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DOTSOFT The package was developed by AP Core group and named as APTSOFT and subsequently renamed as DOT SOFT.

Initially the package was implemented at Guntur as a pilot project and after successful result, it was decided to implement all over India by replacing the local s/Other packages. DOT SOFT is an integrated package for 4 important areas in the organization. The areas are Commercial Telephone Revenue Accounts Directory Enquiry Fault Repairing System

The flow of advice note from one area to another area in commercial is explained with a diagram which is helpful how the new lines are created in DOTSOFT and similarly another diagram is also provided for working lines to understand the execution of different requests executed in DOTSOFT. Masters in DOTSOFT This basic data pertains to both Commercial and TRA. While some part of this data is Station-dependent, some part is Station-independent. On the whole this data does not change regularly. Hence this data is called Master Data. The files, which store this master data, are called Master tables or Masters. This Masters are life to the DOTSOFT package to run it successfully. Data fed through the input forms is stored in the related master tables. Any inaccuracies during master data input will seriously affect the operation of DOTSOFT. Since DOTSOFT is an integrated online system consisting of Directory Inquiry, Commercial Services and TR Billing & Accounting, entry of data in one master table becomes a pre-requisite for entry of data into another master table. For example, entry of Activity Codes is essential before entering data in Activity Tariff table. Common features of all the TRA master data input forms: To invoke the master data entry form: Click on MastersTRA (name of the master) If you observe the input form you will find input fields and eight buttons namely Insert, Modify, Delete, Find, Show, Show All, Exit and Report. Few forms have Help button additionally. The names of these buttons suggest their purpose. Of these Insert, Find, Show All, Exit and Report buttons are in enabled state. The Help button in whichever form it is available is in enabled 1

state throughout. The insert button is activated by default. The remaining buttons i.e. Modify, Delete and Show are in disabled state. They change their states with the progress of data entry and depending on the operation involved. If you click on an enabled button the procedure attached to it is executed. Purpose of each button INSERT : To insert records into the concerned master table. MODIFY : To make changes to the displayed record. DELETE : To delete the displayed record. FIND : To query the master table on the basis of query criterion. SHOW : To Show the record fulfilling the query criterion. Use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to move along the records. SHOW ALL : To display all the records in the master table in the form of a list. Using the scroll bar to your left in the list, you can view all the records in the master table. EXIT : To close the form and go back to the main menu. REPORT : To print or view complete report on the data in master table. Sample report is reproduced under each input form. SAVE : To save the record entered. CANCEL : To cancel the current operation. Note: Save and Cancel buttons appear in place of Find and Show buttons depending on the current operation. To Insert a Record As soon as you invoke the concerned master data entry form, you will find the Insert button enabled. Click on the Insert button, you will find Save and Cancel buttons appearing in the place of Find and Show buttons. Enter the data in all the fields. Press the Enter key to move from one field to the other. After entry of data in the last field, press Enter key. You can observe the Save and Cancel buttons becoming enabled. This is because you can either save the record or cancel the entry. Click on Save button to save the entries in the Master. If you click on the enabled Save button, all the buttons in the above given list except for Show button become enabled. If you click on the enabled Cancel button the form and the buttons are restored to their initial state. To Modify an existing record Invoke the concerned master data entry form. Click on the enabled Find button. The cursor moves to the first field in the form. Enter the query criterion and then click on Show button. If a record exists fulfilling the given

query criterion, that record is displayed. Otherwise a message that Query Retrieved no record. Re-enter. will appear. You can now reenter. Alternately, immediately after clicking on the Find button you can click on the Show button. This results in display of the first record in the master. Now using the down-arrow and up-arrow keys you can move to the desired record. After reaching the desired record, click on Modify button. You will see the cursor positioned in the first modifiable field. Now change the contents and press the Enter key. The Save button is enabled. Click on Save button to save the changes you have made. If you click on the enabled Modify button, all buttons are disabled except for Cancel button. This is to enable you to cancel the operation of modifying the record. To Delete a record from the master Invoke the concerned master data entry form. Click on the Find button. Enter the query criteria to retrieve the record you wish to delete. Alternately, you can click on Find button followed by a click on the Show button. The first record contents will be displayed. Now using the down-arrow and up-arrow keys move to the record you like to delete. After reaching the desired record click on the enabled Delete button. You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the displayed record. If you are sure to delete, click on the Yes button otherwise on the No button. A click on the Yes button deletes the record from the concerned master. To Query the Master details Invoke the concerned master data entry form. Click on the enabled Find button, all buttons except the Show button are disabled. Operation attached to Find button is to enter the query criterion. You can enter the query criterion at the cursor position. After entering the query criterion click on the Show button. If the query retrieves any records they are displayed in the window, one record at a time. Use the down-arrow key and up-arrow key to view the records satisfying the query. Otherwise, the message Query retrieved 0 (zero) records is displayed. Alternately, without entering the query, you can click on enabled Show button to view all the records in the master starting from the first record. Use the down-arrow key and up-arrow key to move through the records. To view the complete details of a master Invoke the concerned master data entry form. Click on the enabled Show All button. You will find a list akin to the following picture appears. Click on Ok or Cancel button to return to the input form. Using the vertical scroll bar to your right, you can view all the contents in the list. By prefixing the values to the % sign in the Find field above, you can find

out details of records satisfying the query criterion. Click on either Ok button or Cancel button to return to the previous window. Sample lists in respect of some masters are given in the annexure. To obtain a report on the Master Invoke the concerned master data entry form. After ensuring that the printer is properly connected and paper is set in position, click on the enabled Report button. The following window appears: From the above window select the Destination Type by clicking on the destination type list box. The default is Screen. You can select from the list either Screen or Printer. If you select Screen the report is displayed on the screen. If you select Printer, the output is directed to the default Printer. The default printer name can be seen against the Destination Name field. Default printer is set up through Windows 95(Settings Printer option). Click on FilePrint Setup to select the Printer, to set the Paper Size and to define the Print orientation (landscape or portrait). See the following window: After selecting the Destination Type and Destination Name Click on Run Report to obtain a full report of the selected master. Sample reports on some masters are given in the annexure. To close the master data entry form and return to main menu: Click on the enabled Exit button to return to the main menu. The following is the list of Commercial Master data input forms available in DOTSOFT: Activity Code Master Activity Tariff Master Area Code Master Category Code Master Checks Parameters Master Class of Service Master CO Code Master Connection Code Master Exchange Code Master Exge. Type Master Exchange Office Control Exchange Field Control Exchange Level Master Exge. SDO Mapping Location Code Master Offline Exchange Restriction Offline Working Lines Entry Control Out of Turn Code Master SDO/SDE Code Master

Station Code Master STD Status Code Master Usage Code Master VIP Class Code Master

In addition to the above, the following are the Directory Inquiry related master input form modules. ISD Code Master STD Code Master

Activity Code Master All commercial activities right from provision of New Telephone connection to Closure of a Working Connection are codified and called Activity Codes. In Activity Code the first three letters uniformly indicate the major activity involved while the remaining letters indicate the sub activity under major activity. For e.g., In TFRT the first three letters TFR stand for the major activity TRANSFER. The remaining letter that is T indicates Third Party. On the whole the code stands for THIRD PARTY TRANSFER activity. There are about 16 major activities. The Activity codes are stored in the Activity code master table. Activity Tariff Master Activity Tariff table stores the Activity codes and their tariffs. Tariffs are updated as and when revision takes place. The Activity Tariff table contains each and every activity and the charges leviable on the subscriber for carrying out each activity. The tariff in this table is automatically picked up by the relevant modules and demand note is generated for the total amount. Activity Tariff consists of one time charge, Recurring charge, Installation charge etc. The activity tariff table also contains the mode of collection of Demand note charges. The mode of collection in turn indicates whether the request of the subscriber has to be referred to the Accounts Officer for collection of revenues either in the form of deposits or rentals. When a record is created in Activity Tariff the Activity code for that activity is to be first created in Activity Code. For all the activity Codes in this master the descriptions will be available in Activity code master. Activity Code is same as in Activity Code master. Station Capacity Code is 1 for an exchange of capacity upto 500 lines. It is 2 for an exchange capacity >500 lines. Instrument provision by Department is indicated by D; Instrument provision by Subscriber by letter S.

- by whom the wiring for the Telephone connection is done. D; - S

Wiring by Department Wiring by Subscriber One_time_chg

: One time Charge;

Recurring_chg: Recurring Charge DN - Demand note payment Type PPayable demand Note PD Demand note is payable type. The amount may include any deposit amount as per AO concerned when the case is referred to AO B- Billable demand note. BD -The Demand note is billable. The amount may include any deposit amount as per A.O concerned when the case is referred to AO RThe Demand note type is Revenue. For example Advance rental collected for Safe custody. Note: X indicates that, the parameter is not applicable in the fixation of the tariff. Area Code Master Depending on the geographical size of the SSA the number of Commercial Officers dealing with various Commercial activities is decided. The area covered by each Commercial Officer is designated as East, West, North, South, Central etc. As such these areas are codified and described in this master. This is purely a Station dependent master table. For Example Area Code SDCA CODE (max of 2 Chars.) N S X Category Code Master These Category Codes are common anywhere in India. As such this is a Site Independent and Application specific Master. Any additions to this master require changes in the application software. Category Code allows a maximum of 10 characters for entry. description allows a maximum of 50 characters for entry. Category Code Description Category Description SDCA description (max of 25 Characters) NORTH SOUTH UNASSIGNED



Activity Activity Parameter Check Check description Code Check No. Valid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPCC 1 30 Y MAXIMUM PERIOD FOR CASUAL CONNECTION IN DAYS NPCT 1 3 Y TEMPORARY CONNECTION IN MONTHS NPCT 2 6 Y TEMPORARY CONNECTION IN MONTHS CHGID 1 2345678 MINIMUM PERIOD FOR MAXIMUM PERIOD FOR Y VALID LEVELS

This module provides the necessary platform to parameterize some of the telephone rules concerning commercial activities. . Activity check number column stores the number of checks to be implemented before validating/ approving the request. Where there are more than one check in respect of any activity, all the checks will be done by the system. Set the Check Valid column to enable or disable the check. The number below the Parameter column indicates the number of days/months as described under Check Description. In addition to the above checks, if any further checks are required as per the rules in force, suitable entries may be made using this module. Checks Parameters table stores the data entered using this module. Class of Service Master Class Codes classify the subscribers. The first two or three letters indicate the major classification of the subscribers. For example: IN - stands for Individuals. BS - stands for Business.

The remaining letters in the Class code sub classify the Subscribers. All perceivable classifications have been taken and the Class Codes are designed to meet most of the systems requirements. These Class Codes will be useful in Directory Inquiry also. This is a Station Independent master. The data entered through this module is stored in Class Code Master. Commercial officer code master The Commercial Officers in the SSA are given a Code and such codes and the names of Commercial Officers are stored in the Commercial Officer Code master. This is a Site Dependent Master. eg., CO_Code CO1 CO2 CO_ Name Rakesh Tandon Vinod Bhave

Another way of representing the CO Code is to suffix the SDCA/Station code to the first two letter i.e. CO. Connection Code Master The Connection codes and their description are given below. Connection Code C L P T X Description Casual Leased Permanent Temporary Telex

When making new entries Connection Code allows 1 character entry. Connection Description allows a maximum of 50 Characters entry. Exchange Code Master All exchanges in the country are allotted a code consisting about four letters. Exchange code master is a Station dependent master. Exchange Type Master Following are the different types of exchanges available in an SSA. EXCHANGE_TYPE ---------------------1. E10 2. EWSD 3. XBAR EXCHANGE_TYPE_DESC ----------------------E10 B SEIMENS CROSS BAR

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.



Exchange Office Control Through this module, enter Exchange Code, Commercial Officer code for New Lines, CO code for working lines, DE(external), AOTR code and AO Cash code in respect of all the Exchanges in a SSA where DOTSOFT is being implemented. AO (TR) column is non-operative in this module The data is stored in Exchange_Office_Control table. Before entering data through this module, it may be ensured that the Exchange Codes, CO Codes and AO codes are already fed through the respective modules. Commercial and TRA related activities are controlled and carried out by the concerned CO or AO based on these details. Access of a CO or AO to a given exchange is decided using this master. Exchange Field Control Details such as Exchange Code, Exchange Type, SDEs concerned with the MDF, Indoor and Test Desk of that exchange are entered in the form of codes only. These details have to be given in respect of all the exchanges in a SSA. Exchange Level Master Enter Exchange Code, Exchange Type and levels served by the exchange in respect of all the exchanges in a SSA. Before entering data through this

module, relevant entries must have been made in the Exchange Code and Exchange Type masters. Exchange SDO Mapping Exchange SDO master table contains Exchange Code, Exchange Type and code of SDO/SDE/JTO concerned with the outdoor work concerning that exchange. Enter this data in respect of all the exchanges in the SSA where DOTSOFT is being implemented. The commercial officer inputs the SDO/SDE/JTO outdoor code while releasing the Advice Note. The Advice note is routed to the concerned SDO/SDE/JTO outdoor only. Location Code Master During implementation of DOTSOFT, the DBA/other responsible officer has to make a suitable entry in the Location code master table. If the data in this master is blank, DOTSOFT will not function. This module provides for modifying the existing entry in the Location Code master. Modifications can be made to the entries against the Service Tax column onwards. Modification to the Circle code, Circle Name, SSA_Code and SSA_Name fields are not possible. Some parameters in this table conform to the Rules in force. Before altering these parameters, user is required to take utmost care as these changes affect DOTSOFT globally. Offline Exchange Restriction This facility is given to update the master data resident in the Working lines master when DOTSOFT is under implementation. Once the system is fully operational online at a station in an SSA, it becomes necessary to avoid offline entry of Advice Notes. Entering the codes of those exchanges for which offline advice note entry should be prohibited checks this. Offline Working Lines Entry Control At the time of implementation of DOTSOFT, data in the old or existing system is transferred to the new system. While doing so, omissions or commissions may occur. These are attended through Offline entry. Offline entry may be with or without the help of Advice Note. Where offline entry is resorted to without the help of Advice Notes, it is called Direct Entry. Otherwise, it is known as From Wait list entry. In the later case, Work Order number entry is mandatory. SDO/SDE Code Master This module is used to input all the SDOs/SDEs/JTOs in the SSA, who execute the Work Orders in the field. As such, the designation of the Officer namely SDO/SDE/JTO followed by the station code or exchange code in case of a big town constitute the SDO_AE_CODE. Enter the name of the officer in the SDO_AE_Name column.


This information is picked up by Advice Note release module operated by the Commercial Officer. Station Code Master This is a site dependent master. Station Code allows 6 Character code entry. Station Name allows 50 Character entry. STD Status Code Master: This is also a station independent master. STD STATUS CODE STD I G N Usage Code Master The Usage Code indicates purpose for which the telephone connection is used. Usage Code is single letter code. Usage code master is a station independent master. Usage Code B O R VIP Class Code Master A certain class of VIPs enjoys the benefit of exemption from disconnection of their telephone connections in spite of the fact that the net outstanding against their names stand beyond the permissible limits. As such the Accounts Officer ordering Disconnection/Closure of the telephones of defaulting subscribers, will take into account the exempted category of VIPs depending upon the Class codes entered in this table. The Class code appearing in the Working Lines master is considered genuine while deciding the class code of any subscriber. Exemption from disconnection is decided based on the status flag of Disconnection _exemption column in the VIP_Class_Codes table. Description Business Office Residence DESCRIPTION ISD GROUP-DIALLING NON-STD


TRA Masters

ADBLA AO Code Master Bill Schedule Master Bill Schedule Dates Master CBR Code Master LCC Slabs Master Bank Code Master Concession Group Code Master Counter Code Master Credit Code Master Debit Code Master


Deposit Code Master Offline Batch Control Master Payment Mode Master Phonogram Class Codes Master Phonogram Types Master Post Office Code Master Post Office Control Master Public Telephones Category Master Public Telephones Commission Master Public Telephones Guarantee Master Public Telephones Tariff Master Rental Values Master RBI Interest Master Station Charges Master Station Deposit Master Surcharge Master Terminal Code Master Terminal Mapping Master Trunks Call Code Master Trunks Cancel Code Master Trunks Priority Code Master

Adbla master The ADBLA Master defines the rent rates applicable for the DELs with Actual Distance beyond Local Area. Distance is represented in Kilometers. If the ADBLA distance is beyond 10Kms, ADBLA rent is increased by Rs.250/per kilometer over and above first 10Kms. AO code master The AO_Code Master contains a list of authorized Account Officers in the SSA. The Accounts Officer Code inputted while updating the Exchange Office Control master of Commercial is validated against the entry existing in this master table. Bill schedule master Station_Code located. The It is the code of the SDCA in which the exchange is station code inputted should find a place in the


Bill_Schedule_dates Master. If the station code entered is not available in the Bill Schedule_dates master, a list of valid station codes is displayed in the form of an LOV (LOV means list of values). Bill_Schedule Billing is done once in two months for normal connections, where as it is done monthly for Local PTs and fortnightly for STD PTs. If the number of DELs in a station is very high, billing is done in two or three billing cycles. These billing cycles are coded and these codes are entered here as billing schedules. These billing cycles are E1, E2, E3 and so on to indicate 1st, 2nd and 3rd billing cycles in the even months of a calendar year. Likewise, O1, O2 and O3 indicate the 1st, 2nd and 3rd billing cycles in the Odd months of a calendar year. Bill Schedule L is used for Local PTs. Similarly, Bill Schedules F1 and F2 are used for First Fortnight and Second Fortnight bills of STD PTs. Valid bill schedule codes are available in Bill_schedule_dates master. From & To Phone : It is the starting & Ending telephone number in the range of phone numbers to be covered under the given bill schedule. Ex. 234001 - 234599. Max_Meter_round: In Electronic Exchanges the maximum meter reading consists of 8 digits. If the number of meter revolutions is 1 or more during a billing cycle and the CMR <OMR, the maximum meter round is considered very important in deciding the LCC amount. Help Button: Unlike in other master data input forms, the Bill Schedule master input form has Help button. If you click on this button you will find some text containing necessary precautions to be taken while inputting the data.

Bill schedule dates master This form is for creating a new schedule in a station. Enter the current bill schedule every month before proceeding to commence billing. It is not necessary to store previous bill schedule dates. Bill Schedule: Enter the Bill Schedule as E1, E2 , E3 and so on (OR) O1, O2, O3 for DELs and L (OR) F1, F2 for PTs as the case may be. Bill Date : It is the date on which bill is issued to the subscriber. Ex. For O1 bill schedule it can be 01111998( FOR 1ST Nov, 1998). OMR Date :It is that date on which Opening Meter reading is obtained. It is normally 60days before the CMR date in case of bills for normal connections. Ex. 16081998 (16th Aug 1998).


CMR Date :It is the date on which Closing Meter reading is obtained. It is normally 60 days after the OMR date in case of bills for normal connections. Ex. 15101998 (15th Oct 1998). Unaddressed CMR Margin: In case of new telephone connections, it so happens that Closing Meter Reading is available through meter readings on Tape but subscriber master is not available as the completed advice note is not entered in the system. In such cases, the difference between CMR and previous OMR may be very high or even low at times. If this margin is below or equal to the number given against this field, then that margin is posted as unaddressed with Unique_id_number of the subscriber set to U for unaddressed for the first time. If the margin is more than the number appearing against this field, then the difference between CMR and OMR is posted as unaddressed duly attaching an error flag to it. As such, the number against this field can be anything upto 99 again at the discretion of the concerned Accounts Officer. Subsequently, if the OMR is received through Advice note, the bill following it accounts for the meter readings. Disproportionate Free Calls : To ensure that the free calls are not allowed in excess of actually admissible number, this field is utilised to monitor such occurrences, if any. It is left to the discretion of the concerned Accounts Officer to enforce the check based on a given number of such disproportionate free calls. As such, it can be any number starting from 300/500 ( for urban/rural as the case may be). CBR code master CBR Code: CBR stands for Cancelled Bill Register. Sometimes, the concerned Accounts Officer cancels bill amount either partly or wholly. All such cancelled bills are entered in a separate Register. In such cases it is obligatory on the part of the officer canceling the amount to record the reason in writing for cancellation of bill amount. Lcc slabs master LCC slabs are available in this master. Urban/Rural/Service: U for Urban; R for Rural and S for Service. Whether a subscriber is in Urban or Rural area is decided on the basis of installation address of his telephone connection. Slab No: It is Serial Number of the Slab. Slab No.1 is allotted to number of admissible free calls; Date from & To: Date From and Date To fields together constitute the Currency of the given slab rates. As and when new slab rates come into force, Date To column shall be suitably modified. Calls From & To: These columns indicates the number of calls from & upto (including) which, the slab and the applicable slab rate. The two columns Calls From and Calls To together decide the slab rates. 15


It is the rate at which the calls are charged on per-call- basis.

Bank Code Master The Bank Code master contains a list of all schedules banks in an SSA. While accounting the payments received in the form of cheques or demand drafts, the Bank involved is validated based on this list. In any new Bank is opened subsequently, it may be included in this list through the Bank Code Master input form. Concession group code master Valid Concession group codes are given in the following table along with the description of the code and the permissible percentage of rebate in bimonthly rentals for normal connections. Rentals are not charged for Public Telephone connections. CONCESSION CONCESSIONAL_ RENT _ GROUP CODE GROUP_DESC REBATE_PERCENT FF WW WFF 50 GA NON PI BLD Counter code master 1. 2. 3. counter. There can be number of terminals in a counter. Credit code master Credit code and Credit description together constitute this master. The priority number indicates the precedence given to that particular credit code when more than one credit amount are to be adjusted in the bill being issued to the customer. Counter Code Master contains a list of designated Online Payment counters situated in different localities of a station. Every counter is allotted a code for easy identification. Counter code is represented in two digits starting from 01 to 99. Counter codes are normally given local area-wise in a station. Counter name indicates the exact location of the payment GALLANTRY AWARD WINNER NONE PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS BLIND PERSONS 0 0 25 50 FREEDOM FIGHTER WAR WIDOW WIDOW OF FREEDOM FIGHTER 50 50


Debit code master Debit codes are a replication of activity codes except for a few. This master contains a list of debit codes which are used to classify the various types of amounts due from a subscriber either on account of services rendered by the Department or otherwise. For the services rendered, a record is posted in the Debit Master with relevant details against the customer. As far as possible these debit amounts are collected through the bimonthly bills. Payment mode master The following are the list of valid payment modes: PAYMENT_MODE CQ CH DD CN BG PO Post office code master It contains a list of Post Offices as well as online cash counters in the SSA. These codes are used for validating the PO Code/ TRA Counter at the time of entry of offline/online payments. With the help of these codes, we can reconcile the offline payments received at P.Os. with the daily lists sent by the concerned post offices. In designing the codes for post offices 3 digits are used. The Head Post offices in the SSA are numbered as 100, 200, 300 and so on. The Branch post offices under a Head Post office are numbered in continuation to Head Post Office Number. The Post Office Code 101, 102 etc. represent the Branch Post offices under the Head Post Office bearing code 100. Any number below 100 is used to represent the Online Cash Counters in the SSA. Offline batch control master In the TRA unit, the payment vouchers received from POs are normally bundled in 50s and allotted a batch number. The date of the payment is treated as the Batch date for all the batches pertaining to that daily list. Batch number is allotted as per the serial number in the Batch Control Register manually. Batch totals of amounts is done manually Phonogram class codes master PAYMENT_MODE_DESC CHEQUE CASH DEMAND DRAFT BANK CHALLAN BANK GUARANTEE POSTAL ORDER


The phonogram class codes are available in this master. The priority codes should be as circulated by the Department Of telecom. They are not selfdesigned codes. Post office control master After completion of batch-wise entry, the vouchers are sorted on Post Office Code date-wise. These post office-wise and date-wise details are fed through this module into the PO Control register. Pt category master Various categories of Public Telephones are fed through this module into the PT_Category master table. PT COMMISSION MASTER Commission payable on STD Public Telephones on slab basis is stored in this master table. Pt guarantee master Guarantee amount payable by Public telephones is fed through this master. Depending upon the exchange capacity, guarantee amount varies. Pt tariff master Tariff applicable to Public Telephones is stored in this master table.


Rental values master In the Bill process while calculating the Basic rent this data is used. Basic rent is decided in respect of a SDCA depending upon its total capacity and whether it is rural/urban. Rent Val is the table used to store this data. This is a station independent master. RBI INTEREST MASTER It is also a station independent master. Interest rates declared by Reserve Bank of India from time to time are entered through this module. The rate of interest together with the period during which it is/was effective is entered. These interest rates are used in calculation of interest on subscribers deposits. Station charges master In the provision of new telephone connection, the charges are levied depending on the SDCA/station Information like ARD Amount, Installation charges, Instrument rebate, Wiring rebate in respect of each and every SDCA/station in an SSA have to be fed through this module. After provision of a new telephone connection, these amounts are considered in the preparation of the first bill. Station Deposit Master Through this module SDCA wise and Category wise deposit amounts are fed in respect of all the SDCAs in a SSA. Whenever changes occur in the deposit amount against a given category, it shall be incorporated using this module. Surcharge master The surcharge master contains slabs of surcharge payable by subscribers if they fail to pay their telephone bills by the pay by date mentioned therein. Surcharge is charged on slab rates as applicable as per tariff Trunks call code master Call Code Master contains a list of Trunk call types namely PP Call, Reverse Call, Press Call, Fixed Time call etc. This module facilitates inputting of these trunk call types and their descriptions into the Call Code Master. This is a station independent master. Trunks cancel code master This module helps in inputting the data pertaining to Trunk call cancel codes together with their description into the Cancel Code Master. While inputting ineffective trunk call tickets, the Cancel Code is to be entered.


Trunks priority codes The Call Priority Code master contains priority codes used in connection with the booking of trunk calls. This is a station independent master.

Trunks -- destination codes master This module helps in inputting the data pertaining to Destination codes together with all the above details into the Trunk Dest Codes Master. Terminal mapping master System Administrator gives the User Codes (see the User Manager screen in Admin menu of DOTSOFT main menu). A responsible officer of the TRA unit allots online terminals to users on a daily basis duly authorizing them to use the terminal upto a certain time in a day. The terminal is operatable by that user till such time only unless the concerned officer otherwise extends it. Receipt date is always the system date. The following are the additional modules available in TRA main menu. AO Authorisation The modules in this menu are cheque facility, pay by date extension, surcharge carry forward and surcharge waiver. Accounts Officer is only authorized to use these modules. AO to CO Clearances This module is used to give clearance by AO depending upon the request received from Commercial Officer BILL ADJUSTMENTS: If any bill is issued without credit adjustments even though credit was available for that subscriber but not entered into the system before generation of the bill, this module is used to enter the bill adjustments. Miscellaneous bills Cancellation of bills: (Normal bills) This module is used to cancel the unpaid bills


Provisional Bill Provisional bill will be given in case of excess billing complaint cases Once the provisional bill is created, the bill status will become D1 in the bill master and provisional bill will be created with the same bill no. The balance of bill amount which is kept under dispute is shown as bill no suffixed to D2.when the bill status in bill inquiry is shown as D then the DISP.DETAILS button will be enabled to see the details. Installment Bill Generation This module is used to generate instalment bills for the outstanding bills. Input is either bill no or Exchange code, phone no and bill date. Full details of the bill will be displayed for which installments are to be given. Disputed Bill (Settlement)

(At the time of creation of provisional bill, the disputed bill is also generated along with provisional bill. The provisional bill is noted as bill no suffixed with D1 and disputed bill is notified as bill no suffixed with D2.) When the disputed bill (D2) comes for settlement, in the disputed bill module the required input is bill no followed by D2. The rebate amount so arrived is to be entered in the rebate column. . ( Generally, rebate is given in quantum of calls. But here we have to calculate the amount on local calls given as rebate from higher call slab rate to lower call slab rate taking into consideration the provisional bill) If the rebate amount given is more than the disputed amount the rebate will be given up to the disputed amount (only to the extent of ABF) and the balance will be taken as credit to the subscriber through offline module. If the rebate amount is more than the disputed bill then the system will caution as 'Rebate Can't be Greater than Disputed Amount'. Excess Payments: Excess payments are possible only in case of paid bills. Bills paid in protest cant be termed as excess paid bills. There may be cases where a subscriber pays excess due to wrong billing or oversight. Here we have to cancel to the extent of excess paid.) The cancel code can be selected from the cancel code list and cancelled amount can be entered. The result will be that the cancelled amount + Service tax on cancelled amount will be taken as excess payment for further adjustment .The Service Tax which is already paid on the cancelled amount will be stored separately for further adjustment. 21

Instantaneous Bill: (Normal and PTs): Separate modules exist for issue of Instantaneous Bills for Normal connections and PTs. However, the procedure is almost similar in both the cases. This bill is prepared for permanently closed /All India Shifts cases. Once an instantaneous bill is created its billed status will be shown as ( I ) in closed working lines. If the instantaneous bill is not created the billed status will be (N). This can be verified from the inquiry module closed working lines. (Inquiry closed working lines). Final bill can be created only if the bill status is (I). Final Bill This module is operated only after issue of Instantaneous bill for final settlement. Total voluntary deposit if any, OYT balance in case of OYT connection (Unadjusted) & Net outstanding are displayed. The final bill will be created after adjusting all the deposits available against the subscriber if the balance deposit is more than the outstanding amount it will create a refund order. Otherwise, if the outstanding are more than final bill amount then a bill will be created by the system. The Refund order will be available to AO (Cash) for payment through system and it can also be printed. Final bill can be printed and handed over/sent to the subscriber. The following details are printed on the final bill. 1. All the out standings 2.All the deposits put together at the credit of the subscriber and shown as adjustments. Supplementary Bill Supplementary bill is prepared to cover short billing of items like LCC or Rent in the main bill. The supplementary bill number gets displayed against the Bill No field with the letter 'S' suffixed. The LCC and Rent amount together with the Service Tax and Surcharge are calculated and the same get displayed against the respective fields. The following activities are required to be completed before generation of the telephone bills.


