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Suggested Activity 6 Vector or Cross Product

Toverify geometrically that x (ä + b) = xã+ x.

Method of Construction
1. Fix a white paper on the cardboard. Material Required
2. Draw a line segment OA (= 6 cm, say) and let it represent c. Geometry box, cardboard,
3. Draw another line segment OB (= 4 cm, say) at an angle (say 60) white paper, cutter, sketch.
with OA. Let OB =a. pen, cellotape.
4. Draw BC (= 3 cm, say) making an angle (say 30°) with OA. Let BC = b.

5. Draw perpendiculars BM, CL and BN.

6. Complete parallelograms OAPC, OAQB and BQPC.

1. OC = OB + BC =a +b, and let 2COA = a.

2. cx (a +6)}|= |Ca +b| sin a =

of parallelogram OAPC.
3. cxa area of parallelogram OAQB.
Cxb of parallelogram BQPC.

S. Area of parallelogram OAPC

(OA) (CL)
(OA) (LN +NC)
- (OA) (BM+ NC)
= (OA) (BM) + (OA) (NC)
+ Area of parallelogram BQPC
Area of parallelogram OAQB
- l+ l+|i+6|
l xa+B| - | xb|+|ëxB]
So and cxb is perpendicular to the
same plane.
vectors c x (a + b), c xa
Direction of each of these
So, cx (a +)=Cxa+cxb.

1.c= A| = OA = 6 cm.

6.7 cm.
a +b OC =

3. CL 5 cm
Area of parallelogram OAPC
4. cx (a +b)| -

= (OA) (CL) 30 sq. units.

5. Cxa Area of parallelogram OAQB

6 x 3.5 cm =
21 2
cm 2
(OA) (BM) =

6. cxa = Area of parallelogram BQPC

= (OA) (CN) = 6 cm x 1.5 cm = 9 cms .3
From (1), (2), (3),
Area of parallelogram OAPC =
Area of parallelgram OAQB + Area of parallelgram BQPC.
Thus e x (a+b)- cxa|+|cxb|
all in the direction of perpendicular to the plane of paper.
Cxa,cxb and c x(a + b) are

8. Therefore cx (a +b) = C xa + c+b.

Through the activity, distributive property of vector multiplication over addition can be explained.
Note: This activity can also be performed by taking rectangles instead of
Suggested Activity 7 Distance Formula

To locate the points to given coordinates in space, measure the distance between two points in space and
then to verify the distance using distance formula.

Method of Construction
1. Take a drawing board and paste a squared paper on it.
Material Required
2. Draw two lines X'OX and Y'OY to represent xaxis, y-axis respectively
(see figure) and take 1 unit = 1 cm. Drawing board, geometry
box, squared paper, nails
3. Fix a wire through 0, in the vertical direction, representing the z-axis
4. Fix nails of length 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm, etc. at different points on of different lengths,
paper arrows.
the squared paper (say at L (-2,-3), N (-2, 2), M (4, 1), S (3,-5)),
Now the upper tips of these nails represent the points (say A, B, C,
D) in the space.

C(4, 1, 3)

(-2, 2, 2) B

2 cm 3 cm

(-2, 2)
(4. 1)

D(3,-5, 4)

(-2,-3, 1 ) 1 cm

4 cm



(-2,-3, 1).
of the point A

. Coordinates
2. Coordinates of the point B (-2, 2, 2).
C and D.
coordinates of the point
.Similarly find the

Exemplar Activities in MathematicS-12
distance AB =
5.1 cm.
4. By actual measurement (using a scale)
5. By distance formula, AB = y-2+2 +(-3 - 2 + (1 - 2 = v26 = 5.099

Thus, the distance AB, obtained by actual measurement is approximately same as the distance obtained
by using the distance formula.
Same can be verified for other pairs of points A, C; B, C; A, D; C, D; B, D.

1. Coordinates of the point C =
(4, 1, 3).
2. Coordinates of the point D =
(3, -5, 4).
3. On actual measurement:
AC 7.5, BC = 6.2.

