior high school students?

2.3 Theoretical Framework

Moreover, the researchers developed a theory in which public policies, political
leaders, institutions, processes, and issues are the parameters to identify the level of
political awareness. On the other hand, voting, public forums, and political activism
determine the level of political participation of the students. Dioso and Mendaña
adopted this type of framework in their research way back in 2019.

Nul Kholisoh (2019) stated that the youth nowadays are expected to grow political
awareness and have high political participation due to the widespread usage of new
media platforms. Therefore, awareness may contribute to the participation of the
students politically as it makes them understand the social issues through a medium
and observing their surroundings.

B. Research Instrument
The researchers will use a web-based survey through Google forms to collect data
among respondents for this study. The research instrument is divided into three parts.
Part 1 aims to gather demographic profiles such as age, grade level, strand, and sex.
The Part 2 and Part 3 questionnaire were both written by Melchor P. Dioso and
Liberty R. Mendaña. Part 2 evaluates the senior high school students' political
awareness in aspects of public policies, political leaders, institutions, processes, and
issues. Each parameter composes of 5 questions each. Thus, Part 2 consists of 25
questions. Lastly, the Part 3 questionnaire deals with political participation that can
be determined by voting, public forum, and political activism. Each aspect consists of
5 questions. As a result, Part 3 is composed of 15 questions. Part 2 and 3 shall consist
of 45 questions in total, ranges within the scale of "very high (4) to very low (1)".

C. Research Project Duration

5 months

Prepared by:
Arcenal, Lance
Bancas, Mary Cecille
Caraso, Francine Toni
Dasalla, Julianne
Delfin, Stephanie
Lungakit, Kyla

Date: August 31, 2021

Endorsed by:


Subject Teacher

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