Phonograms As regards entry of phonograms booked by CTO/DTOs in an SSA, DOTSOFT provides for Entry of Forwarding Memos on a daily basis, Batch details entry, First Entry of phonogram tickets batch-wise, Second entry of phonogram tickets and Supervisory correction of those phonogram tickets which encountered a mismatch during first entry and second entry in respect of some essential fields which have a direct bearing on the bill amount. Trunk calls and overseas calls Forwarding Memo Entry: Batch Details Entry: (Trunks and Overseas Calls) (Trunks and Overseas Calls)

First Entry Module (Trunk/ OCS): After completion of Batch wise entry, the tickets pertaining to that batch can be entered by the First entry operator through the Trunk Call or Overseas call First Entry Module as the case may be. Second Entry: (Trunk/Overseas Calls) After completion of first entry of a batch, the second entry operator can input those tickets through the Second Entry module. Second entry is similar to First Entry except for a few differences. In the first entry, the contents of the tickets entered are saved in Trunk Master table. Whereas during second entry, tickets are not saved except for recording of the fact of completion of second entry in the Trunk Master. Click on TRATrunksSecond EntryOverseas to invoke Overseas call tickets second entry module.


Bill Processing Normal Bill Processing Prerequisites: Bill process should be started after feeding the offline advice notes, offline credits/debits, meter readings (manually or through tape) through the respective offline entry modules and SQL Loader. Meter change details, if any, have also to be fed. Also ensure entry of trunk calls, phonogram and overseas call tickets through trunks/ phonograms module. After inputting the LCC related data, supervisory or OMR corrections have to be carried out where necessary. LCC processing should have been completed and errors ('X' and 'Y') should be cleared before commencing of operation of this module. Input Bill schedule No [say E1, E2, E3 (Even months) and O1, O2, O3(odd months)], Bill date, Due date and Pay by date. The system displays Unique ID No, phone no and exchange code from LCC master. By clicking on L.C.C PROCESSING, It will capture OMR, CMR, Free calls, LCC amount which is already calculated in the LCC master (already calculated). By clicking on RENT PROCESSING, it will process advance BI- monthly rental for working lines and in the cases NPCs from the date of installation and in other cases the rentals will be calculated as per activity codes. By clicking on TRUNKS PROCESSING, before running this process, it may be born in mind that there might be some masterless records in the Trunk master. To search for availability of masters after entry of trunk/overseas/phonogram tickets, it is imperative to run clear no- masters process in the Trunk Supervisory menu. To invoke this module, click on TRATrunksSupervisoryClear No masters. During Trunk processing, the trunk charges are summed up unique ID wise from the trunk master and posted in the bill master proc. By clicking on DEBITS PROCESSING, Whatever debits available against each unique ID entered through offline and debits created by the system (online) will be taken and posted unique ID wise. By clicking on ADJUSTMENTS, All credits available in the system i.e., excess payments, double payments, interest, balance of deposits, voluntary deposits available unique ID wise (entered through offline or online) will be taken into account by the system. After completion of the above processes, the pre-bill for normal connections will be ready. Pre-bill inquiries can be made to find out the correctness of the bill before it is actually generated. Corrections are possible only at the Pre-bill stage. Bill once generated is not open for any type of corrections.


Pre-bill checks: Pre bill checks are carried over through this module in DOTSOFT Pre-bill Inquiry: Through this option pre-bill enquiry can be seen Besides there is a report called Pre-bill K-sheet under the Printing Submenu. Reprocessing In the above processing, if any data goes wrong that sub module can be reprocessed by selecting the radio button and then clicking on the [REPROCESSING] button. Reprocessing can be made any no. of times before generation of bills. Before bill generation, if any reprocessing is to be done for any component, then the reprocessing for that component may be done, necessarily followed by reprocessing of [ADJUSTMENTS]. This is important. Generation Here all the above process is brought together to a Main table. generation of the bills no reprocessing is allowed by the system. After

If after generation, any bill is found incorrect, the bill can be cancelled to the extent of excess billed through separate module (TRA Misc Bills Cancel Bill) explained separately under the heading 'Miscellaneous Bills'. A revised bill can be printed in the module TRA Miscellaneous Bills Cancellation of unpaid bills explained there. Under no circumstances, supplementary bill should be issued in place of regular bills. If any bill is not created due to some reasons though the required information is available, in such cases supplementary bill can be created through supplementary bill module and issued to the subscriber. Note: The AO(TR) concerned shall ensure that all the telephones/PTs available in the Working lines master are invariably covered in one of the Bill schedules in the Bill Schedule master. LCC processing (Normal Bill) This module is useful for the local call charges (LCC) processing in case of the normal billing Process can be done, for all the exchanges or some of the exchanges or except some of the exchanges in the bill schedule as per the availability of the data at a particular time to avoid delay in the process. Pre-requisites : Bill schedule and corresponding dates like bill date, OMR date and CMR date should be checked. The bill schedule stations/ exchanges and their phone number series should be checked. If a new exchange is installed or a new series is added into an existing exchange, it should be entered in the corresponding bill schedule. The stations/exchanges meter readings (CMR) data on the CMR date should be fed into the system. If


any meter changes are found during bill schedule period, they have to be fed. All advice notes (offline) up to the CMR date should be fed LCC Process Normal module appears The module has two blocks First block This block is meant for the selection of exchanges with the options all, only or except Exchange Code, Exchange Name and station code are displayed as per the selection. Second block Input the bill schedule under which the current bill has to be processed. This bill schedule should be odd type (O1, O2, and O3) or even type (E1, E2, and E3) and should be available in the bill schedule dates master where distinct bill schedules and their corresponding dates are maintained. PT (Public Telephones) Schedules like F1 or F2 or L can not be entered here. System will display corresponding bill date, OMR date & CMR date The LCC process is divided into four (4) stages namely, Stage A, Stage B, Stage C and Stage D. Stage A: Click on Stage A Creation of LCC master is done in this stage, comparing the working lines data and the bill schedule. The billing cut-off date is the CMR date. All the working lines whose inst. Date is up to the CMR date will be billed. Stage B: Click on stage B The following are done in this stage. OMR Processing from previous bill CMR Processing from manual entries CMR Processing from tape /floppy entries Advice note Old Phones process Advice note New Phones process Meter Changes process Schedule change process


Stage C: Click Stage C This is the data errors process. The following things are done in this stage. Error Processing of LCC master data Error Processing of Indicator Changes data Error Processing of Meter Changes data Stage D: Click Stage D All the no-data-error cases will be processed for the following. Gross Calls Process Free Calls Process Net Calls Process Calculation of Slab-wise calls, Slab amount & total LCC amount. Click on Schedule Details will display the current schedule exchanges. After completion of each stage of process, click on Current button to know the status prevailing at that stage. The figures indicate the passage of number of records in the LCC master at different stages of processing of LCC Data. To start afresh processing of LCC data, click on the 'Initialize Reprocess' button to begin processing from Stage-B at any stage but before completion of Stage D, Before clicking on this button, it is better to find out the Current status of the processing Dos and donts in dotsoft billing and accounting In case of any new Exchange being opened or a tariff change or a rental_change or a schedule change or a pt commission change or a guarantee change etc. during the billing period: Then DO

Please checkup whether exchange code with capacity, station code, billing schedule, rural/urban and related tariff has been entered in the system.

Related masters to be updated: 27

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Exchange_code master Billing_schedule master Tariff master Rental master Pt commission master, Category master Guarantee master Deposit master. Trunk_dest_codes master.

DONT: Without updating the above information there may be possibility of wrong billing Local call charges DO Please checkup whether all exchanges meter readings have been received for the particular billing period and all the transactions such as meter changes, area changes, completion of all offline advice notes/on lines advice notes for the works completed before CMR date are completed before entering the meter readings of the particular billing period. DONT: do not process billing without completing the LCC process and checkup all the above transactions. Please clear off all LCC errors before processing further.


Class code DO Billing is dependent on class code especially in public telephones/service/nonservice. Please checkup all such cases before processing the billing. If class codes are not correct, the bills will go wrong and possibility of missing of PTs for PT billing. DONT: Dont enter non-related class codes.

Concession groups DO Please checkup all completed advice notes in respect of offline before entering the same. The correct concession group must be entered or other wise it will bill with full rentals. DONT: Dont enter non-related concession group codes.

5. Offline debits/credits Even though DOTSOFT does posting of debits/credits automatically but whenever, offline debits/credits are to be entered, they should be completed before billing process so that the complaints can be avoided from subscribers. If offline credits/debits are input after one round of pre bill processing, then reprocessing is must before generation of final bill. Pre bill processing DO Sample check may be carried out on pre bill Ksheet report for rentals of different categories and different exchanges especially for the exchanges newly opened during billing period. Total LCC amount shown in the LCC statement should be tallied with LCC amount in pre bill Ksheet. Sample check may be done in respect of debits/adjustments billed. Please Total ABF with the components of rent+lcc+debit+trunk+pgs+os call+adbla rent+accessory rent+facility rent and total amount with total abf+service tax adjusted amount. If grand total is not tallied, identify the exchanges where the mistake lies and those may be analysed and rectified and reprocess the bill.


Please operate TRA LCCQURRIES from DOTSOFT Menu for further analysis. DONT Do not generate the bill unless all above DOs are satisfied. Once the bill is generated the transactions can not be rolled back. Printing of bills 1. Please check sample bills printed whether all particulars are properly printed with required particulars. A checked copy of bill may kept on record. Accounting & sub ledger 1. Online payments DO Partial payments can not be accepted. All cancellations if any against bills are to be processed through cancel bills module before accepting the payments and avoid issuing the manual receipts for proper accounting. Any surcharge waiver/carry forward should be completed first before accepting the payments on line. DONT Do not issue manual receipts for payments which are not equal to bill amounts. In that cases please utilize DOTSOFT modules for cancellation/adjustments etc and then accept the payment to avoid errors. 2. Offline payments 1. There will be daily receipts of daily lists along with vouchers being received in PO section of TRA Branch. The daily vouchers may be bundled conveniently subject to a maximum of 50 in each batch under each Post office wise and day wise. Enter total amount of daily list in the PO control register and batch totals may be entered in batch control register so that all batch total should be agreed with totals of PO control register on daily basis. Note: Please ensure a certain block numbers for batch numbers to be allotted so that there will not be any duplicate batch number in any month. 1. During the process please ensure the month and the batch numbers are given correctly so that the amounts are posted for correct month, other wise the total receipts of a month will


give wrong amounts and as well as receipt classification and ledger amounts will also give wrong amounts. 2. To minimise the errors, a print out of the offline_payments with error status may be taken and verified. If the error is due to mismatch of payment with bill_amount, then whatever cancellations and adjustments, may be completed by using respective modules. The errors may also be corrected by using supervisory module. 3. While entering individual receipts of offline payments, please ensure proper bill_no, exchange_code, bill_date, demand note number, receipt_type or other wise the payment will be show as master less receipt with receipt_status Z. This type of errors may be rectified immediately through supervisory module/creating working line master/closed working master accordingly. DONT Dont accept partial payments through offline payment module, which may cause error status E and Out-standings may be raised. Where ever partial payments to be accepted such as state govt. dept. etc use installment bill details. 3. Cancellations of bills Ensure all the full/partial cancellations against bills are properly entered in the computer before accepting payments to minimise the errors. DONT Mere entering the cancellations entries in the register will not be sufficient, those should be entered Into the computer before accepting the payments. 4. Dishonoured cheques Soon after receipt of the information from the Bank regarding the dishonour of cheques, the information should be entered immediately in the system before accepting the second payment. If any dishonored information is not entered in the system before second payment, the second payment will be showing as double payment. In such cases the double payment has to be doubly checked and deleted if necessary. The second payment input should always follow dishonoured cheque information. DONT If cheque dishonoured entries are not entered in the system or delayed input, there is possibility of taking the second payment as double payments and adjusting same in future bills.


5. Disconnection list DO Please ensure all the offline payments are processed upto date for the date for which disconnection list is processed or other wise this may cause wrong disconnections. Before process for the disconnection list, please press DELETE button to ensure upto date fresh disconnection list. DONT Without updating the offline payments, do not process for disconnections. By continuing to refer the user manual and following the above instructions properly it is possible to give good billing and accounting from DOTSOFT. STATUS FLAGS Sl. Table No Column Status NOTE I P X A 2. ADVICE NOTE ADVICE STATUS NOTE G O M I T X D 3. OFFLINE PAYMENTS RECEIPT STATUS V E Z P D RECEIPT TYPE T P Description Demand Note is Issued by CO/AO Demand Note is Paid Demand Note is Cancelled Activity for which Demand note is raised is Completed A/Note is Generated and not released A/Note is released and pending at Outdoor A/Note is pending at MDF A/Note is pending at Indoor A/Note is pending at Test Desk A/Note is cancelled A/Note is referred for cancellation and blocked Valid Receipt and can be processed Amount mismatch Receipts Masterless Receipts Processed Receipts Double Payments Telephone Bills PT Bills




New Lines Demand Notes Working Lines Demand Notes Telex Bills PCO Credits Other Division Receipts Internet/I-Net Circuits License Fee Application is registered but payment is not received Paid and A/Note can be released A/Note is released Request is referred for refund and is under deletion Request is referred for refund and is A/Note is to be cancelled Working Online Bill Payments Offline Bill Payments Online D/Note Payments Offline D/Note Payments Cancellation (CBR) Final Bill Adjustments Refunds of Other Deposits (Final bill cases) Unadjusted Credits Write Off



Pay-by-date Extension (All Bills) Pay-by-date Extension (Individual Bills) Surcharge Carry Forward Surcharge Waival Bill Initialization is Complete LCC Processing is Complete Rent Processing is Complete Trunks Processing is Complete Debit Processing is Complete Adjustments Processing is Complete Bill Generation is Complete 33



9. LEDGER (Applicable to PROCESS STAGE Normal & PT Ledgers)


Ledger Initialization is Complete ABF Processing is Complete Online Payments Processing is Complete Offline Payments Processing is Complete Adjustments Processing is Complete CBR Processing is Complete UAC Processing is Complete RROD Processing is Complete Write-off Processing is Complete CBD Processing is Complete Ledger Closing is Complete Batch can be processed Batch cannot be processed Query by Customer name Query by Phone No. Query by Organization Code Query by Class Code Query by ISD Code Query by STD Code Under Wait-List , Advice note is not released Advice note is released Wait list under modification Wait list under deletion Skipped case in Wait list










Web Based Commercial / FRS / Directory Enquiry System SSANeT

What is SSANeT? SSANeT is a Web-based commercial, FRS, and directory enquiry system SSANeT is a software package incorporating Administrative, Commercial, and FRS modules SSANeT integrates the commercial activities with Trichur billing package (TRA) side SSANeT Design Philosophy Server Database - Oracle 9i Server Operating System - Linux Web Server - IIS Client OS - Windows Client Browser - Internet Explorer Uses ASP Technology and Java Applets for front end

Advantages of SSANeT Web-based, hence fast No code need be installed on the client PC, hence rapid deployment Only requirement for client is a PC running Internet Explorer Can be accessed through dial up or LAN Only one server required per SSA Client-side validation avoids wastage of server time Integration with other IT Cell packages; a part of the total solution. Significance of SSANeT

Makes all transactions online All BSNL operations can be made online The customer database is always up-to-date Latest reports may be obtained Integrates fault booking Helps paperless functioning of BSNL offices



Implementation Approach SSA Level centralised database Web Based Integrated with Trichur Package and IVRS
Staff training was simple Version control by software releases Modification requests are registered and numbered


SSANeT Network

SSAN Ver eT sion 3. 0

SSAN T New e t ork

Router LAN SW RAS Exchange


SSANeT DB Server

SSANeT Web Server



SSAN Ver eT sion 3. 0

Soft areRe w quire e ts mn

R Lin xEnep is H u tr r e Ed n itio W d w 20 Sr e in o s 0 3 ev r Enep is Ed n t r r e itio Or cle9 a i 2No


4p o s o Lice s r ce s r ne (S a S A 2 m ll S s A Pr c s o Lic n e e P o e s rLice s ) r

SSANeT Modules



FRS ENQUIRY SSANeT User Interface User-friendly GUI Menu bar options follow standard departmental practice, hence intuitive Quick Menu on left side facilitates quick browsing Clean, clutter-free interface Login Page ADMINISTRATIVE MODULE This Module is meant primarily for SSANeT Administrators. Roles are assigned to users by the Administrator in each SSA. The Administrator will also be responsible for maintaining the database The main role of the Administrator is giving privileges to the users Administrative Module Options Master Codes User Management Commercial Fault Management Directory Enquiry Internet Help Administrative Module - Master Codes Circle/LDCC/SDCC * Profession, Category etc Master View Here the Administrator can enter the exchange codes in the SSA. When new exchanges come up, the Administrator has to enter the three-letter exchange code, the numbering scheme, and related data LDCC/SDCC Codes Administrative Module - User Management Staff-Add/Edit/Delete Role Management

* *

This is the most significant facility of the Administrative Module. Any privilege can be given to a particular role from this Web Form.


Staff Add/Edit/Delete Role Management Administrative Module Commercial

Exchange Codes Locality Exchange Type

Add / Edit

Some details of importance to the commercial office are entered through these Web Forms Administrative Module Directory Enquiry STD Codes Add/Edit/Delete *

The Administrator can make the recent changes pertaining to STD codes to the master data here STD Codes Add/Edit/Delete Administrative Module Internet Account Creation New Sancharnet accounts are created by the Administrator using this Web Form Help Help Help Desk Telephone Deletion

These help pages have been designed to help those people new to the SSANeT package Simple set up procedures (such as that of IIS and Windows NT) are given for a quick reference Administrative Module Salient Features Role Management Every user, say SDE Commercial, is given a specific role The Officer is given Privileges (such as the option to submit advice notes) Only those officers with SDE Commercials privileges, or higher, holding the same stations, can have the same privileges A specific user can be given a specific privilege COMMERCIAL MODULE Forms the core of the SSANeT Package 39

Extensively tested and debugged Directly linked with exchange- and commercial operations One operation may involve more than one activity; hence relatively complicated Sequence of operations follow company practice, so the flow is intuitive Implements standard departmental procedure COMMERCIAL MODULE Features

Smooth Flow of Advice Notes Commercial Officer Release Feasibility Report Commercial Officer Issue of AN Out Door MDF Number Allotment Switch Room Creation MDF Jumpering TRA Integration COMMERCIAL MODULE Features Automatic Number Allotment Spare Number List Shift of Telephone Local Intra SSA All India Immediate / Delayed Closure Tariff Plan Changes Facility Change COMMERCIAL MODULE Features BPhone, Tarang, Centrex, WLL(F), Internet BPhone Schemes Sulabh, BPhone 2, DIAS-1,2,3 Category Change / Scheme Change Safe custody, Extension, Telephone/WL Closure Telephone / WL Transfer Conversion Temporary to Normal Waiting List / Area Transfer WLL to Land Line conversion COMMERCIAL MODULE Features

Signature Public Telephones Disconnection / Reconnection Integrated with TRA 40

Disconnection List for Exchanges Advice Note for 3 month old Disconnections Notional NPC Commercial Module Sections Operations Commercial Outdoor Indoor MDF Indoor Switch Room Reports Reports Enquiry Commercial Module Operations Section of Commercial Module This Section provides the basic data entry forms that collect information from the customer. All new commercial operations are started from this section Registration of PT is done here Demand Notes are issued Commercial Module Commercial Module Operations * Data Entry forms NPC * Transfer/Shift Facility Change Data Entry forms for Public Telephones Registration Demand Note Surrender Certificate Tarang


Commercial Module Main Data Entry Form Main Data Entry Form Data Entry Form for WL Shift Data Entry for Category/Scheme Conversion Data Entry for AIBS Facility Edit Screen Telephone Shift Closure of WL Closure of Working Telephone Safe Custody Reconnection STD / ISD / 95 Level Management Internet Indicator Change & WLL - LL Conversion WLL Mobile (Tarang) Centrex Management Application Form for P T Commercial Module All commercial operations are done through this Section All new connections have to be verified and approved through this section. Only after passing this section (Commercial Officer) can commercial operations, such as NPC, may be proceeded with The Commercial Officer maintains his master record with the aid of this Web Form PT approval is done here. PT approval may be centralized if so decided by Circle Commercial Module

Advice Notes: View Pending Advice Notes Issue of Advice Notes Set/view release date Temporary Connection Extension Conversion to Normal Connection Public Telephone Approval of Application Agreement Commercial Module WLL Connection Approval Issue Advice Note Internet Intimation


Revenue/Provision Report Maintenance of Master Record Bulk Transfer of Waiting List Commercial Module - Reports All the transactions done through SSANeT update master tables, which hold a wealth of information pertaining to subscriber, geographic details, etc Those data which may be of use to Corporate Office, Circle Office, SSA Heads, and other higher officers, may be prepared as reports from the database The Reports section has provision to prepare a lot of useful reports, which may be used to monitor the working of the field units, or review the progress of the whole SSA/Circle in general The details represent the most current data in the master database Commercial Module Reports

Daily Reports Money Collection Report (Operator) Money Collection Report (Commercial Officer) Registration NPC Reports NPC Provided Report NPC Report to TRA Skipped Cases NPC and Non-NPC Cases can be viewed Commercial Module Reports Pending Advice Notes Reports Pending NPC and Non-NPC Cases Status of Advice Notes Advice Note Enquiry Summary of Advice Notes Issued Out of Turn Pending and Completed Cases Shift/Transfer Shift Cases Area Transfer Details Number Details Commercial Module Reports Waiting List Details Monthly Reports Enquiry Category-wise/Period-wise Pending Cases Summary * Temporary/Casual Connection


Summary of Advice Note Issued Pending Advice Notes Skipped Cases Status of Advice Note Advice Note Enquiry Pending Cases Summary Completed NPC Advice Notes Commercial Module Enquiry

SSANeT database contains up-to-date customer details SSANeT working in different SSAs is linked together by fast links Enquiry options leveraging SSANeTs advantages are, therefore, fast and accurate Also provides a way to quickly make changes to data Commercial Module Enquiry Unique ID Assigned when a customer makes a payment, the unique ID helps to identify even those customers who have not got their first bill Eg:KERTVM200612XXXXX(Circle code-3 letters, SSA code-3letters,Year -4 nos, monthof registration-2 nos, XXXXX-5 digit code to identify customer) Master View Address details, connection details, activity details, and essential TRA information DP/MDF List DP and MDF termination details are essential exchange statistics that are always kept current by SSANeT Telephone Numbers in Alphabetical Order of Customers This facilitates quick and effective enquiry Status Reports Current status, station of activity, of a particular advice note Unique ID Search Unique ID History Master View Commercial Module Outdoor Meant for outdoor SDE/JTO, this Module offers the limited functions appropriate for field officers Feasibility and genuineness details are furnished here Completion of work details are given here Date of installation of land line as well as WLL (fixed) are provided Case of NPC not put through after number creation can be viewed Feasibility status can be changed later for non-feasible cases Commercial Module Outdoor Feasibility


List Cases Pending Feasibility * Change Feasibility Status * Advice Note Management View Pending Submission of Advice Notes Corrections Skipped Cases * Area Transfer WLL Connections Date of Installation of WLL Fixed NPCs not put through after number creation

List Cases Pending Feasibility Submission of Feasibility Change Feasibility Status Skipped Cases
Commercial Module - MDF

In accordance with the flow of processes, the advice notes processed at the outdoor section are now active at the MDF for further work. The SSANeT Package offers some options specific to Officers in the MDF Commercial Module - MDF Advice Note Management View Pending Advice Notes Submit Completed Advice Notes Master Data Delete Request Corrections List of Telephone Numbers * Customer Name-wise Telephone No-wise Spare Numbers-No wise Equipment No wise, etc Commercial Module - MDF Report of NPCs Provided Intimation Issue Area Transfer Number Allotment Jumpering DP-Wise Termination Details


List of Telephone Numbers Commercial Module - Switch Room

Since the Switch Room is concerned with overall management of the switch, facilities are provided for NPD work, WLL BSC Management, AMS Management, and WLL Management (both Mobile and Fixed) Since a few facilities are given from the Switch Room, details regarding the date of provision/withdrawal of such facilities are furnished from the Switch Room

Commercial Module Switch Room

Advice Note Management Area Transfer NPD Cases * NPD Number List Disconnection List Making Corrections WLL BSC Management AMS Management Mobile WLL (Tarang) Pending Cases Fixed WLL Pending Cases The Switch Room is connected to the TRA through SSANeT.

NPD Cases Options F R S MODULE

The Fault Reporting Service may be linked to IVRS at such places where IVRS System is in place This provides for prompt reporting of faults and docket generation Accurate reports regarding duration of faults, fault rate, etc can be obtained at the central office Effective monitoring of faults leads to greater efficiency

FRS Module - Overview

Fault Reporting Master Data Daily Reports Monthly Reports Fault Reports Status Reports


The FRS Module has provisions to generate a large number of very useful reports from the fault reporting data entered in the Fault reporting data form

Fault Reporting Service

Fault Reporting Service * Fault Booking Initial testing Suspended Complaints Fault Ordering Final testing & Closing Batch mode posting * Enables operators to serially post faults without having to log in every time DP Updation *

Fault Reporting Services Batch Mode Posting DP Updation Form Master Data

Subscriber Master * STD Codes Report Preparation In this Option, the daily reports are accumulated and used to update a separate monthly details table Clear Dockets Some dockets may get locked. This Option may then be exercised to release such cases Re-order Dockets If for some reason the assigned LM cannot clear the docket, the dockets can be re-ordered using this Option

Subscriber Master Daily Reports

Daily Reports has a lot of fault-listing options like Fault Card Daily Fault Report Duration List of Cleared Faults Repeat Fault Report Lineman Report, and DP-Wise Fault Cleared

Daily Reports Form Monthly Reports

Fault Analysis 47

Detailed Analysis of Complaints Detailed Fault Analysis Fault Duration Analysis, etc Lineman Report

Monthly Fault Report Form Fault Reports

Fault Reports Module has options for listing Pending/Suspended Complaints Pending Line/Cable/Equipment Faults Faults exceeding one week/one month Pending faults Section/Date/Phone No - wise Fault analysis - Section Wise Daily Report to GM Dis/Test OK cases

Fault Reports Options Form Status Reports

The different options available include STD PCO Report NPD Report Closure Report Service STD Barred Report Telephone Numbers of Selected DP/Pillar, etc

Status Reports Option Form Directory Enquiry

Directory Enquiry ADDRESS SEARCH PHONE NUMBER SEARCH with NAME ( Starting with, Ending, Containing ) EXCHANGE (Optional) PROFESSION (Optional) HOUSE NAME (Optional) LOCALITY (Optional) STD CODE SEARCH


Phone Search
Phone Number Enquiry

Address Search
Address Enquiry

STD Code Search Changed Number Search Waiting List Search Unique ID Search Status of Wait List Service Entry Edit
Service Entry Edit

Integration with TRA

Demand Note Payment Demand Note Payment by TR Counter SSANeT details are collected by TR System online Online transfer of Payment particulars of Commercial counters DR No Transfer by TRA to SSANeT Consumer Number SSANeT takes TRA consumer number before AN generation Completed AN will have Consumer Number Other AN also will go with Consumer Number

Integration with TRA

Disconnection / Reconnection TRA transfers data to SSANeT List is made available in Text format at the main exchanges 3 months old disconnection AN generated by system automatically

TRA facilities Offered

Duplicate Telephone Bills Telephone Bill Payments

Commercial Activity: NPC Example

Receiving Application, Data Entry DN Issue Registration Intimation Slip Issue Feasibility Submission Outdoor AN Issue Cml Officer Work Completion Outdoor 49

Number Allotment Number Creation Jumpering

MDF Switch Room MDF

Trichur Package

The Software is developed under SCO UNIX as the Operating System and Oracle 7 RDBMS. It is assumed that the user has got the basic knowledge in UNIX and Oracle.. The Trichur Package handles the following functions of TRA. Billing for all telephone connections except casual connections. Billing of Telex connections. Recording all payments and reconciliation thereof. Accounting up to preparation of monthly sub-ledger Preparation of periodical standard Reports.

The Software is capable of charging the subscribers for the facilities extended to them without advising specifically the amount to be collected for each case. The billing for the facilities is decided as per the parameters fixed which are flexible with reference to the present billing philosophy. The charging pattern is controlled by the following tables. 1.Tariff 2.Rent_table 3.Slab_rent 4.Access_rent 5.Stat_chg_chrg

The Tariff, Rent_table , Slab_rent and Access_rent controls normal billing for recurring charges and Stat_chg_chrg maintains the one time charges to be collected as per the AN received. The collection of one time charges are made on certain assumptions.