AD 6 . 2 , CD = 6.2, BD = 8.8.
4. Using distance formula;
AC 7.5, BC 6.2, AD 6.2
CD 6.2, BD 8.8.
Thus, the distance between two points in
space obtained on actual measurement and
formula is approximately the same. by using distance

1. This activity is useful in
visualising the position of different points in space
2. The concept of position vectors can also
be explained (coordinates of points).
through this activity.
Suggested Activity 8 Equation of Plane in Normal Form

To demonstrate the equation of a plane in normal form.
Material Required
Method of Construction Two pieces of plywood of
size 10 cm x 12 cm, a thin
1. Fix the wooden rod in between two wooden pieces with nuts and wooden rod with nuts and
bolts so that the rod is perpendicular to the two wooden pieces. bolts fixed on both sides, 3
So, it represents the normal to the plane. pieces of wires, pen/pencil.
2. Take three wires and fix, them as shown in figure so that OP
represents the vector a and OA represents r . Then the wire PA
represents the vector r - a.

-A Plane 1

Plane 2

1. The wire PA, i.e. the vector (r - a) lies on plane 1. On representing n as normal to plane 1, n is
perpendicular to (r - a), normal to the plane.
. Hence (r - a).n = 0 which gives the equation of plane in the normal form.

a i s the position vector of plane 1, r is the position vector of A, vector n is perpendicular to the vector

- a).
in vector form.
-a).n =
0, is the equation of the plane 1,

Thisls activity can also be utilised to show the position vector of a point in space (i.e., a as position vector of

,rthe position vector of A).

Suggested Activity 9 Distance of given Point from
a given Plane

To find the distance of given point (in space) from a plane (passing through three non-collinear noi
actual measurement and also analytically. nts|

Method of Construction
1. Draw two mutually perpendicular lines X'OX and Y'OY
on a thick sheet of paper and y-axis,
representing x-axis, Material Required
respectively intersecting at O, and graduate them. One cardboard of size 20 cmx
2. Paste this sheet on the cardboard of size 20 cm 30 cm. 30 cm and another of size 10 cm
x 15 cm. a thick sheet of
Through 0, fix a wire vertically to represent z-axis (see figure). paper
of size 20 cm x 30 cm, nails of
3. Fix three nails of heights (say 2 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm) at three
varying lengths with caps on one
different points on this board (say at (8, -6), -3, -9) and
-1,-4), respectively) (figure). end, geometry box, wires
4. The tips of these nails represent three points A, B and C in
5. Now rest a plane KLMN represented by another cardboard on the tips of these three nails so that the
points A, B, C, lie on the plane.
6. Now fix wil
nail of length 6
a at some point [say (8,
-2)] the cardboard. on The tip of the nail
represent point P, from where the distance to the plane KLMN is to be found.

6 L


X -5-443-2-1
4 cm )
-B(-3,-9.3) A(8, 6, 2)

3 cmt


1. Coordinates of the points A, B and C

2. Coordinates of point P are (8, -2, 6).
are (8, -6, 2), (-3, -9, 3), (-1, -

4, 4), respectivey i n d t h e o t h e r

3. A set square is placed so that its one side-forming the right angle on the plane KLMN a
side in the direction normal to the plane.
t h e
p l a n eKLMN

4. Place a m e t r e scale along the side of the set square which is in the direction normal to the

and slide both of them until the metre scale touches the point P.

rActicities in Mathema
P and the plane in the normal direction is measured using a metre

5The distance
between the point
C is
6. Equation of the plane passing through the points A, B,
X-8 y+6 z-2
-3-8 -9+6 3 -2=0
-1-8 4 +6 4-2
by+ cz + d 0.
of the form
ax +
which is
by using the formula
7. This distance is also calculated
d= | ax t+by tCz
8. The two distance so obtained are the same.

1. The cordinates of AX1. 1, 2Z) (8, -6, 2)

B( 2, z2) =B (-3, -9, 3)

C (x3 U3, z3) = C (-1,-4, 4)

Coordinates of point P
(8,-2, 6)
of P from the plane KLMN by actual
The distance (d)
2. Equation of plane through A, B, C using

X-X y-1 Z-2|

Z2 Z1= is 8x-13y +49z =240.
above equation) using
The distance of P from this plane (represented by
d 8
ya +b2+c2
actual measurement =
distance of P through analytical
Thus distance of a point P from a plane by
method 8.

Application that through

.With this activity it can be explained
points, infinite number planes
can pass,
through two
a) one point or

D) three non-collinear points, a unique plane passes.

