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This report is a brief description of the various competitions faced by the HTC company in the
smartphone segment in Brazilian markets, the report will give a brief description of various
instances where HTC has faced tremendous amounts of competition in this market in order to
sell their products. The report will also provide various competitions that are available in the
Brazilian market and how they affect the HTC company in their net sales. The report also
consists of various market positions of different banks which are dominant in the Brazilian
market in the smartphone segment and how these competitions have close relation with HTC.

HTC is facing various competitions in the Brazilian market in the smartphone industry. The
market is very high among which they are global leaders as well. These major competitors have
taken the market into their hands and made it very hard for HTC to hold its Grounds in the
market. the major competitions of HTC in Brazilian markets are defined below,
● Samsung
Samsung is considered to be one of the largest Smartphone company in Brazil which has
a total market of 44.9 3% in the financial year of July 29 and it is considered to be one of
the dominance most renowned and dominant smartphone brand in the Brazilian market, it
would be very tough for HTC to beat Samsung in the smartphone segment as Samsung
has grown to such an extent that it enjoys a monopolistic market in the brazil. According
to a survey Samsung’s net revenue is approximately 20.1 billion US dollars in the
Brazilian market which was much higher from 18.3 billion US dollars in the early year.
The reason behind the success of Samsung in the Brazilian market is that it delivers
quality products to its consumers at the best possible prices which gives them a slight
advantage in the market
● Telefonica/Vivo
Telephone ka or Vivo is the same company when it comes to the Brazilian
telecommunication market the company was founded in the year of 1998 and it still
considered to be one of the greatest competitors of HTC as the current market holding of
Vivo is around 24.5% of the total market and hence it is considered one of the greatest
competitions for HTC. The net revenue of 11.1 billion US dollars in the year of 2018
with an operating income of almost 2.3 billion.. Vivo is a sub-brand of Telefonica and
hence they are considered to be the same company. they have a much greater hold in the
smartphone industry compared to HTC (Barazzetti, 2018).
● LG
LG E for Lucky Gold Star started in the year of 1983 is a South Korean company that has
a very strong hold in the Brazil market in the Smartphone segment. the company is
considered to be the third-largest Market holder in the smartphone industry of Brazil as it
is 14% smartphone industries and it still growing and giving tough competition to HTC,
the net revenue for the company is 140 7.2 billion US dollars with the net revenue of 247
billion US dollars, LG is constantly trying to upgrade its product in the market so that
they can grab hold of a much larger share in the market compared to Samsung and Vivo
who are currently smartphone industries in the Brazilian market(Lordkipanidze, 2019).
● Xiaomi
Xiaomi is also considered as one of the greatest competitors in the smartphone industry in
the Brazilian market, the company 6 to 7% in the Brazilian market share. The company
was founded in the year of 2010 and it has taken the world by storm. The company is
considered to be a neck-to-neck rival as it offers various products at similar prices
compared to HTC in Smartphone segments. The total revenue of Xiaomi is around 30
1.297 billion All Around The World within an operating income of 1.78 billion US
dollars. The company also holds an asset of 27.9 billion US dollars.
● Apple
Apple Inc. is one of the most successful companies in the world. Based in Cupertino,
California, Apple Inc. is an American multinational company that develops and sells
electronic products, online services, and software products it is considered to be one of
the biggest tech companies in the world. Apple’s worldwide revenue amounted to around
$274.5 billion for the 2020 financial year. In terms of revenue, Apple is one of the most
valuable companies in the world. Apple also has a stronghold in the Brazilian market as
the current market share taken by Apple is around 14% and it is also considered to be one
of the greatest competitors of HTC(Migicovsky et al,2021).

This report gives a brief description of various competitions in the smartphone industry in the
Brazilian market and how she is facing severe problems against its major competitors. The
report also briefly describes each and every company's total market share in the Brazilian market
as well as provides various in-depth information about the companies of how they took over the
Brazilian market. The report also provides its various aspects of competitions which are essential
to note down for the HTC company in order to challenge them in the Brazilian market The report
also provides various information about the current market scenario of the Brazilian market and
provides relevant Information about various recognized brands of Brazil. this report consists of a
brief description of the company Samsung who is considered to be one of the leading
smartphone industry of Brasilia market backup with apple LG, Vivo and even Xiaomi who has a
greater lead in the market compared to HTC video.

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