The charges for temporary connections and casual connections are collected in advance including the rental charges. The transfer fees are collected in advance. The reconnection fee is collected in advance. The rental for safe custody long duration is collected in advance. The system will not bill for rental in the bimonthly bills, if the phone is under safe custody for long duration. The installation charges etc. for new connections provided other than temporary and casual connections are not collected in advance. The system will collect the rental from the date of installation. Similarly it is assumed that no charges will be collected in advance for shifting of DEL or Shifting of Accessories or Provision of accessories etc. The entire operation is menu driven for normal work.

Update Table Control through SQL Schedule parameters for CTRA 4.0


MENU--CTRAMaintenanceFlexible BillingSchedule parameters The function of this Table is to generate and regulate the Billing schedules as per the data created. Bill dates, Scheme codes and Group codes can be fed by the user according to his requirement based on the examples furnished below. Creation of Local stations: The records should be created for each telephone exchange falling under the billing jurisdiction of the SSA. MENU CTRA--MAINTENANCE----LOCAL STATION---RANGE ALONE Creation of Group codes: Assuming bills are issued on all the six normal billing schedule dates, the group codes has to be assigned for each number as follows:11th of odd month 18th of odd month 25th of odd month A B C 11th of even month 18th of even month 25th of even month D E F

CTRA---MAINTENANCE----GROUP_CODES Create Master data: The date may be prepared in the form prescribed for each directory Number (telephone) using the codes for the respective column. The date so prepared in the form is to be got checked in order to avoid any error before creating the record in the system. It is also desirable to obtain a print out of the master records from the system after the input is completed and check the print out with the original records so as to ensure that no errors have been committed at the stage of data input. This procedure is proposed for those who switch over from manual set up to computerized one.

Application--MD Entry Those who are already having data in computer and to be switched over to the Trichur package, a separate software will have to be made to migrate the data from an existing system to this package. Create data for the following (Trunk related)

CTRA---MAINTENANCE---TRUNKS--REVERSE_CHARNOS LDPT The data has to be collected and the above data tables have to be created using the forms (menu) provided for each of the above tables. The valuation of trunk tickets is done with reference to the data available in these tables.. The data regarding PRESS NUMBERS also


will have to be updated as and when the information regarding fresh registration of Numbers under PRESS category is received or when the registration of an existing number is renewed Similarly, the table for DESTINATION CODES will have to be updated as and when the information regarding commissioning of new exchanges or when a trunk ticket is received but the called station is not in the Destination codes, the table will have to be updated using the form(menu) provided herein.

Create data for the following (Payment related)

The list of payment centers should be collected and codified. The last collection date also should be confirmed in respect of each centre. The data so collected may be entered to the system using the form (menu) provided for creation of pay place.

MAINTENANCE---PAYMENT----PAY PLACE Act_head For Post offices For CTOs/DTOs/Telecom Centres For GMTD cash counters For TRA( Missing daily list entry) RMPO RMCTO RMCC UAC

Creation of Application deposit registers Menu


Creation of Outstanding bills Menu



Master Related
All reference tables used for master data maintenance are accessible through this sub module. From Maintenance of Main Menu, select Master related. The following menu will be displayed.

Usage code
This coding is used to identify for what purpose the telephone is being used like office, residence, etc. we can add new usage codes or modify existing one using this form.

Class code
All subscribers are grouped under various classes and identified by a class code. The class code has two parts (1) the group code, represented by the first two letters of the code and (2) the user code represented from the 3rd character position of the code. The major use of this code that, the tariff applicable to a subscriber can be defined based on this code. This makes it possible to have customized billing process. We can add new class code or can modify the existing one.

Connection Types
This code represents whether the connection is permanent, temporary, casual etc. this form can be used for modification of an existing CONNECTION TYPE or addition of new one.

Category code
Apart from the class codes category is also used to identify the nature of subscriber, in terms of the scheme under which the connection have been provided. The code will describes whether the connection is general, OYT etc. Both modification and Addition can be done through this form.

Accessory codes
Additional equipment that is connected to a telephone line, apart from the main equipment is referred as accessory. Accessory codes are the codes given for each of these accessories. For example EE is External Extension; PS2 is Plug and Socket, etc. Only the codes defined in this table is allowed to be accepted at the advice note entry and master updating.

Deposit codes
Deposit codes are given for different types of deposits that are collected from subscribers.

VIP codes
Very important subscribers are given a VIP code. Based on that they have assigned some privileges in bill payments and disconnection. Here a numeric code is used to identify the VIP.


Status code
A telephone connection can be at different status from the billing view point, like it is a new phone connection, it is under disconnection etc. All status possible for telephone are codified and maintained in a status code table.

Creation of Local station with Master Records

The initial data creation is done for the exchanges and subscribers as described above. The billing schedule is also decided by updating the GROUP Codes. Subsequently, whenever a new exchange is commissioned or an existing exchange is expanded, the local station has to be created or updated, spare master records will have to be created for the newly added numbers and the billing group will have to be decided. This function is done through the form provided in the MENU under MAINTENANCE module with the option as MASTER CREATION.

Advice notes
Introduction The advice note entry sub-module will facilitate entry of advice notes and related maintenance functions. The system has facility for charging all type of activities and is flexible enough to accommodate various charging schemes. Al most all the existing parameters required for charging are available for system administrator for defining the charges. A single form has been designed for feeding the Advice Note. Depending upon the activity specified, the form will accept the relevant data avoiding data fields which are not relevant for the activity. All activities affecting a telecom equipment are codified. An activity is fully defined using three more parameters apart from the activity code, namely: Whether the activity is on account of Department or subscriber Whether it results in Opening, Closing or remains in the previous status What is the equipment involved in the activity

The last parameter helps in creating various charges when the same activity results in different charges depending upon the equipment involved. System maintains a charge table based on the above parameters and any new charging requirement in the above framework can be incorporated in the system. 1. Manual procedure for the preparation of Advice Note for entry

Advice notes received in TRA are grouped exchange wise and phone number wise and are forwarded to the computer centre. Batches of advice notes involving change of telephone number has to be separately. However it may be noted that no such segregation is actually required for entry of data into the computer. The intention of the segregation is only for easy reference. When the advice not bundle is received in computer centre, each bundle is given a unique bundle number. This is used for locating the advice notes later for reference. Advice notes are


fed in bundles and are returned to TRA on completion of entry. A control register is maintained for the purpose of allocating bundle number and to record the receipt and disposal of advice note bundles.

How to get into this sub-module

From the main menu option for Inputs, then choose the Advice Note option.

Link to Commercial Services Management system

Once the customer services management system becomes available all advice note details will be down loaded from the customer services system and there is no need to enter the advice note details. The advice note issued by computer will be accessible by the TRA Billing Computer. When the work is completed and the details are fed into the computer by the exchange/field units the advice note will automatically become available to the TR Billing system for process.
Any time Process of Advice Notes

Advice Notes can be processed immediately after feeding but before opening of schedule. Those advice notes fed after schedule opening will be billed only in the next schedule. The Advice Notes entered into the system through the advice note module is processed by this process. Advice notes are accepted by the system on a daily basis. The module is primarily responsible for the master data updating and creation of the additional charges to be collected from the subscribers based on the activity reported. System will go through a series of checking to ensure that the status changes reported are logically consistent with the previous status. Advice notes with valid stages only will be accepted by the computer. Certain status changes become valid only if the previous status change reported is processed and updated. If they are processed simultaneously it may not go through. So it is recommended that it may be processed in phases. The advice note processing can be done in any number of times. The advice note processing has a facility to execute provisionally, so that the validity of the transactions can be ascertained before finally updating the master. This is equivalent to the conventional edit running of a process. The provisional run will mimic all the process except for the final updating. During processing system will also cross checks the status changes reported through the Meter reading, if the activity date or meter reading reported through the two transactions do not match, the system will abort the process. This will ensure that there is manual date feeding mistakes. Various errors that are reported during the processing are discussed below:

Metered Calls
The metered calls are manually recorded at the exchange from the meters provided for each direct exchange Line(DEL) periodically in respect of electro mechanical exchanges and magnetically in case of electronic exchanges.


The sub-module records metered calls and prepares the data for billing purposes. It has the following facilities: Meter reading entry Status change entry Credit debit calls entry Exceptional calls editing facility Manual updating

Trunk calls
This sub-module takes care of entry, validation and valuation of the trunk Call Tickets in batch mode. After the validation is over, system will transfer the tickets for billing by the billing module. Following are facilities available with this sub-module: Forwarding memo entry Missing ticket checking (Validating Forwarding Memo) Trunk call ticket first entry Trunk call ticket second entry Validation of batches Auto updating of errors Manual up dating of batches

This sub-module takes care of entry, validation and valuation of the Phonograms Tickets in batch mode. After the validation is over, system will prepare the tickets for billing by the billing module. Following are facilities available with this sub-module: Phonograms ticket first entry Phonograms ticket second entry Validation Auto Updating Manual Updating

Overseas calls
This sub-module takes care of entry, validation and valuation of the Overseas Call Tickets in batch mode. After the validation is over, system will prepare the tickets for billing by the billing module. Following are facilities available with this sub-module:


ITX tickets first entry ITX tickets second entry Validation of ITX Tickets Updating of tickets after Validation Manual updation of ITX

Credit Debit Management

This Sub-module takes charge of the additional task charging additional amounts ( mostly one time) through debit-voucher advice. This Sub-module allows collection of these extra charges fully in one bill or several installments.

Credit Vouchers
It is required sometimes to give credits to a subscriber on account of excess payments or by way of refund of deposits available with the Department of Telephones. These details are advised to the system using the credit vouchers. When a credit voucher is advised, the system will take care of adjusting the amount in the next bill. If the amount in the bill is not sufficient, then the balance will be carried forward for adjusting in the subsequent bills. Various processes, which require credits to be given to an account, can also make use of this facility and will only generate the credit vouchers during the processes. This credit management facility takes care of administering it to the subscriber. For example, while processing for NPC, application deposit will be shown as credit to the party by making out a credit voucher. Similarly, when excess payment recorded are confirmed, necessary credit vouchers will automatically be generated for adjustment in the subsequent bills to be issued to the subscriber.

Debit Vouchers.
Apart from the normal charges billed to a subscriber, at times it is required to collect certain one time charges. The debit vouchers are used for this purpose. It can also be used to collect deposits like security deposit, trunk call deposit, etc. The amount of the debit voucher can also be collected in installments.

Manual Procedure for Preparation of Debit and Credit Vouchers

Separate registers are maintained to record the details of credit and debit vouchers. These registers are kept at the AO(TR) office. If there are more than one AO(TR) office, then separate registers are maintained at each office. Following are the details to be maintained in the register. Credit Voucher Register. Serial Number Consumer Number Partys Name Exchange code Phone Number Reason for giving the Credit ( this description will be printed in the bill. Two lines of description, each having a length of 25 characters are allowed) Amount to be credited.


Date from which the entry should be considered for adjusting in the bill( this facility helps in entering a voucher in the system well in advance where its adjustment is to be commenced only from a future date) Account head wise break up of the amount credited. ( these heads will be debited when the amount is credited to the party. Up to five heads can be mentioned in an entry. If it is more than that, create another entry.) Name and signature of the authority approving the credit.

Debit Voucher Register

Serial Number Consumer Number Partys Name Exchange code Phone Number Reason for the Dedit ( this description will be printed in the bill. Two lines of description, each having a length of 25 characters are allowed) Amount to be debited. Number of installments in which the amount is to be recovered. Date from which the debit vouchers are to be included in the bill. Account head wise break up of the amount debited. ( these heads will be credited when the amount is debited to the party. Up to five heads can be mentioned in an entry. If it is more than that, create another entry.)

Each page of the register should be given a number which will be used as the batch number during the entry of data at the computer centre. The total of the number of entries and the amount in a page should be worked out and noted at the bottom of each page.

How to get into this sub-module

From main menu opt for Input. Then choose the Credit /Debit Entry option and you will get the menu.


Bill Processing
The Telephone Billing Module is the final processing module which takes care of finally performing all the billing related processes and produce of the bill in the pre- printed format. It serves to perform the billing of the following charges Rent billing of main equipment and accessory Metered call billing Operator assisted calls billing o Inland trunk call billing o o o Overseas trunk call billing Reverse charged trunk call billing Phonogram billing

Miscellaneous charge billing( e.g shifting and installation charges) Additional credit and debit billing PCO billing and Telex Billing (explained separately)

The basic nature of the billing process, currently followed by Department is of batch nature and billing period is bi-monthly. Since periods are liable to be changed, a high level of flexibility has been incorporated in this module. C-TRA offers flexibility in the following parameters: The period of billing Number of billing dates ( multiple billing dates) Telephone numbers to be billed in each billing dates, whether billing is to be done in arrears or in advance.

These parameters are user-definable. Once these parameters are changed, C-TRA will adjust itself for such changes and billing will get synchronised within the next two billing cycles. When the billing process is activated, C-TRA will decide by itself what is the next billing date due and the numbers for billing. The entire billing process is divided into various modules for ease of operation and it is ensured that no step is missed before the subsequent process is activated. There are reprocessing facilities for metered calls and for rent processing.

The system has customized billing capability. That means, it is possible to have divergent type of billing for different type of subscribers. Tariff is maintained Customer class wise, hence, if a set of subscribers requires a different type of billing from the normal billing, just create a new class code and assign that code to those customers. Then define the tariff for that class code. E.g The user can have separate billing tariffs for, say business people or heavy callers. All that the user has to do when customized billing is: Create a new class code(if not already existing) Define the tariff structure for that class Update the subscriber account master with the new class code.


The date from which this tariff should come into effect can also be defined. This makes it possible to define the tariff well in advance and keep it updated in the system. It will get activated from the specified date.

Bill Number
Every bill generated by C-TRA will carry a unique number, identifying the bill. This will be used for referring to the bill. This number is check digited and can be easily validated during data input.

Each and every telephone number in an exchange is billed irrespective of whether it is a number allotted to a subscriber or not. If there are no calls registered in a number, which is spare, the bill will be removed when the schedule is closed. However, if calls are registered in a spare number that will be printed as an unaddressed bill. This will help in billing telephones which are given to subscriber where the information of the provision has not reached the AOTR and the billing centre.

Billing group
C-TRA supports staggered billing dates. This requires that the customers be grouped into various groups and only one group is billed on a day and the next group in the next billing date, so that all the parties are billed within one billing period. This will help in distributing the work load over the entire billing period. In order to do this, a group code is attached to all numbers getting billed in a day. At present there are six billing groups in many of the SSAs and they are given alphabetical code from A to F. Grouping is normally done exchange wise telephone number range wise. Refer Local Station under Maintenance for details on how to define group code in master.

Internal to the system, it maintains a schedule table containing details of the next years billing dates, the groups to be billed, the period to be considered for billing rent and call data. This schedule will be automatically generated by computer based on the billing scheme details defined in schedule parameters. The variables that can be defined are: Number of month in billing period Number of Months of calls billed in arrears. Number of months in advance rent is billed. Number of billing schedules.

Any time if these parameters are changed, it is possible to regenerate the schedule based on the new scheme.


Billing procedures
The telephone billing process module consists of the following sub-modules: Open Schedule. Local Calls Rent Trunk Calls Debit/Credit Pay By date. Group Bill consolidation Preparation Pincode wise Group Bill preparation Bill printing Close schedule Credit reprocess Process list Message Entry Group consolidation list Group print list

Schedule Opening
This process is responsible for defining the scope of processing to be carried out. It will identify the next billing date and the group to be billed from the schedule table. If all the schedule details in the schedule table are exhausted, the system will automatically generate the schedule for another one year. The following preparations shall be done before the schedule is opened. Make sure that all Number changes due to renumbering of telephone numbers are updated using Renumbering Option. Ensure that all the numbers to be Billed are included in the Group Codes. Check whether the previous Billing Schedule is closed, if not system will report error if the schedule opening is tries out and the process will be aborted.

Now execute the Schedule Opening Process. Choose the Process option from the main menu and within that choose the first option titled Open Schedule to start the schedule opening process. System will carry out various checks during this process. The errors that can be reported and the reasons for that are discussed in the section. Errors reported Finally when the process is completed, all the bills for the numbers to be billed will be created with the processing period to be considered and with the opening meter reading. Apart from this depending upon the class of subscribers the bills would have been classified and created


in their respective bill registers. The bills generated will be in any of the following bill registers: Outstanding Bill Register. Departmental Bill Register.

Local calls Processing

This is one of the major processing as far as the telephone billing is concerned and constitutes the major component of the telephone bill. Before starting the process, ensure that for all numbers including the spare numbers, closing meter readings for local call period ending date is entered. Status Changes details must be entered before entering Closing meter readings. Apart from this ensure that the credit calls for numbers differing from Default Credit calls are entered along with the debit calls. Default Credit calls should be entered in the local station table for the range mentioned. After ensuring the above aspects the metered calls processing can be activated. Once Processing is over we can view the numbers having exceptionally high metered calls value using LC Exception Enquiry of Local Call Entry of Inputs & other activities.

Rent Processing
This process takes care of billing of rent of the main equipment or for the accessories. It should be processed only after the advice note processing is carried out and no advice note are pending for process. The rent billing will take care of rent rebates, in case of OYT connections or safe custody cases. It is also possible to have rent rebate based on the class codes etc. For Rural subscribers, rent will be calculated based on the capacity of Main Exg and for Urban subscribers, based on the capacity of the SDCC code noted in the Local station table. The reprocessing of rent can be done at any number of times from the process menu.

Trunk Processing
All the Tickets for the Billing Period must have completed First and Second entry and validated. If any of the tickets having first entry but no second entry or not validated will be reported by the computer during processing. System will proceed for the actual process only if all records are found to be error free.

Credit / Debit Processing

This the final process to be executed before BILL preparation can be done. Make sure that all other processes are completed and there is no pending re-processing. Complete all other processes like reprocessing before Starting this process. After completing this, we can not do reprocessing of LCC or Rent. Normally no errors will occur during this process since all the errors would have been filtered, by the time processing reached this phase.


Bill Preparation
After Credit / Debit processing we can go for Bill Preparation. We can prepare bill; exchange wise and in one exchange range of numbers to be prepared can also be specified. There is Opting to prepare Bill for all exchanges. Do not miss any exchange when we prepare Exchange wise bill.

Bill Printing
The bill printing offers facility to print any one of the bills attached to the system. Finally during bill printing if any Bill(s) get damaged, the bill numbers of those bills alone should be entered in a printing list using entry of numbers option available in the processing menu. System can print out bills of these numbers alone if you choose the Print from list option available in the bill preparation process. Use Current Bills Option of Bills option in Inputs

Schedule Closing
This is the last step in the billing procedure. Schedule closing will remove all billed second entry tickets of trunk, phonogram and overseas calls. In the case of first entries of trunk phonogram and ITX tickets, this process will remove two months old billed tickets. Also one year old meter readings and local call status changes, two year old advice notes. (periodicity can be decided by us) bill details of paid bills, closed accessories, etc., are also deleted in this process. The period for which the transactions are to be retained can be user defined.


Telephone Bills Management

This Sub Module helps in the maintenance of the bills in the system. It helps in the creation of new manual bills, printing of duplicate bills, cancellation of bills, Disputed bills, management and enquiry on bills. After issue of bills or after preparation of bills it may be necessary to make certain corrections due to incorrect feeding of data or wrong information of date from the exchange authorities. This module facilitates such corrections. The corrections can be done before issue of bills and fresh one of such corrected bills can be issued without any further processing.

How to get into this sub-module

From Main Menu option select Input and Other activities, then choose the Bills option you will get the menu showing following options described below.

Current Bill editing

Current bills are the bills that are being processed or the bills processed in the last billing schedule. This form helps in editing certain fields of the current bill, before it is processed. Naturally these editable fields are those which defines the processing scope. The need for editing these fields is normally not there. However the facility is provide to take care of unforeseen situations where a subscriber need to be billed for a different period than the normal schedule period. The facility is available only for supervisor. The current bill editing screen will show all the details of a bill. The details are displayed in three blocks as described below:

Cancellation of Bills (bill adjustment)

Sometimes the bills issued will have to be modified due to wrong feeding of data from exchanges and field authorities. In order to correct the bill based on an authority bills are modified by using cancellation form as described below.

Split Bill Issue

Subscribers sometimes disputes about the amount raised in the bill against them. The subscribers may also desire to keep the amount pending a portion of the amount till investigation is competed. In such cases a split bill may have to be issued keeping some amount under dispute. There are five options in split bill issue process.

Manual Bill issue

In addition to regular bills issued through computer by way of process, it may be required to issue bills manually on certain occasions such as reconnection fee. This entry form facilitates to issue bills manually in such cases. This consists of five options.

Bill enquiry
This option will display the details of one bill or all bills of one number. If you know the bill number enter it otherwise enter exchange code, phone number and bill date. If you are not entering bill date the computer will show all bills of that number. Press <Down Arrow> or <Up Arrow> to see details of different bills. We cant do any corrections here.


Accounts receivable and collection management

Payment noting
Preparation to be done before start of payment noting Payments of Telephone bills are made in post offices, telecom centres as well as in cash counters of district offices. Daily lists from these centres are received on day to day basis to TRA Unit. The following procedure has to be followed before starting computerised payment noting. Collect a list of all payment places in the SSA (including post office, cash counters, banks etc.). In case of post offices, the head post office of each post office should also be identified. (The accounting post office of Head Post office will be the same.) A unique code (Pay Place code- PPC) has to be allotted for each payment place. It is recommended that the pin code itself can be used as PPC for post offices whereas for others like Cash counters, Telecom Centres and banks etc. allocate a unique PPC. The code is an alphanumeric field. Hence convenient code can be selected. ( Ex. The Pin Code of Trichur Post office is 680001. The same can be used as PPC for entry in computer.) In order to get the PPC for delivery post offices having the same pin code, as that of the main post office, an alphabet is suffixed to the pin code of the main post office. For example Trichur High Road delivery PO is identified by 680001H where 680001 is the pin code of the main post office. Arrange for printing of computer daily list batch control slip (DL-BCS) form. Refer Fig. 6-0 for layout of the slip. This is required for writing the control figure for feeding the payment vouchers. The requirement of this form depends on the number of pay places in the SSA. One form is required per day per collection centre. Switching over to the computer payment noting should be from the beginning of an accounting month. From that date onwards prepare DL-BCS as detailed in section Prepare a list of all collection centres with the following details Payment Place Code. Payment Place Head Office Previous month Account closing Date. As described above give a unique code for each payment Collection Centre. Give the full name of the collection centre. The code of the main collection centre which will report the monthly collection summary of the collection centre. Normally each post office will have a different account closing dates in relation to their head post office. Find out the account closing date of the previous manually completed sub-ledger month for the payment place. All vouchers coming after this closing date in respect of payment places should be forwarded to the computer centre for the payment recording. The account head to which the collections made by the centre to be accounted is entered here. Following are the codes for

Account Head


various agencies. RMPO For Post Offices. RMCC For Departmental Cash Counters. RMCTO For Telegraph Cash Collection Centres. (CTOs/DTOs/Telecom centres) Prepare a list of all bills outstanding, including disputed bills, as on the previous closing date of the sub ledger month. ( The disputed bills should be grouped separately). This list may contain two types of bills (1) Issued by computer and (2) Issued manually before the commencement of the computerised billing or during computerisation. For the purpose of better control of outstanding, it is recommended that all the manual bills outstanding on the cut over date ( manual sub-ledger closing date) may be fed into the computer using manual bill preparation facility. For the bills issued by computer, a list of outstanding as on the cut over date is prepared for the billing dates prior to the last one or two billing. For the bills issued in the last one or two billing schedule, prepare only the paid list, since it will be less than the outstanding list. Based on these outstanding and paid list all the remaining computer bills will be updated as paid and outstanding respectively. Paid bills will be noted as paid at a payment place called TRA with payment date as the last day of manually completed sub-ledger month. This will help to identify the bills noted as paid like this on later date. Now identify all disputed bills and transfer all the disputed bills to the disputed bills register. As a result the outstanding bills as on the previous manual sub ledger closing date will be reconciled with the computer out standing list. Note: This method is adopted to reduce the data entry work. Subsequently when reference is made to the computer for payment particulars, if pay place is indicated as TRA and payment date is last sub Ledger closing date, then manual K Sheet may be referred for actual details of payment.

Payment noting procedure

Following steps are involves for payment noting in computer. Computer daily list preparation and tallying with post office daily list at TRA and transfer of the same to computer centre. Entry of daily list. Entry of Vouchers: o o o Computer bills payments. Application Demand Note Payments. Other payments.

Computer daily list preparation

The payment vouchers are received from the collection centres along with the daily list at TRA. Following are the preparations to be done before forwarding the same to the computer centre for payment recording.:


Vouchers are first grouped into three categories Computer Bills Application deposits payments ( including third party transfer deposits.) Other miscellaneous payments including OTD, PCO Chellans etc.

The number of vouchers and the total amount collected in each category is worked out from the individual vouchers and a computer Daily list control slip is prepared. The details that are to be entered in the DL-CS(Daily List Control Slip) are discussed below. The total amount in each of the three categories should tally with the amount given in the daily list by the payment collection centre. If there is any difference , the excess or short credit should be entered in the column provided in the DL-CS. This excess or short credit if any should be taken up with payment collection centre authorities as already being done. Each daily list control slip is allotted as serial for a day for identifying the daily list. THRISSUR TELEPHONES Daily List Control Slip Date Payment Date Payment Place Place Name Number of: Apln. Demand Notes. Other Bills Computer Vouchers Total Amount of: Apln. Demand Notes Other Bills Computer Vouchers Excess/ Short Credit Total Vouchers Prepared By Checked By Total Amount ENTRY DETAILS AT COMPUTER CENTRE Daily List Application Other Computer DNO Payments Payments Batch No. PO Sl.No.

The following information may be filled up in the DL-BCS Payment Place Details Payment date Pay Place Code Pay Place Name Date of payment collection as given in Daily list. Enter the payment place code. ( See discussion above regarding pay place code allotment.) Enter name of the place of payment in addition to the code. This for cross checking of code entered.


Batch Number

For each daily list, a date wise unique batch number is to be given for identification in the computer. One daily list batch can have maximum of 300 vouchers in each group. If a group has got more than 300 vouchers, then separate batches has to be prepared for the same pay place for the same date with different batch numbers. It is desirable to have a specific batch number for a particular pay place for easy identification. If an additional batch has to be prepared allot from the unused numbers. Each daily list from the post office will have a post office serial number which may be entered in this column. It may be useful for identifying missing daily list for any date during that accounting month later on. As applicable for each voucher should be entered in the case of vouchers belonging to category (2) and (3) above. In other words account code need not be given for computer bill vouchers. The list of account code may be referred for this purpose.

PO Serial Number

The Account Code

Data entry at computer centre

The first phase of the payment noting is to feed daily list into the computer as per the details given in the DL-BCS. This has to be done by a responsible person (probably supervisor) since DL-BCS is the control data for the individual voucher entry by the operators.

Daily List Entry Form

The daily list control slip has to be fed first before any vouchers can be entered. The computer daily list form is exactly similar to the format already discussed in section . The error messages that may come up during entry are self explanatory. Some of the validation that will be carried out are: Duplicate Daily List: Once the payment date and batch number is entered system will check whether any such daily list already exists. If so, proper error message will be displayed. Tallying of number of vouchers and the total amount: During the daily list entry, system will ensure that the total number of vouchers and the total amount collected is the sum of the totals for each category of vouchers. After completion of the daily list entry, the bundle is transferred to other operators for the entry of individual vouchers of different category.

Computer Bills entry

The computer bills payments can be entered only after the entry of the daily list of the collection centre.

Batch details entry

Before the entry of the individual vouchers, enter the following daily list details first. This is to ensure that the control information of the vouchers you are going to enter is available with the system.


As soon as the payment date and batch number are entered, the system will ensure whether such a daily list is available or vouchers have already been entered for that particular daily list. As such, payment noting of vouchers cannot be done where daily list does not exist. Similarly it will also prevent duplicate entry of vouchers. Then enter the PPC of the Pay place, where upon the computer will check whether the PPC is same as that of DL-BCS. Once the above three fields are validated, system will display total amount and number of computer bills in the daily list. The system is now ready to accept the individual vouchers. So start feeding bill number and mode of payment ( cash=CS, cheque=CH) from each voucher. During the entry, system will check up the validity of the bill numbers and whether the bill is outstanding. If the bill is not outstanding computer will give error message. This can happen if the bill already paid one or the bill number itself is wrongly fed. If the bill number is found to be correct, but the system still give error message, then it could be due to any one of the following reasons mentioned below: The bill is already paid. It is from disputed bill register.

In all the above cases, the operator may approach the supervisor who in turn can taken necessary actions as detailed below so as to enable the operator to continue with the payment noting. Already paid bills Disputed bills Authorize the excess payment for the bill concerned as per the current paid voucher Transfer the bill concerned from disputed register to Outstanding register.