. This activity can also be used in explaining the concept ot distance between two parallel planes.
Suggested Activity 12 Exponemtial and Logarithmic
To sketch the
graphs of a and log,x, a > 0, a 1 and to examine that they are mirror
images of each
Method of Construction
1. On the
drawing board, fix a thick paper sheet of convenient size
20 cm x
20 Material Required
(say) with adhesive.
2. On the
sheet, take two
perpendicular lines X'OX and YOY', depicting Drawing board, geometrical
coordinate axes. instruments, boards pins,
3. Mark
graduations on the two axes as shown in the
thin wires, sketch
4. Find some ordered pairs satisfying figure. thick white paper,
a and y

=log,x. Plot these adhe

points corresponding to the ordered sive, pencil, eraser, a plane-
curves in both the pairs and join them by free hand mirror, squared paper.
cases. Fix thin wires
board pins. along these curves using
5. Draw the
graph of y =
x, and fix a wire along the graph, using board pins.

10 y= 2

. ...............---.......

y= log2X

10 12



1. For a, take a =
2 (say), and find ordered pairs
satisfying it as
2 2
0.5 -3 -

l o t these ordered Pairs on he
squared paper 1.4 0.7
and fix a

drawing pin at each point.
a loin the bases of drawing pins with a thin wire. This will represent the graph of 2
2". Some ordered pairs satisfying it
logx=y gives x are:

1 8
1 2 4 8
2 4

1 1 2 2 3 3

and fix a drawing pin at each plotted point.

Plot these ordered pairs on the squared paper (graph paper)
This will represent the graph of logX.
Join the bases of the drawing pins with a thin wire.
x on the sheet.
4. Draw the graph of line y

x. It can be seen that the

two graphs of the given functions
5. Place a mirror along the wire representing y

are mirror images of each

other in the line y x. =

the graph of y
2* in y =xis log y
0. It lies on the graph of y log,x.

1. Image of ordered pair (1, 2) on

2 2 x l =
2 which lies on
the graph y =
log,x in y =xis log, 4 2 log2
2. Image of the point (4, 2) on
the graph of y = 2*.

points lying on the two graphs.

Repeat this process for some more

Application the concept of (exponential

and logarithmic functions) which are

This activity is useful in understanding

of each other in y x.

mirror images
Suggested Activity 13 Relation between Common
Logarithm and Natural Logarithm

To establish a relationship between common logarithm (to the base 10) and natural logarithm (to the has
the base e
of the number x.

Method of Construction
1. Paste a graph paper on a white sheet and fix the sheet on the
hardboard. Material Required
2. Find some ordered pairs satisfying the function y = log1o*. Using log Hardboard, white sheet,
tables/calculator and draw the graph of the function on the graph graph paper, pencil, scale,
log tables or calculator
paper (see figure).
3. Similarly, draw the graph ofy =log.xon the same graph paper as
shown in the figure (using log table/calculator).

y = logeX

y log1oX
1 2 e 3 4 5 8 9 10

1.Take any point on the positive direction of x-axis, and note its x-coordinate.
2. For this value of x, find the value of y-coordinates for both the graphs of y logior and gXD
= lo8*
actual measurement, using a scale, and record them as y and y, respectively.

3. Find the ratio

s) and find
4. Repeat the above steps for some more points on the x-axis (with different values) and
corresponding ratios of the ordinates as in Step 3.
5. Each of these ratios will nearly be the same and equal to 0.4, which is approximately equa
a p p r o x i m a t e l y


Exemplar Activities in

s.No. Points on the y logi0* y logx

X-axis Ratiolapproximate)
1. X 1 1 0 Not defined

2. 2 2 0.3010 - 0.6923 0.4342

3 =0.4771 Y3 1.0973 0.4342
3. a3
y4 0.6021 Y4 1.3848 0.4342
U5 0.6990 Ys 1.6077 0.4342
5. s5
Y6 = 0.7782 y6 1.7898 0.4342
6. X6 6

2. The value of for each point x is equal to 0.4342 approximately.

in each is approximately equal to the value of (Yes)
3. The observed value of, case loge 10

4. Therefore, log10*= log, 10

Application log of a number in one given base to log of that number in another base.
his activity is useful in converting
y= log10*, ie., x =
Note: Let
we get logeX= ylog,l0
to base e on both the sides,
aking logarithm
or y (log.
loge 10
log10 =
logex loge 10

= 0.434294 (using log tables/calculator)


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