Once all vouchers are entered and the <COMMIT> key is pressed system will total the amount of individual vouchers and will compute it with the daily list amount. If there is any difference the batch will not be saved. Now the operator has to identify the bill payment which has resulted in the excess or short amount. This can be done by comparing the bill amount displayed by the computer on the screen against the amount given the daily list of the post office/ cash counter. If the bill amount and daily list amount differ in any voucher it has to be reported to the supervisor who in turn can authorize the excess or short credit against that particular bill. Another instance which can lead to this mistake is on account of error in feeding DL-BCS. In that case the supervisor can utilize the On-line Daily List correction facility to correct the DLBCS. Once the number of vouchers and the total amount as per the DL-BCS and the vouchers fed are tallied taking into account of excess or short payment authorized, system will accept the vouchers and will update the payment particulars in bills. Application demand note entry First enter the daily list details like payment date batch number and pay place. All validations as described in computer bill payment entry will take place in this case also. The payment noting form designed for this is self explanatory from column titles.


Hence proceeded with feeding of the data in the order of the columns. Care should be taken to give the correct account code with reference to the nature of the application deposit. The deposit account head to which the deposit is to be accounted would have already been marked in the voucher. If not, find out the deposit account code applicable, which can be any one of the following. After completing one voucher press <NXT-REC> key to proceed with the next and subsequent vouchers. Once all the vouchers are entered the total amount will be tallied as explained in computer bill payments entry. If a demand note comes with payment for multiple telephones then it should be entered as separate entries so that one telephone application will have at least one deposit entry.

Other vouchers Payment Notings

Any payment collected for bills or Demand Notes which are not issued through computer is accounted through this payment vouchers. The voucher entry is similar to that already discussed in connection with computer bills and application deposits vouchers. Once the exchange and phone number in the voucher is entered system will display name and the consumer number of the existing master. Make sure it is pertaining to the party mentioned in the voucher, otherwise the consumer number should be removed from the entry form. This can happen because the payment is pertaining to an old period or the telephone number of the subscriber has been changed since the demand note was issued. In certain cases depending on the type of voucher computer will automatically post the account head. This should not be changed. However if the account head appears to be wrong it may be due to the misclassification of voucher type. In such cases find out the correct voucher type and proceed. For example: for Vr.type 2 ( PCO Chellans)- account code= PCO. The bill description column is meant for furnishing the information like the name, address and purpose of payment where ever such payments has been made by a non- existing subscribers which should be classified under voucher type 7. Apart from this for other types of vouchers also this column can be utilized for giving any additional information deemed fit or necessary. Initial deposit for temporary/casual connections (voucher type-7) reconnection fee collected by demand note issued by exchange authorities (Vr.Type-4)

Preservation of Payment vouchers

After payment noting the daily list along with the vouchers should be sorted out date wise and preserved. This can be transferred to TRA section after reconciling the daily lists for an accounting month with the PO schedule for that month. Application Demand Note enquiry and updating This form is used to enquire or update any application demand note details. It can be accessed only supervisor. The query can be executed based any values like issuing office, demand note number, D/D date, exchange code or parties name etc. Partial search conditions can be given in name ( In any address fields) etc.


This form is usually used to locate the deposit register number, assigned by computer to an application deposit payment. This number is required for feeding the NPC Advice note.

Excess/short authorization
the detection of excess/short collection of computer bill is automatic at the time of payment recording. This is done by tallying the total outstanding amounts of each bill against the daily list total amount. It will be reported by computer at the time of saving of vouchers. Operator is allowed to proceed only if the amounts are tallied. The following steps are to be carried out to account the excess or short payment. Identify the bill having the excess short credit and the amount of excess or short. Authorize the excess payment to the that extent against the bill, batch number and payment date. Note: this can be done only by the supervisor

Once the authorization is done, re-enter the bill number having the difference and save the batch. System will now take into consideration the excess or short authorization for tallying the amount and the difference will be booked against the bill mentioned.
Note: It shall be noted that just by authorizing the excess payment the customer will not get the credit for excess payment. Customer account is credited only when this excess authorization is confirmed again.

This two step approach is taken to reduce the chances of EPR crediting by way of cash payment after cheque dishonor intimation is given to the party but not the TRA computer cell.

Excess/short Confirmation
Excess Payment detected during payment noting process are not passed on to the parties credit immediately. All the excess payments authorized will be logged in a excess payment confirmation register. Only after confirmation it is transferred to the parties credit. There are two blocks in the form. The upper block contains data elements which can be used to select the payments to be confirmed and the lower block, in browsing mode contains details of each payment. The cursor will remain in the last field namely confirm Y/N. If the payment is to be confirmed, enter Y otherwise enter N. The credit voucher will be generated only for confirmed payments and the others will be disabled from the confirmation list. After entering the confirmation option (Y/N), when the authorization list is saved system will generate a credit voucher for each of the payments debiting the excess payment register. This voucher can be then viewed using the Credit voucher enquiry form.

Bill Transfers
Transfer of disputed /Departmental to Outstanding Bill register The bill processing module classified the bills after the process and posts it in various registers like: Department Bills Register Outstanding Bills register


After this a portion of the outstanding bills can be transferred to disputed bills register based on the customer complaints. Out of these the bills in the outstanding bill register alone can be payment noted. If payment comes for bills in any other bill register, it has to be transferred to the outstanding bill register before the payment can be noted. This can be done using this form. The form consists of three blocks: Part Transfer Departmental Bills to Outstanding bill register At times it is required to transfer a portion of a department bills to outstanding for payment purpose. This is required to take care of part payments coming against departmental bills for personal calls made. The form consists of the following three Blocks: Original Department Bills Details Block Outstanding Bills Details Block Department Bills details Block

Enter the bill number of the department bill to be part transferred to the outstanding in the bill number field of the 1st block. System will display all the relevant particulars about the bill in this block. Same information will be displayed in the Department bills details block at the lower part of the screen. Now the cursor will go to the outstanding bills details block (2 nd block) and you can enter the amount to be transferred to the outstanding bill register in any of the revenue columns mentioned there. When the details are entered, the amount in the department will will be reduced proportionately in the respective column. If the amounts to be transferred are in the facility Miscellaneous charges then the amounts should be entered in the right sub-block giving the account head to be affected, Cr/Db and the amount to be adjusted. Once the transfer details are extracted and saved computer will generate a new bill for the outstanding portion and the old departmental bill amount will be reduced to that extent. Note the new bill number and use that for the payment noting purpose.

Transfer of Outstanding bill to Disputed/Departmental Bills register

As discussed earlier the bills are grouped and posted to various register during the bill process itself. So if by any change of the class or category code of a subscriber got wrongly posted as Non-departmental, the bills would have gone to the outstanding bill register. This facility can be used to transfer such bills to back to the concerned registers. This facility can also be used to transfer any outstanding bill fully to disputed bill register, if such need arises. Apart from these if a bill was wrongly got transferred using Transfer to outstanding bill register facility, this can be used to revoke that transfer. The operation is exactly similar to the Transfer of disputed /departmental Bills to Outstanding bill register process.


Bill adjustments (Cancellation)

Any corrections or cancellation of bills processed by computer is carried out using the form. Once a bill is generated it can not be directly edited or modified instead this form is used for that purpose. All modifications of the bill will be automatically logged by the form in to the bill adjustment register, with details of corrections under each revenue head or account head mentioned in the miscellaneous charges account. This form can be used to cancel a part of the bill or revise the amount upward due to some excess or short billing. System will carry out all posting of accounting adjustments entry based on the cancellation/adjustment details.

The form can be accessed only by the supervisor

PO Summary Entry The monthly TR schedule received from various Head Post Offices, CTOs, DTOs and their collection centers may be entered using the option PO Summary under sub menu payments of input menu.


This module takes care of all the accounting related functions of the TR Billing System. In fact all individual transactions carried out are classified at various stages of TR Billing and accounting. This module does final consolidation of all accounting transactions for sub-ledger processing period. The principle of accounting followed by the computerized system is based on the concept of double entry book keeping.

Journal Voucher Entry

This facilities to rectify any errors in classification of vouchers and also to incorporate any balances to the respective Account Heads. As the sub-ledger accounts are maintained Exchange wise, the journal voucher should bear the name of the exchange also. The entry form has the following fields. The total of the Debits and Credits of a particular JV should be tallied. Write off entry The write off of the bills may be entered through this option. This is similar to the bill cancellation form. Enter the bill number and the system will display the details. In the third block, give the brief reasons for write off in the respective fields. Go to the next block and give the code for cancellation type, account code, credit/debit and amount. The account code wise break up of the amount given in this block should tally with the total amount of write off given in the third block. Cash refunds The cash refund of deposits may be entered using this option. For this purpose, the deposits are grouped into two viz., Application deposits (waiting lists) and Deposits of the existing subscribers. The application Deposits are identified by the code A and deposits of the subscribers are identified by D. In the case of type A, enter the application deposit register number and in the case of type D, enter the consumer number of the subscriber. Then proceed to enter all the remaining data in the other fields. The fields are self explanatory. The refund amount will be noted in the refund register maintained by the system. The concerned application deposit register will simultaneously be flagged in respect of refunds of Application deposits. Adjustment refunds This facility is to adjust the outstanding bills against the deposits available with the defaulted subscriber. The details of the O/S bills of the subscriber concerned and the deposit available may be obtained first. The report Refund Details under Report module will give the details. In case any of the O\S bills are to be cancelled, do it first. Get the above report again to get the final position. Then take this option and enter the consumer number. The system will show the deposit amount available with subscriber. Now advice the amount of deposit to be adjusted against the O\S bill{s}. The system will transfer the required amount as specified from the deposit register to a credit voucher for adjustment of the bills. In order to finalise the O/S bills now enter all those bill numbers to be adjusted in the Process List and Reprocess Cr/Dr under the Process module. The O/S bills will then get adjusted to the extent the deposit available.


Review{SL} This is a process option. The out put is the review of year wise, month wise and exg wise analysis of the outstanding bill as on the sub ledger period by default. The review will separately show the balances of AR,SCR,EDR,TGR, and DAR. SL Process This process is in fact the consolidation of all the activities of the month and preparation of a Trial Balance for the month. Details are explained elsewhere. Manual SL This gives the sub ledger in the DOT format along with the supporting schedules for preparation of the various reports envisaged. This process need not be run separately now, as required report will be generated at the time of SL process referred above. Anyhow, this process can be done only after the SL process is done.

Procedure for Starting Sub-Ledger Process

The Accounting functions are done by the software with reference to the specific inputs like journal vouchers and the processed data of normal inputs. The concept followed is double entry book keeping so as to suit commercial accounting. As a result, TRA is conceived as an independent Accounting Unit. In order to maintain the complete double entry concept, certain suspense heads have been created. They are as follows


- The Post Office collections ( Collection Centre) - The CTO/DTO/Telecom Centre Collections. - Direct Cash Counter Collections. - Total value of Telephones revenue. - Total Value of Telegraph revenue. - Total Value of Surcharge due. - Total Value of Service Tax raised. - Total Value of Deposits raised. - Total Value of excess payments. - Total Value of Unadjusted Credits( Missing Daily List)

The balance shown under these heads of account will be the net amount to be paid/ adjusted at any given point of time. However, the data will be available after the sub ledger is processed for the respective months. In other words, the entire accounting functions are done and completed at the time of sub ledger process. The following activities should be completed before proceeding to process the sub ledger. 1. 2. Payment noting of all the vouchers received from the collection centers up to the last day collection in respect of each collection center. Reconciliation of payments with reference to Daily List and HO summary should be done. The difference, if any, should be noted in a register as Missing Daily List for pursuing. The total payments will be agreed as below. AR+TGR+EDR+DAR+SCR+EPR+UAC = RMPO+RMCTO+RMCC++... ( Total of Receipts Suspense Heads) ( Total of Collection center suspense heads)


The amount due to cheque dishonor will be shown as credit to the collection center and debit to the suspense head applicable. All payments will be initially debited to the Collection Centre and credited to the Receipt Suspense Head. If a second payment received against a fully paid Bill the second payment will be treated as excess and the EPR will get the credit. The cheque dishonor intimation received in the Computer Centre can be either before or after the second payment was recorded. The Debit will go to EPR or to the Other Receipts Suspense Heads depending on the Credits advised. The reconciliation of total payment will have to be done with due care in respect of the amounts on account of cheque dishonor. For instance, the cheque dishonor entry may be effected ins the subsequent months after the sub ledger is closed. Assume that the cash payment could also have been made in lieu of the cheque dishonor in the current month. In this case the transactions will not make any change in the position of the outstanding balance compared to that of previous sub ledger period. As a result the review of monthly analysis of the payment will have to ignore this transaction so as to keep the outstanding amount in tact. Thus the analysis of payment will reconcile with net amount actually received during the month i.e., total collection minus cheque dishonor accounted during the month.

What not to do?

Do not give the Suspense Heads of Accounts as Account Head at the time of data Input except for Journal Vouchers. Do not leave the column ACT_CODE blank in the List of Payment Places against any Collection Centre (Menu option under MAINTENANCE- PAYMENT RELATEDPAY_PLACE)
Reports available for Payment Reconciliation:-

Daily list details

- Details of daily lists received from each collection centre. as accounted by HPO

HPO Summary Details Details of day to day collection at each collection centres HPO check list - Check list between HPO summary and Daily list.

HPO Collection centers- Head of account wise details of collection for each Collection centre.
The collections as per report at (a) above should tally with that as per(b). This will ensure the receipt of all daily list belonging to the sub ledger period. The above reports should be generated after the data entry of Monthly Summary in respect of all the HPOs, CTO/DTO/Telecom Centres, Cash Counters is completed. The system will fix the sub ledger period with reference to the maximum date of collection as reported for each collection centre. The report at (c) above will give difference lists of items in report (a) and (b). The report at (d) above will provide the total value of vouchers fed indicating the Heads of Account for each collection centre. The collection centre total as per this report should agree with the totals as per the reports at (a) and (b). This will help to ensure that the entire vouchers have been fed for the period of sub ledger. In other words the total collection as per 3 different reports should agree. The difference, if any, will have to be suitably explained. The sub ledger can be processed provisionally for perusal. The following reports may be taken after the provisional process of the sub ledger.


SL-RPT- This is a Trial Balance for the Transactions for the period ending showing the Opening Balance, Monthly transactions and the Closing Balance for each head of account for each exchange and for the SSA as a whole. Confirm the total of Credits and Debits are tallied. MSL-RPT- The conventional sub ledger report along with supporting schedules for each exchange and for SSA. Demand Note details- the application deposit registers for the sub ledger period. Other payment details- The details of Miscellaneous Payments for the sub ledger period. Deposit Register for the period. Cancellation details. Details of bill adjustments. Details of cheque dishonor. Sub ledger review this is the review of outstanding register. Outstanding register.
The sub ledger figures may be checked with amounts shown as per the reports and confirm that the amounts agreed. Then proceed for the final process of sub ledger. It should be ensured that cancellations, adjustments or cheque dishonour entries are not further made before the Final process lest the figures may change with reference to the out put of provisional process and Final process. You can have any number of provisional process before going for the final process. The final sub ledger process will update the records. Hence it is mandatory to take all sub ledger related reports before doing the final process except the SL-RPT. It is desirable to process the Sub Ledger along with the reports for Out standing Register and Sub Ledger Review so as to ensure that no data got modified during the interval between the generation of one report and other. The output will invariably depend on the status of data at the time of generation of the output. All account heads used in TR Billing and accounting are already defined in the Account Profile Table. System use this table for reference for any accounting transaction. Sub Ledger Procedure changes made further

1.Cancellation or Write off of partially adjusted or paid bills is to be avoided. Enter credit vouchers and run credit-reprocessing option to make any alterations in the concerned bills. Forms are modified to take care the same. 2.A new report sl_sum is provided for giving the details of opening balance, ABF, CBR, Payments etc. showing separately for Telephones, Telex, Circuits with suspense head wise. 3.A new report rev_sum is provided for giving the details of month wise and year wise summary breakup and its total in the format of SL-REV showing separately Telephones, Telex and circuits with suspense head wise. This report can be printed at any time (Even after the final subledger). 4.Subledger review is modified to include month wise or year wise details of credit adjustments and bill write off. Also law and order (class code-GSLO) outstanding amount is separately shown in the report.


5.Journal entry modified to include one more transaction type, i.e. one suspense head to another suspense head and one account head to another account head in the same suspense head. 6.Msl report is modified to include special credit debit process, refunds and all types of cheque dishonours. 7.Trunk charges & ITX charges suspense head is changed from TGR to AR

Sub Ledger Process

The first step in Sub ledger process is to tally the Head office summary of payment centres with daily list from individual collection centres entered into the computer. Please refer Payment Noting Modules for more details on the Daily list entry and its tallying. The monthly HO summary comparison report is taken and tallied afterwards. Now process the Sub Ledger provisionally and run outstanding bill register and make sure that the individual exchange wise accounts receivable tallies with the bill register. It may be noted that during the process if computer locates any daily list for which no vouchers are entered, the process will be aborted and a list of such items will be produced. System will also check for the voucher wise account tallying and will produced a list of bills / vouchers in which the debits and credits are not tallying. After rectifying all these defects the final sub ledger process can be done. It may be noted that any number of provisional run can be done before the final process so that any corrections can be incorporated. If the sub ledger being processed is for the financial year end month ( Currently March) system will automatically take up the financial year end process and all the registers will be prepared for the next year.


Public call office billing management.

PCO billing.
This module takes care of billing of STD PCOs and Local PCOs. The bills can be issued on weekly basis, fortnightly basis or monthly basis according to the SSA requirements. It can also be grouped into Rural or Urban. Each PCO is identified by giving suitable class code. The PCO charges and the rates of commission for each type of PCO can be defined. The minimum guarantee for each class of PCO can also be fixed so that bills can automatically be issued in the case of PCOs which are not earning minimum revenue.

Prepare the list of PCOs to be billed. Update the master with appropriate class code. For getting valid PCO class codes for STD PTs and LOCAL PTs refer the list of class codes. When the billing of STD PTs and LOCAL PTs is introduced first time, the refreshing process available in the inputs menu has to be run for updating the STD PCOs/ Local PCOs Table. A fresh list containing all the PCO numbers to be billed will be available in the list. A report of this list can be taken and verified. After the preparation of list, the opening meter reading has to be entered through the form settlement date under inputs. Every PCO is given commission on monthly basis. The date up to which the commission given ( last settlement date) and the meter reading up to which the commission is settled has to be entered through the same form referred to above. After completion of the above work, the billing of the PCOs can be started. The following are the options available in the INPUT MENU.

Billing Schedule Entry. Meter Reading Entry. LCC Status Change Entry. Credit/Debit Calls Entry. Meter Reading updating. Refresh Billing list. Editing Billing list. Credit Debit entry. Bill editing. Editing of Settlement date.

The following are the various sub modules under this menu.

Schedule Opening
This process will ask billing group for which the schedule is to be opened. The system will take the appropriate current billing date. Before running this process, ensure that the previous schedule is closed. When the process is completed, all the bills for which the bills are to be issued in the current billing schedule will be created. The following other options under this module are self explanatory and similar to the Main Process module described elsewhere.


LCC Process Cr/Dr Process Pay by date Prepare Bill Bill printing Close schedule Process list Print list
While doing the process, the processes may be done in the above chronological order. The connected reports can be taken from the Reports option.

On line cash counter

Introduction The Software Provides for On Line Payment Noting facility. This is a separate module of the software. The payments received through this module is updated to the MAIN module at the end of the day after the transactions in the counter are tallied. The Menu options are as below 1. Inputs 2. Enquiry 3. Other- Inputs 4. Report 5. Supervisor.

Preparatory Work
The supervisory option provides for initial infrastructure creations as well as for other day to day supervisory works. The following data may be created to start with using respective options under Supervisory Options.

DBA Options

Counter location Counter Map

Now the Cash Counter is operational. Pre-Printed stationery as prescribed may be obtained for issue of receipts. Similarly, the printer proposed for the counter should have the reversed feed back facility. Operative Procedure 1. Schedule Entry : This is under Supervisory option. The supervisor has to create schedule for each counter on every day. The receipts to be used by each counter has also to be authorized at the time of schedule entry. The cashier will have access to the counter only if the schedule is created by the supervisor.

2. The cashiers can access to the module through the menu option Inputs. The followingoptions are available under Inputs.


a. Counter opening

To confirm that the data displayed is correct with reference to receipt number, date and time. The cashier may press commit key to proceed. This option is to take the payments This facility is to issue duplicate receipts when the original receipt did not print or damaged while printing for some reasons. The original receipt number for which duplicate is required has to be entered The counter may be closed after the transactions are tallied for the day.. A receipt will be generated for the total receipts for the day.

b. Receipts c. Duplicate receipt

d. Counter Closing

The following are the supervisory options a) Cancel Payment This is done whenever a payment has to be cancelled. If the supervisor is satisfied that the receipt issued is erroneous and requires cancellation he may do so. The receipt number to be cancelled may be entered and verify the values shown on the screen. The original receipt issued will be treated as cancelled. If fresh receipt is to be issued do it through the options RECEIPTS as in the case of a regular payment. This a process to prepare Daily List, Challan, Cheque Register and to Update the records in the MAIN Module. There is provision to do this process provisional or final. Only if the Option is selected as Final by saying Y the records will get updated. It is desirable to have a provisional run and verify the Daily List before doing the final. This process will delete all two months old transaction records from the system date.

b) Prepare Dly List

c) Deletion of processed Records.

The following reports should be taken on day to day basis

Daily list Cheque Challan Cheque register.( chq. Statement) Payment cancellation. Duplicate receipt. Cash challan.
Reports on cancellation and duplicate receipts are available for a period also. The monthly summary may be obtained for each counter for verifying the collection as per Sub Ledger.

Other Inputs 82

This facility is to incorporate cheques and IPOs other than TR collections for preparation of challans and cheque register. This is optional to AO(Cash) for incorporating such items in the challan and the cheque register. This facility is only to prepare the challan and cheque register. This will not in any way included in the TR collections. If this facility has to be used ( the data should be entered in the form provided under this option) before the daily list preparation is done by the Final Option.

Here is the facility for bill enquiry and Master enquiry in order to help the counter incumbent to obtain any information found necessary. This will be useful for long distance counters to get the information about out standing bills of any subscriber without contacting TRA

The various reports generated by the system in different modules are detailed below. The reports may be generated according to the requirements and time schedule where ever is necessary.

This Module contains various Enquiry facilities which will help to view the data. The various facilities available are listed below.

Group bill
In maintenance the newly added options are

1. 2.

Group Consumer entry:- For identifying the group subscribers and punch in the details Discount slab entry:- If a new tariff for calculating the discount for both group and regular subscribers, can be fed here

In the Supervisor, the new options are Group confirmation: group bill. This is to authorize the excess or short payment, which belongs to a

In the Process module the new options added are -

1. 2.

Group Bill consolidation: Which takes care of creating a consolidation bell taking the information from all the individual bills, which are identified. Group Bill preparation: This prepares a text file as if an individual bill, which has all the individual bills details, and in the regular preparation these individual bills counter foil will be left blank and will be stated as (NOT TO BE PAID). Group consolidate List entry: This is for entering the details of the group accounting number and bill date, which can be later used for running the consolidation separately if required. Group Print List: group Print list. This is used for printing the Group Bill, which is there in the



In Reports option two new options are newly included under Billing and Master


1. 2. 3.

Discount in Bill for single Bill date: given to group/individual subscribers. Group Master:

A report, which gives the details of discount

Gives the report for Existing numbers in-group.

Consolidated bills Discount for a given period: A report, which gives the details of discount given to group/individual subscribers.

In Enquiry option a new enquiry is also provided for Group Bill

Note:As for as payment noting is concerned both regular and group bill nos. the entry form is same, where if it is a group bill the control will go to an additional field, where the counterfoil amount to be fed (the same is for regular Bills which have discount). This is because to keep track of whether the subscriber is really eligible for discount or not, because if he doesnt pay the full amount before the pay by date exclusive of discount, the balance amount bill will be noted as short payment, which is inclusive of the whole discount and the original less amount which he was supposed to pay. So the outstanding amount will be the (total discount + the actual short amount) and if the party pays this short amount before pay by date he will be given a credit for the whole discount for the bill, which the payment was, noted short previously.

Local customization
Identification of the Group subscribers, punch those details through group consumer entry of Maintenance Menu After entering all group subscriber details, in order to create individual letters for corporate subscribers, run group_ins.sql in tra account to log the group consumers into misc_log_table with record type as 4. Then, create a letter format informing about corporate account scheme using letter entry option in report sub option of TRA with record type as 4. Then run letter program, it will create LETTER-4-SYSDATE with all consumers specified in misc_log_table. Change the details of the Discount Slab in Maintenance Discount related. (This is to be done if there is any change in discount Scheme.) If the discount to be calculated according to the Local call basis, Update the control table and set the values of dis_lcc_amt to L. By default the value is A which stands for amt bases. The command to update is (Update control set disc_lcc_amt=L) WLL (Wireless Local Loop) In the maintenance, master related a new option is provided to entering the scheme code for specific class codes and usage codes. Care should be taken while entering in this form as the master data will be updated based on the class code and usage code. While entering further opening advice notes, based on the details existing in this option the Master data will be updated accordingly. In the local call option of inputs module the new option added is: Will Meter Reading Downloadiing and conversion:- Which takes care of downloading and converting of Will Meter reading from the Text format. Detail Bill conversion is taken care of in the normal detail bill module for WLL connections. There are two formats one in TEXT and the other in BINARY.


In the Billing option of Reports Module, the new report option added is: Will Report preparation:- this report prepares the details of revenue collected through various Will accounts Exchange wise, Urban/rural wise, Mobile/fixed wise. Summary/Detail Option is provided. In the Supervisory menu a new option is added for viewing the billing exchange code details for WLL fixed connections. In the Accounting module a new option is added Mobile Instrument Deposit Tfr. For transferring the Mobile Instrument Deposit from Deposit head to revenue. Note:- New class codes provided are WLMID WLFID DTWLM DTWLF WLTID DTWLT Will Mobile individual Will fixed individual Will Mobile departmental Will fixed Departmental Will temporary fixed Individual Will temporary fixed Departmental

Activity code for WLL New phone connection is NWC. This will be on Subscriber/Departmental account. If the subscriber takes the WLL fixed instrument on insurance cover, then the equipment code to be given in DLHI. Insurance charges are treated as on accessory. The equipment code for Fixed connections are as follows. New accessory codes provided are WFINS WMINS DLH DLHI DLS DLSI WLL fixed insurance accessory code


The equipment code for Mobile connections are as follows. LW WLI INST INST.CHARGES>500 LIINES INST.CHRG (INSTRUMENT BY SUBSCRIBER)>500 LINES


New account codes added are WFISD WMISD WSD TAFLR TAMLR MWIC WLL fixed Instrument Security Deposit

WLL Mobile instrument Security Deposit WLL security Deposit fixed WLL application deposit Mobile WLL application deposit Mobile WLL instrument adjustment

The demand note for the WLL connection which consists of the registration charges, cost of the instrument, security deposit for Mobile WLL connections are to be accounted as TAMLR for mobile WLL and TAFLR for fixed WLL and during the Advice Note processing the entire amount will be taken to the credit and corresponding debits will be raised as security Deposit, Instrument Deposit, activation charges (for Mobile WLL)Installation charges (fixed WLL) As the RENT and ARD in respect of FIXED WLL connections are to be billed according to the capacity of the exchange from where WLL connections are provided, a new field Billing exchange (blng_exg) has been added in the advice note entry form. Here the local exchange code should be given as the blng_exg As the deposit for the Mobile WLL instrument is to be refunded, if the same is returned within three months from the date of provision, and if not returned within three months from the date of provision the amount will be transferred from Deposit to revenue, the instrument is treated as an accessory in the masterdata. New activity CWN (Change of WLL to normal) and CNW (change of normal to WILL) is provided in CTN advice Note entry form. This option is to enter change of Will to Normal. Provision is made to accept new class code for this activity. Will numbers are to be billed monthly. Therefore a new table NPC_SCH_CODE is provided to enter class codes with corresponding scheme codes. The master created with these class codes will have the corresponding scheme code present in this table. If no entry is present, null (meaning Bimonthly) will be updated in master. Will local exchanges ranges are to be created with separate exchange codes with loc_stn_type as W in local station table for FIXED WLL and loc_stn_type as M for MOBILE WLL. Separate series of numbers should be provided for fixed WLL connections and MOBILE WLL connections. As the local call charges for WLL mobile connections are to be charges at the rate of Rs.1.20 without free calls, the unaddressed bills pertailning to the Mobile WLL connections are also to be charged @ Rs.1.20 per call. This is taken care of while creating the spare masters through the option Range up dation with master data creation by inserting the class code WLMID. A field has been added to enter the usage_code as applicable for rural exchange, so that the spare masters will be created as rural for completely rural exchanges. Only null and 6 will be accepted here. An additional field to enter the Billing exchange of fixed WLL connections is provided in the Advice Note entry form/CTN form. Conversion of WLL connection to normal or from normal to WLL in respect of Fixed WLL connection is to be entered in this form. If there is any change in the Billing exchange, then provision is made for the input of Address. When a WLL connection is converted to normal with change of exchange then provision is available in the CWN to enter the Billing exchange name so that shifting charges will be collected.


Inputs Trunk

Enquiry Bill enquiry Phonogram Received Master Payments O/S Bill MDL Related Enquiry ITX Tickets Rent Updation of Payment Master Group MDL Related Bill Query Local Calls Trunk Calls Adj. On-Line Local Station Billing Schedule Refunds Editing Query Bills Debit/Credit Apln Excess Flexible Accounting SRC refunds Payment Billing Enquiry Payments Pay By Date WLL Mob Bill transfer Discount Metered calls Master Inst. Dep > Related Data Tfr to OSB TRFR from OSB Part tfr (Dept) Advice Notes Group Bill Review Chq Letters Advice Consol (SL) dishonour Notes Cr/Dr Entry Preparation Review Other Printing Billing (Summary) Payment Groups Pin Code SL Apln DNO Release notes DNOs Wise summary (Apln) Grp Bill SL Confirmation Daily Prepar Processing List query Bill Printing SL Grp confirm Other Summary Payments Close Manual SL Master Manual Schedule updation Bill Credit Printing Unaddr Provision Reprocess Deposits al Bill Process List Refund Disputed (Unaddr) Bill Message Deposit Entry Unbilled Entry Query Group Consol Refund entry VLD List Query Grp Print List Usage Change SD Query Guarantee(Ba nk) View Bill Log WLL Bill Detail

Process Open Schedule Local Calls

Accounting Journal Voucher Bill Write Off Cash Refunds

Supervisor Daily List

Maintenance Reports Trunk Related Trunk Call


Trunks Forwardin g Memo First Entry Second Entry Validation Auto Updation Manl. Updation Phonograms First Entry Second Entry Validation Auto Updation Manl. Updation ITX Tickets First Entry Second Entry Validation Auto Updation Manl. Updation Local Calls Meter reading Status change Cr/Db calls Default Cr call Heavy callers Cmr-update Bills Cmr-update Mst Manual updation E 10b Rdng spool E 10b floppy Cdot Tape Cdot Tape EWsd spool Fetex spool Axe spool Ocb spool Wll Rdng WLL meter Rdng 2.1.1 Rdng rdg Rdng rdng Meter New Payments Daily List Apln Deposits Other Payments Computer Bills PO summary Disconnec tion Reconnect ion Advice Notes Issue register AddR correction Advice Note Any time process Final copy Bulk CTN/TOE Update Adv Note CTN Advice note Delete CTN Second entry Modify second Validation PCO/Telex Nos Telex/PCO CTN NO process Ans Enquiry Cr/Db Entry Credit Debit Bulk Cr/Db Update Credit Update Debit INT calculati on

Bills Bill editing Bill adjustmen t <Spilit Bill Manual Bill >

Calling pattern Spilit Bill Entry of Nos. Prepare Bill Print Bill>

Manual Bill Entry of Nos. Prepare Bill Print Bill >

Duplicate Bill>

Entry of Nos. Prepare Bill Printing > Bill enquiry


Trunk Related Press Nos Reverse Charge LDPT Numbers Cancel codes Group codes LDCC Codes Adj SDCCs Adj EXGs Dest. Codes Dest. Master STD Codes Master Related Usage codes Group cons. Entry Company Subs Connect type Category Accessory Deposit codes VIP codes Cancellation SUN ERRORS Tariff Entry NPC Scheme upd Payment Related Local Station Pay place Account codes Closing date Discount Related Range change Spurt Process Discount Author Master Unaddressed spurt Discount Entry creation Renumbering Scheme code upd Discount slab Group codes Review codes Flexible Billing

Adv consn Schedule parame class Billing Group Schedule entry Month bill code Exg History

Trunk call Rate book Slab wise(TC) ITX forecast PG forecast Dest WS call st. PCO Audit Stat Call statistics Reverse char. Nos. One no details Payments Disconn List Demand note Det Oth. Payment full Oth. Payments (SL) Daily List details Comp Bill payment Cheque dishonour Reminding Nos. Reminding letter Apln Deposits Discon Numbers Recon numbers Paid numbers Disc due Master Entry phone nos. Entry cons. Nos SRC Adv. Note Details Closed masters Refund details Missing Adv Note Advice notes OYT Expired RPT Rc register Rcr OB entry Non OYT Deposit Deposit-OYT OYT rebate Non-OYT Balance Master mismatch Group Masters Billing Call Statistics Amt. Statistics PCOs Bill Reg. Disputed Reg. K Sheet Unaddressed Reg Ageing Disputed Ageing unaddr Accsry Bill Det Period wise O/S O/S Class/Group OMR mismatch Rent mismatch No bills Discount in Bill Disc for a prd Wll report


Accounting Adj in Bill Bill cancel Det Credit/Debit Deposit Register O/S Bill Register Misc Paymts-Dpst Excess Payment HPO summary Det Hpo check Lists Short payment Depst. From Bill TR 30 (HPO) Rebate in OYT Broad sheet Unadjusted Crs. Register UAC OS Metered calls LCMR Spurt analysis Heavy/Low calls LCC Analysis Constant MR Lcc stat change Letters Letter entry Letter prepaid Entry of number Printing View output Serial Printer Parallel Printer Local Printer Compress Local OTC Printer Select File Name Cancel serial Cancel parallel Release notes


Inputs Schedule Edit list Date settlement Meter reading Update reading Cr/Db calls LCC status chg Edit bill Cr/Db vouchers >

Credit Debit Bulk Cr/Db Update Credit Update Debit

Process Open schedule LCC Process Rent process Trunk Process Cr/Db process Pay by date Prepare Bill Bill Printing > Close schedule Process List Print List

Reports Billing List LCMR Report K Sheet O/S Bill Reg. Period wise O/S Printing

Bill enquiry DBILL Inputs/Process Downloading Conversion Bill processing Deletion Backup database Preparation All numbers From the list One number Period (One no) Entry of Nos Reports Details of Nos List of Nos Printing Exit


Inputs Counter Opening Receipts Duplicate Report Counter Closing Enquiry Bill Enquiry Master Enquiry Other Inputs Report Cheques & IPO Daily List Chg. Statement Cheque challan Payment-cancel Dep. Receipt Monthly Summary Transaction Det Session Details Cash Challan Printing > ENQUIRY Enquiry Bill enquiry SRC enquiry Master data Advice note Local call Deposits (Apln) Other payments Manual Bill Provisional Bill Disputed bill Duplicate Entry of Nos Prepare Bill Printing Bill Enquiry Manual bill Manual Bill Entry of Nos Prepare Bill Print Bill > Reminders Reminding Nos Reminding letter Printing Supervisor Schedule Entry Staff details Bank details Cancel payment Prepare dlyList Close session DBA options > Counter Map Counter Location Deletion period

MDENTRY Inputs First Entry Second Entry Update First Update Second Apln Deposits Validation Query Validation Master Query Auto Update Master updation Local station Bills O/S Bills Disputed Bills O/S Bill NO Paid Bill NO Disputed Nos Reports SRC Printing Printing


PCO Inputs Schedule Refreshing list Edit list Advice note CTN Advice note Date settlement Meter reading Update reading Cr/Db calls LCC status chg Edit bill Cr/Db Credit vouchers > Debit Bulk Cr/Db Update Credit Update Debit Bill enquiry TELEX Inputs Schedule Refreshing List Edit list Advice Note CTN Advice Note Date settlement Meter reading Update reading Telexogram Gatex Cr/Db calls LCC status chg Edit bill Cr/Db vouchers > Process Open schedule Rent process LCC Process Cr/Db process Pay by date Prepare Bill Bill Printing > Close schedule Process List Print List Reports Billing List Cr/Db Voucher LCMR Report K Sheet Disconnection Accessory Rent Printing Exit Process Open schedule LCC Process Reports Billing List Commission LCMR Report Exit

Rent process

Trunk Process Cr/Db process Pay by date Prepare Bill Bill Printing > Close schedule Process List Print List

K Sheet Bill summary Disconnection O/S Bill Reg. Period wise O/S Printing >

Credit Debit Bulk Cr/Db Update Credit Update Debit

Bill enquiry



Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) is the major player in the field of Telecommunication services in India and has a huge subscriber base. BSNL sustains on the revenue collected from its customers and is bound to provide good service to the public. Of late the field is openedup for private players as well resulting in cut-throat competition and everything possible is to be done to ward off any subscriber base erosion. Hence the need for keeping its esteemed customers fully satisfied by providing prompt and better services is quite obvious. Early redressal of the grievances/grievances of the subscriber has a key role in providing satisfactory services. With a stress on it, a special cell Public Grievance Cell started functioning at BSNL irectorate/Circle/SSA levels. In order to make the PG cell more efficient, it was decided to computerise its functioning. Accordingly the Public Grievance Management System (PGMS) was developed in-house at the IT Cell of the Kerala Telecom Circle, Trivandrum. The system is a web-based application running on Microsoft Windows Platform with IIS as web server and Oracle as the back-end database. Being web-based, the users need not have any special software/hardware requirements and can access the system using the MS Internet Explorer browser as they normally surf through the internet. Users in Circle Office, Trivandrum can access the system through the office LAN while others are provided dial-up access for the time- being and later through a backbone network to be established shortly. PG Cells are set up at three levels viz. SSA, Circle and BSNL HQ and to cater to these three segments a three-tier application, with docket flow to subordinate levels and back, is planned for implementation at these levels. However, the architecture, data entry forms, reports, mode of working and operational procedure is one and the same in all respects for all three cases. All three level applications reside in the same server located at a convenient place and use the same database with common tables. Salient features: Web enabled multi-user application User-friendly data entry with pop-up menus for codified items A number of queries/reports applicable for any given period Provision to record and view follow-up actions on a grievance User-level based access Provision to attach scanned image//text /word document/PDF file 93

Following queries/reports are included. S.No. 1. Query/Report Summary of all grievances registered during a given period Options Unit-wise Grievance-wise Unit & Grievancewise Mode of Receiptwise Unit-wise Grievance-wise Unit & Grievancewise Unit-wise Grievance-wise Unit & Grievancewise Receipt-mode wise Source-wise Address-wise Unit-wise Grievance-wise Unit & Grievancewise Unit-wise Grievance-wise Unit & Grievancewise Closed by sub-units & pending with PG Cell Unit-wise Grievance-wise Unit & Grievancewise Oldest pending grievance Maximum (Closed 94


Summary of pending grievances registered during a given period


Summary of disposed grievances registered during a given period


Classification of grievances


Details of all grievances registered during a given period


Details of pending grievances registered during a given period


Details of disposed grievances registered during a given period


Duration of grievances registered during a given period (Unit-wise)

cases) Average (Closed cases) 10. 11. Details of repeated grievances registered during a given period Grievance Analysis

Daily report Weekly report Unit-wise analysis Grievance-wise analysis Grievance & Unit-wise analysis Operator-wise summary

In the case of unit-level users, the reports are limited to the users unit. PG Administrator and PG Officer are provided with additional reports such as list of docket-based edit log, database statistics, etc. All queries/reports are designed to cater for a given period and can also be used for daily, weekly, monthly reports as well by providing the dates suitably. The following items are codified and provide pop-up menu to select the right item during data entry. Nature of Grievance Mode of Receipt of grievance Grievance received from Grievance addressed to Unit concerned Grievance priority category

Provision to record actions taken on a grievance at various levels and to view the list of actions along with the grievance details.





It has already been mentioned that the PGMS is a 3-tier system viz. SSA, Circle and BSNL HQ completely integrated into one and is controlled by the PG cell of the SSA/Circle/BSNL as the case may be. In each case the system is to be initially provided the details of the PG Office, the details of the Units coming under it and the users of the PG Cell (and also of units in the case of SSA). The integrated system caters to the needs of BSNL HQ, all the Circles and all the SSAs. Grievances can be registered by BSNL HQ PG Cell, all Circle PG Cells and also by all the SSA PG Cells. Separate docket number is maintained for BSNl, Circle and SSAs unique to each. The dockets registered at BSNL can flow to Circle, SSA and to the Field unit and back. Similarly grievances booked at Circle PG can flow to SSA and to the Field unit and back. Cases booked at SSA PG can flow to field unit and back to SSA HQ. As like any other application, the PGMS has to be set up properly prior to using it. This includes providing the preliminary data for the PGMS. The initial setup for the PGMS is the same for all the three levels. PGMS setup is to be done by the respective PG Administrators. Once setup properly, the system can be used by the intended users. USING PGMS
PGMS is very user-friendly and can be used without any difficulty by simply selecting the appropriate options from the menu presented to the user. The selective menu options will vary from user to user depending upon his privilege. For example, an user not having the privilege for Registration of Grievance will not be able to select that option from the menu. Similarly Administrative Utilities/Queries will be available only to the user having Administrative privilege.

Logging-in : On getting access to the system either through LAN/WAN/Internet or through dial-up and giving the site address in Microsoft Internet Explorer browser address space, a screen as shown below (or different one, if changed subsequently) is available. Click the option PGRMS and provide the given username and password in the box when prompted and click the LOGIN button. The system will authenticate the user and if found not valid will give out a message.


On successful logging, a main menu as shown below will be presented . Depending on the privileges of the user, the options under each men item are enabled/disabled.



This menu is meant for the PG Administrators for doing the initial setup of the system for SSA/Circle/BSNL as the case may be and hence most of the options are disabled for general users. The menu options are detailed in PG Administrators manual. However, the option Change Password is enabled for all users and by selecting this option, a user can change his/her password. 2. GRIEVANCE MENU a) Grievance Registration : The user having the registration right can select Register Grievance from the Grievance menu list. A registration form as given below will be presented. The items are self-explanatory and can be easily filled. Many items can easily be filled by properly selecting from the drop-down list. Booked Date is filled by the system with current date and can not be changed Priority Class is the category of the grievance based on its importance/source. A brief description of different classes are given at the end. Receipt Mode is how the grievance is received in the PG Cell. Grievance Type is the nature of the grievance. Grievance Phone if given should contain only digits. Name & Address fields are to be correctly filled . Name should not contain any digit. Correct Place/ Exchange code must be given so that the grievance can be forwarded to the right unit for redressal. Case Unit is the Unit to which the grievance pertains to. The System forwards the case to the given Unit. Received From indicates the source from which the grievance is received. Addressed to shows to whom the grievance is addressed The items in red are mandatory and should be filled. The date should be given in DD/MM/YYYY format. After filling the relevant items press Save button. The date and mandatory fields will be validated before saving and if anything is found non-conforming, the system will prompt the user accordingly. If the values given are OK, the grievance will be registered


and the Docket No. assigned will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. An acknowledgment slip can be generated if needed by clicking the ACK.SLIP button.

If already a grievance of the same nature and category is pending for the given telephone, a message will be displayed with details of the grievance and the grievance is not registered again. After a grievance is registered, the operator can either go back to the registration form for the next grievance by clicking New button or can close the Registration form and can go to the main menu by clicking the Menu button. The registered Dockets will automatically be marked to the unit specified under Case Unit in the registration form. b) Editing Docket : There are three categories of dockets viz. BSNL, Circle or SSA depending on the point of registration of the grievance. A docket booked at BSNL level will be available for editing at BSNL, at concerned Circle, at concerned SSA and at concerned Field unit in that order only after the higher level office marks the docket to the lower level. ie, on registration at BSNL, the docket is automatically marked to the concerned Circle and is available to the circle. The circle should then access the docket and mark it to the concerned SSA. The docket is then available to the SSA and the SSA should mark it to the concerned Field unit. The docket is 99

now available to the field unit and should take action on it and close the docket at unit level by filling the remarks and closing details. The docket then moves to SSA and on closing by SSA it moves on to Circle. On closing by circle it moves to BSNL. The BSNL can now close the case and till such time the docket is considered as pending. In the case of Circle level booking, the docket moves down to SSA and then to Field unit and back to Circle via SSA HQ. For SSA booking cases, the docket moves down to field unit and goes back to SSA. It is to be noted that a docket will not move up beyond its registration level. ie. a docket booked at SSA will not flow to Circle and similarly a case booked at Circle will not move to BSNL. However Managers/PG Cell at higher levels can have a few reports of cases booked at lower level. For editing a docket the user having Edit permisssion should select Edit Docket option from the Grievance menu available on top. A screen as shown below will be presented.

In order to edit a BSNL HQ registered docket the user has to select BSNL from the drop-down list against Grievance Booked by item. Similarly for Circle booked cases one should select Circle and for SSA booked cases the selection should be SSA. By default the option selected is based on the logged-in user. ie for a SSA user the default selection is SSA, for Circle user the selection is Circle and for BSNL user it is BSNL. 100

Moreover, the available drop-down option also depends on the user. ie for a BSNL user, only BSNL will be available as he is not supposed to edit Circle/SSA booked dockets. For Circle user both Circle and BSNL are available and for SSA user all three options are available. After selecting the Grievance Booked by properly, select either Name or Docket Number or Phone against Search by item by clicking the radio button in front of it and then give the appropriate search value in the Search Key field. Finally click the Submit button to find docket. If more than one docket is found, it will be listed and the user can select the required docket from it. If only one docket is found, it will be displayed for editing. If no docket is found with the given details, then a message is displayed. The edit form as given below shows all details recorded in the registration form and some additional details to be provided by the lower level units and PG Cell. The PG Cell level user can edit most of the items in the edit form for a docket registered by that PG Cell. A unit-level user can access dockets pertaining to his unit only and is permitted to fill only the items concerned to the unit viz. action taken, date of closing, closing remarks, etc. Items which are non-editable are presented in grey colour. On clicking Action Taken button at the bottom of the edit form, the unit or the PG Cell can enter details of actions taken on the grievance. Any number of actions can be entered for each docket. All the actions taken will be listed at the top of the action taken form. Once the grievance is disposed satisfactorily by the unit, it should indicate the closure of the grievance by selecting Yes for Case Closed item and then filling-up the Closing Date and closing Remarks in the place provided for its use. Scanned image of important letter grievance or other text/document/pdf file locally available in the users computer can be attached to the docket and can be stored in the server by clicking the ADD button under IMAGE FILE section and selecting the file to be uploaded. Only one attachment file can be stored per docket. However the image can be changed or deleted subsequently by selecting the appropriate buttons. Addition/Deletion of image/file can be done by the respective PG Cell users having Editing permission. Once an image/file is stored, it can be viewed by all by clicking the VIEW button. The docket should be saved for recording the changes by clicking the Save button. On saving, the date items will be validated. If the case is closed, on saving the docket, it will move up and a message will be displayed to indicate the same in the case of users of levels below the booked level. The system again gives a chance to confirm the corrections by asking Submit data?. If responded with Yes, the docket will be saved else the user is taken back to the editing form. If the docket is tried to save without closing, it is presumed that the docket is to be moved down to the unit sub-ordinate to the editing unit and hence will ask whether the docket is to be sent downwards or is to be saved without altering its status. This sort of confirmation is required as there may be instances when some items of the dockets already moved down may require to be edited at higher level (say PG cell where it was booked) without altering the dockets status. If 101

at any stage the unit to which it was marked is changed, the docket will reset some of the relevant fields and move down to the newly marked unit. The PG Cell, after verification, can then close the case by selecting the Case Closed as Yes and then filling the closing date and remarks in the place provided to its use. The closing date will be validated and should be given in the format DD/MM/YYYY. The dockets get finally closed and counted as disposed only after its closure by the PG Cell. A docket can be closed at any stage and it is not mandatory that it should be passed down to the lower levels up to the field unit. Even a docket marked to the lower level can be closed by the higher level and in such cases it will move further up. Such dockets will not be available to the lower level thereafter.


The form for entering action taken is shown below

Actions taken on the docket will be listed out at the top and this facilitates to monitor the progress of the case. c) Dockets Pending Closure (Inbox) A user with editing right can see a list of dockets currently marked to his unit either by the higher level or by the lower level by selecting Grievances from the main menu and then selecting Dockets Pending Closure. The list provides link to the dockets and clicking the docket Number from the list the docket will be presented for editing as detailed above. Once the docket is sent to lower level or higher level, it will not be listed even though the case may still be pending. So this list is considered as the Inbox of dockets marked to the unit. d) View Docket All categories of users are permitted to just view (no editing) the dockets. However, unit-level users can view dockets pertaining to their respective unit only. A user can view a particular docket by selecting View Docket


from the Grievance menu. A screen as shown below will be available for providing further details.

The information to be provided and the procedures are similar to Editing a docket explained earlier. The docket can be viewed by giving Name (in full or part), Docket No. or Phone Number. Additionally Source of Grievance(Received from) and/or Unit can also be selected from the drop-down lists to narrow down the search. If more than one docket is found, a list of matching dockets will be provided from which the desired one can be selected. The docket will be presented as shown for Editing but no editing is permitted. By selecting the option View Docket from the Grievance menu or can list out all the dockets booked during a given period by selecting the option List Dockets from the Grievance menu. It is shown in a form similar to the edit form listing out all actions taken at the bottom. The view option does not permit any editing. e) List Dockets List of Dockets with important particulars, booked during a given period, can be viewed by selecting List Dockets from the Grievance menu. The user will be asked to provide the Date Booked from and Date Booked to in DD/MM/YYYY format and to select the Grievance booked by from the dropdown list. Additionally, the priority class can also be selected if required to limit the dockets to a particular class of priority. PG Administrators/PG Officers can optionally get the list with Office 104

Headings/Footer. Matching dockets will be listed with important particulars like unit, date of booking, priority class, docket,no, grievance nature, name, phone number, closed or not, actions taken, etc. as shown below.

In the case of more than one action taken on the docket, all actions will be listed one below the other with date of action and the officer action taken by. 3. SUMMARY REPORTS MENU Summary Reports menu provides a number of reports useful to the PG Cell and the management. It does not give out the details of each docket but provides information in terms of total number of cases matching the given particulars. As like the View option, all categories of users are permitted to view the reports but again unit-level users can view reports based on dockets applicable to his unit. The PG Cell level user can get reports on all dockets irrespective of the unit under it or can view reports applicable for a particular unit by selecting the unit from the list wherever the option is provided. A number of options are provided in each report. All the reports have a number of options and can be seen unit-wise or grievance type-wise or both. The summary report menu is given below. 105

a) Booked Grievances Reports on all the grievances, both closed and pending, booked during a given period can be listed Unit-wise, Grievance nature-wise or both Unit and Grievance nature-wise. The date of booking from and the date of booking to are to be furnished in DD/MM/YYYY format and select the Grievance booked by from the drop-down list. Click the Submit button and further options are displayed. Priority class can be selected , if required to get summary on a particular class of priority. If date-wise summary within the given period is required, select Yes. PG Administrators and PG Officers can opt for office heading/footer. Click the Submit button to list the report. A sample unit-wise summary report of booked grievances is shown below.


b) Pending Grievances Reports on all the pending grievances as on the given date can be listed Unit-wise, Grievance nature-wise or both Unit and Grievance naturewise. The date of booking from and the date of booking to are to be furnished in DD/MM/YYYY format and select the Grievance booked by from the drop-down list. Click the Submit button and further options are displayed. Priority class can be selected , if required to get summary on a particular class of priority. PG Administrators and PG Officers can opt for office heading/footer. Click the Submit button to list the report. A sample unit-wise summary report of pending grievances is shown below.

c) Disposed Grievances


These reports are similar to the reports on booked grievance in all respect except that it takes into account only the cases finally disposed(closed) during the given period by the PG Cell who registered the cases. It also provides for unit-wise, grievance nature-wise or both unit and grievance nature-wise reports. d) Grievance Analysis

Daily, weekly, monthly analysis of grievances and user-wise booking summary are available under this option.

Daily Report
This report is given at the close of day on all days and is called daily report. Daily report as on a given date can be obtained by giving the date and selecting the Grievance booked by from the drop-down list. Optionally the Class of priority can also be selected if required to limit the report to a particular class. Report of the following format will be presented. The Carried Over indicates the cases booked prior to the given date and Booked New shows the cases booked on the given date. Under disposed heading, the cases disposed from the carried over cases and those disposed from the newly booked cases are shown separately.


Weekly Report This report is given on the last day of each week and hence is called weekly report. The weekly report lists out the pending cases unit-wise as on the given date. The pending cases are further categorised in accordance with the number of pending days under different slabs. The options and procedures are as in the case of daily report. The report format is shown in the next page.


Unit-wise Report The unit-wise report is one of the reports submitted every month and is shown as Monthly Report-1. Unit-wise summary of grievances over a given period is listed. The carried over cases are the ones booked prior to the given period and the new cases are those booked during the given period. As in the case of daily report, the disposed item shows separately the cases disposed from the carried over cases and the newly booked cases. The report also gives the average duration of disposal and grievances per 1000 DELs. A sample report is shown below.



The report lists out the cases, grievance nature-wise, booked during the given period, the cases disposed during the given period and the pending cases as on the given date for the End Date of Booking. The pending cases are 111

further categorised based on the pending days in terms of months. The options and procedures are similar to other reports. Optionally a unit can also be selected to limit the cases pertaining to a unit.
Unit and Grievance-wise

The report lists out the cases booked during a given period Grievance-wise for each unit. The options are similar to other reports. The report format is given below.

Registration User-wise Number of cases registered by each user during a given period can be obtained by selecting this option. A sample report is given below.


e) Grievance Classifications Summary of Grievances based on the mode of receipt, source (received from) or based on addressed to can be obtained by selecting this option. Receipt mode-wise Sample report of grievances received during a given period on Receipt modwise is shown below.

Source (Received from)-wise


The report format for cases received during a given period source-wise is shown below.

Address-wise Report for cases received during a given period address-wise is given below.

4. DETAILED REPORTS MENU The detailed reports are more or less similar to summary reports with the only difference that in detailed reports important particulars of each docket is listed instead of the count of dockets. The options and procedures are same as in 114

the case of summary reports. In this case also, reports for booked, pending, disposed cases are available unit-wise, grievance nature-wise or unit and grievance nature-wise. Booked Grievances Lists out the details of all the cases booked during a given period. The report can be unit-wise, grievance-wise or both unit and grievance-wise. Unit-wise sample report is given below.

Similar reports are available for pending cases and disposed cases.

Grievance Duration
Oldest pending case, Maximum duration cases for disposed case and average duration for disposed cases can be listed using this option. The Oldest Pending case option lists out the oldest case unit-wise as shown below.


Maximum Duration option lists out the disposed cases of maximum duration unit-wise. A sample report is shown below.

Average Duration option gives the average duration of closed cases unitwise. Repeated Grievances lists out repeated cases over a given period.


Escalation Report Officers added for escalation reporting will be presented a brief message about the cases pending at the units under their control for more than the specified days, as and when they log into the Public Grievance Management System. The list can be viewed by clicking the View button available in the message form. Alternatively, the list can be seen any time by selecting the Escalation Report option under the Detailed Reports Menu. 5. UTILITIES MENU
The Utilities menu are meant for the PG Officers and PG Administrators. For general users all options under this menu are disabled.

a) Batch-mode Registration Batch-mode registration facility is provided to register cases received during the period of unavailability of the system owing to one reason or other. The cases received can be entered into the system one by one. The form is similar to the registration form. the only difference here is that the Docket Number and the Date of Booking are to be entered. If another docket is already available with the same docket number, the system will not store the particulars and a message will be displayed. b) Cancel/Delete Docket It may sometimes require that a docket may be suspended or deleted. PG Officer is given the right to cancel or delete dockets. On selecting Cancel/Delete option from the Utilities menu , the PG Officer can cancel a docket. Once cancelled the docket will no longer be included in any report or will not be available for editing/viewing. If required the cancelled docket can be recalled by the PG Officer. If the docket is not required at all, it can be permanently deleted by the PG Officer. A deleted docket is removed for ever and can not be restored. b) View Statistics A brief summary of number of dockets available, dockets cancelled, dockets closed, dockets pending, dockets closed prior to booked date, dockets closed after current date, etc can be listed by selecting this option. This helps to detect any discrepancy that may occur, even though the possibility for the same is very remote.

c) Check Date Errors


If the closing date for any docket has either been recorded as earlier to booked date or as later than current date by chance, though highly improbable, the system lists out those cased by on selecting this option. d) View Log The System maintains a log of editing operation in respect of important parameters such as closing date, unit change, etc. and the PG Administrator/ PG Officer can view the edit log for the dockets booked by that PG cell. The log can either be viewed for a particular docket by giving the docket number or can be viewed for editing done over a given period. e) Bulk Closure Sometimes it may happen that the number of dockets to be closed by the PG cell is too high to be closed individually. In such cases the PG Administrator/PG Officer can close the cases in bulk by selecting this option. There is provision to select a particular unit and a particular class of priority. Only dockets booked by that PG cell can be closed in this way and the date of closing will be taken as the current date. 6. UPLOAD MENU The options under this menu are available to PG Administrators and PG Officers. In the case of BSNL-level and Circle-level implementations the units have to provide monthly/quarterly data to their respective PG Cell. In the case of Circles only monthly data is required to be reported by SSAs where as in the case of BSNL both monthly and quarterly data are required to be given by Circles. As the required data can not be extracted during the initial stage of implementation till all Circles and SSAs populate the back-log data into the system, a form is provided to the Circles/SSAs for monthly data. Quarterly reports are generated from the monthly data. The unit can fill the data and the PG Officer can view the same either of a particular unit or of all units in a compiled form. Already submitted data can also be edited through this form till the PG Officer disables editing after a specified date. There is also provision for the PG Officer to list the units not submitted the data. a) SSA Level:

Monthly Data Entry/Edit

The PG Administrators and PG Officers of the SSA are permitted to submit the monthly data to the Circle by selecting the option SSA to Circle of Monthly Data Entry/Edit item under Upload Menu. On selecting the month and year, a data entry form as shown below is presented.


The first item Carried Over will automatically get filled by taking the pending cases of previous month, if data for the previous month is available. If the data for the given month has already been submitted, it will be available for editing provided the Circle PG Officer has not prevented editing for that month.

View Uploaded Data

The uploaded data can be viewed item-wise as entered in the form by selecting SSA to Circle Type wise under the option View Uploaded Data of Upload Menu. No editing is possible in this mode. The screen shown below.


The option SSA to Circle Unit wise under View Uploaded Data present the summary data for the given month for the SSA as shown below.

a) Circle Level:


The Circle PG Administrators and PG Officers can view the data sent by the SSAs for the given month either for a particular SSA or for all SSAs in compiled form. Besides they can prevent SSAs from editing the sent data and can also see whether the SSAs have submitted data for a given month. The Circle PG Administrators and PG Officers can also submit monthly data to the BSNL Headquarter just as SSAs have submitted to the Circle and can also view the data submitted both monthly and quarterly.

Monthly Data Entry/Edit

Circle sends monthly data to BSNL separately for P-category(1094 Phonein service) and for other categories taken together. The monthly data can be submitted for a given month and category by selecting Circle to BSNL under Monthly Data Entry/Edit of Upload Menu. A form as shown below will be available for data entry for P-category(1094) as well as for other categories.

View Uploaded Data


Circle can view the data sent by the SSAs for a given month either for a particular SSA or for all SSAs in a compiled form by selecting SSA to Circle- Type wise or SSA to Circle- Unit wise from the option View Uploaded Data under Upload Menu. The output formats are as shown above for SSA Level. Smilarly monthly data uploaded by Circle to BSNL for P-category(1094) or other categories can be viewed by selecting the option Circle to BSNL Monthly under the item View Uploaded Data. The data will be shown in a format as given below.

Quarterly data from Circle to BSNL is derived from the monthly data and can be viewed by selecting the option Circle to BSNL Quarterly. The quarterly data can be viewed for any of the quarter January-March, AprilJune, July-September or October-December. The output format is shown below. The output is derived combining data submitted for P-category and other categories.


Stop Edit The circle can stop the SSAs from editing the monthly data submitted by the SSAs by using the option SSA Data Monthly under Stop Edit. The Circle PG Administrator/PG Officer can decide a date (say 5th of every month for the previous months data) and inform the SSAs, after which the SSAs should not edit the monthly data submitted by them. Editing can be stopped for any month and thereafter the SSAs will not be able to edit the data.

Upload Status
The Circle can view the list of SSAs which indicate whether the SSA has submitted monthly data for the given month by selecting this option.

b) BSNL Level: The PG Administrator/PG Officer of BSNL can view the data sent by the Circles. The monthly data for P-category (1094) and other categories can be viewed separately either for all circles or for any particular Circle by selecting the option Circle to BSNL Monthly from View Uploaded Data. The format is as shown above for Circle Level. The derived quarterly data for all circles or any particular circle can also be viewed for the selected quarter by choosing the option Circle to BSNL Quarterly from View Uploaded Data. The editing of the monthly data submitted by Circles can be stopped by selecting the option Circle Data Monthly under Stop Edit.


7. HELP MENU Online manuals for PG Administrator and Users are available under this menu. 8. LOGOUT The user can logout of the PGRMS using this option. ----- OOO -----


Classification of grievances as per Category

The grievances handled by PG Cell have been classified as the following categories for effective monitoring. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. P Category (Phone-in) A Category B Category C Category M Category (MOC) O - Others

1. P. Category Grievance received over phone or orally will come under this category. Grievances coming under this category will not have any written documents to support the grievance. Toll Free 1094 service has been already opened at all Circle PG Cells and customers can dial 1094 from anywhere in the circle even form STD barred telephones and voice their grievances. Also grievances received by PG Cell or BSNL officers over phone is also registered under this category. Customers may also visit PG Cell to pass their grievances orally. 2. A Category Customers may forward their grievances to VIPs, MPs, MLAs, State & Central Ministers, DOT PG Cell, BSNL PG Cell, Cabinet secretariat, The President of India etc which will be redirected to Circle PG Cell for redressal. Grievances of this type are categorized as A category and are of high importance and time bound and for these grievances a detailed reply explaining all points raised in the original grievance is to be forwarded to the source from which the grievance is received at Circle Office. This report should be seen and approved by CGMT. The probable duration with in which these grievances are to be cleared is normally fixed by the grievance forwarding authority and in the absence of any such instruction it will be taken as 10 working days. 3. B Category Customers directly representing to Circle CGMT or PG Cell by written letters comes under this category. The mode of receipt may be fax, post, e-mail or the customers can personally bring their written grievances to the Grievance Cell. These cases are to be acknowledged immediately after registration. 4. C Category. Grievance from Customers addressed to SSA heads or SSA PG Cell will come under this category. Registration, Disposal & Monitoring of these type of 125

grievances are to be held at SSA level and Circle PG Cell may not be aware of the current position of booked & pending cases. However all SSAs have to furnish a detailed monthly report in the approved Performa regarding number of cases registered and disposed under this category by different type of grievance vice. The monthly report furnished from Circle PG Cell to BSNL HQ will include A, B & C category grievances 5. M Category FAX messages are received frequently from the O/o MOC with a reference MOC diary number regarding grievances of customers who have faxed their grievance to MOC. The information from MOC will not contain any written documents but only a list with the essential particulars such as tel no, Name, Nature of Grievance, & Place. No detailed report is required for these cases and only a weekly report regarding the date of disposal is to be sent to O/o MOC. These cases are refereed as S Category. 6. Others Any other type not coming under any of the above mentioned categories.


Public Grievance Management System - Coded Items: 1. Grievance List: Code C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 Description Telephone/Telecom service faulty Delay in shifting of telephone Delay in provision of additional facilities Excess billing Non-receipt of bill Wrong disconnection Refund of deposit STD not working Exchange poor performance/not working Improper behaviour of staff Internet problem Leased circuit problem Non-provision of NPC Non-provision of leased line non-provision of WLL Non-provision of cell phone Improper working of cell phone Improper working of WLL Tariff high Rent/guarantee Shifting of pole/cabinet/pillar Rent revision Corruption Miscellaneous grievance ISD not working Closing of trenches OFC media grievances Opening/Expansion of exchange Route failure STD booth Telegram Urban/Rural dispute Telephone directory Transfer of telephone to 3rd party Arbitration ITC ISDN Malicious calls Reconnection pending

2. Mode of receipt of grievances:



Description Commercial Cell Direct by hand E-mail Fax By Post 1094 service Phone Office No. Voice mail after Office In person telegram

3. Source List Code S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 PM MOC Cabinet Misters(Others) MOS Cabinet Secretariate DOT PG Cell BSNL PG Cell State Govt. Ministers MPs MLAs BSNL Officers Govt. Organisations VIPs Reputed Private companies BSNL Customers General public Others OSD(PG), BSNL Sr. DDG(PG), BSNL Dir(PG), DOT MOS(Others) TRAI DPG, DOT PHE, BSNL Press Accounts, BSNL DDG(PG), DOT CMD/DIR(OP) Description

4. Address List Code Description


A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19

PM MOC MOC(S) CMD BSNL/Dir(OP) Secretary Communications Secretary DOT DPG/Dy. PG State Govt. Ministers CGM GM/SSA BSNL Officers PG Cell Others Other Cabinet Ministers Other Minister of State MP MLA VIP President of India

5. The Grievance Category (priority) is also coded and put in separate Tables for providing different categories to SSA/Circle/BSNL ----- OOO -----




Direct exchange line Junction line Not AI Transfer AIS out side SSA AIS with in SSA AI waitlist transfer Bill is Released Bill is Paid Bill is Cancelled Bill is given instalments Bill is under dispute



GSM BILLING AND CMTS ACCOUNTING Cellular Service provisioning

After reading this section, you will be conversant with: GSM Architecture Billing and Customer Care sub-system GSM Architecture As already noted, Cellular Mobile Telephone Service is set to grow at a phenomenal pace both in India as well as around the world. BSNL provides CMTS under the brand name CellOne, with a sub-brand ex-Cel providing prepaid services. The Cellular Phone service is provided under GSM or Global System for Mobile communications, which is different from CDMA or Code Division Multiple Access that is the enabling feature of BSNL's Tarang service. GSM is a world-wide standard developed out of Europe that ensures robust, reliable mobile telephone services. The GSM network architecture broadly comprises of 6 functional blocks. They are Mobile Station (MS), Base Station Subsystem (BSS), Network switching system (NSS), Operation and Maintenance Subsystem (OMS), Enhanced Services Subsystem (ESS), and Billing and Customer Care System (B&CCS). A graphical representation of the architecture of GSM is indicated below:


GSM Architecture











SIM Subscriber Identity Module; ME Mobile Equipment; BTS Base Transceiving Station; BSC Base Station Controller; HLR Home Location Register; VLR Visitor Location Register; EIR Equipment Identity Register; AuC Authentication Centre

PSTN, other MSC s, etc


The delivery of CellOne services in BSNL is being effected through the territorial Circles. A distinct functional unit for CellOne services functions under each territorial Chief General Manager. The CMTS license is operative on a Circle basis, and BSNL competes with [typically] three other service providers for the cellular telephone market in each territorial Circle. CellOne Billing Zones Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh East and West, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, North East, Assam Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu

North East West South

Chandigarh Kolkata Pune Hyderabad/ Tiruchirappalli

For operational convenience, CellOne is divided into four billing zones, one for each region of the country. Much of the customer information is stored and manipulated from these centres, and a large part of the billing capability and functionality are vested in these four centres. The Billing and Customer Care Subsystem [BCCS] of BSNL has been sourced from CSG Systems, and 132

is referred to as the Kenan BP/OM or Arbor. This is a powerful platform for billing and customer care, and can be configured to suit organisational and customer needs. Billing and Customer Care Subsystem The Billing and Customer Care Subsystem is at the heart of the CellOne services. A graphical representation would look like this:

Knn P e a /B
O e in rm tio rd r fo a n

CR S (c n lie t)

Knn M e a /O
P vc d ro m Cn a n o firm tio

M d tio S s m e ia n y te

P vc d ro m

Cn a n o firm tio

N tw rkE m n e o le e ts

The gist of commercial and billing [accounts] procedures is indicated below: Commercial procedures would involve acquisition of customers, their registration, handling of address audit/ verification, and activation with suitable service provisioning. Registration Registration of customers is effected through a prescribed order form duly filled in and signed by the customer. The order form contains the following details:


Customer name Billing address Tariff plan Deposit / Payment information Demographic information as prescribed Optional services opted for i.e. STD, ISD, Roaming etc. Whether an Individual/Corporate/Government (Central/state) etc. Purpose of use (Business / Personal) Handset information Income Tax Permanent Account Number Details of existing services of BSNL, being availed of. Photograph of the applicant Particulars of the introducer/local reference.

Procedure for Registration by CSR/Channel Partners The order form is accepted only at CSRs / designated outlets located in the SSA, where the prospective customer wants to get the connection registered. The prospective customers order for prepaid/postpaid can be classified as under: a. b. Already a BSNL customer and has produced the latest bill with proof of payment, and has no outstanding dues. Credentials need to be established through authentic central and state government identity documents like PAN, ration card, driving license, passport etc.

The outlet issues receipt acknowledging the order and hands over the SIM Where the credentials are beyond doubt, the activation request maybe accepted at Higher Level CSR terminals from a designated mobile phone whose CLIP authenticates the source of request. Where address audit / verification with basic service Commercial / TRA unit is involved, this is to be done expeditiously by the outlet and confirmation obtained within 24 hrs. The order forms duly recommended by the dealer regarding the credentials of the customer shall reach the designated CSR terminal for activation on daily basis. The payments collected by dealers shall be remitted to the CSR ion a daily basis. All collections received by dealers during the day shall be deposited with CSR latest by 12.00 Hrs. next morning, who in turn


shall remit all collections of the center including receipts from Dealers to AO (Cash) on the same day. Reconciliation of connections activated and payments collected shall in no case be delayed beyond 24 hours and will be done by Higher Level CSR who will send a weekly report to AO (CMTS) AO (CMTS) shall carry out a test check on monthly basis and submit a report to the IFA / G.M (CMTS). An acknowledgement for registration of the connection shall be issued in the first bill through a message to this effect and the payment of the first bill is considered as the acknowledgement for receipt. A registration confirmation will be sent through SMS after activation. All activations must take place within the same day of receipt of Cheque / DD / Cash at any of the CSRs.

Verification Customers who are already BSNL customers and require a mobile connection and have established their identity and credibility through a copy of the payment receipt of latest bill can be activated forthwith giving a credit limit equivalent to security deposit amount (or as fixed by BSNL from time to time). However, address audit and paying habit verification with TRA/Commercial Wing needs to be got done in a time frame of not more than 24 hours and services as asked for can further be provided. The credit earlier limited to the security deposit amount (or as fixed by BSNL from time to time) may be updated after this verification. In other cases a process of post-verification of customers is necessary. This service can be outsourced in addition to internal efforts by way of verification of fixed line details, credit card, PAN card, etc. Address verification and credit worthiness can be got done by agencies with prior experience in the area. Such agencies must submit the verification report within 24 hours from the time of assignment. The system shall permanently store the information about the official and the dealer/agent who screens and passes the customer details verification.

Security Deposit: Appropriate Security Deposits (for optional facilities like STD/ISD/National/International Roaming and Other services) may be required from time to time in accordance with corporate office orders. These shall be collected to minimize losses on account of defaults in payments. Appropriate accounts of the Security Deposits thus collected shall be maintained on a monthly ledger basis in the same manner and details as for fixed line deposits, so as to depict BSNLs liability on this account.


Credit Limits Post address verification Credit limit of a customer may be fixed as given in the table below or as prescribed from time to time, for the period, till the report of the credit rating agency is received. This limit is restricted to the credit limit opted for by the customer. This could be [1 x SD for individuals, 3 x SD for business customers, and 4 x SD for corporates] However this credit limit shall be altered, on a written request from the customer and after verification of past payment habits, credentials based on the customer profile and recommendations on the credit limit given by the Credit Rating Agency. This limit is restricted to the credit limit opted for by the customer. The system shall be so configured so as to maintain full details of approval of Credit limits higher than that recommended above including the particulars of the system operator login. GM (CMTS) shall accord the approval for such enhancement of credit limits in consultation with IFA to GM (CMTS).

Mode of payment of Registration Amount: Payment may be accepted by cash/cheque (local clearance only)/DDs/Credit card/Debit cards at both the companys and dealers outlet. In case of cheque payment credit limit will be equal to security deposit or Rs.1,000/- whichever is lower. In case of cheque bounces the following steps are to be adopted by the concerned CSR who receives the information from AO (Cash). a. b. c. d. e. SMS message is to be sent to the defaulter within 24 hours asking him to make cash/DD payment within next 48 hours. Only cash or DD shall be accepted for this payment from the customer. Services of the defaulting customer shall be disconnected if payment is not received within the prescribed time. The repayment shall be made only at the same SSA where customer had originally paid the cheque. In cases where the bounced cheques were received from dealer/distributor, the onus of loss, if any, shall lie with the channel partner. Applications received at various customer service centers and dealers shall be sent to the Higher Level CSR, wherein the functions of provisioning, billing and accounting would converge with reference to all such customer service center and dealers falling in heir jurisdiction. All commercial records are uniquely to be identified by a customer code which is also assigned by the billing system for each of the post paid customers. This shall be kept at SSA HQs under the custody of a Gazetted Officer at least of Group B.


Electronic copy of the same may also be stored for any future references. If the customer service center is located in the same city the order forms shall be delivered twice a day at an identified time, irrespective of the volumes. For outstations cases the order form shall be delivered atleast on a daily basis. The order forms along with the documents can also be faxed by basic level CSR of the concerned area so that the higher level CSR can complete the activation.

After receiving the forms, the following activities are executed: Application scrutiny Address verification Customer credit worthiness Fixation and alteration of credit limit Validating and acceptance of the data and information in the system has to be carried out by an official at least of Group B. In due course it is envisaged that terminals will be provided at various customer service centers and even at dealers premises for feeding in the information. However accepting the information into the system will be the responsibility of the officer concerned at Higher Level CSRs. Provisioning would be done after the original order form of prospective customers are received along with the requisite documents for registrations at the Higher level CSR. For registration by Basic Level CSRs the provisioning will also be done on receipt of documents by fax (to be followed with original). Help of Courier service etc. can be availed for quicker delivery to ensure timely provisioning. The Basic level CSR will send documents by fax to be followed with original, duly signed and authenticated. The cases where activation is done based on fax messages, the original documents have to reach the Higher Level CSR within 48 hours. This will be the responsibility of the Originating CSR. However, if the documents are not received, within the stipulated time frame, the Higher Level CSR must immediately follow up with Basic Level CSR and take further necessary action. The higher-level CSR will ensure that the gap between activation of a connection and address audit / credit verification does not exceed 48 Hrs and keep a record of the fact. GM (CMTS) or any officer so designated by him may carry out a periodical check and take follow up action. In cases where the address verification report and Credit Rating Report is not affirmative the connection should be closed with approval of GM (CMTS). Billing and Collection


The periodicity of billing shall be monthly. Interim bill / hot bills may be raised by Accounts Officer based on need basis either suo motu or on customer request. Bills shall be generated dated 1st of each month taking the CDRs (Call Detail Records) up to 2400 Hrs on the last date of the previous calendar month. The bills will be generated at the Zonal BCCS and will be printed at TRA of SSA concerned. The bills may also be alternatively printed at the level of Circle, if so decided by the circle concerned. The Accounts Officer (TR) will check the bills printed on a sample basis. After checking, the bills shall be dispatched. The maximum time between bill printing and dispatch shall be 48 Hrs. SMS message shall be sent to all customers informing them of bill dispatch and amount of the Bill Due date for payments will be 15th of the same month. The same will be done by the AO concerned responsible for bill printing and dispatch. Second SMS shall be sent on 18th day of the month, in the form of a reminder to the customers whose payments have not been received till that date.

Charging of Rent Charges for airtime and facilities like roaming, CLIP and any other value added services should be billed in arrears, or as per the policy of BSNL decided upon from time to time. Rental charges shall be billed in advance for the period of one billing cycle, i.e. one month. However rental charges from the date of provisioning to the last day of the previous month has to be necessity charged in arrears.

Incentive / Surcharge on payments To encourage early payments, healthy payment habits and to ensure effective revenue realization mechanism, the customer may be given an early payment incentive as per the policy of BSNL, to be decided upon from time to time. In case of payments after 15th i.e. the due date, a surcharge at prescribed percentage of billed amount can be levied. Customer can also make part payment. In case of part payments the surcharge will be levied on the balance amount. No incentive will be due on part payments. Incentive / Surcharge will be included in the next bill. The bills shall accordingly present all relevant details of charges (i.e. normal, discounted and with surcharge) together with concerned dates. 138

Bill format There will be one bill format for the entire country. The bill will carry information with reference to monthly fixed charges, usage charges, discounts and incentives if any, misc. charges, pending payments, and taxes and levies if any. Breakup of the net amount claimed must be disclosed on the bill. Bills will carry bar code, the format of which will be the same as the format that has been used for the fixed services. The bill format will also have a specific area for advertising and marketing schemes such as reward schemes to encourage customer loyalty to BSNL.

Collection Process The following modes of payments are provided for: Cash Payments At Collection centers of BSNL presently in operation during the normal working hours Through authorized nationalized / private banks till the due date of payments as and when authorized. Post Offices till the due date of payments (Annexure VI)

Cheque Payments Cheque depositing machines shall be encouraged on a large scale, as a convenient service for payment facility round the clock. Banks: Nationalized and private banks. o Banks shall receive payments and remit the same in a similar manner as per prevailing practice in case of fixed line services. However, the vouchers and statements shall be remitted in a pre-determined format--acceptable to the billing system in a soft copy. o In such locations where the available banker is not in a position to give the data in required format, manual lists carrying all details already specified for fixed line telephones shall accompany vouchers to be remitted to BSNL. o Wherever the banks included in the collection scheme have corporate account of BSNL, the money shall be credited to BSNL through the account in other cases the daily collections shall be remitted by way of a bankers' cheque on a daily basis. 139

Drop boxes for cheque payments shall be encouraged at various locations like the ATMs of banks, Railway Stations, customer service centers, Telephone exchanges, BSNL Mobile dealers, STD PCOs and other secure places. There shall be separate drop boxes preferably with different colors to segregate the bills of basic and mobile services. Bill collection through dealers: The dealer arranges drop boxes for cheque collection and they shall forward cheques on daily basis along with a signed list to AO (Cash), BSNL. In case of receipts of payments by cheque on common counters for PSTN and mobile services, separate cheques will have to be drawn for the time being. This may however be changed after such integration of two databases. Payment through Post Offices: The payments can be accepted through Designated Post Offices up to the due date. Payment through Internet: Payment of bills through Internet shall also be accepted in the same manner as has already been introduced for fixed line. Payment through debit and credit cards: Payments shall also be accepted through credit cards. The customers shall be given the options for direct debiting of bills to the credit cards after giving a mandate to this effect. Payment by post: Cheque payments through post shall also be accepted Customer may send such cheques to AO (Cash) of the concerned of the SSA, who in turn remits the same to bank and sends a statement to AO (CMTS) / CSR designated for updating customer database i.e. data entry of paid vouchers. Payment at ATMs: Payments shall also be accepted at ATMs of certain banks, with whom an agreement to this effect shall be entered into by BSNL. Payment through ECS: Payments through ECS shall be accepted wherever the facility is available with the banks.

All activities of disconnection and restoration shall be carried out from the same terminal of Higher Lever CSR, which is enabled for activation. Payment updation in customer's record AO (Cash) of the SSA shall accept payments from customers at various designated points / centers under his control, and mobile collections list from other collection channels, and account for the same on daily basis in the collection cash / bank book. AO (Cash) will send on daily basis a list of mobile services collections to Higher Level CSRs and AO (CMTS) for validation and updation of customer records respectively.


AO (TR) / CSR shall ensure payment updation in customer's record, on daily basis on receipts of such lists from AO (Cash) AO (Cash) will send a daily Cheque Dishonour Statement to the Higher Level CSR who in turn will send the intimation to the Lower level CSR. The same information shall also be sent to AO CMTS. The CSR / AO (CMTS) shall accordingly modify/update the payment particulars in the system (Annexure 7)

Accounts and records of revenue Books of account 1. The CMTS unit should maintain the following records, which are compulsory to meet the requirement of Section 209 of Companies Act 1956. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Operational Cash Book Operational Bank Book Collection Cash Book Collection Bank Book Journal Vouchers Trial Balance General Ledger Purchase Journal Sales Ledger

10) Asset Register 11) WIP Register 12) Subsidiary Ledgers for 2. Sundry Debtors Sundry Creditors Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Assets and Liabilities Stores

Being a NEW unit, there should not be any problem in building up the basic records and maintaining them to the satisfaction of Company Act 1956. Each CMTS Circle will prepare a Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account and other financial statements including Cash Flow Statements.



The Fixed asset Register with the following information and in the format already prescribed for Basic Services should be maintained Component wise and presented to Audit as and when demanded. Classification of asset Location of asset Quantity ( Number of Units) Original Cost as well as addition/deletion/adjustments for revaluation etc. Date of Installation/Commissioning Life of the Asset Rate of depreciation Depreciation for the year and accumulated depreciation


The Works-In-Progress Register should contain all meaningful information required for building up Fixed assets register when the work is completed. Effective steps to be taken to keep minimum balance under Work-In-progress The Sundry Debtors Account should be kept up to date and all the figures shown therein tallied with Sub-Ledger account. The debit balance under this head should match with the outstanding figures shown in Sub-ledger. The debit balance under Service Tax recoverable should tally with Service Tax payable. The remittance of collection account as well as transfer of funds from bank account to nodal branch should be prompt and there should not be any delay. The Bank reconciliation for both Operation and Collection Account should be regular and all the un-cleared items reconciled within a reasonable time. Complete details of Current Assets and Liabilities including TDS should be available with minimum balances. Pre-paid expenses and claims payable and recoverable accounts maintained properly. The accrued income should be calculated and presented clearly during inspection. Schedules should be prepared duly tallied with all the figures shown in Current Assets and Current Liabilities. Wherever required the Liabilities are created for known expenditures by debiting expenditure head and crediting liabilities head. The R.Rs for Loans and advances maintained with up to date posting and necessary schedules prepared at the year end for the balances outstanding. At the closure of accounts, all provisions should be created by debiting the expenses head and crediting provisions. The calculation for this should be made available while sending trial balances.







10. 11.

Full details of prior period income and expenditure should be kept on record for verification. The Income account should be clearly bifurcated to PRE-PAID and POSTPAID and all the revenue classified correctly. The Roaming charges also to be accounted against Claims Payable and Receivable under Intra-BSNL Accounts. Since there is no depreciation for LAND component, no account code is allotted either under depreciation or accumulated depreciation to avoid any booking wrongly. The allotment of other account codes for depreciation is adjusted suitably to keep uniform numbering with fixed assets. The CMTS units should not operate the account codes under 4230000 which are meant for transactions between corporate office and Circle Office. The CMTS units will operate only the account codes mentioned in 4240000. In view of the proposed Segmental reporting as per Accounting Standard 17, it is necessary for the CMTS units to maintain Cost Sheets for Sharing of Infrastructure and other functions with Basic Services of BSNL. The formats for this purpose will be circulated to all units as and when the Working Group for Accounting Separation finalize the formats and procedure. The maintenance of SIM cards and Re-chargeable coupon accounts are very important at CMTS units. Every care should be taken to prepare the numerical account neatly and present it to audit and other purposes. SIM cards should not be included in the Inventory Account since they are not capital nature The Payable Journals of Staff payments like Salary Payable, Bills Payable, Bonus Payable, and Wages Payable should be maintained properly and necessary schedules prepared at the year end duly tallied with General Ledger. The CMTS Circle will take over all the income and expenditure booked by basic services units before closing the accounts and preparation of Final Accounts. All foreign exchange adjustments should be clearly maintained in accordance with rules and regulations under FEMA. The settlement accounts with other Cellular operators, Basic Services of BSNL and Intra-BSNL account should be maintained with complete details. All Cash settlement with others should be supported by vouchers with full particulars. Registration of Income Tax, Service Tax and Sales Tax should be done. Remittance of the amount collected and filing of returns periodically on due dates.







18. 19.


Settlement with SSAs/Circle offices other service providers


CIRCULAR NO 25 Sub: Accounting procedure for Interconnect Usage Charges (IUC) Ref: This Office Circular NO. 21 dated 14-07-2003 1. Kindly refer to this office circular No 21 wherein the accounting procedure for IUC along with additional account codes were communicated. With a view to comply Accounting Standard 17 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the Segmental report has to be prepared as accurately as possible and hence it becomes necessary to account the Interconnect usage between Basic and CMTS within the BSNL accounts. IUC charges will be accounted on Accrual basis. The following accounting entries will be passed by the concerned Services (Basic & CMTS) on proforma account basis. This is to be say that no physical cash transactions will take place at both services units. The concerned unit will maintain the account in the books and transfer them to the relevant service units periodically for incorporation in their Trial Balances through Journal Vouchers. A) For Calls emanated from CMTS and terminated at Basic Services The details of calls received from CMTS will be received from the In-charge of the Point of Interconnection in the exchange and entered in a separate register maintained for this purpose by the TRA unit. Once in a month, the TRA unit shall consolidate the postings and prepare a Journal Voucher as shown below for incorporation in the Trial balance as per the applicable tariff. 1130908 Claims Recoverable from CMTS for IUC A/C Dr TO 1311500 - Receipts from CMTS on IUC The copy of the above JV, in duplicate, along with details of IUC will be forwarded to CMTS unit who will prepare the below mentioned JV and incorporate in their Trial balance. Once copy of the JV received from the Basic Service units will be retained as office copy and the other one will be returned to the concerned SSA duly certifying that the same has been incorporated in the accounts. It will be the responsibility of the Basic services units to see that the copy of the JV sent by them is returned duly certified by the Accounts Officer of the CMTS unit who is responsible for preparation of CMTS Trial Balance. 4713210 Expenditure on Intra BSNL Account A/c TO 4192808 Claims Payable to Basic for IUC Dr

2. 3.



For Calls emanated from Basic Services and terminated at CMTS The details of calls received from Basic to CMTS will be collected from CDR Data of the billing system of CMTS and entered in a separate register maintained for this purpose for verification at a later date. Once in a month, the CMTS billing unit of the respective Circle shall consolidate the postings SSA wise and prepare a Journal Voucher as shown below for incorporation in the CMTS Trial balance. 4130911 Claims Recoverable from Basic for IUC A/C Dr TO 4310306 - Receipts from Basic on IUC As done by Basic Service Units, the copy of the above JV, in duplicate, along with details of IUC will be forwarded to Basic Service unit who will prepare the below mentioned JV and incorporate in their Trial balance. The Basic Service Accounts Officer will retain one copy as office copy and the other one will be returned to the concerned CMTS unit duly certifying that the same has been incorporated in the accounts of Basic Service. It will be the responsibility of the CMTS unit to see that the copy of the JV sent by them to Basic service units is returned duly certified by the Accounts Officer of the Basic Services unit who is responsible for preparation of Trial Balance. 1743003 Expenditure on Intra BSNL Account A/c TO 1192806 Claims Payable to CMTS for IUC Dr

5. 6.

The Corporate Accounts Section at Circle HQ shall ensure that the payable and receivable account of both becomes ZERO every month. Since the IUC adjustments Intra-BSNL transactions and these calls are actually billed to the customers through regular bills and service tax collected, there will be NO impact on Service Tax accounting and No service tax will be charged for Intra-BSNL IUC. These orders shall come into force with effect from 01-04-2004 (BSNL HQ No. NO. 600-22/2002-03/CA Dated 19-05-2004)


CMTS Accounting Entries In SSAs For transfer of official from SSA/PAU to CMTS unit with outstanding balance of advance paid from BSNL Funds. Example: - TA advance on Transfer, Leave salary advance,


JS Debit 122 01 XX Credit 118 02 04 Credit 118 02 02 TA advance on transfer Leave salary advance

For transfer of official from CMTS to SSA/PAU with outstanding balance of advance paid from BSNL Funds Example: - TA advance on Transfer, Leave salary advance, JS Debit 118 02 04 Debit Credit 122 01 XX Whenever cash or cheques are received for CMTS transactions (Prepaid A/C, CMTS Deposits, Post Paid Bills), they should be entered in the receipt side of the Cash Book (collection) /Bank Book (collection) as follows:DATE RECEIPTS From whom received Amount Collection relating to CMTS Unit Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx Head of account C.P. to CMTS 1192801 Pre-Paid A/C 1192802 CMTS Deposits 1192803 Post-Paid A/C 1192804 Surcharge 1192805 Service Tax TA advance on transfer 118 02 02 Leave salary advance

When the cheque is dishonoured, the entry in the payment side of the Bank Book (Collection) is, as follows:Date PAYMENTS To whom paid Amount Cheque dishonoured in Xxxx r/o Collection relating Xxxx to CMTS Xxxx Head of account C.P. to CMTS 1192803 Post-Paid A/C 1192804 Surcharge 1192805 Service Tax

When the payment for the dishonoured cheque is received by cash, the entry in the receipt side of the Cash Book (Collection) is as follows:-


RECEIPTS From whom received Amount Collection relating to Xxxx

Head of account C.P. to CMTS 1192803 Post-Paid A/C 146


Xxxx Xxxx

1192804 Surcharge 1192805 Service Tax

Whenever Payments are made for CMTS transactions, they should be entered in the Payment side of the Cash Book/ (Operation) /Bank Book (Operation) as follows:DATE PAYMENTS To whom paid Amount Payments relating to CMTS Unit Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx Head of account C.R. from CMTS 1130901 for Postage of Post paid bills 1130902 for Refunds 1130903 for Contingent Expenditure

For all the above items of receipts & Expenditure, (credit/debit) Schedule has to be prepared by SSA & sent to CMTS Unit at Trivandrum for proper accounting against final head. Accounting at CMTS Unit On receipt of above credit Schedule from SSA, the following JS is accounted Debit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit 4130906/4130907/4130908/4130909/4130910 4310122 4310126 4110100 4191203 4191204 4191501 4191202 4110901 4110902 Activation fee Recharge Card Sundry Debtors-CMTS ISD Deposit STD Deposit Security Deposit from Subscribers Basic GSM Deposits Service Tax Recoverable Education Cess Recoverable


On receipt of above Debit Schedule from SSA, the following JS is accounted Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Credit 4711200 4711000 4711100 4711800 4712100 4710901 4712801 4711300 Stationery Conveyance Charges Printing General Expenses Meetings Travel Expenses-Inland Advertisement & Publicity Postal Expenses


PREPAID SIM CARDS/Recharge Card When the SIM cards/Recharge Card are sold on cash/cheque, the entry in the receipt side of the Cash Book (Collection)/Bank Book Collection of CMTS DATE RECEIPTS From whom received Amount SIM cards sold Xxxx Recharge card sold Xxxx xxxx xxxx Head of account 4310122 Activation fee 4310126 Recharge Card 4192301 Service tax payable 4192302 Education Cess

For Commission for Distributors (JS) Debit 4712204 Commission for Distributors Activation fee

Credit 4310122 JS for Free talk time Debit Credit 4712809 4310109

Expenditure on Free Talk Time Air time Free Talk Time

When the Service Tax is paid to Central Excise Department Classification in the payment side of Bank Book (Operation) (CMTS)


PAYMENTS To whom paid Amount Service Tax /Education Xxxx

Head of account 4192301 148

Cess remitted to central excise POST-PAID SIM CARDS



When the registration along with Deposit is received directly at CMTS units from Customer Care Centres. Entry in the receipt side of Cash Book (collection)/Bank Book (Collection) DATE RECEIPTS From whom received Amount Registration along with Xxxx deposits received Head of account 4191201 Registration Deposits 4191202 Basic GSM Deposit 4191203 ISD Deposits 4191204 STD Deposits 4310222 Activation fee

At the time of Issue of Cellular Bills Debit Debit Debit 4110100 4110901 4110902 Sundry Debtors CMTS Service Tax Recoverable Education Cess Recoverable Service Tax payable Education Cess Payable Air Time - Outgoing Calls Air Time - Incoming Calls Rent Messaging charges Value Added Service

Credit 4192300 Credit 4192302 Credit 4310202 Credit 4310207 Credit 4310224 Credit 4310225 Credit 4310226

When the Surcharge is due and recoverable Debit Credit 4110200 Sundry Debtors-Surcharge 4310400 Surcharge on delayed payment

When the payment is received at CMTS unit after adjusting Incentive, Commission, It should be entered in the receipt side of the Cash Book (collection) /Bank Book (collection) as follows:RECEIPTS



From whom received Payment of post paid bill received

Amount Xxxx Xxxx xxxx xxxx

Head of account 4110100 Sundry Debtors 4110200 Surcharge 4110901 Service Tax 4110902 Education Cess

For incentive, commission, (JS) Debit Debit Credit 4712203 4712201 4110100 Commission for Dealers Incentive for early payment of bills Sundry Debtors CMTS

For transfer of official from CMTS TO SSA/PAU with outstanding balance of advance paid from BSNL Funds Example: - TA advance on Transfer, Leave salary advance JS Debit 421 01 99 Credit 418 02 04 Credit Basic Services (Same Circle) TA advance on transfer Leave salary advance

418 02 02

For transfer of official from SSA/PAU to CMTS unit with outstanding balance of advance paid from BSNL Funds. Example: - TA advance on Transfer, Leave salary advance JS Debit 418 02 04 Debit 418 02 02 Credit 421 01 99 TA advance on transfer Leave salary advance Basic Services (Same Circle)


CIRCULAR NO. 34 Sub: Accounting of International roaming charges The following accounting procedure shall be followed to account for the revenue and expenditure in respect of international roaming facility provided by BSNL to its subscribers and subscribers of foreign operators/service providers, using the platform of M/s. Spice Communication Private Limited (hereinafter called 'Spice - Punjab') I. INCOME in respect of TAP OUT file i.e. subscribers of foreign operators/service provider using BSNL network for international roaming. (a) The gross international inroaming revenue generated by Inroamers (subscribers of foreign Operators) on BSNLs network will be booked as income of BSNL under Post-Paid Account of 431 Schedule under CMTS segment. A new Accode 4310227 International inroaming revenue from Inroamers (for use of BSNLs Network by subscribers of International Operators) is allotted for booking such revenue.


EXPENDITURE in respect of TAP OUT file i.e. subscribers of foreign operators/service providers using BSNL network for international roaming. (a) A certain percentage of gross international inroaming revenue as mentioned in Para I (a) above is to be paid to M/s. Spice - Punjab as per agreement. Such sharing of international inroaming revenue by other operators shall be treated as expenditure and shall be booked to a newly allotted Accode 4713211 Share of International inroaming revenue paid to Foreign/Indian operators. This accode may also be utilized for charges (in the form of sharing of revenue) if paid to foreign operators with whom BSNL has direct agreement for international roaming. (b) Direct expense (such as charges for processing of TAP files, fixed monthly charges, financial settlement service charges, international SMS interworking etc.) may be treated as expenditure on CMTS and shall be booked under a new accode 4713214 Direct Misc. expense on account of international roaming (both in roaming & out roaming).


INCOME in respect of TAP IN files i.e. BSNL subscribers using Foreign Operators network for international roaming. (a) The outbound roaming charges recoverable from BSNL subscribers for usage of international roaming shall be booked to a newly allotted Accode namely 4310228 151

Outbound Roaming Charges for usage of International Roaming by BSNL Subscribers (b) The Surcharge i.e. outbound roaming mark up is to be recovered from BSNL Subscribers. Such surcharge i.e. outbound roaming mark up shall be booked to a new Accode namely 4310229 Surcharge (Outbound roaming mark up) from BSNL Subscribers for usage of international roaming.


EXPENDITURE in respect of TAP IN files i.e. BSNL subscribers using Foreign Operators network for international roaming a) International roaming charges for usage of International roaming by the subscribers of BSNL which is to be paid to Foreign Operators / Indian Agents, shall be booked to a new Accode 4713212 Outbound Roaming charges for usage of International roaming by BSNL Subscribers (payable / paid to Foreign / Indian operators). A certain percentage of Surcharge (outbound roaming mark up), which is to be paid to M/s. Spice, may be booked to a new accode 4713213 Share of Surcharge i.e. outbound roaming mark up payable/paid to other operators. Direct expenses may be booked under accode 4713214 as explained in Para II (b).


c) V.

Accodes for recoverable/Sundry debtors, payable & late payment interest (a) Late payment interest The 'late payment interest recovered from other Operators for International roaming (both inroaming & outroaming) shall be booked under the existing Accode 4310400 Surcharge on delayed payments. A new accode 4713215 Late payment interest to other Operators for international roaming (both inroaming and outroaming) is allotted for booking late payment interest payable by BSNL to other operators. (b) Payable heads A new accode 4191810 Claims payable to other operators for international roaming is allotted to create liability. This head may be utilized for creating liability for 15% share of inroaming revenue, outbound roaming charges, share of outbound roaming mark up, late payment interest & direct expenses. (c) Recoverable heads A new accode 4111100 International in-roaming revenue may be allotted for booking in roaming revenue.



Accrued Revenue Accrued revenue on international roaming (both inroaming and outroaming) shall be booked under head 4131005 revenue accrued on international roaming.

As per agreement with M/s. Spice - Punjab some of the payment to be made to M/s. Spice, are in the nature of revenue sharing. So the expenditure as mentioned in Para II (a), IV (a) & IV (b) may be treated as payment of IUC to other operators and the same may be taken care of while calculating AGR and license fee thereof. At present West Bengal Telecom is the nodal circle for realizing the revenue and disbursing the expenditure in respect of international roaming revenue. The revenue and expenditure to be accounted by West Bengal Circle need not be distributed to various Circles. However details of income and expenditure accounted by West Bengal Circles may be intimated to the concerned Circles on proforma basis for preparing the costing records as per cost accounting record rules. (BSNL HQ No. 500-31/2005/CA I/BSNL Dated 21st April, 2005) Sub: Ref: Accounting of International Roaming charges This office Circular No. 34 In continuation of this office letter of even number dt. 21.4.2005 the following clarifications are issued: 1. As per the existing arrangement only the Nodal Circle i.e. West Bengal Telecom Circle will account for alll the revenues and expenditures in respect of 'TAP OUT' file. No other Telecom Circle will account for/book any revenue and expenditure in respect of 'TAP OUT' file except furnishing the information / data to Nodal Circle as required under the existing system. 2 Regarding 'TAP IN' file the charges to be recovered from BSNL subscribers for availing international roaming facility, shall be accounted as income by respective Circles as per the existing CMTS billing system. However, expenditure in respect of 'TAP IN' file i.e. charges to be paid to M/s. Spice - Punjab / Foreign service provider/operator, will be accounted/booked by the Nodal Circle i.e. West Bengal Circle as per existing arrangement. 3. The accrued revenue in respect of 'TAP OUT' file must be accounted/booked by West Bengal Circle and regarding 'TAP IN' file accrued revenue shall be accounted by respective Circles as mentioned in Para 1 & 2 above. The liability towards expenditure on 'TAP OUT' & 'TAP IN' files must be created by the West Bengal Circle only. (No. 500-31/2005/CA I/BSNL Dated at New Delhi 25th April, 2005)


ERP As far as other aspect of accounting is concerned some local packages Package exist in different SSAs. The attempt has, however, been made to implement an ERP (SAP) throughout the organization and in few select SSAs the Financial Module of SAP has been successfully implemented. ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It is packaged software designed for client/server architecture. It integrates the majority of business process and transactions. It is based on a single, enterprise-wide database allowing access to data on a real-time basis. It allows integration between process and planning and supports multiple currencies, languages, etc. It can be customized without programming. ERP attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company to create a single software program that runs off one database. It automates the tasks necessary to perform a business processsuch as work order fulfillment, which involves taking a request from customer, issue of work order, providing connections and billing for it. It equips the enterprise with the necessary capabilities to integrate and synchronize the isolated functions into streamlined business processes in order to gain a competitive edge in the turbulent business environment. It ensures discipline in working of entire organization by ensuring no data gets posted without fulfilling all laid down business rules. Its implementation brings with it an opportunity to re-engineer the processes of the organization and build business processes using benchmarked best practices in the industry and business as such. SAP is the largest and is the world leader in providing ERP solutions to both industry and government


All India MIS Package All India MIS Package, a recently in-house developed package, is Web based having two tier Architecture (2 Layers).Layer one encompasses Business logic along with the input forms and the next layer includes Database server. These two layers can be accommodated in a single machine or on separate machines. It has 40 input forms for submitting Management Information System data as per the new format of BSNL HQ. The basic MIS data is keyed by SSA level users and data is stored at central database server. Application generates MIS reports dynamically based on SSA, Month and Year of selection. MIS report is available at the following levels: Form Level Report Module Level Report SSA Level Report Circle Level Report BSNL HQ Report (Final) The package supports for: Creation of new Circles and its Circle Administrators by BSNL HQ. Creation of new SSAs and users by the circle Administrator. Creation of new Module Level Users by the SSA Administrator. Creation of new Form Level users by the Module Level Users.

In a single window concept, user can input the data and obtain the respective output report. Separate input forms are available for inputting one time data (Closing status for previous year ending) for DP, HRD, UP (Circle/SSA Administrators are only permitted to input this data).


MIS FOR INTELLIGENT NETWORK SERVICES (Software Designed and Developed by O/o CGM, IT Project Circle, BSNL, Pune) Introduction General MIS on IN Services is a web based software application. It is developed in house by IT Project Circle, BSNL, Pune. Software enables to User to feed MIS data on IN services for ITC cards (50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000) and other services (ACC, FPH, UAN, VPN, UAN, PRM, VOT) for every month at City/SSA/Circle level and final consolidation at Corporate Office. This has four levels (BSNL Corporate Office, Circles, SSAs and Cities) having two types of users at each level admin user and common user, except City level user. The users of application will have unique username and password. Transaction data for different services will be maintained at city level for each SSA on monthly basis. Startup data entry at city level will be onetime and compulsory. Technology The IN software has (a) HTML as front end, (b) JavaScript for client side validation, (c) PHP for server side scripting, (d) oracle-9i as database and (e) Linux as operating system. This software application is hosted at BSNL Intranet server located at Trivandrum. Hardware Requirement Minimum requirement for user side machine is that it should have Pentium-II or better configurations with 64 MB RAM and any jvm enabled Web browser like Internet Explorer 5.0 and above. Access to Application The user can access the application through internet on dialThe user will get login screen. up connection by typing URL Users at Various Levels The details of functional features of this application are described below. The Users of this application are: (1) City User (2) SSA Admin (3) SSA User (4) Head Of SSA (5) Circle Admin (6) Circle User (7) BSNL HQ Admin and (8) BSNL HQ User (1) City User (a) City user can change his/her password. The user can login with the help of username and password for two times and can access the application. But for the third time, it is


compulsory to change the password to access the application. After this, the user can change the password as and when required. (b) The startup data for all services is fed by City user (e.g. January 2004). The City User can feed the transaction data for ITC and Other Services from February 2004, without any months gap. (c) User can see the report of ITC and other services of its own city by selecting type of service, month and year. Also can view the target assigned by Circle to SSA. (2) SSA Admin (a) SSA Admin can add user, edit user of SSA HQ and the service date of operation (SDO) is filled by for SSA. (b) Startup data for all services for its cities can be filled by SSA Admin (City user and Circle can also feed). (c) SSA Admin can edit the data for all available services before forwarding the report to Circle. (d) Can view reports of his SSA, City/SDCA for all services (ITC and other services separately) by selecting type of service, month and year. (e) Can forward report of all available services only on approval from Head of SSA to Circle for every month. (f) Can view every months target assigned by Circle Admin. (3) Head of SSA: (a) The Head of SSA has all privileges of SSA Admin. (b) He is fully authorized to forward the transaction to Circle. (4) SSA User (a) SSA user can change password. (b) Can view reports of its SSA, City/SDCA for all available services (ITC and other services separately) by selecting type of service, month and year. (c) Target of SSA assigned by Circle Admin can be viewed by selecting month and year. (5) Circle Admin (a) Circle Admin can add user, edit user for Circle Office and can assign every months target for all services to its SSAs. (b) Circle Admin can feed the service date of operation (SDO) and the startup data of City for all services of its SSAs. (Even SSA Admin can feed the Start Dates operation of his SSA. The startup data of City can be filled by SSA Admin and City User). (c) The transaction details for all services can be viewed by selecting its SSA for the month. (d) Can view reports of his/her Circle, SSAs and City/SDCA of a SSA for all services (IT and other services separately) by selecting type of service, month and year. (e) Can forward the report to BSNL HQ for all services of his/her Circle for the month. (f) Can view SSA wise ITC cumulative report for all SSAs of Circle. 157

(g) Can view every months target assigned by BSNL HQ Admin. (6) Circle User (a) Circle user can view the reports of its Circle, all SSAs of Circle and City/SDCA of a SSA of his/her Circle for all services (ITC and other services separately) by selecting type of service, month and year. (b) Can view SSA wise ITC cumulative report for all SSAs of the Circle. (c) Can view every months target assigned by BSNL HQ Admin. (7) BSNL HQ Admin (a) BSNL Admin can add user, edit user for BSNL HQ Office and can set every months target for all services to Circles. (b) Can view reports of BSNL, Circles, SSAs of a Circle and City/SDCA of a SSA of Circle for all services (ITC and other services separately) by selecting type of service, month and year. (c) Can view the detailed cumulative report of all Circles of BSNL for all available services for selected month. (d) Can view the report for individual Circle (SSAs and their Cities) of BSNL for all the services for selected month. (e) Can view Circle wise ITC cumulative report for all Circles of BSNL (8) HQ User (a) HQ user view the reports of BSNL, Circles, SSAs of a Circle and City/SDCA of a SSA of Circle for all available services (ITC and other services separately) by selecting type of service, month and year. (b) Can view detailed cumulative report of all the Circles of BSNL for all the services for the selected month. (c) Can view report for individual Circle (SSAs and their Cities) of BSNL for all the services for the selected month. (d) Can view every months target assigned by BSNL HQ Admin. (e) Can view Circle wise ITC cumulative report for all Circles of BSNL. Login (a) When MIS for IN application is started, the login page will appear. By entering correct username and password, the user can access the application. (b) If user makes a mistake while logging in, he will be redirected to the login page with invalid login message. (c) It is compulsory for the user to change their individual password within two logins for accessing the application. Thereafter the password can be changed by the user anytime he/she wants. Logout After accessing the application, the user may logout properly by pressing Logout menu. By clicking logout, the current session closes and the user logs out of the system. Here if the user wants to access the application, the user has to login again.


City Level After successful login, the city user can view the home page on which Home, Startup, Transaction, Reports, Help and Logout menus are seen on horizontal bar. (I)Home Page Change Password City user can change the password. He/She can login with the help of valid username and password and can access the application. But for the third time, it is compulsory to change the password to access the application. After this, the City user can change the password as and when required by clicking Click here to Change Password on home page. The user has to fill up the old password, new password and new confirmed password. The username displayed automatically. Start Date If the SSA Admin has not filled up the date of commencement of any service available in city, the user will get message to contact the SSA Admin for filling up of the start date. The IN services are displayed in Startup or Transaction form for those whose start dates of operation are input by SSA Admin. Startup Data If the startup data for ITC and other Services like ACC, FPH, UAN, etc. are not filled up, the user will get a message for filling up of the same. Transaction status The user will get the status of transaction data entry for ITC and Other Services on Home page. (II)Startup Clicking on Startup, the user can see ITC and Other Services as dropdown sub-menus. Note: If the SSA Admin does not fill up the start dates of services, the city user will not be able to feed any data transaction either for the startup month or for any normal transaction of month. For example, if the user starts using the software from the month of July onwards, the transaction for the month of June will be filled. May will be the starting month for the application. The user is expected to fill up the data up to 31 st of May. (a) Clicking on ITC, the city user sees the Startup Data entry form for ITC service. Here he can select startup month and year which will be final for the city and cannot be edited further. The cumulative data pertaining to transaction of ITC service till the startup month for various types of cards (Rs. 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000) can be entered.


(b) Clicking on Other Services, the city user sees the Startup form for other services namely FPH, ACC, VPN, UAN, UPN, PRM and VOT. The consolidated values of customers and revenue till the startup month for these various types of services can be entered. Startup data for ITC and other services cannot be edited if any of the monthly transaction of the next month (of startup month) has been forwarded by SSA Admin to Circle HQ. (III) Transactions Clicking on transactions, the City user has to fill the monthly transaction data for ITC and Other Services. (a)Click on ITC, the user has to select the year and the month for which the monthly transaction data has to be filled up for various types of ITC cards. Figures of revenue will be in rupees and sold cards in numbers. Note: If the City user has not submitted the transaction data for ITC cards for the previous months, the City user has to fill up that data. (b) Click on Other Services, the user has to select the year and the month for which the monthly transaction data has to be filled up. The user sees the form for transaction for other services. The first column values for Total No. of Customers till last Month displayed automatically from the database. The user has to enter the new customers, disconnections and the revenue of individual service. Total no of connections of each service are calculated automatically. In above said forms, the data should be of numeric positive integer type and no field should be kept as blank. If the data is nil (0), then 0 (zero) is to be entered. Once the SSA Admin forwards the transaction data of ITC and other services to Circle HQ, the city user cannot edit and update the submitted data for that particular month, but can view the data. Note: If the City user has not submitted the transaction data for other services for the previous months, the City user has to fill up that data. (IV) Reports The reports for ITC and Other Services can be seen by clicking Reports on menu. (a) Click on ITC, the user can select ITC card types (50, 100, etc.) with the help of control button and mouse, and then select periods from and to months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC transactions. The user can view the report of his own city in the form of Card Type (50,100,


etc.), Month, Year, Cards Sold and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (b) Click on Other Services to view the report of services like FPH, ACC etc. The user can select the services with the help of control button and mouse and then select from and to periods for months and years for which the user wants to see the report of other services transactions. The user can view the report of his own city in the form of Service Type, Month, Year, Customer Till last month, New Customer, Disconnections, Net Customers, Revenue and can take the printout of the same. (c) View Target The Circle H/Q assigns the target for all services (ITC and Other services) month wise in the year to all of its SSAs and the same target of SSA can be viewed by its Cities. This means that if there is more than one city in a SSA, these target figures are not actual distribution of target among the cities, but the target for their whole SSA. SSA Admin After successful login, the SSA Admin can view the home page on which Home, Admin (Add User, Edit User), Startup (Service Date, ITC and Other services), Edit (ITC, Other Services), Reports [ITC (1. SSA, 2. City/SDCA), Other Services (1. SSA, 2. City/SDCA), Forwarding to Circle, View Target], Help and Logout menus are seen on horizontal bar. (I)Home Page (2) Change Password: The SSA Admin can change the password. He/She can login with the help of username and password for two times and can access the application. But for the third time, it is compulsory to change the password to access the application. After this, the SSA Admin can change the password as and when required by clicking Click here to Change Password on home page. The user has to fill up the old password, new password and new confirmed password. The username displayed automatically. (II)Admin By clicking on Admin, the SSA Admin user sees the sub-menus (i) Add User (ii) Edit User (i) Add User for SSA: On pressing Add User, the SSA Admin can add the desired number of users in its SSA by entering Username, Password, Officer Name, Designation, Office Name, Contact No, and Email ID. All these entries for addition of User are mandatory. The SSA Admin also can view the existing users if any. (ii) Edit User: SSA Admin can edit attributes of the existing users and can update the Officer Name, Designation, Office Name, Contact Number and Email ID. (III) Startup In case startup data entry is not made by any city user, the SSA Admin can select the city, its startup month and year to feed startup data.


(a) Service Date: The SSA Admin sees the form in which the start dates of operation (SDO) of various services like ACC, FPH, UAN, VPN, and ITC etc. are seen. The SDO indicates the date on which that service has started in that SSA. All fields are not mandatory. Only dates for the services are filled up for which the service have already been started. The SDO for a particular service will be onetime entry for that SSA and consequently for its Cities. It can not be edited further. (b) Clicking on ITC, the SSA Admin sees the Startup Data entry form for ITC service. The SSA Admin has to select one of the city of SSA, and then has to select month and year to feed the startup month data for that City. The City user and Circle Admin can also feed the startup month data for the city. The cumulative data pertaining to ITC service till the startup month for various types of cards (Rs. 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000) can be entered. (c) Clicking on Other Services, the city user sees the Startup form for other services namely FPH, ACC, VPN, UAN, UPN, PRM and VOT. The cumulative values of customers and revenue till the startup month for these various types of services can be entered. Startup data for ITC and other services cannot be edited if any of the monthly transaction has been forwarded by SSA Admin to Circle HQ. (IV)Edit Clicking on edit, the user will get two sub menus one for ITC and another for Other Services. (a) Click on ITC, the user can select the city, year and month for which the monthly transaction data has to be edited for various types of ITC cards. In case the city user has not filled up data for the selected month, the SSA Admin can fill up the data. Figures of revenue will be in rupees and sold cards in numbers. (b) Click on Other Services, the user can select city, year and month for which the monthly transaction data has to be edited. The user sees the form for transaction for other services. The first column values for Total No. of Customers till last Month displayed automatically from the database and cannot be edited. In case the city user has not filled up data for the selected month, the user here can fill up the data .The user has to enter the new customers, disconnections and the revenue of individual service. Total no of connections of each service are calculated automatically. In above said forms, data should be of numeric positive integer type and no field should be kept as blank Note: Once the SSA Admin forwards the data for ITC and Other Services to Circle HQ, the SSA Admin cannot modify and update the submitted data for the previous period, but only can view the data. (V) Reports The user can observe the following in reports-- Reports of (a) ITC for SSA and City/SDCA, (b) other Services for SSA and City/SDCA, (c) forwarding to Circle and (d) View Target.


(a) SSA ITC cards report Click on ITC, the SSA Admin can make the multiple selections of ITC cards (50, 100, etc.) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, and then select periods from and to for months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC transactions. The user can view the report of the SSA in the form of Card Type (50,100, etc.), Month, Year, Cards Sold and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. As the above manner, the SSA Admin can view the report of City/SDCA for ITC and take the print of the reports for its City/SDCA. (b) SSA Other Services report Click on Other Services, the SSA Admin can make the multiple selections of services (ACC, FPH, etc.) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, and then select periods from and to for months and years for which the user wants to see the report of other services transactions. The user can view the report of other services of SSA in the form of Service Type (ACC, FPH, etc.), Month, Year, Target, Customer till last month, New Customer, Disconnection, Net Customers, and Revenue] and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. As the above manner, the SSA Admin can view the report of other services of its City/SDCA and take the print of the reports. (c) Forwarding to Circle The SSA Admin can forward the report of a month to Circle only when all of its cities have filled up the data for that month for ITC and Other Services. The SSA Admin has to select the month and year for forwarding the report to Circle H/Q. The report gives the details of year, month, name of SSA, Name of Cities, Service date of operation, all services (ITC and other with cards/customer and revenue details), entered at SSA level, checked at SSA level etc. Once the report is forwarded to Circle H/Q, the SSA Admin cannot edit the transaction of this particular month. Subsequently the user can only see the detailed consolidated report of all services sent to Circle H/Q (with forwarding date entry). (c) View Target The SSA Admin can view the target of revenue for each month set for all services (ITC and Other services) by Circle H/Q by selecting month and year. The target of revenue for ACC and ITC are in Rs. (Thousands) and for remaining services in no. of customers. The same target can be viewed by the Cities of SSA. Circle Admin After successful login, the Circle Admin can view the home page on which Home, Admin (Add User, Edit User and Target), Transaction (ITC, Other services), Reports [ITC (1. Circle 2.SSA 3. City/SDCA), Other Services (1. Circle 2.SSA 3. City/SDCA), Forwarding to BSNL 163

HQ, SSA wise ITC Consolidation and View Target], Help and Logout menus are seen on horizontal bar. (I)Home Page Change Password The Circle Admin can change the password. He/She can login with the help of username and password for two times and can access the application. But for the third time, it is compulsory to change the password to access the application. After this, the Circle Admin can change the password as and when required by clicking Click here to Change Password on home page . The user has to fill up the old password, new password and new confirmed password. The username displayed automatically. (II)Admin By clicking on Admin, the Circle Admin user see the sub-menus (i) Add User (ii) Edit User (iii) Target (i) Add User for Circle Office On pressing Add User, the Circle Admin can view the existing users if any. The Circle Admin here can add the desired no of users in its Circle Office by entering Username, Password, Officer Name, Designation, Office Name, Contact No, and Email ID. All these entries for addition of Users are mandatory. (ii) Edit User The Circle Admin can edit attributes of the existing users and can update the Officer Name, Designation, Office Name, Contact Number, Email ID. (iii) Target The Circle Admin can set the target of revenue for each month for all services (ITC and Other services) to the desired SSAs in its Circle by selecting one SSA at each time, year and month through dropdown menus. The target of revenue for ACC and ITC are in Rs. Thousands and for remaining services in number of customers. The same target for revenue is viewed by the Cities of SSA (whatever number of cities it may be there in a SSA). If the service dates of operation are not entered by SSA Admin or Circle for its SSA, the Circle Office cannot set the target of revenue to that particular SSA. (III) Reports: The Circle Admin can observe the following in reports-- Reports of (a) ITC for Circle, SSA and City/SDCA, (b) other Services for Circle, SSA and City/SDCA, (c) forwarding to BSNL HQ, (d) SSA wise ITC Consolidation and (e) View Target. (a) ITC cards report Click on ITC, the Circle Admin can see the three submenus (i) Circle (ii) SSA and (iii) City/SDCA. Here we will see the reports of these three one by one. (i) ITC Cards Circle Report


The Circle Admin has facility for the multiple selections of ITC cards (50, 100, etc. or all cards) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, and then select periods from and to for months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC transactions in Circle. The Circle Admin can view the detailed report for the selected period of all its selected SSAs (one or more SSAs) in Circle in the form of Card Type (50,100, etc.), Month, Year, Cards Sold and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (ii) ITC Cards SSA wise Report The Circle Admin can see the detailed report for the selected period of all its selected SSAs in Circle. When the Circle Admin clicks on SSA submenu, the Admin has the multiple selections of its SSAs and ITC cards (50, 100, etc. or all cards) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, then select periods from and to for months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC. The Circle Admin can view the detailed report for the selected period of all its selected SSAs for selected card types in Circle in the form of Name of SSA, Card Type (50,100, etc.), Month, Year, Cards sum and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (iii) ITC Cards City/SDCA Report The Circle Admin can see the detailed report for the selected city of its SSA in Circle. When the Circle Admin clicks on City/SDCA submenu, the Admin has the facility for selection of one of its SSAs. As soon as the Circle Admin selects the SSA, the cities of that SSA are seen. Then the Admin has to select one of the cities and ITC cards (50, 100, etc. or all cards) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, then select periods from and to for months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC. The Circle Admin can view the detailed report of City/SDCA of its SSA for the selected period for selected card types in the form of Name of City, Card Type (50,100, etc.), Month, Year, Cards sum and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (b) Other Services report Click on Other Services, the Circle Admin can see the three submenus (i) Circle (ii) SSA and (iii) City/SDCA. Here we will see the reports of these three one by one. (i) Other Services Circle Report The Circle Admin has the multiple selections of other services (ACC, FPH, UAN etc. or all other services) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, and then select periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of other services transactions in Circle. The Circle Admin can view the detailed report for the selected period of all its SSAs in Circle in the form of Name of Service (ACC, FPH, etc.), Month, Year, Customers till last month, New Customers, Disconnections, Net Customers and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button.


(ii) Other Services SSA wise Report The Circle Admin can see the detailed report for the selected period of all its selected SSAs in Circle. When the Circle Admin clicks on SSA submenu, the Admin has the multiple selections of its SSAs and Other Services (ACC, FPH, VPN etc. or all other services) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse and then select periods from and to for months and years for which the user wants to see the report of other services. The Circle Admin can view the detailed report for the selected period of all its selected SSAs (one or more SSAs) for selected other services in Circle in the form of Name of SSA, Service Type (ACC, FPH, etc.), Month, Year, Target, Customers till last month, New Customers, Disconnections, Net Customers and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (iii) Other Services City/SDCA Report The Circle Admin can see the detailed report for the selected city of its SSA in Circle. When the Circle Admin clicks on City/SDCA submenu, the Admin has the facility for selection of one of its SSAs. As soon as the Circle Admin selects the SSA, the cities of that SSA are seen. Then the Admin has to select the city and other services (ACC, VPN, etc. or all other services) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse and then select periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of other services. The Circle Admin can view the detailed report of City/SDCA of its SSA for the selected period for selected services in the form of Name of City, Service Type (ACC, FPH, etc.), Month, Year, Target, Customers till last month, New Customers, Disconnections, Net Customers and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (c) Forwarding to BSNL HQ The Circle Admin can forward the report of a month to BSNL HQ only when all of its SSAs have filled up the data for that month for ITC and Other Services. The Circle Admin has to select the month and year for forwarding the report to BSNL H/Q. The report gives the details of year, month, name of SSA, Name of Cities, Service date of operation, all services (ITC and other with cards/customer and revenue details), entered at SSA level, checked by SSA head, checked by GM(D) at Circle, forwarding date. Once the report is forwarded to BSNL H/Q, the Circle Admin cannot edit the transaction of this particular month.Subsequently the user can only see the detailed cumulative report of all services sent to BSNL H/Q (with forwarding date entry). (d) SSA wise ITC Consolidation The Circle Admin can see SSA wise ITC consolidation report of its Circle for a month in a year by selecting month and year. The report consists of Name of SSA, Target and ITC volume of cards sold.


(e) View Target The Circle Admin can view the target of revenue for each month set for all services (ITC and Other services) by BSNL H/Q by selecting month and year. The target of revenue for ACC and ITC are in Rs. (Thousands) and for remaining services in number of customers. BSNL Corporate Office After successful login, the BSNL HQ can view the home page on which Home, Admin (Add User, Edit User and Target), Reports [ITC (1. BSNL 2.Circle 3.SSA 4.City/SDCA), Other Services (1. BSNL 2.Circle 3.SSA 4.City/SDCA), Detailed Report, Detailed Report Circle Wise and Circle wise ITC Consolidation], Help and Logout menus are seen on horizontal bar. (I) Home Page Change Password User can change password by clicking Click here to Change Password on home page . The user has to fill up the old password, new password and new confirmed password. The username displayed automatically. (II) Admin By clicking on Admin, the Circle Admin user sees the sub-menus (i) Add User (ii) Edit User (iii) Target (i) Add User for BSNL HQ On pressing Add User, the BSNL HQ user can view the existing users if any. The BSNL HQ here can add the desired number of users for its Office by entering Username, Password, Officer Name, Designation, Office Name, Contact No and Email ID. All these entries for addition of Users are mandatory. (ii) Edit User The BSNL HQ can edit attributes of the existing users and can update the Officer Name, Designation, Office Name, Contact Number, Email ID. (iii) Target The BSNL HQ can set the target of revenue and no of customers for each month for all services (ITC and Other services) to the desired Circles in BSNL by selecting one Circle at each time, year and month through dropdown menus. The target of revenue for ACC and ITC are in Rs.(Thousands) and for remaining services in number of customers. (III) Reports The BSNL HQ can observe the following in reports-- Reports of (a) ITC for BSNL, Circle, SSA and City/SDCA, (b) other Services for BSNL, Circle, SSA and City/SDCA, (c) Detailed Report, (d) Detailed Report Circle Wise (e) Circle wise ITC Consolidation. (a) ITC cards report 167

Click on ITC, the BSNL HQ can see the four submenus (i) BSNL (ii) Circle (iii) SSA and (iv) City/SDCA. Here we will see the reports of these four submenus one by one. (i) ITC Cards BSNL Report The BSNL HQ has the facility for the multiple selections of ITC cards (50, 100, etc. or all cards) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, and then select periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC transactions in BSNL. The detailed report for the selected period of all its Circles in BSNL is in the form of Card Type (50,100, etc.), Month, Year, Cards Sold and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (ii) ITC Cards Circle Report for BSNL The BSNL HQ can see the detailed report for the selected period of all its selected Circles in BSNL. When the BSNL HQ clicks on Circle submenu, the BSNL HQ has the multiple selections of its Circles and ITC cards (50, 100, etc. or all cards) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse and then select periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC. The detailed report for the selected period of all its selected Circles for selected card types in BSNL is in the form of Name of Circle, Card Type (50,100, etc.), Month, Year, Cards sold and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (iii) ITC Cards SSA wise Report for BSNL The BSNL HQ can see the detailed report for the selected period of all selected SSAs in a Circle. When the BSNL HQ clicks on SSA submenu, the BSNL HQ has the facility to select a Circle first. Then the multiple selection of SSAs (can select more than one SSA) of that selected Circle and the ITC cards (50, 100, etc. or all cards) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse and then selection of periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC. The detailed report for the selected period of all selected SSAs of a Circle for selected card types is in the form of Name of SSA, Card Type (50,100, etc.), Month, Year, Cards sold and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (iv) ITC Cards City/SDCA Report for BSNL The BSNL HQ has the facility to view the detailed report of selected City in a SSA. When the BSNL HQ clicks on City/SDCA submenu, the user has to select a Circle first, then a SSA in that Circle and finally the desired City in that SSA. As soon as the BSNL HQ selects the SSA,the cities of that SSA are seen. Then the user has to select ITC cards (50, 100, etc. or all cards) by multiple selection, pressing control button and selecting with mouse, then


select periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC. The detailed report of City/SDCA of a SSA in a Circle for the selected period for selected card types is in the form of Name of City, Card Type (50,100, etc.), Month, Year, Cards sum and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (b) Other Services report Click on Other Services, the BSNL HQ can see the four submenus (i) BSNL (ii) Circle (iii)SSA and (iv) City/SDCA. Here we will see the reports of these four submenus one by one. (i) Other Services BSNL Report Click on BSNL, the BSNL HQ will found a form in which he has the facility for multiple selections of other services (ACC, FPH, etc. or all other services) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, and then has to select the periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of other services transactions in BSNL. The detailed report for the selected period of all its Circles in BSNL is in the form of Service Type (ACC, UAN, etc.), Month, Year, Last month customer, New customer, Disconnections, Net Customers and Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (ii) Other Services Circle Report for BSNL The BSNL HQ can see the detailed report of Other Services for the selected period of all its selected Circles in BSNL. When the BSNL HQ clicks on Circle submenu, the BSNL HQ has the multiple selections for Circles and other services (ACC, FPH, etc. or all other services) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse and then select periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of other services. The detailed report for the selected period of all selected Circles for selected services is in the form of Name of Circle, Name of Service (ACC, FPH, etc.), Month, Year, Target, Customers till last month, New Customers, Disconnections, Net Customers, Revenue and Name (Designation of Circle Admin who have forwarded the report to BSNL HQ) and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (iii) Other Services SSA wise Report for BSNL The BSNL HQ can see the detailed report of Other Services for the selected period of all selected SSAs in a Circle. When the BSNL HQ clicks on SSA submenu, the BSNL HQ has the facility to select a Circle first. Then the multiple selection of SSAs (can select more than one SSA) of that selected Circle and the other services (ACC, FPH, etc. or all other services) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse, then selection of periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of other services. 169

The detailed report for the selected period of all selected SSAs of a Circle for selected services is in the form of Name of SSA, Name of Service (ACC, FPH, etc.), Month, Year, Customers till last month, New Customers, Disconnections, Net Customers, Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (iv)Other Services City/SDCA Report for BSNL The BSNL HQ has the facility to view the detailed report for Other Services of selected City in a SSA. When the BSNL HQ clicks on City/SDCA submenu, the user has to select a Circle first, then a SSA in that Circle and finally the desired City in that SSA. As soon as the BSNL HQ selects the SSA, the cities of that SSA are seen. Then the user has to select other services (ACC, FPH, etc. or all other services) by multiple selection, pressing control button and selecting with mouse and then select periods from and to for the months and years for which the user wants to see the report of ITC. The detailed report of City/SDCA of a SSA in a Circle for the selected period for selected other services is in the form of Name of SSA, Name of Service (ACC, FPH, etc.), Month, Year, Customers till last month, New Customers, Disconnections, Net Customers, Revenue and can take the printout of the same with the help of print button. (c) Detailed Report for all Circles Detailed report for a month in a year can be seen for all services (combined report for ITC and other services) of all Circles in BSNL. When the BSNL HQ clicks on Detail Report, then the BSNL HQ has to select a month and a year for detailed report. The detailed report is in the form of Name of Circle, All services (ACC, FPH, ITC, UAN, etc.), Checked by Circle (designation) and Date of forwarding (by Circle). (d)Detail Report Circle Wise The BSNL HQ can see the detail report of all Circles for all services (ITC and other services) for a month. For that the BSNL HQ has the facility to choose the desired Circle, and then has to select the month and year. The detail report of a Circle is in the form of Name of SSA, Name of Cities, Service Date of Operation, All services (ITC and Other) in columns, Entered (SSA), Checked (SSA), Checked (Circle)and Forwarded date (date of report forwarded by SSA to Circle). The report also gives the sum total of revenue, the sum total of customers and the sum total of ITC cards of all SSAs for each service. (e)Circle Wise ITC consolidated report The BSNL HQ has the facility for multiple selections of Circles (all or any no of existing


Circles) by pressing control button and selecting with mouse and then has to select the month and year, to see the consolidated Circle wise ITC cards report. The report consists of Name of Circle, Target (assigned by BSNL HQ to individual Circle) and ITC Volume of cards sold. Help (a) Helpdesk First the User has to connect Internet and has to type URL: The User has to follow the following steps: (1) Click on Help Desk link. (2) Home page of BSNL Intranet Help Desk will open. For first time Users, click on New User link. (The existing Users can logon with the help of their Username and Password for Help Desk). (3) Then the new user will get the registration form. Compulsory, the new user has to fill up Username, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Password/Confirm Password. After feeding this minimum data for these fields of registration form, click on submit button. The user has to remember the first and last fields i.e. User Name and password for Help Desk login purpose. (4) After registration, the user can logon with link as Help Desk Logon. (5) Here the user has to enter User Name and Password for Help Desk and click on submit button. (6) Here the User will receive BSNL Intranet form in which Help Desk is one portion. In Help Desk, these are the options: (a) Submit New Problem (b) View Problem List. (a) Submit New Problem The user can submit the new problem regarding MIS on IN services. The fields like username, email, location, and phone selected automatically. In problem classification part, the user has to select Department (IT Circle Pune) and Category (MIS on IN). The user has to type the key words of title and has to write the description of problem. Then click the submit button. The message for problem submission and all other details for problem ID, problem assigned to, etc. are observed. The user can edit the same problem and can again submit for reply. By clicking on Menu, BSNL Intranet form is seen. (b) View Problem List The user can see the whole problem list submitted. The user can see the problem ID, title, assigned to, submission date, status. The user can see the reply for the raised problem by clicking Title link. (7) The fields Department and Category are mandatory in the submission of new problem. (e.g. Department is IT Circle, Pune and category as MIS on IN). (8) The user will receive the reply from O/o CGM (IT Project Circle, Pune) through Help Desk. The user can see the replies for the raised problems by clicking Title link of his/her own problem list or by communicating through e-mails which are listed below. 171

(b) Telephonic Support The user may take the help of documentation or may contact on telephone with the following Officers at O/o CGM (IT Project Circle), Pune: Shri B D Badhe, System Analyst (IT) (020-21111617, 27443115) Shri D S Kul, System Analyst (IT) (020-21111700, 27443114) Mrs. N R Natu, Senior System Analyst (IT) (020-21110149, 27443108) Shri Munna Khan, Manager (IT) (020-27443104) Or mail us at: (1) (2) (3)


Call Centre A call centre is a centralized office of a company that answers incoming telephone calls from customers. A call center may be an office that makes outgoing telephone calls to customers (telemarketing). Such an office may also responds to letters, faxes, e-mails and similar written correspondence. However the term contact centre is often applied when such multiple functions are blended in one office. Call centres are generally set up as large rooms, with work stations that include a computer, a telephone set (or headset) hooked into a large telecom switch and one or more supervisor stations. It may stand by itself or be linked with other centres. It may also be linked to a corporate data network, including main frames, microcomputer and LANs. Increasingly, the voice and data pathways into the centre are linked through a set of new technologies called CTI, or computer-telephony integration. The Call Center installed in Kerala Telecom Circle to cater information to Potential and present Customers about the services offered is a mile stone to customer satisfaction. Call Centers installed in Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Trichur and Calicut with state of art technology will be accessed by the customers through Telephone, FAX, internet. On dialing 1500 information related to services offered by BSNL, features & Plans offered with services will be explained to Customers/Potential Customers. Added to information Billing and commercial and FRS information related to the installed telephone is also provided by means of IVRS, Fax, e-mail and Customer Relation Executive through Telephone. Complaints related to Billing and Commercial activity will be heard and are getting it resolved for which otherwise, the customer had to come in person to BSNL offices. Request for services on the existing telephone line will be accepted and forwarded to concerned SSA and in turn to concerned Officer.

Inbound Call Centers: Overview


In todays fast-paced global business environment, all customers have choice the choice to be loyal to you, or move to a more customer focused supplier. Customer care is no longer a buzzword; rather it is necessary for business survival. But the million-dollar question that needs to be answered is whether the company is geared to retain the customers that it acquired with sizable efforts. All said and done, people still prefer the plain old telephone system for business interaction. Chances are that companies already have executives talking to customers on phone. Calls are received daily, money is spent every day in running the call center, but does the company get its moneys worth? Are customers happy? It is likely that the agents rarely have well-defined access to information for customers; workflow processes are missing, and that senior management doesnt have any monitoring or controlling tools in place? A call center should be diverse it should be able to handle sales and presales (reservations centers, help desks, telemarketing services), post-sales (customer care, operator services), informational (directory assistance), etc. Thus, call centers can bring in numerous benefits including: Attain complete control over your call center through live status of agents, offline performance reports. Integrate with your CRM software if you like. Skills-based routing removes linguistic and product barriers. Operate the call center as many hours a day as you want. After hours, allow callers to leave voice messages and call back numbers that agents can process the next day Reduce bandoned call rate through in-call IVRs, advertisements, music, etc. Customers perceptions will change call centers will be viewed as profit centers rather than cost centers


Outbound call centre : Overview Just as inbound call centers receive and answer calls from customers and/or subscribers, outbound call centers are used to make calls to existing or potential customers and/or subscribers in order to promote products (product launch, telemarketing), customer care (debt collection, satisfaction surveys, new plans and policies), etc. - the possibilities are endless. Rarely can such widespread reach be achieved at such low cost. Today telemarketing is the subject matter of most predictive dialing call centers. Most service industries (travel and tourism, telecom, financial services, transport, citizen-focused government departments) benefit from customer care-oriented outbound call centers.


Call Centre: BSNL Prospective The Call Center installed in Kerala Telecom Circle of BSNL is a state of art mixture of both Server base and Switch base call center where in the Centrex Switch is used to switch the calls between the CTI and agents. A solution which has been specially designed, developed and implemented by SIS to meet the requirements. Block diagram of the call center is as under which is self explanatory.

Technology Call centres have been aided by a range of telecommunications and computer technologies, including automatic call distribution (ACD), interactive voice response (IVR), computer telephony integration (CTI), which allows the actions of the computer to be synchronised with what is happening on the phone. In addition, early customer relationship management (CRM) technologies, such as C-TRA, SSANet, Cellswind, CCMS have been heavily employed in call centres through mediation server. The Centrex approach of the KERALA CIRCLE CALL CENTER "virtual" call centres to be established across a company's telecommunications network without physically putting all the people in one office. Trivandrum CTI, Mediation Servers and Network at Kaithamukku. 176

Ernakulam CTI, Mediation Server at Central Exchange


Thrissur CTI, Mediation Servers and Network


Calicut CTI, Mediation Servers and network


Backbone Network : Kerala Circle


DIALOGIC INSTALLATION 1) Double Click on Setup.exe.


2) Click on Next Button to Proceed.

3) Enter Username & Company Name which you want to give. Click on Next Button to Proceed.


4)Click On Next Button to Proceed.

5) Check all the Options and Click on Next Button to Proceed.


6) Click On Yes Button to Proceed.

7) Click on Next Button to Proceed.


8) Click On Next Button to Proceed.

9) Installation is under Process.


10) Installation is Under Process.

11) Click on Finish Button to finish the Setup. It will Restart the Computer.


12) After rebooting the system, the Intel Dialogic configuration manager will be open. Here, at down we can see that the System Service status is: Stopped. As all the Slots/and cards are in red color. So, press on green Button to start the services. Change the Following Parameters in in_r2_i.cdp file in C:\Program

Files\Dialogic\CFG folder. $8 maximum calling party size, should larger than 7 (inbound): 10 $9 Number of ring before speech (inbound): 0 13) Dialogic Service is about to start.


14) Now here, we can see captured screen that stating process of system services is started.

Global Call Installation d:\GlobalCall 4.1\gc41\windows\i386


2)double click setup

3)click on next button


3)Destination Location window will come click on next button


5)Start copying file window will come click on next button


6) set up windows will start installation


7)click on finish button



Introduction The SaiCall Call Center solution is based on Dialogic technology, using E1 PSTN interface. It is server-based solution using MSI Boards from Dialogic for station interface. The SaiCall Call Center is specifically designed and tune to meet GR requirement of BSNL Accessing of the Call Center The Call Center serves the purpose of a customer service center and handle incoming and/or outgoing telephone calls from/to the subscribers, in support of the customer services provided by BSNL as a telecom service provider.The person authorized manning the Call Center position is called an Agent. The Call Center shall be accessible in the following ways

Customer Access

Call Center (Customer Service Centre)

Business Entity Of Services Provided by BSNL

Fig: 1 Role of Call Center in Network By Telephone: The subscriber accesses the Call Center by dialing a 3/4- digit access code. The PSTN exchange will send all or last few of the digits to the Call Center. The Call Center will Intelligently answer the call, identify the service requested based on the digits received/dialed by Subscriber through interaction and intelligently routes the call. Through FAX: The Call Center can receive the service requests sent by FAX and provide certain information, by automatically transmitting FAX message, on request by the subscriber. Through Internet: The Call Center is also web-enabled to offer web based interactive services on the Internet. An Internet subscriber through a web browser can request a service or query the databases with password access in respect of web based services. The Call Center is provided web-browsing capability on the agent's position as well.


CTI Application components Call Center IVRS ACD Agent Service Fax Module Voice Mail module Outbound Scheduler Mail Module

CallCenter This application is used to handle multiple calls landing on system. This application intracts with Dialogic card and expose the call control APIs to handle the incoming as well as outgoing calls. The purpose of this application is just to handle the incoming/outgoing call and signal it to other application for e.g. Ivrs. All call related information is updated to database by this application. The Call Center is having the function of requesting for the Calling Line Identification (CLI) or the Automatic Number Identification information from the telephone system. The Call Center will identify the type of service requested by the subscriber based on the dialed number also called Dialed Number Identification (DNI) in case of Dialed Number Identification Services (DNIS). Depending on the DNIS, the call is routed to IVRS. When the call is routed to an IVR the information such as CLI, DNIS, etc., is passed on to the IVR, based on which the IVR shall initiate an appropriate application. Installation of Callcenter 1.Double click on Setup.exe

2.Click on Next Button to proceed


3.Click on Yes Button

4.Give the company name and serial number.


5.Select all the components


6.Now restart the server and run the applications. IVRS This application waits for an inbound call signal and as soon as it receives it , starts processing the call. Firstly it treats the call with welcome speech and as per user input it proceeds further according to its tree. It inserts all the menu selection information of user to the database process. If the 199

customer is not satisfied with the recorded phrases and wants agent help ivrs exe divert the call to agent extension with the help of ACD. The IVR will prompt the caller for dialing digits as input and use that response to perform actions on a database. The IVR applications support recording of speech in digit form in Hindi and Local Language (s) combined with English. The IVR will transfer the call to Agent on request of the subscriber/when the query is too complex to be handled by the IVR, along with information collected from the caller. Automatic Call Distribution(ACD) This application is used to find the most ideal agent from the agent group when the customer seeks agent help when he is in ivrs. This application first searches free outbound channel to make a call and then find free agent extension available to accept the call . The ACD system handles a large volume of calls on First Come First Serve basis distributing among the lines equitably by presenting the first call to the line idling over the longest period of time. It distributes calls to the appropriate call handler whether that is an IVRS or an agent. ACD system is able to receive CLI and DNIS information and passes on to IVRS and agents via CTI Server. Agent Services This application is tightly integrated with agent application as so called as agent services. This application is used to get all the agent request and process them. For e.g. when agent wants to make an outbound call to subscriber it gives the input i.e. phone number to the agent service application. After receiving the input agent services picks up the free outbound channel and make call to the customer and joins the agent extension after dialing the agent by other outbound channel. So all the requests related to agent is services by agent services application. Some of the services are Outbound call, Hold call, Transfer call, Barge call etc. When the number of incoming calls exceeds the number of agents available to answer them, the calls shall be queued.The SaiCall Call Center will hold the call(s) until a specific agent is available to answer the call.The Callers who are put in a queue will be fed an announcement or Music.The Caller waiting in queue can exercise choice to put Voice Mail so that call center can make outbound call to the customer. Agent Stations (scAgent) This client type is a complete call control Graphical User Interface (GUI). Various call controls have been developed and embedded in it to provide a simple to use and easy to adapt environment. Some of the features include, putting a party on hold, transferring a party to another conference / service. The online context sensitive help associated with every control makes the call control operation a


easy task for the Agent. The online ticker message display and statistics keeps the Agent synchronized with its companions and seniors. Agent Desktop client application Call control commands Screen Pop-ups Case/docket Management for each call Access to external database and applications Mail/web access Message When the agent answers the call, the subscriber's relevant information as per the service request being processed shall be presented on the agent's computer screen, eliminating the need for the agent to repeat the questions asked by the IVR unit. In some of the applications, the IVR may route the call directly to the agent position soon after the welcome message. When a call is routed to an agent position, the SaiCall Call Center will bring up an appropriate screen based on the service requested for each incoming call along with the information such as subscriber's name, address, type of subscriber, etc The SaiCall Call Center will also display the following information pertaining to the subscriber. 1.Call Pop up :- It carries the Phone number of the calling party,Customer name,Language selected and menu selected by the customer. 2.Customer Details:-As soon as the agent accept the call ,popup disappears and commercial and TRA details of the customer will be furnished.It also provide the pending docket details if any .It is possible for the agent to book multiple dockets if required and is routed to concerned officer depends on the query . 3.Bill Details:- Billing information of the customer can be available through the agent applications and is also possible for the subscriber to avail the duplicate bill through fax or mail,provided the fax number /email id of the subscriber is registered with the callcenter. 4.FOD(Fax On Demand):- Through this option agent can send different application forms thrrough mail or fax to the subscriber. Here the subscriber need not be registered with the callcenter. 5.Immediate Outbound Call:- From this option Agent can make an outbound call to subscriber if necessory.


6.Chatting:-It is possible to chat with other agents when there are no calls and the condition is that both agents should be in blocked state. 7.Message to Supervisor:-Agent can send messages to the supervisor through this feature.It is for the communication between the agent and the supervisor. Supervisory Features The supervisor module built with all the features of agent in addition to the special supervisory features like Barge, Monitor and Coach. The message broadcast, voice log management etc are also part of supervisory activities. All features of the scAgent Barging/Monitoring and Coaching commands Conferencing Status and monitoring of call Station Status Message Broadcast Message to Agent Barge Monitor Coach Voice Log Voice Log Display Voice Message Bulletin Board Station Status Call Handled by Active Stations Time Utilisation in Active Stations

Call Center Monitor (ScMonitor) All Call Center activities can be monitored using the Call Center Monitor interface, which is another type of client of the Call Center. The Monitor keeps track of every ongoing activity within the Call Center. The Alarms display provides a useful way of controlling various configuration parameters, which can affect the efficiency of the Call Center. Call Center online monitoring system Status of each agent station Status of each communication channels Call center internal reports


1.ScMonitor login


2.Channel monitor.



4.Agent monitor

5.Time utilisation monitor 205

Call Center Administrator (scAdmin) This interface provides a systematic and easy to use Graphical Interface to configure the parameters of the Call Center. The explorer format display helps the administrator to keep track of every configuration. All the system reports and statistics are available through this module. Administrator Client Application Configuration of Call Center User Management Reports and MIS Scheduling for Outbound Calls Call Center Internal Database Management

Through this module we can perform the following configurations. Channel Configuration


Station Group Stations System Parameters Agent Group Agent Escalation Level Fax Documents Query Type SSA Master SDCA Master Exchange Master User Master Exchange Mapping for Docket Routing Promotional voice message play through IVRS Outbound Job Schedule Segment Class IVRS Menu Configuration Text to Speech



Introduction ScAlarm module gives audio/visual alarms for health of call center application. Mainly it covers following error events 1. Call center database 2. IVRS 3. CTI 4. Agent 5. ACD 6. FAX 7. Backup 8. Hardware Various operating controls are provided on the alarm panel. 1. On/Off to start/stop alarm panel 2. Audio On/Off : when ever alarm panel status is changing , audible beep will start on alarm terminal PC. Pressing On/Off button audible alarm can be stopped. However visual blinking of alarm continue till error condition removed by related application. Mean while a new error condition occurs , audible alarm will again start. 3. Hide/Show : this will toggle alarm panel to system tray and full display. If alarm panel is in system tray when alarm condition occurs, alarm panel will display on screen.

4. Report : every alarm is logged, and this will display alarm log on screen or print. 5. Reset : Alarm reset.


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